Herbs vs Tuberculosis
Chinese Traditional Medicine Patents

Espacenet Patent Search Results:

Chinese herbs paste for treating pulmonary tuberculosis

In order to achieve the above objects, the technical solution of the present invention is:
It is made from the following traditional Chinese medicine ingredients in the following proportions by weight: 13-46 parts of Wulingzhi, 15-50 parts of white mustard seeds, 6-20 parts of rock mulberry, 15-50 parts of pigeon dung, and 16-60 parts of garlic. 3-20 parts of raw licorice, 5-20 parts of mulberry, 0.5-3 parts of musk, 40-80 parts of white impatiens, 60-150 parts of pork trotters, and 100-300 parts of brewed vinegar.
The efficacy or pharmacological effects of each ingredient are:
Wulingzhi is the dried feces of the compound-toothed flying squirrel. It can be used for internal obstruction of blood stasis and bleeding that does not return to menstruation. For example, women with metrorrhagia, heavy menstruation, purple color and lumps, and tingling in the lower abdomen.
It can be stir-fried and ground into powder as a single flavor and taken with warm wine, or it can be used in combination with other medicines.
Wulingzhi is a traditional Chinese medicine that promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis. "Compendium of Materia Medica" says: "Wulingzhi".
White mustard seeds, the dried and mature seeds of the one-year or biennial plant White mustard, can reduce phlegm and promote drinking; dissipate knots and reduce swelling.
Main symptoms include cough, wheezing and excessive phlegm; chest fullness and hypochondriac pain; numbness of limbs; joint swelling and pain; dripping of damp phlegm; gangrene and swollen poison.
Yanma Mulberry, pungent and warm, enters the lung meridian to treat rheumatism, tuberculosis, and vomiting blood.
Pigeon droppings can reduce swelling and kill insects.
Treat abdominal mass and scrofula.
According to the second volume of "Xian Nian Ji",  method of treating tuberculosis is to stir-fry it very hot, wrap it with cloth, rub the back from the tail lucium, up to Dazhui, rub the back from Dazhui up to Dazhui, do this up and down 10 times, cold The easy way is to rub it more than ten times a day, 5-6 times at night, and rub it inside and outside for three days. The insect will die and can be cured by taking medicine.
Garlic, the sulfur compounds in garlic have extremely strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, and can inhibit and kill a variety of cocci, bacilli, fungi and viruses. It is the strongest antibacterial effect among natural plants discovered so far.
Tuberculosis can be treated by intratracheal injection of garlic liquid.
Raw licorice has the functions of tonifying the spleen and replenishing qi, clearing heat and detoxifying, eliminating phlegm and relieving cough, relieving pain and relieving pain, and reconciling various medicines.
It is used for weak spleen and stomach, fatigue and fatigue, palpitation and shortness of breath, cough with excessive phlegm, acute pain in the epigastrium and limbs, carbuncle and sore, and relieves the toxicity and potency of drugs.
Mulberry octopus is the dried ootheca of the mantid insect, the large knife mantis, the small knife mantis S or the giant ax mantis. It is mainly used to nourish the kidneys, promote yang, consolidate sperm and reduce urination.
Musk, its medicinal source is the musk deer, the dry secretions in the gland sacs of mature males. After drying, it becomes granular or lumpy. It has a special aroma and bitter taste. It can be made into spices and used as medicine.
It is a central nervous system stimulant and can be used externally to relieve pain and reduce swelling.
White impatiens, impatiens seeds are also known as impatience, and the stems are also called penguincao. They can be used as medicine. They have the effects of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, diuresis and detoxification, and dredging menstruation and penetrating bones.
Pork tendons are rich in collagen protein and biological calcium, which have the effect of nourishing blood and liver, strengthening muscles and bones.
The viscosity of its collagen can bind and encapsulate the various components.
Brewed vinegar is one of the common condiments.
It is mainly an aqueous solution containing 2% to 9% acetic acid (mass fraction). In addition to acetic acid, brewing vinegar also contains a variety of amino acids and many other trace substances.

Chinese traditional medicine composition for treating tuberculosis and preparation method of Chinese traditional medicine composition

The traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating tuberculosis of the present invention is prepared from raw materials including the following parts by weight:
30-50 parts of iron-coated gold, 25-50 parts of purple golden cattle, 15-25 parts of Houttuynia cordata, 25-50 parts of Niu Dali, 20-30 parts of Wuzhishan ginsen, 15-25 parts of yellow-footed chicken, 20-20 parts of Eclipta 40 parts, Asparagus 5-15 parts, Ophiopogon japonicus 5-15 parts, Pittosporum bark 15-25 parts, Agrimony 5-15 parts, Selaginella 3-12 parts, Imperata root 10-30 parts, Honeysuckle vine parasitism 15 parts -30 servings.
Preferably, it is prepared from raw materials including the following parts by weight:  
35-45 parts of iron-coated gold, 30-40 parts of purple golden cattle, 18-23 parts of Houttuynia cordata, 30-40 parts of Niu Dali, 23-28 parts of Wuzhishan ginseng, 18-23 parts of yellow-footed chicken, 25-25 parts of Eclipta 35 parts, Asparagus 8-12 parts, Ophiopogon japonicus 8-12 parts, Pittosporum bark 18-23 parts, Agrimony 8-12 parts, Selaginella 5-10 parts, Imperata root 15-25 parts, Honeysuckle vine parasitism 20 parts -25 servings.
More preferably, it is prepared from raw materials including the following parts by weight:
40 parts of iron-coated gold, 35 parts of purple golden cattle, 20 parts of Houttuynia cordata, 35 parts of Niu Dali, 25 parts of five-finger ginseng, 20 parts of yellow-footed chicken, 30 parts of Eclipta, 10 parts of asparagus, 10 parts of Ophiopogon japonicus, seaweed 20 parts of Tung bark, 10 parts of Agrimony, 8 parts of Selaginella, 20 parts of Imperata root, and 23 parts of honeysuckle parasitism.
The following are the sources of medicinal materials for the traditional Chinese medicine composition of the present invention:
Iron-coated gold, Berchemia lineata (L.) DC., a plant of the genus Rhamnaceae, is used as medicine.
 Slightly bitter, astringent, flat.
It can remove blood stasis and stop bleeding, relieve cough and relieve pain.
It is used for hemoptysis due to tuberculosis, gastric and duodenal ulcer bleeding, schizophrenia, bruises, rheumatic bone pain, boils, swollen cervical lymph nodes, and testicular swelling and pain.
Ardisia japonica (Hornsted) Blume, Ardisia japonica (Hornsted) Blume of Ardisiaceae family, the whole plant is used as medicine.
It can relieve cough and reduce phlegm, dispel wind and detoxify, activate blood circulation and relieve pain.
Used for bronchitis, lobar pneumonia, pediatric pneumonia, tuberculosis, hepatitis, dysentery, acute nephritis, urinary tract infection, menstruation, bruises, rheumatic muscle and bone pain; external use to treat skin itching and paint sores.
Houttuynia cordata Thunb.
 of dry aboveground parts.
 Pungent, slightly cold.
Returns to the lung meridian.
Clear away heat and detoxify, eliminate carbuncle and expel pus, diuretic and relieve stranguria.
It is used for pulmonary abscess and pus vomiting, phlegm-heat and asthma and cough, heat dysentery, hot stranguria, carbuncle and sore.
Niu Dali is Millettia specisoa Champ., a plant of the Fabaceae family, and its roots are used as medicine.
 Sweet, flat.
Tonify deficiency and moisturize lungs, strengthen muscles and activate collaterals.
Used for lumbar muscle strain, rheumatoid arthritis, pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic hepatitis, spermatorrhea, and leucorrhea.
Five-finger ginseng, Abelmoschus esquirolii (Levl) S. Y. Hu [A. moschatus (L.) Medic. var. tuberosus; A. saglttifolius auct. non (Kurz) Merr.], the roots and leaves are used as medicine. .
 Slightly sweet, flat.
Nourishes yin, clears away heat, expels pus and removes toxins.
Mainly used to treat tuberculosis, dry cough, postpartum constipation and neurasthenia.
External use to treat carbuncle swelling and poison.
Yellow-footed chicken, Liliaceae Disporopsis perryi (Hua) Diels plant bamboo root, the rhizome is used as medicine.
Sweet, flat.
Nourishes yin and moistens the lungs, produces body fluids and quenches thirst.
Used for deficient cough, excessive sweating, dry mouth, and postpartum weakness.
Eclipta prostrata L. is a plant of the Asteraceae family, Eclipta prostrata L.
of dry aboveground parts.
Sweet, sour, cold. Returns to the kidney and liver meridians.
Nourishes the liver and kidneys, cools blood and stops bleeding. It is used for loose teeth, premature graying of beard and hair, dizziness and tinnitus, soreness and weakness of waist and knees, yin deficiency and blood heat, hematemesis, epistaxis, hematuria, bloody diarrhea, metrorrhagia, and traumatic bleeding.
Asparagus is the Liliaceae plant Asparagus cochinchinensis (Lour.) Merr.  of dried roots.  Sweet, bitter, cold. Returns to the lung and kidney meridians. Nourishes yin and moisturizes dryness, clears the lungs and promotes body fluids. It is used for dry cough caused by lung dryness, cough with sticky phlegm, dry throat and thirst, dry intestines and constipation.
Ophiopogon japonicus (Thunb.
) Ker-Gawl. of dried roots. Sweet, slightly bitter, slightly cold. Guixin, lung, stomach meridians. Nourishes yin and produces fluid, moistens the lungs and clears the heart. Used for dry cough. Deficiency and tuberculosis include cough, thirst in body fluids and wounds, irritability and insomnia, internal heat quenching thirst, intestinal dryness and constipation; pharyngeal diphtheria.
Pittosporum bark, Fabaceae tree Erythrina indica Lam.
bark or root bark. Bitter, flat. Returns to the liver and kidney meridians. Dispel rheumatism, relax tendons and unblock meridians. It is used for rheumatism, numbness, waist and leg pain, bruises, and external use to treat various stubborn ringworms.
Agrimony is the rose family plant Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb.
 of dry aboveground parts. Bitter, astringent, flat. Guixin, liver meridian. Astringent to stop bleeding, stop malaria, stop dysentery, and detoxify. It is used for coughing up blood, vomiting blood, metrorrhagia, malaria, bloody dysentery, fatigue and fatigue, carbuncle and sore, and vaginal itching.
Selaginella is Selaginella tamariscina (Beauv.
) Spring or Selaginella pulvinata ( Grev. )Maxim. of dry whole grass. Xin, flat. Returns to liver and heart meridian. Promotes blood circulation and stimulates menstruation. Used for amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea. Pimples, lumps, and injuries from falls. Selaginella charcoal dissolves blood stasis and stops bleeding. Used for vomiting blood, metrorrhagia, bloody stool, and anal prolapse.
The root of Imperata cylindrica is the grass plant Imperata cylindrica Beauv. var. major (Nees) C. E. Hubb.
 of dry rhizomes.  Sweet, cold. Returns to the lung, stomach, and bladder meridians. Cools blood to stop bleeding, clears away heat and diuresis. Used for blood heat, vomiting blood, epistaxis, hematuria, febrile disease, polydipsia, jaundice, edema, hot stranguria and astringent pain; acute nephritis and edema.
Honeysuckle vine parasitism is Loranthus parasiticus(L.) Merr.
The stems, branches and leaves are used as medicine as a whole. It tastes sweet, bitter and cool in nature. Enters the lung, stomach and large intestine meridians. Dispelling wind, clearing away heat, reducing swelling and detoxifying. Treat wind-heat cold, influenza, mumps, mastitis, tonsillitis, pulmonary infection, appendicitis, acute and chronic pharyngitis, cervicitis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Another aspect of the present invention is to provide a method for preparing the active ingredients of the traditional Chinese medicine composition of the present invention, which method is prepared by water extraction or ethanol extraction with a volume concentration of 40-80%.
The specific preparation method is as follows:
Plan 1: Take all 14 medicinal materials, mix them and add water to extract 2-3 times. The amount of water added each time is equivalent to 6-12 times the total weight of the medicinal materials. Each extraction time is 1-3 hours. Combine the extracts and filter. The filtrate is concentrated to a clear paste with a relative density of 1.15-1.20 at 70-80°C to obtain the active ingredient.   
Plan 2: Take all 14 medicinal materials, mix them and use 40-80% ethanol to reflux and extract 2-3 times. The amount of ethanol used each time is 4-10 times the total amount of medicinal materials. The extraction time is 1-4 hours. Combine the extracts. Filter and concentrate the filtrate to a clear paste with a relative density of 1.15-1.20 at 70-80°C to obtain the active ingredient.
Plan 3: Take all 14 medicinal materials, mix them and add water to extract 2-3 times. The amount of water added each time is equivalent to 6-12 times the total weight of the medicinal materials. Each extraction time is 1-3 hours. Combine the extracts and filter. When the filtrate is concentrated to a clear paste with a relative density of 1.15-1.20 at 70-80°C, add ethanol to make the alcohol content 40-70%, let it stand for 12-24 hours, filter, and then concentrate the filtrate to a relative density of 1.15-1.20 at 70-80°C. The active ingredient is obtained from the extract with a density of 1.10-1.25.

Medicament for treating tuberculosis

A medicine for treating tuberculosis, characterized by being made from the following raw materials by weight:
Centipede 30-40 servings Whole insect 30-40 servings
Prunella vulgaris 250-350 parts Tianlong 450-550 parts.
The medicine for treating tuberculosis is made from the following raw materials by weight:
Centipede 35 portions Whole insect 35 portions
300 parts of Prunella vulgaris and 500 parts of Tianlong.
The raw materials of the present invention are often prepared into pills, tablets or granules by the method of preparing pills, tablets or granules.
The invention can effectively treat tuberculosis such as tuberculosis, pleurisy, lymphatic tuberculosis, mesenteric lymphadenopathy, tuberculosis, tuberculous peritonitis and other tuberculosis diseases, with a cure rate of 100%...

Medicine composition for treating pulmonary tuberculosis and preparation method thereof

Anemone rivularis: This product is Anemone rivularis, a plant of the Ranunaceae family, Buch.-Ham.ex DC.
and the dried fruits of various plants of the same genus.
After autumn, mature fruits are collected, impurities are sorted out, and dried in the sun. [Nature and flavor] pungent, bitter, warm. [Functions and Indications] Remove rot, increase stomach temperature, and drain yellow water. Used for stomach worms, stings, snake bites, cold tumors, gonorrhea, joint jelly and other diseases. [Properties] This product is elongated and oval in shape, 5 to 8 mm long and about 2 mm wide. The surface is light yellow-green or one end is light green, smooth, with a short stalk at the base, and a long and slender style at the apex, which is curved like a hook. The texture is tough, the peel and seed coat are separated, the cross section is milky white, sometimes light brown, and slightly oily. The smell is slight and the taste is slightly spicy. Contained in the Tibetan Medicine Standards (Volume 1) issued by the Ministry of Health, standard number: WS3-BC-0066-95.
Dajindao: Neolepisorus ovatus (Bedd.
)Ching[Pleopeltis ovata Bedd. ] of the whole plant. It can be harvested all year round. After digging, wash and dry. [Nature and flavor] Bitter; cool. 【Return through】heart; lung; bladder meridian. [Functions and Indications] Clear away heat and promote dampness; stop bleeding; detoxify. Mainly caused by hot stranguria; difficulty in urination; hematuria; pulmonary tuberculosis and hemoptysis; vomiting blood; traumatic bleeding; carbuncle; water and fire burns. [Original plant form] Plant height 15-45cm. The rhizomes are transverse, densely covered with ovoid-lanceolate scales, long and acuminate, and have sparse teeth on the edges. Leaves are distant; petioles are 10-20cm long and covered with scales; leaves are thick and papery, ovate-lanceolate to ovate-oblong or subtriangular, 7-12cm wide, acuminate, with a wider base, round to round-cuneate, more or less Extending downward from the petiole, the entire edge or the lower part is somewhat divided; the lateral veins are obvious. The sporangia are large, round, arranged in one to several rows on both sides of the lateral veins, and are covered with shield-like septa when young. Contained in the Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The vine closes at night: it is Argyreia osyrensis (Roth) Choisy var.cinerea Hand.-Mazz.[lettsomia bella auct.
Non C. B.Clarke] leaves or roots. The leaves are harvested in summer and autumn and sun-dried; the roots can be harvested, washed, sliced, and sun-dried throughout the year. [Nature and flavor] Astringent; warm. [Functions and Indications] Reducing astringency and solidifying prolapse; astringing lungs; stopping bleeding. Mainly caused by chronic diarrhea and prolapse of the anus; uterine prolapse; cough and asthma due to lung deficiency; menorrhagia; and bleeding due to trauma. 【Character】The leaves are often shriveled and broken. The complete leaves are oval or broad-ovate when flattened, 6-12cm long, 3.5-11cm wide, with a sharp apex and a heart-shaped base. The upper surface is densely covered with gray villous hairs at the base of the tumor, and the lower surface is covered with curly gray soft hairs. Hairy; petioles are 3-3.5cm long, densely covered with gray curly pubescence, grooved, slightly smelly and slightly bitter in taste. [Original plant form] Gray-haired White Crane Vine climbing shrub. Stem cylindrical, densely covered with white or gray or light brown hairs. Single leaves are alternate; the petiole is 3-7.5cm long, densely covered with gray curly pubescence, and grooved; the blade is broadly ovate to nearly round, 6-12cm long, 3.5-11cm wide, with a sharp apex, a heart-shaped base, and densely covered above. There is prostrate gray villous hair at the base of the tuber, and the back is densely covered with very dense and curly gray villous hair. The inflorescences are gathered into a head shape, and the flowers are sessile or nearly sessile; the peduncle, bracts and sepals are all covered with tomentose; the corolla is tubular and bell-shaped, pink, with 5 deep lobes on the crown eaves, narrow ovate lobes, and dense integuments in the petals. White pubescent; stamens and styles protrude; base of filaments enlarged, hairy; ovary glabrous, 2-loculed. The fruit is globose, red, wrapped with enlarged sepals, the inner surface of the sepals is red. Seeds 2 or 1, almost hairless. Flowering period is autumn and winter. Contained in the Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Morroniside: CAS number 25406-64-8, molecular formula C17H26O11, molecular weight 406.38.
[Pharmacological effects] Strengthen the stomach. [Ingredients source] Patrinia villosa, Lonicera morrowii, Cornus officinalis [Syn. Macrocwpium officinale], Adoxa moschatellina, Gentiana thunbergi.
Cucurbitacin L: CAS number 1110-02-7, molecular formula C30H44O7, molecular weight 516.67.
[Biological Activity] Anti-tumor (animal Ehrlich ascites carcinoma in vivo, life extension rate 38% ~ 42%), cytotoxic (KB invitro, ED50=0.01 ~ 0.1ug/ml, HeLa in vitro, ED50=0.1ug/ml) . [Ingredients Source] Bryonia alba, Ecballium elaterium, Citrullus ecirrhosus, Citrullus colocynthis.
Structure of 2 APIs:
Cucurbitacin L (Cucurbitacin L) Morroniside (Morroniside).
Contents of the invention
The object of the present invention is to overcome the shortcomings of the background technology and provide a pharmaceutical composition for effectively treating pulmonary tuberculosis and a preparation method thereof.
The present invention is achieved by adopting the following technical solutions:
The composition and weight parts of the raw materials used to prepare the pharmaceutical composition for treating pulmonary tuberculosis are:
Daikin Knife 124-128 parts by weight, Fujimoto Night Gate 120-122 parts by weight, Monogside 12-16 parts by weight, Kusamame 110-118 parts by weight, Cucurbitacin L6-8 parts by weight.
The preferred pharmaceutical composition for treating pulmonary tuberculosis is composed of the following parts by weight of raw materials:
126 parts by weight of Daikin Knife, 121 parts by weight of Fujimoto Night Close, 14 parts by weight of Monogside, 114 parts by weight of Kusanagi, and 7 parts by weight of Cucurbitacin L.

Medicine composition for treating pulmonary tuberculosis cough

Dalbergia hancei Benth: This product is Dalbergia hancei Benth.
of canes. It can be harvested throughout the year, washed, chopped and dried in the sun. [Nature and flavor] Pungent, warm. [Functions and Indications] Regulating Qi and relieving pain. It is mainly used to treat chest and rib pain, epigastric pain, abdominal pain, and labor pain. [Original plant form] Vine. The branches are slender, the young branches are slightly pubescent, and the branchlets sometimes become hook-shaped or twisted. Pinnate compound leaves 5-8 cm long; stipules membranous, lanceolate, early-falling; leaflets 3-6 pairs, smaller narrow oblong or obovate oblong, 10-20 mm long, 5-10 wide mm, apex blunt or rounded, emarginate, base round or broadly wedge-shaped, both sides covered with sparse pubescence when young, but hairless above when growing. The racemes are much shorter than the compound leaves. When young, they are contained in bracts that are arranged in a navicular, imbricate shape and fall early. Several racemes are often combined into short axillary panicles; the pedicel is 1-2 mm long and is about the same length as the calyx. Both the bracts and the bracts are covered with brown short hairs; the basal bracts are ovate, and the epicalyx-shaped bracts are lanceolate, both caducous; the calyx is broadly bell-shaped, about 3 mm long, with short calyx teeth and broad triangular shapes, except for Except for the sharp tip of the lowest one, the rest are blunt or rounded with cilium; the corolla is green and white, fragrant, about 6 mm long, each petal has a long handle, the flag petal is oval, and the sides of the base are slightly truncate. , with ears, the middle narrows and extends downward to form a handle, the wing petals and keel petals are oblong; 9 stamens, single, sometimes 10, one of which faces the flag petal; the ovary is linear, except for the ventral suture, which is slightly Except for the fringe, the rest is hairless, with a short ovary stalk, a slightly longer style, and a small stigma. The pods are flat, oblong or belt-shaped, hairless, 3-7 cm long and 8-14 mm wide. The base shrinks into a thin fruit neck, usually with 1 seed, rarely 2-4 seeds; the seeds are kidney-shaped, extremely Flat, about 8 mm long and 5 mm wide. Flowering period is April-May. Contained in the Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Zaiguo: Pleurospermum hookeri C.B.Clardevar.thomsonii C.B.Clarke[P.dochenense W. W. Smith,;P. tibetanicum Wolff.
] roots or whole plant. Harvest in summer and autumn, wash the soil and dry in the sun. [Nature and flavor] Sweet; pungent; warm in nature. 【Return Meridian】Returns to spleen; stomach; kidney meridian. [Functions and Indications] Regulate qi and strengthen the stomach; activate blood circulation and promote warmth. Mainly indigestion; abdominal pain; nephritis; low back pain; irregular menstruation; yellow water disease. [Plant original form] Perennial herb, 20-40cm tall. The whole plant is hairless. The root is thin and cylindrical, dark brown, 4-6mm in diameter. Stems erect, single or clustered, cylindrical, striped. There are many stem leaves, and the length of the petiole is 10-20cm; the outline of the leaves is triangular, with two to three pinnate lobes, 7-9 pairs of pinnae, one pinnae is lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, and the last lobes are wide and wedge-shaped. , about 5mm in length and width, the pinnae are deeply divided into small linear lobes; the upper stem leaves are the same shape as the basal leaves, and the petiole is sheath-shaped. Compound umbel terminal or lateral; involucral bracts 5-7, linear-lanceolate, apex caudately split, edge light brown transparent membranous; umbrella spokes 6-12; involucral bracts 7-9, with The involucral bracts are homogeneous; there are many flowers in small umbels with narrow triangular calyx teeth; the petals are white, nearly round; the anthers are dark purple; the styles are short and forked. The double-hanging fruit is oval, 3-4mm long, with narrow wings on the fruit ribs. There are 3 oil tubes in each rib groove and 6 oil tubes on the commissure surface. The flowering period is August and the fruiting period is September-October. Contained in the Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Acrifoline: CAS number 664-24-4, molecular formula C16H23NO2, molecular weight 261.36.
【Ingredient source】Huperzia selago [Syn. Lycopodium selago], Lycopodium annotinum var. acrifolium.
Asiatic acid: CAS number 464-92-6, molecular formula C30H48O5, molecular weight 488.70.
[Biological Activity] Helps produce new connective tissue; promotes wound healing (external use); promotes epidermal keratinization; stimulates granulation. [Ingredients source] Borneol, Dryobalanops aromatics, Centella asiatica.
Pseudohypericin: CAS number 55954-61-5, molecular formula C30H16O9, molecular weight 520.44.
[Pharmacological effects] Antibacterial. 【Ingredient Source】The whole plant of Hypericum triquetrifolium.
Chemical structures of 3 APIs:
Asiatic acid, Pseudohypericin.
Contents of the invention
The object of the present invention is to overcome the deficiencies of the background technology and provide a pharmaceutical composition for effectively treating tuberculosis cough and a preparation method thereof.
The present invention is achieved by adopting the following technical solutions:
The composition and weight parts of the raw materials used to prepare the pharmaceutical composition for treating tuberculosis cough are:
85-90 parts by weight of rattan, 60-68 parts by weight of Zaiguo, 4-8 parts by weight of pseudohypericum dianthraquinone, 2-3 parts by weight of asiatic acid, 1-2 parts by weight of Lycopodium acuminata.
The preferred pharmaceutical composition for treating tuberculosis cough consists of the following raw materials by weight:
88 parts by weight of rattan, 64 parts by weight of Zaiguo, 6 parts by weight of pseudohypericum bisanthraquinone, 2.5 parts by weight of asiatic acid, and 1.5 parts by weight of Lycopodium acuminata.
A pharmaceutical composition for treating tuberculosis cough, which is characterized in that the pharmaceutical composition can be prepared into tablets, capsules or dropping pills using conventional pharmaceutical methods.
A pharmaceutical composition for treating tuberculosis cough, which is characterized in that a medicine for treating tuberculosis cough is composed of a pharmaceutical composition and a chemical drug or a traditional Chinese medicine.
A preparation method of a pharmaceutical composition for treating tuberculosis cough, which is characterized in that it is prepared according to the following steps:
The composition and parts by weight of the raw materials are: 85-90 parts by weight of rattan, 60-68 parts by weight of Zaiguo, 4-8 parts by weight of pseudohypericum bisanthraquinone, 2-3 parts by weight of asiatic acid, 2-3 parts by weight of Lycopodium acuminata 1-2 parts by weight;
(1) According to the ratio of the raw materials, take the rattan, Zaiguo, pseudohypericum dianthraquinone, asiatic acid, and lycopodium acuminatum, mix them well, use 19% ethanol by weight as the solvent, and extract by warm soaking at 28.5°C , the number of extractions is 17 times, each extraction time is 47 hours, and the amount of solvent used each time is 44 times the total weight of the raw material. Filter to obtain drug residue A and extract A. Extract A recovers ethanol and concentrates to relative density. 1.09, filter, pass the drug solution through the H103 macroporous adsorption resin column, first elute with water, then use 38% weight percent ethanol solution to elute the H103 macroporous adsorption resin column, collect the 38% weight percent ethanol eluate, and recover ethanol, concentrated and dried to obtain extract A;
(2) Take the drug residue A from step (1), use ethanol with a concentration of 57% by weight as the solvent, heat and reflux for extraction 10 times, each extraction time is 0.6 hours, and the amount of solvent each time is 46 times the weight of the drug residue A, filter After passing through, the drug residue B and the extract liquid B are obtained. The ethanol is recovered from the extract liquid B, concentrated to a relative density of 1.11, and filtered. The drug liquid passes through the HZ-802 macroporous adsorption resin column, first eluted with water, and then eluted with a weight percentage concentration of 66%. Elute the HZ-802 macroporous adsorption resin column with ethanol solution, collect the ethanol eluate with a concentration of 66% by weight, recover ethanol, concentrate and dry, to obtain extract B;
(3) Mix extract A and extract B to obtain a pharmaceutical composition.
A preferred method for preparing a pharmaceutical composition for treating tuberculosis cough is characterized in that it is prepared according to the following steps:
The composition and parts by weight of the raw materials are: 88 parts by weight of rattan, 64 parts by weight of Zai Guo, 6 parts by weight of pseudohypericum bisanthraquinone, 2.5 parts by weight of asiatic acid, 1.5 parts by weight of Lycopodium acuminata;
(1) According to the ratio of the raw materials, take the rattan, Zaiguo, pseudohypericum dianthraquinone, asiatic acid, and lycopodium acuminatum, mix them well, use 19% ethanol by weight as the solvent, and extract by warm soaking at 28.5°C , the number of extractions is 17 times, each extraction time is 47 hours, and the amount of solvent used each time is 44 times the total weight of the raw material. Filter to obtain drug residue A and extract A. Extract A recovers ethanol and concentrates to relative density. 1.09, filter, pass the drug solution through the H103 macroporous adsorption resin column, first elute with water, then use 38% weight percent ethanol solution to elute the H103 macroporous adsorption resin column, collect the 38% weight percent ethanol eluate, and recover ethanol, concentrated and dried to obtain extract A;
(2) Take step (1) drug residue A, use 57% ethanol by weight as the solvent, heat and reflux for extraction 10 times, each extraction time is 0.6 hours, and the amount of solvent used each time is 46 times the weight of drug residue A, filter After passing through, the drug residue B and the extract liquid B are obtained. The ethanol is recovered from the extract liquid B, concentrated to a relative density of 1.11, and filtered. The drug liquid passes through the HZ-802 macroporous adsorption resin column, first eluted with water, and then eluted with a weight percentage concentration of 66%. Elute the HZ-802 macroporous adsorption resin column with ethanol solution, collect the ethanol eluate with a concentration of 66% by weight, recover ethanol, concentrate and dry, to obtain extract B;
(3) Mix extract A and extract B to obtain a pharmaceutical composition...
Detailed ways
Example 1: Pharmaceutical composition for treating tuberculosis cough and preparation method thereof
The composition and weight of the raw materials of the pharmaceutical composition for treating tuberculosis cough are: 88g of rattan, 64g of Zaiguo, 6g of hypericum bisanthraquinone, 2.5g of asiatic acid, 1.5g of lycopodium acuminate;
(1) According to the ratio of the raw materials, take the rattan, Zaiguo, pseudohypericum dianthraquinone, asiatic acid, and lycopodium acuminatum, mix them well, use 19% ethanol by weight as the solvent, and extract by warm soaking at 28.5°C , the number of extractions is 17 times, each extraction time is 47 hours, and the amount of solvent used each time is 44 times the total weight of the raw material. Filter to obtain drug residue A and extract A. Extract A recovers ethanol and concentrates to relative density. 1.09, filter, pass the drug solution through the H103 macroporous adsorption resin column, first elute with water, then use the 38% weight percent ethanol solution to elute the H103 macroporous adsorption resin column, collect the 38% weight percent ethanol eluate, and recover ethanol, concentrated and dried to obtain extract A;
(2) Take step (1) drug residue A, use 57% ethanol by weight as the solvent, heat and reflux for extraction 10 times, each extraction time is 0.6 hours, and the amount of solvent used each time is 46 times the weight of drug residue A, filter After passing through, the drug residue B and the extract liquid B are obtained. The ethanol is recovered from the extract liquid B, concentrated to a relative density of 1.11, and filtered. The drug liquid passes through the HZ-802 macroporous adsorption resin column, first eluted with water, and then eluted with a weight percentage concentration of 66%. Elute the HZ-802 macroporous adsorption resin column with ethanol solution, collect the ethanol eluate with a concentration of 66% by weight, recover ethanol, concentrate and dry, to obtain extract B;
(3) Mix extract A and extract B to obtain a pharmaceutical composition.
Example 2: Pharmaceutical composition for treating tuberculosis cough and preparation method thereof
The composition and weight of the raw materials of the pharmaceutical composition for treating tuberculosis cough are: 85g of rattan, 68g of Zaiguo, 4g of hypericum bisanthraquinone, 3g of asiatic acid, 1g of lycopodium acuminata;
(1) According to the ratio of the raw materials, take the rattan, Zaiguo, pseudohypericum dianthraquinone, asiatic acid, and lycopodium acuminatum, mix them well, use 19% ethanol by weight as the solvent, and extract by warm soaking at 28.5°C , the number of extractions is 17 times, each extraction time is 47 hours, and the amount of solvent used each time is 44 times the total weight of the raw material. Filter to obtain drug residue A and extract A. Extract A recovers ethanol and concentrates to relative density. 1.09, filter, pass the drug solution through the H103 macroporous adsorption resin column, first elute with water, then use the 38% weight percent ethanol solution to elute the H103 macroporous adsorption resin column, collect the 38% weight percent ethanol eluate, and recover ethanol, concentrated and dried to obtain extract A;
(2) Take step (1) drug residue A, use 57% ethanol by weight as the solvent, heat and reflux for extraction 10 times, each extraction time is 0.6 hours, and the amount of solvent used each time is 46 times the weight of drug residue A, filter After passing through, the drug residue B and the extract liquid B are obtained. The ethanol is recovered from the extract liquid B, concentrated to a relative density of 1.11, and filtered. The drug liquid passes through the HZ-802 macroporous adsorption resin column, first eluted with water, and then eluted with a weight percentage concentration of 66%. Elute the HZ-802 macroporous adsorption resin column with ethanol solution, collect the ethanol eluate with a concentration of 66% by weight, recover ethanol, concentrate and dry, to obtain extract B;
(3) Mix extract A and extract B to obtain a pharmaceutical composition.
Example 3: Pharmaceutical composition for treating tuberculosis cough and preparation method thereof
The composition and weight of the raw materials of the pharmaceutical composition for treating tuberculosis cough are: 90g of rattan, 60g of Zaiguo, 8g of hypericum bisanthraquinone, 2g of asiatic acid, 2g of lycopodium acuminata;
(1) According to the ratio of the raw materials, take the rattan, Zaiguo, pseudohypericum dianthraquinone, asiatic acid, and lycopodium acuminatum, mix them well, use 19% ethanol by weight as the solvent, and extract by warm soaking at 28.5°C , the number of extractions is 17 times, each extraction time is 47 hours, and the amount of solvent used each time is 44 times the total weight of the raw material. Filter to obtain drug residue A and extract A. Extract A recovers ethanol and concentrates to relative density. 1.09, filter, pass the drug solution through the H103 macroporous adsorption resin column, first elute with water, then use 38% weight percent ethanol solution to elute the H103 macroporous adsorption resin column, collect the 38% weight percent ethanol eluate, and recover ethanol, concentrated and dried to obtain extract A;
(2) Take step (1) drug residue A, use 57% ethanol by weight as the solvent, heat and reflux for extraction 10 times, each extraction time is 0.6 hours, the amount of solvent each time is 46 times the weight of drug residue A, filter After passing through, the drug residue B and the extract liquid B are obtained. The ethanol is recovered from the extract liquid B, concentrated to a relative density of 1.11, and filtered. The drug liquid passes through the HZ-802 macroporous adsorption resin column, first eluted with water, and then eluted with a weight percentage concentration of 66%. Elute the HZ-802 macroporous adsorption resin column with ethanol solution, collect the ethanol eluate with a concentration of 66% by weight, recover ethanol, concentrate and dry, to obtain extract B;
(3) Mix extract A and extract B to obtain a pharmaceutical composition.

Pharmaceutical composition for treating tuberculosis

The pharmaceutical composition of the present invention is prepared from the following drugs in parts by weight as raw materials:
Quangui 3~12 White monkshood 1~5 Baibu 1~7
Cannon Armor Beads 1~5, Ground Turtles 1~5, Autumn Stones 1~4.
Preferably, the pharmaceutical composition of the present invention is prepared from the following pharmaceutical ingredients in parts by weight:
Whole turtle 5~10 White monkshood 2~3 Baibu 2~5
2~3 Cannon Armor Beads, 2~3 Ground Turtle Insects, 1~3 Autumn Stones.
The ground beetle described therein is preferably fried ground beetle.
Wherein, the whole turtle is obtained by washing and tying the turtle tightly, wrapping it with yellow mud, burning it with fire to remove the mud, and grinding it into fine powder of 80 to 120 mesh...
In the prescription of the present invention, the whole turtle, white aconite and Baibu are the monarch medicine, the cannon shell beads are the ministerial medicine, the ground beetle is the enlivening medicine, and the autumn stone is the adjuvant. The whole turtle nourishes yin and subdues yang, nourishes the kidneys and strengthens the bones, nourishes blood, stops bleeding, and detoxifies. Cures sores, replenishes yin and yang, qi and blood. The whole turtle contains about 32% protein, collagen and about 50% calcium carbonate. It can play a rapid calcification and healing role in the treatment of tuberculosis, and has an inhibitory effect on human tuberculosis bacteria; White aconite dispels wind and eliminates phlegm, detoxifies and dissipates stagnation, and has the effect of inhibiting Mycobacterium tuberculosis; whole turtle with white aconite nourishes yin and subdues yang, complementing yin and yang; Baibu moistens the lungs and relieves coughs, kills lice and insecticides, and Baibu contains a variety of biological Alkali can reduce the excitability of the respiratory center of animals, inhibit the cough reflex, and have antitussive and expectorant effects. It is effective against Staphylococcus aureus, human Mycobacterium tuberculosis, pneumococci, Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenteriae, influenza virus and skin fungi. It has a certain inhibitory effect; the three medicinal herbs of whole turtle, white monkshood and Baibu have a strong inhibitory effect on human tuberculosis bacteria without toxic side effects; Paojia beads can activate blood circulation, stimulate menstruation, lower breasts, reduce swelling and ulcers, and can treat various tuberculosis diseases. If the acute stage is not treated and controlled in time, stasis will form over time, which will lead to lumps in the abdomen, distending pain in the abdomen and hypochondriac, and sallow complexion and thinning of the muscles. Canojiazhu is good for tuberculosis carbuncles that first appear or pus becomes ulcerated, and the pus is not yet formed. Those with pus can cause it to dissipate, and those with pus already formed can cause rapid ulceration, so the Paoshan beetle plays the role of a ministerial drug in this prescription; the ground beetle is used to break blood and remove blood stasis, repair tendons and bones, and the ground beetle is used to treat fatigue, gain weight, and blood stasis in the body. Storage, new blood cannot be produced, skin and nails are wrong, heat, poison, stasis and blood stagnation are used as medicine; autumn stone nourishes yin and reduces fire; stops bleeding and eliminates blood stasis. Tuberculosis is called a chronic disease. Over time, lung deficiency affects the kidneys. Lung disease involves kidney deficiency, causing lung and kidney disease. Deficiency of the two causes fatigue, weak Qi, nocturnal emission, impotence and other symptoms. The Yellow Emperor's Internal Medicine says that "the lungs are the master of Qi, and the kidneys are the foundation of Qi." Insufficient kidney essence will cause it to absorb lung Qi, insufficient inhalation, and the kidneys will not accept Qi. It can be seen that Shortness of breath, frequent shortness of breath, so use Qiushi to regulate the lungs and kidneys and play the role of adjuvant medicine. The medicines are combined to nourish the deficiency and nourish the energy, fight tuberculosis, replenish qi and yin, replenish essence and blood, and are used for bone tuberculosis and chest wall tuberculosis. The treatment of lymphatic tuberculosis and intestinal tuberculosis has the characteristics of quick effect and low toxic and side effects.

Preparation of honeyed bolus for inhibiting mycobacterium tuberculosis and resisting adhesion of mycobacterium tuberculosis

The technical solution of the present invention is as follows: 100 grams of the whole plant of Hyssop, 50 grams of rhizome of Radix Echinacea, and 20 grams of rhizome of Anemarrhenae. After mixing, use 80% ethanol to reflux and extract three times, combine the extracts, recover the ethanol, and evaporate the extract to dryness to obtain Solid extract A; 100 grams of Angelica dahuricae are crushed and passed through a 120-mesh sieve to obtain Angelica dahurica dry powder B; take 20 grams of solid extract A and 60 grams of Angelica dahurica dry powder B, add 20 grams of honey, and mix well to make a honey pill weighing 10 grams. 10 pieces.
 Beneficial effects achieved by the invention
It was found that the ethanol extracts of the whole plant of Hyssop, Shegan rhizome, Angelica dahurica root and Anemarrhena rhizome have the effect of inhibiting the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis adhesion and anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis biofilm, and can be used to treat Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection.
The minimum inhibitory concentration of honey pills against Mycobacterium tuberculosis is 6 mg/ml.
The minimum effective concentration of honey pills to inhibit Mycobacterium tuberculosis adhesion and biofilm formation is 4 mg/ml.

Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating tuberculosis

The object of the present invention is achieved through the following technical solution. The traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating tuberculosis is made of the following traditional Chinese medicines in parts by weight: 10-16 parts by weight of Caragana root, 13-19 parts by Tamarix ramica, 12-20 parts by Columbia bark, 5-9 parts of red door orchid, 4-8 parts of red geranium, 4-8 parts of humulus flower, 12-18 parts of cat feces, 12-16 parts of cat's claw, 4-8 parts of pearl ginseng, and Trichomonas bark 7-11 servings, 6-10 servings of oilweed, 12-16 servings of spicy root, and 12-18 servings of pumpkin vine.
Preferred: 13 parts of caragana root, 16 parts of tamarisk, 16 parts of wolfberry bark, 7 parts of orchid, 6 parts of red geranium, 6 parts of humulus flower, 15 parts of cat feces, 14 parts of cat's claw, beads 6 parts of Ershen, 9 parts of Trichosanthes chinensis, 8 parts of oilweed, 14 parts of spicy root, and 15 parts of pumpkin vine.
Preparation method: Make the decoction according to traditional methods.
In the prescription: caragana root nourishes yin and nourishes blood; tamarisk relieves wind, relieves the surface, diuresis and detoxifies; wolfberry bark nourishes yin and benefits the liver and kidneys; red door orchid strengthens the heart and kidneys, produces fluid and quenches thirst, and strengthens the spleen and stomach; red bean curd clears away heat and cools blood, activate blood circulation and detoxify; humulus flowers treat lung disease cough, tuberculosis, and lobar pneumonia; cat excrement clears the lungs and relieves cough, expels wind and removes dampness; cat's claw cures tuberculosis; ginseng nourishes yin, clears the lungs, disperses blood stasis, stops bleeding, and relieves pain; Loupi moistens the lungs and resolves phlegm, invigorates qi and widens the chest; oilgrass promotes water and breaks blood, attacks accumulation, and disperses phlegm; root pepper clears away heat and detoxifies, reduces inflammation and diuresis; pumpkin vine clears the lungs and stomach, unblocks meridians, and nourishes the kidneys...
Example 1: 10 grams of caragana root, 13 grams of tamarisk, 12 grams of wolfberry bark, 5 grams of orchid, 4 grams of red bean curd, 4 grams of humulus flower, 12 grams of cat's poop, 12 grams of cat's claw, 4 grams of ginseng, 7 grams of Trichosanthes bark, 6 grams of oilweed, 12 grams of spicy root and 12 grams of pumpkin vine are made into a decoction according to the traditional method...

Pharmaceutical composition for treating pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia and bronchitis

The technical solution of the present invention: a pharmaceutical composition for treating tuberculosis, pneumonia and bronchitis, which is characterized in that the composition is made of raw materials with the following weight ratio:
20 to 28 parts of Purple Golden Bull, 13 to 24 parts of Prunella vulgaris, 13 to 26 parts of Houttuynia cordata
0.15-0.3 parts of Cordyceps sinensis, 10-18 parts of Baibu, 5-13 parts of Bletilla striata
1 to 5 servings of licorice
The preferred weight ratio range of the pharmaceutical composition formula of the present invention is:
22 to 25 parts of Purple Golden Bull, 15 to 20 parts of Prunella vulgaris, 15 to 25 parts of Houttuynia cordata
0.18-0.25 parts of Cordyceps sinensis, 12-15 parts of Baibu, 6-10 parts of Bletilla striata
1 to 5 servings of licorice
The optimal weight ratio range of the pharmaceutical composition formula of the present invention is:
25 parts of Purple Golden Bull, 20 parts of Prunella vulgaris, 20 parts of Houttuynia cordata
0.25 parts of Cordyceps sinensis, 15 parts of Baibu, 10 parts of Bletilla striata
5 servings of licorice

Quick effective medicine specified for treating drug resistant tuberculosis

The invention provides a quick effective medicine specified for treating drug resistant tuberculosis, which is prepared from traditional medicinal herbs including roor of sessile stemona 10-30 parts, root of red rooted saliva 10-30 parts, donkey-hide gelatin 10-30 parts, radix scrophulariae 25-75 parts.

Traditional Chinese medicine for treating ulcerative miliary tuberculosis

A traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of ulcerative miliary tuberculosis. It is composed of Chinese herbal medicines: Fulonggan, Huangniu Tea, Pearl Ginseng, Wuzhuanqi, Forsythia suspensa, Red Banana, Sijiqing, Mangosteen Bone, Banbianqi, Red Fungus, and Wild Lychee. It is composed of Bletilla striata, palm leaves, lantana flowers, Imperata cognac needles, red azaleas, pomegranate flowers, trumpets, and Taibai notoginseng.
The dosage of a single dose is: Fulonggan 10g, Huangniu Tea 10g, Pearl Ginseng 8g, Wuzhuanqi 8g, Forsythia suspensa 8g, Red Banana 15g, Sijiqing 10g, Astragalus root 12g, 10 g half-sided flag, 8 g red fungus, 15 g wild lychee, 12 g Bletilla striata, 10 g palm leaves, 8 g lantana, 8 g cogongrass needles, 12 g rhododendron, 8 g pomegranate flowers, 8 trumpets g. Taibai Panax notoginseng 10g.

Medicine composition for treating pulmonary tuberculosis complicated with diabetes mellitus and preparation method thereof

Broad-leaf bamboo: Indocalamus latifolius (Keng) McClure is a broad-leaf bamboo of the family Poaceae. Its leaves and fruits are used as medicine.
[Nature and flavor] Sweet, cold.
[Functions and Indications] Clear away heat, detoxify, and stop bleeding. [Excerpt] "National Compilation of Chinese Herbal Medicine".
Echinacea: It is the whole plant of Asteraceae.
Harvested in summer and autumn, magnesium is used or sun-dried. [Original form] It is an annual herbaceous plant, 15-40cm tall. The stem is erect, branches from the lower part, the diameter of the lower part is 2-3mm, green or slightly purple, with longitudinal ribs, hairless or slightly pubescent. The leaves are sparse and sessile; the leaves are linear or oblanceolate, 1-3cm long, 1-4mm wide, with pointed apex, entire margin, obvious midrib, concave above and convex below; the upper part is raised; the upper leaves are small and scale-like. . Inflorescence head, terminal or axillary, 2-4mm in diameter, with a peduncle 3-5mm long; 2-layered involucral bracts, 4-5 in total, broadly oval, about 2mm long, slightly covered with fine hairs, the outer layer is smaller than the inner layer. The layers are small; the receptacle is flat and hairless; there are few flowers; the female flower is tongue-shaped, white or sometimes light red; the tongue is broad and ovate-oblong, about 1.5mm long, about 1mm wide, nearly entire or with 5 blunt teeth first. ; Bisexual flower tube-shaped, with 5-toothed lobes at the apex; anthers are oblong, with a triangular attachment at the apex. Achene, oblong, 3.5-4mm long, brown, with 3 wing edges, fine teeth on the wing edge, and no pappus. The flowering and fruiting period is from August to September. [Nature and flavor] Bitter taste; flat in nature. [Functions and Indications] Clear away heat and detoxify; diuresis and reduce swelling. Mainly caused by sores, swelling and poison; edema; wind-heat and headache. [Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica".
Wild Crow Seed: It is the fruit or seed of the Provincial Oil family plant Wild Crow.
Harvest mature fruits or seeds in autumn and dry them in the sun. [Character] Characteristic identification The fruit is a follicle, often 2-3 borne on the top of the same fruit stalk. Each one is obovate, almost round, slightly flat, slightly curved, with a wider top and a narrower lower end, 7 in length. -20mm, width 5-8mm. The outer surface of the peel is reddish-brown with raised bifurcated veins. The inner surface is light brown-red or brownish-yellow and shiny. There are 1-2 seeds inside. It is oblate spherical, about 5mm in diameter, about 3mm thick, black, with Glossy, a concave hilum can be seen on the edge of one end. The outer layer of the seed coat is crisp and the inner layer is hard. The seed kernel is white and oily. The smell is slight, the peel tastes slightly astringent, and the seeds taste light and greasy. Microscopic identification: Peel transverse section: The exocarp is composed of 1 epidermal cell, almost square or rectangular, and covered with cuticle. The hypodermal cells are in 1 row and arranged neatly. There are about 10 layers of cells in the mesocarp. Most of the cells are irregular rectangular, a few are round, and the cell walls are thin. Extravascular toughness. Single, varying in size, located in the center of the peel, intermittently formed into balls. There are fiber bundles between the outer sides of the phloem, which are lignified. Xylem is composed of vessels, wood fibers, and wood parenchyma cells, and the cell walls are all lignified. The endocarp is composed of one layer of stone cells, mostly rectangular in shape, with obvious pores and grooves, thick walls, lignified, and is covered with cuticle. Powder characteristics: The fruit powder is dark brown and fibrous. ① The stone cells are rectangular, polygonal or irregular spindle-shaped, uniformly lignified, 36-320 μm long and 16-50 μm wide. The endocarp stone cells have thicker walls with diagonal pores, or thin walls with single pits and inner seeds. The skin stone cells are smaller, the walls are thicker and the pits are not obvious. ② The fibers are long and narrow, some are bifurcated, have diagonal holes, are lignified, 300-800 μm long, and 16-25 μm in diameter. ③The surface of the epidermal cells of the peel is polygonal and has thin walls. ④The surface of the epidermal cells of the seed coat is also polygonal and appears brown-black. [Chemical composition] Leaves contain kaempferol-3-glucoside and quercetin-3-glucoside. The fruit contains isoquercitrin, cyanidin-3-xyloxyl-glucoside, astragalin, kaempferol -3-glucoside), quercetin-3-glucoside (quercetin-3-glucoside). [Pharmacological effects] Astragaloside is similar to other flavonoids and can slightly reduce capillary permeability. It has an antispasmodic effect on the isolated small intestine and bladder of rats; it also has some choleretic effects on rats; intravenous injection has a diuretic effect on rats, but daily administration is ineffective; it has no obvious effect on respiration and blood pressure. [Nature and flavor] pungent; bitter; warm. 【Meridians returned】Liver; Stomach; Kidney meridian. [Functions and Indications] Expelling wind and dispersing cold; promoting qi and relieving pain; reducing swelling and dissipating knots. It is mainly used for stomachache, cold hernia pain, diarrhea, dysentery, anal prolapse, irregular menstruation, uterine prolapse, and testicular swelling and pain.
[Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica".
Mucuna wangiana Hu: Mucuna wangiana Hu of Fabaceae. The stems are used as medicine.
[Nature and flavor] Astringent, slightly warm.
【Functions and Indications】Relaxing muscles and activating collaterals. Mainly used to treat irregular menstruation and sequelae of polio. [Excerpt] "National Compilation of Chinese Herbal Medicine"...
The present invention is achieved by adopting the following technical solutions:
The composition and weight parts of the raw materials used to prepare the pharmaceutical composition for treating tuberculosis combined with diabetes are:
Broad-leaf bamboo 4125-4225g, shrimp grass 3525-3625g, wild crow 2125-2225g, parrot flower vine 1125-1225g, benzoylcholine iodide 60-70g 63-O-sulfo-tyrosyl-hirudin ( 53-64)105-115g.
The preferred pharmaceutical composition for treating tuberculosis combined with diabetes consists of the following raw materials by weight:
4175g of broad-leaf bamboo, 3575g of shrimp grass, 2175g of stink bug, 1175g of parrot flower vine, 65g of benzoylcholine iodide, 63-O-sulfo-tyrosyl-hirudin (53-64) 110g.

Chest-clearing tuberculosis-dispelling pill for treating tuberculous pleurisy, peritonitis, empyema and bronchopleural fistula

The present invention is a medicine made from the following components and weight ratio:
50-100 parts of Panax notoginseng, 30-50 parts of lily, 30-50 parts of Sichuan Fritillaria
30-50 parts of Ophiopogon japonicus, 30-50 parts of honeysuckle, 15-25 parts of Platycodon grandiflorum.
15-20 parts of Scrophulariaceae, 15-25 parts of Frontendax, 20-30 parts of Almonds
50-100 parts of Codonopsis pilosula, 100-150 parts of Shiwei, 30-50 parts of Angelica sinensis
30-50 parts of Poria, 30-50 parts of Coix Seed, 30-50 parts of Atractylodes Macrocephala.
20-30 parts of gentian, 15-25 parts of oxenia, 30-40 parts of white peony root
20-30 parts of woody scent, 0-30 parts of Tinglizi, 30-50 parts of Bletilla striata
50-100 parts of Rhizoma Rhizoma, 30-50 parts of Coptidis Coptidis, 0-25 parts of Prunella Vulgaris
Astragalus 0-25 parts, Forsythia 0-25 parts.
The optimal weight ratio of the present invention is:
100 parts of Panax notoginseng, 50 parts of lily, 50 parts of Fritillaria fritillary, 50 parts of Ophiopogon japonicus. 50 parts of honeysuckle, 25 parts of Platycodon, 20 parts of Scrophulariaceae, 25 parts of Pediculus 30 parts almonds 100 parts Codonopsis pilosula 150 parts Shiwei 50 parts Angelica sinensis 50 parts of Poria, 50 parts of Coix Seed, 50 parts of Atractylodes, 40 parts of White Peony Root 30 parts of Acosta, 50 parts of Bletilla, 100 parts of Baibu, 50 parts of Coptidis and Coptidis 30 parts of gentian and 25 parts of oxenia.

Chinese medicinal herbs powder for treatment of pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis

...Although currently used therapeutic drugs have certain curative effects, they have certain shortcomings. Western medicine is mainly based on antibiotics, which has shortcomings such as long course of treatment, severe side effects, and easy recurrence; while traditional Chinese medicine for treating pneumonia has shortcomings such as slow efficacy, long course of treatment, large dosage, and complex preparation. Chinese patent application CN1068740A reports a preparation method of Pneumonia Xiaoling Powder. The method is to first soak Sophora flavescens and Sichuan Army white wine for 10-30 minutes, then dry them in the sun, grind them into fine powder, and then add ephedra, radish seeds, and bulbs , Houttuynia cordata, areca nuts, Sichuan clams, mulberry bark, platycodon, aster, winter flowers, etc., wash them with water, put them in a cloth bag, put them in a cool and dry place to dry, put them in a pot and stir-fry them over a slow fire until the medicine is slightly yellow. That's it, then place it in a dry place, grind it into fine powder after drying, then stir the ground Sophora flavescens and Sichuan Army fine powder together, and then drink it separately. It has shortcomings such as complex formula and cumbersome preparation. Jordanian patent application JO3184919 reports a medicine for preventing and treating infectious diseases caused by Pneumoniae bacteria, which contains natural medicine extracted from cinnamon seeds and perilla shrubs as active ingredients. The drug has less side effects, but the raw materials are not easily available...
The gist of the invention is a Chinese herbal medicine powder for treating pneumonia and tuberculosis, which includes licorice and atractylodes and is composed of:
Poria: 0.606-0.649% (weight)
Nioxi: 0.303-0.455% (weight)
Licorice: 0.909-1.212% (weight)
Atractylodes: 0.584-0.909% (weight)
Sesame oil: 96.969-97.400% (weight)
Total weight is 100%.
Grind the licorice, atractylodes, poria and oxtail in the above formula into fine powder and add sesame oil.

Medicine for curing tuberculosis and preparing method

The medicine for treating tuberculosis is characterized in that it is made by boiling the raw materials with the following weight ratio according to conventional methods, extracting the medicinal liquid, concentrating and then mixing it with western medicine:
10-20 parts of cat's claw, 10-20 parts of golden buckwheat, 10-20 parts of Bletilla striata, 10-20 parts of Rhizoma root, 10-15 parts of Erhua, 10-15 parts of Forsythia, 10-15 parts of raw toad, 10-15 parts of Andrographis paniculata, radish seeds 5-10 parts Houttuynia cordata 5-10 parts Pyrazolone 5-10 parts Levamisole 5-10 parts Jinsugar 200-300 parts Honey 200-300 parts Middle-aged oligosaccharides 200-300 parts Ionized water 100-200 A small amount of pigment.
The preparation method of drugs for treating tuberculosis is characterized in that it is carried out according to the following steps:
Add 10-20 parts each of cat melon grass, golden buckwheat, bletilla striata, and rhizoma root, 10-15 parts each of Erhua, forsythia, raw toadstool, andrographis paniculata, 10-20 parts each of rapeseed and Houttuynia cordata, and add to the extract Add 100-200 parts of water to the tank, preheat and decoct for 30-60 minutes, pour out the liquid, and decoct three times for 0.5 hours each time. Combine the extracts, concentrate to 1/3 of the volume of the original solution, and cool to 75±2 After ℃, add 5-10 parts of pyrazolone, 5-10 parts of levamisole, 200-300 parts each of brocade sugar, honey, and middle-aged oligosaccharide, stir thoroughly, granulate, dry, and bag through a granulator. The seal is the product.
In the formula, ten Chinese herbal medicines including cat's claw, golden buckwheat, bletilla, root, forsythia, forsythia, andrographis paniculata, Houttuynia cordata, and radish seed all have the functions of anti-tuberculosis, sterilization, anti-inflammatory and killing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Its formula Praziquantel, a traditional Chinese medicine and a western medicine, is also a broad-spectrum parasiticide and has the effect of enhancing human immune function. The above two western medicines can kill various parasites and Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the body with miraculous effects within three days.

Traditional Chinese medicament for treating bone tuberculosis

There are also many types of drugs for the treatment of bone tuberculosis, with different curative effects. The Chinese Invention Patent Bulletin discloses a product named "Bone Tuberculosis External Application Ointment and its Preparation Process", and the patent application number is "10 1 083.2". The content is: The formula of bone tuberculosis external application ointment is as follows (measured by weight): Ephedra 10 -159, white mustard seed 15-259, toad 10-159, pangolin 10-159, clam 15-309, whole insect 20-30g, frankincense 30-409, myrrh 50-609, blood root 40-509, gallnut 50 -609, Scutellaria 15-209, Coptis 15-209 Phellodendron cypress, 20-309, Notoginseng 20-30.9. Its disadvantage is that the formula is complex and the curative effect is average.
Contents of the invention:
The object of the present invention is to provide a traditional Chinese medicine for treating bone tuberculosis with significant curative effect in view of the above-mentioned shortcomings.
The technical solution of the present invention is:
1-3 parts of purple river car, 100140 parts of turtle version, 10-50 parts of Phellodendron cypress, 10-50 parts of Codonopsis pilosula, 30-90 parts of Eucommia ulmoides, 30-90 parts of Achyranthes bidentata, 30-90 parts of Ophiopogon japonicus, 30 parts of Asparagus -90 copies, raw land 150-200 copies.
The method of use is simple. Grind the above Chinese herbal medicine ingredients in grams into fine powder and refine the honey into pills.
9 grams per serving, 2 times orally
Specific examples:
1 purple river car, 120 parts of turtle version, 30 parts of Phellodendron cypress, 30 parts of Codonopsis pilosula, 60 parts of Eucommia ulmoides, 60 parts of Achyranthes bidentata, 60 parts of Ophiopogon japonicus, 60 parts of Asparagus Asparagus, and 180 parts of Rehmannia glutinosa.
The method of use is simple. Grind the above Chinese herbal medicine ingredients in grams into fine powder and refine the honey into pills.
9 grams per serving, 2 times orally.

Medicament for treating tuberculosis

The medicine of the present invention is prepared from the following medicines in parts by weight as raw materials:
Quangui 3~12 White monkshood 1~5 Baibu 1~7
Cannon Armor Beads 1-5, Ground Turtles 1-5, Autumn Stones 1-4, Anemarrhena 1-2.
Preferably, the medicine of the present invention is prepared from the following medicines in parts by weight as raw materials:
Whole turtle 5~10 White monkshood 2~3 Baibu 2~5
Cannon Armor Beads 2~3 Ground Turtles 2~3 Autumn Stones 1~3 Anemarrhena 1~2.
The ground beetle described therein is preferably fried ground beetle.
Wherein, the whole turtle is obtained by washing and tying the turtle tightly, wrapping it with yellow mud, burning it with fire to remove the mud, and grinding it into fine powder of 80 to 120 mesh.

Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating bone tuberculosis diseases and preparation method thereof

...Specifically, this is achieved through the following technical solutions:
A traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating bone tuberculosis. Its raw material ingredients are 45-55 parts of Snake Grass, 80-90 parts of Night Gate, 45-55 parts of Potentilla, 25-35 parts of Prunella vulgaris, and 35-45 parts of Lobelia 45-55 parts of ten great merit roots, 45-55 parts of three needle roots, 25-35 parts of Albizia Julibrissin bark, 45-55 parts of bloodwort, 65-75 parts of parasitic tea, 30-40 parts of purple bamboo charcoal, Polygonum cuspidatum root 35-45 parts, earthworms 45-55 parts, leech 45-55 parts, whole scorpion 35-45 parts, blood root 35-45 parts, Ligusticum chuanxiong 15-25 parts, flat foot root 30-40 parts, black bone root 45-55 parts, Malancai 25-35 parts, Imperata root 35-45 parts, Elderberry 35-45 parts, Gangbangui 35-45 parts, Ivy 35-45 parts, Angelica 25-35 parts, Eucommia 40- 50 parts, 45-55 parts of safflower, 30-40 parts of snow lotus, 25-35 parts of Uncaria chrysanthemum, 35-45 parts of sea golden sand, 45-55 parts of eel blood, 35-45 parts of blood lotus, epimedium 25-35 servings.
The raw material ingredients are 50 parts of snake grass, 85 parts of nightclub, 50 parts of Potentilla, 30 parts of Prunella vulgaris, 40 parts of Lobelia, 50 parts of Ten Great Meritorious Roots, 50 parts of Three Needles, and 30 parts of Albizia Julibrissin. 50 parts of bloodwort, 70 parts of parasitic tea, 35 parts of purple bamboo charcoal, 40 parts of Polygonum cuspidatum root, 50 parts of earthworms, 50 parts of leeches, 40 parts of whole scorpion, 40 parts of blood root, 20 parts of Ligusticum chuanxiong, 35 parts of root of flat foot 50 parts of black bone root, 30 parts of Malanthus, 40 parts of Imperata root, 40 parts of elderberry, 40 parts of quince root, 40 parts of ivy, 30 parts of angelica root, 45 parts of Eucommia ulmoides, 50 parts of safflower, and 35 parts of snow lotus. 30 parts of Uncaria chrysanthemum, 40 parts of Golden Sand, 50 parts of eel blood, 40 parts of Blood Lotus, and 30 parts of Epimedium.
The night closing door is divided into a big night closing door and a small night closing door, and the ratio of the big night closing door and the small night closing door is 7:10.
The parasitic tea is a mixture of maple parasitic tea and camphor parasitic tea, and the ratio is 1:1.
The preparation method of the traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating bone tuberculosis includes the following steps:
(1) Raw material processing: According to the ratio of the above raw material components, take the raw materials of the traditional Chinese medicine composition, and combine Snake Grass, Night Gate, Potentilla, Prunella vulgaris, Lobelia, Bloodgrass, Parasitic Tea, Malan After mixing vegetables, safflower and snow lotus according to the proportion, soak them in salt water for 30-40 minutes, where the temperature of the salt water is 40-50°C, the salt concentration of the salt water is 1-3%, and the salt water and The weight ratio of the raw medicinal materials is (5-7): 1; after the soaking is completed, transfer it to the boiler and heat it up. Use a heating rate of 5°C/min to raise the temperature to 80°C, and then soak it at a constant temperature for 7-10 minutes. , then use a heating rate of 4℃/min to raise the temperature to 100℃, soak at a constant temperature for 5-8 minutes, then use a heating rate of 3℃/min to raise the temperature to 106℃, soak at a constant temperature for 3-6min, and then use a heating rate of 1℃/min Raise the temperature to 120°C, soak at constant temperature for 5 minutes, then cool the temperature to 40-50°C in 10-15 minutes, filter out the medicinal residue a and medicinal liquid a, and place the medicinal residue a in the dryer, using a temperature of 30 After drying at -60°C until the moisture content is 3-5%, place it in a pulverizer and crush it into a powder of 100-120 mesh to obtain powder a, which is ready for use; take the top ten roots according to the above proportions. , Three Needle Roots, Albizia Julibrissin Bark, Polygonum Custard Root, Ligusticum Chuanxiong, Flat Foot Root, Black Bone Root, Imperata Imperata Root, Elderberry, Rhizoma Imperata, Ivy, Angelica Sinensis, Eucommia Eucommia, Uncaria chrysanthemum, Sea Golden Sand, Blood Lotus, and Cortex Cortex. Mix the mutton and clean water in the boiler at a weight ratio of 1:(5-8), and use a heating rate of 10°C/min to raise the temperature to 50-60°C, then perform a heat preservation treatment for 30 -50min, and during the primary heat preservation treatment for 10-20min, add earthworms according to the proportion. After the primary heat preservation is completed, adjust the heating rate to 8℃/min to 80-90℃, and perform a secondary heat preservation treatment for 20 -40min, and during the secondary heat preservation treatment for 5-15min, add leeches according to the proportion. After the secondary heat preservation is completed, adjust the heating rate to 6°C/min to 106-110°C, and perform three heat preservation treatments. 10-30min, and during the third heat preservation treatment for 1-10min, add whole scorpion, dried blood and purple gold bamboo charcoal in sequence according to the ratio. After the third heat preservation is completed, adjust the heating rate to 3℃/min and raise the temperature to 120℃. And add the eel blood according to the proportion in 1-3 seconds, keep it warm for 3-5 minutes, then cool it to 40-60°C, the cooling time is 10-15 minutes, filter it, and obtain the medicine residue b and medicine liquid b , and place the medicinal residue b in a dryer, dry it at a temperature of 40-45°C until the moisture content is 1-3%, and then place it in a pulverizer and grind it into a powder of 100-120 mesh to obtain a powder b, ready for use;
(2) Mixing of raw materials: Mix the medicinal liquid a and medicinal liquid b obtained after step 1). The mixing method is to add medicinal liquid b to medicinal liquid a, and control the adding time to 10-20 minutes, and When adding, use a mixer with a stirring speed of 30-45r/min for stirring while adding. After the addition is completed, add 1-2% of the total liquid weight of honey to it, and continue stirring for 2-3 minutes. , place it in an environment with a temperature of 60-80°C, and concentrate it to one third to obtain a concentrated liquid, which is ready for use; mix the powder a and powder b obtained in step 1) evenly to obtain a powder Mixture a, then add 1-2% glucose syrup by total weight of powder mixture a to it, and stir it evenly to obtain powder mixture b, which is ready for use;
(3) Preparation preparation: After the weight ratio of the concentrated medicinal liquid and powder mixture b obtained in step 2) is (3-8): (4-7), make it into a decoction or plaster. Obtain a traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating bone tuberculosis.
The prepared decoction is obtained by soaking the concentrated medicinal liquid and the powder mixture b in proportion to the 52° white wine accounting for 8-10% by weight for 2-3 hours and filtering. filtrate.
To prepare the plaster, before the concentrated medicinal solution and the powder mixture b are prepared in proportion, the powder mixture b is soaked with 52° white wine accounting for 12-15% by weight for 2-3 minutes and filtered to obtain of filter residue.

Traditional Chinese medicine formula for treating shoulder joint tuberculosis

The technical problems to be solved by the present invention are achieved through the following technical solutions.
A traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of shoulder joint tuberculosis, which is composed of the Chinese herbal medicine Akebia acuta, Random grass, Huang Miangui, Goucate tea, Willow white bark, false konjac fruit ear, big tree bruise, false pigeon pea, and green wine root. , large coir raincoat root, Copulus wood, rock orchid root, Catalpa bark, sycamore white bark, Sarsaparilla, sophora gum, cowpea, Caesculus caerulea root, balengmu, and pepper.
The dosage of a single dose is 12g of Akebia acuta, 5g of Random grass, 10g of Huangmiangui, 8g of Gouchate tea, 12g of willow bark, 10g of false konjac fruit, 12g of big tree bruise, 15g of false pigeon pea, and green wine vat. 15g root, 15g of corylops root, 12g of Copulus, 15g of rock orchid root, 12g of Catalpa bark, 10g of sycamore bark, 8g of Sarsaparilla, 5g of sophora gum, 15g of cowpea, 15g of Caulis caerulea root, balengmu 12g, single pepper 8g.
Preparation and administration method: decoction in water, one dose per day, twice in the morning and evening after meals, 7 days as a course of treatment.
Pharmacological effects of various traditional Chinese medicines
Akebia japonicus: relaxes muscles and activates collaterals, anti-inflammatory and diuretic, mainly treats rheumatoid arthritis, waist and leg pain, nephritis and edema, urinary tract infection, cystitis, urethritis; Amaranth officinalis: dispels rheumatism, relieves itching, mainly treats chronic rheumatoid arthritis , indigestion, vomiting, intestinal carbuncle, boils, itching; Huang Miangui: dispel rheumatism, soothe the throat; Gocatechu: dispel rheumatism, activate blood circulation and dredge collaterals, relieve cough and reduce phlegm, strengthen the spleen and replenish qi, mainly treat rheumatic joint pain and low back pain , dysmenorrhea, tuberculosis, scrofula, infantile malnutrition, hepatitis, biliary roundworms, snake bites, bruises; Liu Baipi: dispelling wind and dampness, reducing swelling and relieving pain, mainly treating rheumatic bone pain, rheumatic itching, jaundice, stranguria Turbidity, mastitis, toothache, and burns caused by soup and fire; Trichosanthes striata: warms the stomach, dispels wind and promotes qi, mainly treats abdominal distension and abdominal pain, enteritis and diarrhea, loss of appetite, nephritis, edema, and rheumatic pain; bruises on a large tree: removes blood stasis and regenerates, Reduces swelling and analgesia, relaxes muscles and activates collaterals. It is mainly used to treat fractures, bruises and strains, wind-cold-damp paralysis, joint pain, waist and leg pain, and numbness of limbs; Fake pigeon pea: clears away heat and cools blood, strengthens muscles and bones, strengthens the spleen and removes dampness. Paralysis, sore throat, diarrhea, bruises and internal injuries, fractures, vomiting blood, hemoptysis; Qingjiu root: dispel wind, dehumidify, activate blood circulation, detoxify, mainly treat rheumatism and lumbago, red and white dysentery, jaundice hepatitis, carbuncle, scrofula, bruises Injuries; Daphne vine root: promotes qi and blood circulation, dispels rheumatism, and relieves pain. It is mainly used to treat bruises, blood stasis pain, rheumatic muscle and bone pain, and numbness of limbs. Copulus: anti-inflammatory and analgesic, relax muscles and activate collaterals. It is mainly used to treat pharyngitis, tonsillitis, Rheumatic bone pain, numbness of the limbs; Vetiver orchid root: nourishes blood, removes wind, diuresis, mainly treats rheumatic paralysis, tetanus, constipation and coughs blood; Catalpa bark: expelles wind, removes dampness, kills insects, activates blood circulation, mainly treats rheumatic paralysis. , waist and knee pain, carbuncle, sores and tinea; Indus alba: dispelling wind, dehumidifying, promoting blood circulation, relieving pain, mainly treating rheumatic arthralgia, bruises, irregular menstruation, hemorrhoids, phlegm, and erysipelas; Sarsaparilla: dispelling wind, dehumidifying, promoting blood circulation Smooth Qi and relieve pain. It is mainly used to treat rheumatism pain, bruises, trauma and bleeding, fish bones and throat; Sophora japonica: mainly used to treat liver wind, tendons and veins cramping, and acute wind, mouth shut, or limb loss, stubborn numbness, or poisonous wind all over the body. Such as worm infestation, or tetanus, deviation of the mouth and eyes, and stiffness of the waist and spine; Cowpea: removes rheumatism, analgesics, diuresis, regulates menstruation, relieves stranguria, and strengthens the spleen. It is mainly used to treat rheumatic pain, strain and low back pain, gonorrhea, metrorrhagia, and leucorrhea. , infantile malnutrition, headache, epistaxis; Yunshi root: dispelling wind, dispersing cold, dehumidifying, mainly used to treat colds and coughs, body pain, low back pain, sore throat, toothache, bruises, fish mouth poisoning; Balengmu: dispelling Wind activates blood circulation, mainly treats rheumatic arthralgia, bruises, and leprosy; Dujiao: disperses wind and cold, removes dampness, mainly treats gum swelling and pain, and kidney deficiency and yin shrinkage.

Liquid medicine for external use and its preparing method

The external medicine of the present invention and its preparation method are realized as follows: prepared from seven kinds of herbal medicines including San Qiansan, Bo mustard, Gardenia, Huangyaozi, Honeysuckle, Tu Changle and Liao Gewang and alcohol; the weight of the herbal medicine Liao Gewang The ratio to the total weight of the six kinds of herbal medicines is 2:1; prepare and mix the herbs Sanqiansan, Bu mustard, gardenia, Huangyaozi, honeysuckle, and Tu Changle in a weight ratio of 1:1 and then soak them in alcohol in a ratio of 1:2 to get the result Liquid A; prepare liquid B with alcohol in a ratio of 1:2 and soak it; mix liquid A and B and soak it to get liquid C; blend liquid C and distilled water in a ratio of 1:2 and soak it...
The specific potion made according to the formula and production method of the present invention is as follows: use medicinal Sanqiansan, pu must, gardenia, Huangyaozi, honeysuckle, Tuchangshan, Gewang, wash and dry; take weight as the unit, press Prepare a prescription in a ratio of 1:1: 30 grams of San Qian San, 30 grams of Pu mustard, 30 grams of Gardenia, 30 grams of Huang Yao Zi, 30 grams of honeysuckle, and 30 grams of Tu Chang Le; mix the above six kinds of herbs in a 1:2 ratio Soak 360 grams of 95° alcohol for seven days; soak 320 grams of herbal medicine Lewang in 640 grams of 95° alcohol for seven days in a ratio of 1:2, then mix the two soaked medicines and soak them for another seven days, and finally mix them in a ratio of 1:2. The soaked medicine is blended with 3000 grams of distilled water, and after soaking for seven days, the magical potion of the present invention is obtained...

Cavitary hemorrhagic pulmonary tuberculosis treatment traditional Chinese medicine

For the purpose of the present invention, the present invention adopts the following technical solution: the present invention consists of the following components by weight: 10-20 grams of Sichuan clams, 10-20 grams of ginseng, 20-30 grams of bean root, 20-30 grams of mulberry leaves, 20-30 grams of loquat leaves and 20-30 grams of pears.
The present invention preferably consists of the following components by weight: 15 grams of Sichuan scallops, 15 grams of ginseng, 25 grams of bean roots, 25 grams of mulberry leaves, 25 grams of loquat leaves, and 25 grams of pears.

Medicinal composition for treating tuberculosis and its preparing process


The present invention is a pharmaceutical composition for treating tuberculosis. It is characterized in that it is a medicine made from the following Chinese herbal medicine raw materials in a weight proportion:
Cat Claw 1-3 parts by weight; Toad Fructus 1-3 parts by weight;
Raw rhubarb 1-3 parts by weight Fritillaria 1-3 parts by weight;
Prunella vulgaris 1-3 parts by weight and Tianzhuzi 1-3 parts by weight.
The preferred weight ratio of each raw material of the pharmaceutical composition for treating tuberculosis of the present invention is,
Cat's Claw 1.5-1.8 parts by weight Toad Fructus 1.5-1.8 parts by weight;
Raw rhubarb 1.5-1.8 parts by weight Fritillaria 1.5-1.8 parts by weight;
Prunella vulgaris 1.5-1.8 parts by weight Tianzhuzi 1.5-1.8 parts by weight.
The raw materials of the pharmaceutical composition for treating tuberculosis of the present invention are preferably prepared in the same weight ratio, that is, the raw materials of six Chinese herbal medicines such as cat's claw are prepared in a weight ratio of 1:1:1:1:1:1.

Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating breast tuberculosis

The technical solution adopted by the present invention to solve the technical problem is: a traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating breast tuberculosis, which is characterized in that the raw materials and weight ratio of the medicine are: 10-30 parts of dandelion, 5-25 parts of pangolin, and ingot. 5-25 parts of grass, 5-20 parts of white thorn, 5-25 parts of daylily root, 5-25 parts of purpurea, 5-25 parts of white tribulus, 5-20 parts of Dajiujie bell, 5-25 parts of seaweed, 5-25 portions of rice ball roots, 5-25 portions of palmetto seeds, 5-25 portions of rattleweed, 5-25 portions of Polygonatum sibiricum, 5-20 portions of Aphrodisiac, 5-25 portions of shanzi mushrooms, 5-25 portions of hibiscus, and southern snake 5-25 parts of rattan root, 5-20 parts of green peel, 5-25 parts of Cistanche deserticola, 5-25 parts of corrugated bark, 5-20 parts of Trichosanthes bark, 5-25 parts of Scrophulariaceae, 5-25 parts of Xugufeng, and abacus Root 5-25 servings.
The preferred technical solution of the present invention is: a traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating breast tuberculosis, which is characterized in that the raw materials and proportions by weight of the medicine are: 20 parts of dandelion, 15 parts of pangolin, 15 parts of ingot grass, 10 parts of white peony, 15 parts of Hemerocallis root, 15 parts of Purpurea purpurea, 15 parts of Tribulus terrestris, 10 parts of Dajiujie bell, 15 parts of seaweed, 15 parts of rice ball root, 15 parts of palmetto seeds, 15 parts of bellweed, 15 parts of Polygonatum sibiricum, 10 parts of Acute temperament , 15 parts of sanzi mushroom, 15 parts of hibiscus, 15 parts of snake vine root, 10 parts of green bark, 15 parts of cistanche deserticola, 15 parts of corrugated fruit, 10 parts of Trichosanthes bark, 15 parts of Scrophulariaceae, 15 parts of Xugufeng, and abacus root. 15 servings.

Pulmonary tuberculosis conditioning tea

To achieve the purpose of the present invention, a tea for treating tuberculosis includes the following components by weight: Cordyceps sinensis 1900g-2100, orange 1400g-1600g, licorice 900g-1100g, platycodon 900g-1100g, almond 900g-1100g, yam 900g -1100g, yam 900g-1100g, mulberry leaves 900g-1100g, red dates 900g-1100g, chrysanthemum 900g-1100g, Poria 900g-1100g, lily 900g-1100g, donkey-hide gelatin 900g-1100g, Shenqu 800g-1000g;
The above-mentioned components by weight can also be: Cordyceps sinensis 1900g-2100, orange 1400g-1600g, licorice 900g-1100g, platycodon 900g-1100g, almond 900g-1100g, yam 900g-1100g, yam 900g-1100g , 900g-1100g of mulberry leaves, 900g-1100g of red dates, 900g-1100g of chrysanthemums, 900g-1100g of Poria, 900g-1100g of lilies, 900g-1100g of donkey-hide gelatin, 800g-1000g of Divine Comedy.

Chinese medicinal herbs composition for treating tuberculosis of lung with cavitation

The Chinese herbal medicine composition of the present invention is composed of various ingredients such as rhizome, elephant bark, platycodon, raw lily, bletilla and other ingredients, and its formula is as follows:
Sichuan Fritillaria 100-150g, Baibu 180-250g
200-250g of mulberry bark, 200-280g of elephant bark
Bletilla 120-180g, raw lily 200-280g
100-200g of Chinese yam, 80-100g of chicken gizzard
Gongbaizhu 120-150g, 40-80g catechu
Platycodon 100-120g, Hangbaixun 180-200g.

Preparation for assisting treatment of tuberculosis and preparation method thereof

In order to achieve the above object, the present invention provides the following technical solution: a preparation for assisting the treatment of tuberculosis, including the following raw materials: Kumaicai, Scutellaria baicalensis, Radix Adenophora, Trichosanthes trichosanthes, Radix Pseudostellariae, Rhizoma Rhizoma, Loquat Leaves, Fritillaria Scutellariae , white root, cat's claw, Shegan, excipients, disintegrants.
As a preferred version of the present invention, the above components are: 7 to 9 parts of Kumaicai, 2 to 4 parts of Scutellaria baicalensis, 19 to 21 parts of Radix Adenophora, 7 to 9 parts of Trichosanthes trichosanthes, and Radix Pseudostellariae. 19 parts to 21 parts, 7 parts to 9 parts of rhizome, 24 parts to 26 parts of loquat leaves, 1 part to 3 parts of Fritillaria fritillary, 5 parts to 7 parts of white root, 290 parts to 310 parts of cat's claw, 90 parts of Shegan Servings - 110 servings.

Medicament for treating bone tuberculosis

In order to achieve the above object, the present invention provides a medicine for treating bone tuberculosis, which medicine includes the following freshly collected raw materials:
Sorrel (another name for sorrel) 1.5kg to 2kg,
Phoenixweed 0.5kg~0.75kg,
Eucommia ulmoides 1.5kg to 2kg,
Verbena 1.7kg~2kg,
Frost root bark (frost tree root bark) 0.75 kg ~ 1.0 kg (cannot exceed the amount),
Drynaria 2.0kg to 2.5kg,
Rhubarb rhubarb (iron cattail fan) 1 kg ~ 1.5 kg (cannot exceed the amount),
Seven-star sword (Seven-star alkali) 1.0 kg ~ 2 kg,
Deep in the mountains without showing up (enemies never meet) 0.4 to 0.5 kilograms.
Among them, the leaves of Eucommia ulmoides and Tiepufan are used as medicine; the whole plants of sour pickle grass, ferngrass, verbena, frost root bark, drynariae, heptaphylla, and enemy's meeting are used as medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine for treating lymphatic tuberculosis

The invention discloses traditional Chinese medicine for treating lymphatic tuberculosis. The traditional Chinese medicine for treating the lymphatic tuberculosis is prepared from, by mass, 2-4 g of chiton whole bodies, 10-20 g of bulbus fritillaria thunbergii, 12-18 g of selfheals, 8-16 g of lily, 12-24 g of rhizoma polygonati, 8-15 g of radix scutellariae, 7-15 g of cortex moutan, 3-5 g of common scouring rush herbs and 8-12 g of Chinese lobelia herbs. According to the traditional Chinese medicine, the traditional Chinese medicines which are convenient to obtain serve as the raw materials to prepare the traditional Chinese medicine which has the effects of clearing heat, removing stasis, dissipating phlegm, relieving a cough, removing swilling, cooling blood, removing toxicity, activating blood circulation, removing blood stasis and the like. The traditional Chinese medicine is applied to the clinical trials for treating the lymphatic tuberculosis, and the results show that the traditional Chinese medicine has the advantages that the treatment effect is good, the treatment mode is simple and convenient and no side effect exists, and the cure rate is above 90 percent as long as a patient insists on taking the medicine continuously.

Chinese medicine for treating tuberculosis

In order to achieve the purpose of the present invention, the following technical solutions are now based on.
The medicine is made from the following raw materials in parts by weight:
10--25 parts of American ginseng, 10--25 parts of skullcap, 15-25 parts of Forsythia japonica
10--25 parts of Angelica sinensis, 10--25 parts of Bupleurum, 15-25 parts of Platycladus orientalis leaves
5-15 parts of Panax notoginseng 2--10 parts of Cordyceps 10--25 parts of Polygonatum
20-30 parts of gecko, 5-15 parts of caladium, 15-25 parts of cat's claw
10--25 parts of black plum, 5-15 parts of almond, 10--25 parts of dragon bone
25-35 parts of Houttuynia cordata and 5-15 parts of licorice
The optimal weight ratio of each raw material for the formula of the present invention is:
15 parts of American ginseng, 15 parts of skullcap, 20 parts of forsythia
15 parts of Angelica sinensis, 15 parts of Bupleurum, 20 parts of Platycladus orientalis leaves
10 parts of Panax notoginseng , 5 parts of Cordyceps , 12 parts of Polygonatum
25 parts of gecko, 10 parts of caladium, 20 parts of cat's claw
12 parts of black plum, 10 parts of almonds, 15 parts of dragon bone
30 parts of Houttuynia cordata and 10 parts of licorice

Traditional Chinese medicine for treating tuberculosis

The present invention is achieved through the following technical solutions:
A traditional Chinese medicine for treating tuberculosis, which is characterized in that: the weight ratio of each raw material component is: Purpurea 8-12, Schizonepeta 8-12, Mint 8-12, Perilla leaves 8-12, Dandelion 8-12 12. Bai Ying 8-12, Scutellaria baicalensis 8-12, Platycodon 6-10, Scutellaria barbata 6-10, Lobelia 6-10, Alba 6-10, Skullcap 6-10, Phellodendron 6-10, Huanghua 6 -10. Artemisia annua 4-8, Jiao Sanxian 4-8, Gallus gallus gallus L. 4-8, winter flower 4-8, lily 4-8, licorice 13-17, Trichosanthes melon peel 13-17, mulberry leaf 13-17, Mulberry bark 1-5, oyster 1-5, Ligusticum chuanxiong 1-5, mallow root 1-5, willow 1-5, tiger ginger 1-5.
A traditional Chinese medicine for treating tuberculosis, which is characterized in that: the weight ratio of each raw material component is: 10 parts of purpurea, 10 parts of Schizonepeta, 10 parts of peppermint, 10 parts of perilla leaves, 10 parts of dandelion, 10 parts of white lettuce, 10 parts of Sichuan scallops, Platycodon 8, Scutellaria barbata 8, Lobelia 8, Scutellaria baicalensis 8, Scutellaria baicalensis 8, Phellodendron 8, Huanghua 8, Artemisia annua 6, Jiao Sanxian 6, Gallus gallus gallus L. 6, Winter flower 6, Lily 6, Licorice 15, Trichosanthes melon peel. 15. Mulberry leaves 15, mulberry bark 3, oyster 3, Ligusticum chuanxiong 3, mallow root 3, willow 3, tiger ginger 3.

Traditional Chinese powder medicine for hepatosis

The advent of the traditional Chinese medicine Yigan Powder is very effective in treating tuberculosis and hepatitis, and the treatment method is simple and does not require drips or injections.
The prepared Chinese patent medicine is taken orally once a day without any side effects.
The effective rate reaches 100%, the cure rate for tuberculosis can reach 88.6%, the effective rate for hepatitis is 96.8%, and the cure rate is 82.9%.
The traditional Chinese medicine Yigan Powder is the drug of choice for the treatment of tuberculosis and hepatitis and can be vigorously promoted to relieve the suffering of tuberculosis and hepatitis patients.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Yigan Powder Prescription (1)
12 grams of rhubarb, 15 grams of angelica root, 20 grams of artemisia annua, 15 grams of Fulong liver
15 grams of raw rehmannia, 30 grams of cooked rehmannia, 5 grams of asparagus, 3 grams of forsythia
5 grams of Fangfeng, 6 grams of peach kernels, 15 grams of honeysuckle, 9 grams of white and
10 grams of artemisia, 10 grams of lily, 15 grams of mulberry, 10 grams of bigweed
10 grams of flax seeds, 9 grams of costusia, 10 grams of perilla seeds, 12 grams of malt
9 grams of Wei Shu, 9 grams of turmeric, 5 grams of loquat leaves, 6 grams of gecko
5 grams of Atractylodes, 5 grams of Fritillaria, 3 grams of Sappanth, 5 grams of Qinghuzi
0.2g of musk, 6g of grass root, 5g of corn grass, 3g of Buddleia japonica
10 grams of Radix Gentiana, 10 grams of Fried Puhuang, 6 grams of Acanthopanax bark, 1.5 grams of antelope horns
Prescription (1) Description: 324.7 grams of this medicine is a powder concocted from 36 traditional Chinese medicines.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Yigan Powder Prescription (2)
12 grams of rhubarb, 15 grams of Danggui, 15 grams of Fulong liver, 6 grams of gecko
Musk 0.2g, honeysuckle 15g, pearl 10g, aloe vera 12g    
Prescription (2) Description: 85.2 grams of this medicine is a powder concocted from 8 traditional Chinese medicines.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Yigan Powder Prescription (3)
12 grams of rhubarb, 15 grams of angelica, 20 grams of artemisia, 30 grams of rehmannia, 10 grams of lily
10 grams of purple weeds, 12 grams of malt, 5 grams of caladium, 5 grams of glutinous rice, 6 grams of Acanthopanax bark.
1.5 grams of antelope horns, 15 grams of shepherd’s purse, 20 grams of Baibu...

Chinese medicine for treating tuberculosis fever

The object of the present invention is to provide a low-cost traditional Chinese medicine for treating tuberculosis fever.
The technical solution adopted to solve the technical problem is: Prescription: 60 grams of Panentery officinalis, 20 grams of Prunella vulgaris, 10 grams of Rhizoma Rhizome, 12 grams of Digupi, 15 grams of Bupleurum baicalensis, 15 grams of Scutellaria baicalensis, 15 grams of Sichuan lily, and dendrobium. 15 grams, Ligustrum lucidum 15 grams, licorice 15 grams.

Traditional Chinese medicine for treating ulcerative breast tuberculosis

For the purpose of the present invention, the present invention adopts the following technical solution: the present invention is composed of the following components by weight: 6-10 grams of raw astragalus, 6-10 grams of xanthate, 6-10 grams of angelica root, 6-10 grams of Bupleurum root, Salvia miltiorrhiza 6-10 grams...
Astragalus membranaceus, one of the selected components of the present invention, can replenish qi and strengthen the surface, diuretic and toxin-relieving, drain pus, reduce sores and promote muscle growth.
Huangyao: clearing away heat and promoting diuresis, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain.
Angelica sinensis: nourishes blood and activates blood circulation, regulates menstruation and relieves pain, moistens intestines and relieves constipation.
It is used for blood deficiency and chlorosis, dizziness and palpitations, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, abdominal pain due to deficiency and cold, intestinal dryness and constipation, rheumatic arthralgia, injuries from falls, and carbuncle sores.
Bupleurum: Reconciles Shaoyang, soothes the liver and stomach, raises Yang and lifts depression.
Salvia miltiorrhiza: Salvia miltiorrhiza is bitter, slightly pungent, and slightly cold in nature; it is a medicine for the heart, spleen, liver, and kidneys; it has the effects of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, nourishing blood and calming the nerves, cooling blood and reducing swelling;
Wash and dry the selected medicine, grind it into fine powder and mix thoroughly.
Usage method of the present invention: Mix the fine powder thoroughly and drink it with warm boiled water.

Chinese medicine composition for treating tuberculous pleurisy

...However, there are many traditional Chinese medicine compositions for treating tuberculous pleurisy in the prior art, but there are not many that have small side effects, quick effects, and good effects. For example, CN101690772A discloses a kind of medicine for treating tuberculous pleurisy and dissipating pleural effusion, which contains Tiehaitang, Daphne, leek root, Agustium japonicus, and Amaranthus chinensis. The genkwa in the raw materials of this plan is toxic and can easily cause side effects. Another example is that CN101642513A discloses a medicine for treating tuberculous pleurisy pleural exudation made from Chinese herbal medicine, which contains agarwood, white wolfberry, Dioskeleton, hibiscus and pinellia ternata. The clear pinellia ternata in the raw materials of this plan is poisonous and should not be taken by those with blood syndrome, yin deficiency, dry cough, or thirsty wounds. Another example is CN102614376A, which discloses a traditional Chinese medicine decoction for treating tuberculous pleural effusion, which is composed of Poria cocos, Seed Seed Lotus, Alisma, Xiangjiapi, Fructus Aurantii, White Mustard Seed, Fritillaria fritillary, orange peel, betel nut, Zeelandia, Made from Tripterygium wilfordii, licorice, ginseng, gecko, lily, Polygonatum, and Gorgon. Alisma in the raw materials of this plan has hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity. If taken improperly, it can cause swelling of the liver and kidneys and other poisoning symptoms; Xiangjiapi is a poisonous medicinal material, and its dosage and management are relatively strict; Tripterygium wilfordii is highly toxic, and the medication Be cautious.
A traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating tuberculous pleurisy, which is characterized in that: it is mainly made of the following traditional Chinese medicines in parts by weight:
3 to 25 parts of Purple Golden Bull, 3 to 20 parts of Astragalus, 3 to 20 parts of Passepartout, 3 to 20 parts of Prunella vulgaris, 3 to 20 parts of Houttuynia cordata, 3 to 20 parts of Bletilla striata, and 3 to 9 parts of licorice.

Medicine for treating bone tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, synovitis and angeitis

The invention discloses a medicine for treating bone tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, synovitis and angeitis which comprises the raw material of Chinese medicinal herbs including radix adenophorae, Chinese angelica root, Ligusticum wallichii, Poria cocos, bitter orange, white atractylodes rhizome, atractylodes rhizome, root of herbaceous peony, rhizoma dioscoreae, astragalus root, drynaria, psoralea fruit, dipsacus root, rhizoma corydalis, cyperus tuber, tortoiseshell, bletilla striata, Poria cocos, silver flower, chicken's gizzard-skin, malt, magnolia obavata, amomum fruit, dried orange peel, job's tears, and Chinese honeylocust spine.

Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis complicated by tuberculous peritonitis and therapeutic thereof

The invention relates to infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis complicated by tuberculous peritonitis and a therapeutic thereof and relates to the technical field of medicine. For the complex disease, the infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis complicated by tuberculous peritonitis, analysis shows that the tuberculous peritonitis has internal yin-deficiency and fire-hyperactivity, external evil and toxin, accumulation and binding of heat-poison, and extension of heat-poison to peritoneum, the tuberculous peritonitis is treated by taking a combination of herbs effective in clearing heat and toxin, dispelling wind-evil and drawing out toxin, reducing swelling and resolving mass and invigorating kidney deficiency, the herbs including 20 parts of honeysuckle herb, 20 parts of white mulberry root-bark, 15 parts of root of red-rooted Salvia, 18 parts of bidentate Achyranthes root, 15 parts of indigowood root, 20 parts of Chinese wax gourd peel, 15 parts of chicken's gizzard-membrane, 15 parts of spreading Hedyotis herb, 15 parts of weeping Forsythiae capsule, 15 parts of rehmannia root, 10 parts of seaweed, and 8 parts of kelp, pathogenic analysis is correct, the therapeutic is applied appropriately to the case, both symptoms an root causes are treated, and therapeutic effect is stable and stable.

Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating tuberculosis and preparation method

A preparation method of a traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating tuberculosis, including the following process steps:
(1) Remove impurities from Angelica dahurica, astronomy grass and asafoetida, wash, dry, grind into powder, pass into 120 mesh fine powder, and set aside;
(2) Remove the impurities from the stems, wash, cut into sections, dry in the sun, add 0.3 times the amount of refined honey and boiling water to simmer, mix well, let it simmer for a while, wait until the honey water is absorbed, put it in a pot and stir-fry over low heat until it is slightly yellow and non-sticky. To degree, take out, let cool, grind into powder in a mortar, pass through 200 mesh fine powder, set aside;
(3) Wash the mustard and bitter greens, mince them, take the juice and set aside;
(4) Wash the ebony plums, put them in a container and mix them with vinegar. After the vinegar is completely absorbed, move them to a closed container, heat them in water for 2-4 hours, take them out, dry them, grind them into powder, and pass them through 160 mesh. powder, set aside;
(5) Remove impurities from cypress branches, rag grass, chicken roots, usnea, pear peels and thunder mushrooms, wash them, dry them in the sun, put them in a container, add 8-12 times the amount of distilled water, and soak them for 4-5 After an hour, boil for 3-4 hours and extract; add 6-8 times the amount of distilled water again, boil for 2-3 hours and extract; finally add 4-6 times the amount of distilled water, heat and boil for 1-2 hours, extract; combine the three extracts , filter, and keep the filtrate for later use;
(6) Wash Trachelospermia spp., Lithospermum spp. and Dendrobium spp., dry them, add 5 times the amount of 85% ethanol solution, soak for 1 to 2 hours, heat and extract for 3 hours, recover the ethanol, filter, and concentrate the filtrate to Thick paste with a relative density of 1.20~1.26 in an environment of 60℃, for later use;
(7) Mix the fine powder, juice, filtrate and thick paste prepared in the above steps (1)-(6), add auxiliary materials, and use modern advanced pharmaceutical technology to make tablets, which is the treatment of tuberculosis. of traditional Chinese medicine preparations...

Traditional Chinese medicinal preparation for treating spinal tuberculosis and preparation method thereof

The invention discloses a traditional Chinese medicinal preparation for treating spinal tuberculosis and a preparation method thereof. The preparation is prepared from the following raw materials by weight: 3g ofsuberect spatholobus stem, 6g of ventilago leiocarpa benth, 3g of astragalus membranaceus, 6g of paris polyphylla, 6g of gecko, 12g of safflower, 12g of glossy privet fruit, 6g of scorpion, 3g of centipede, 6g of kadsura root-bark, 12g of pseudo-ginseng, 12g of lily, 6g of rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae, 3g of oyster, 6g of Chinese angelica, 12g of ginseng, 3g of light wheat, 6g of glutinosae rice root, 3g of radix bupleuri, 6g of ophiopogon root and 3g of cortex lycii radicis. The traditional Chinese medicament for treating spinal tuberculosis, is prepared completely by adopting pure traditional Chinese medicinal herbs, has a remarkable curative effect on spinal tuberculosis, does not generate toxic or side effects, and can be used for reducing pains of patients in the treatment process.

Traditional Chinese medicine composition having effects of dispelling dampness, supporting health and removing tuberculosis

The invention provides traditional Chinese medicine composition having effects of dispelling dampness, supporting health and removing tuberculosis. The traditional Chinese medicine composition mainly comprises common scouring rush herbs, prepared rehmannia roots, fleeceflower roots, sweet wormwood, amur cork tree bark, solomonseal rhizomes, aster, unibract fritillary bulbs and milkvetch roots...

Traditional Chinese medicine formula for treating pulmonary tuberculosis

The invention discloses a traditional Chinese medicine formula for treating pulmonary tuberculosis. Each dose of medicine is prepared from the following medicinal materials by mass: 13-18 g of panax notoginseng, 13-18 g of dragon's blood, 45-60 g of milkvetch roots, 13-18 g of salvia miltiorrhiza, 13-18 g of suberect spatholobus stems, 13-18 g of Chinese angelica, 13-18 g of red peony roots, 45-60 g of spreading hedyotis herbs, 25-35 g of bletilla striata, 25-35 g of stemona japonica, 13-18 g of baical skullcap roots, 13-18 g of white mulberry root-bark, 45-60 g of japonica rice, 13-18 g of Chinese wolfberry root-bark and 35-45 g of lalang grass rhizomes. One dose of the medicine is decocted every day and taken three times. The traditional Chinese medicine has effects of tonifying qi, eliminating pathogens, eliminating heat from the lung, promoting blood circulation, removing stasis, resisting fibers and generating new tissue, and is used for treating primary pulmonary tuberculosis, hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis, infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculous exudative pleurisy, tuberculous empyema and the like. Clinic treatment observation for three years shows that the effective rate is 100%, and the curative ratio is 95%.

Medicament for treating tuberculosis

The invention relates to a medicament for treating tuberculosis, which is prepared from Chinese medicinal herbs. The medicament is characterized by consisting of the following raw material medicaments: 20 to 40g of toad, 270 to 320g of buttercup root, 100 to 150g of delavay parnassia herb, 45 to 70g of pariphyllin, 45 to 70g of American maidenhair fern, 150 to 220g of carapax amydae and 80 to 120g of metaplexis japonica. The whole formula has the advantages of exquisite compatibility and to-the-point pathogenesis, and fully reflects the therapeutic principles of clearing heat and detoxicating, activating meridians and collaterals, dispersing swelling and dissipating stagnation, nourishing yin and benefiting vitality.

Traditional Chinese medicine for treating liver qi restricting spleen type intestinal tuberculosis

The invention relates to medicine for treating liver qi restricting spleen type intestinal tuberculosis, in particular to a traditional Chinese medicine combination prepared by taking Chinese medicinal herbs as raw materials and used for treating liver qi restricting spleen type intestinal tuberculosis. The traditional Chinese medicine combination is characterized in that active pharmaceutical ingredients forming an effective ingredient include, by weight, 5-9g of poria cocos, 5-9g of almond, 5-9g of white atractylodes rhizome, 5-9g of tangerine peel, 5-9g of whie peony root and 5-9g of Chinese parsnip root. The traditional Chinese medicine combination is prepared according to traditional Chinese medicine differentiation theory, is simple in composition, easy in material acquisition, low in cost, good in curative effect and free of toxic and side effect. Due to efficacy of clearing and resolving humidity and heat, tonifying spleen and qi, regulating qi and activating blood and warming kidney and tonifying spleen, the traditional Chinese medicine combination has curative effect on each patient and can effectively treat liver qi restricting spleen type intestinal tuberculosis.

Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating spinal tuberculosis

The invention provides a traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating spinal tuberculosis. The preparation is prepared from the following medicinal raw materials in parts by weight: 10 parts of radix stemonae, 7 parts of radix bupleuri, 15 parts of semen brassicae, 10 parts of thunberg fritillary bulb, 30 parts of raw oyster, 15 parts of rhizoma anemarrhenae, 15 parts of radix scrophulariae, 30 parts of Chinese yam, 12 parts of platycodon grandiflorum, 10 parts of rhizoma cimicifugae, 30 parts of astragalus membranaceus and 15 parts of radix glehniae. The medicinal raw materials in the preparation have complementary medicinal properties and effects, and are prevented from selections of mutual inhibition, mutual restraint and mutual-detoxication of medicinal combination to highlight the mutual promotion and mutual enhancement effects. The traditional Chinese medicine preparation has the effects of tonifying the kidneys, strengthening the spleen, nourishing yin, eliminating phlegm and warming meridians to dissipate cold, and is an orally taken preparation consisting of pure traditional Chinese medicinal herbs for treating spinal tuberculosis.

Chinese medicament for treating osseous tuberculosis


The invention discloses a Chinese medicament for treating osseous tuberculosis, which consists of the following raw material medicaments in part by weight: 20 to 30 parts of long-nosed pit viper, 20 to 30 parts of blister beetle, 10 to 15 parts of centipede, 10 to 15 parts of scorpion, 10 to 15 parts of cornu cervi degelatinatum, 10 to 15 parts of white mulberry root-bark, 10 to 15 parts of Chinese taxillus twig, 10 to 15 parts of mulberry leaf, 10 to 15 parts of sappan wood, 5 to 10 parts of prepared common monkshood daughter root, 5 to 10 parts of himalayan teasel root, 5 to 10 parts of Szechuan lovage rhizome, 5 to 10 parts of rhubarb, 5 to 10 parts of amur corktree bark, 16 to 32 parts of thesium, 5 to 10 parts of bletilla, 5 to 10 parts of myrrh and 8 to 18 parts of bupleurum. The Chinese medicament for treating the osseous tuberculosis is completely prepared from pure Chinese medicinal herbs, has obvious curative effects on the osseous tuberculosis, and reduces pains of patients in the process of treatment. The Chinese medicament has an ancestral secret formula with near two hundred years of history. Clinical treatment proves that the Chinese medicament has a curative rate of the osseous tuberculosis of over 99 percent, and no toxic or side effects.

Magistral medicine for treating bone disease such as osteoporosis, and method for preparing same

The technical solution of the present invention is implemented as follows:
A traditional Chinese medicine formula for treating bone disease and its preparation method, which is characterized in that the required Chinese herbal medicine formula content is: 8-10g of ginseng, 8-10g of astragalus, 5-7g of velvet antler, 5-7g of antler glue, 8-10g of bletilla striata, Bezoar 2-4g, trichosanthin 11-13g, Clematis 11-13g, turtle shell 5-7g, soil beetle 4-6g, turtle board 4-6g, purple river car 2-4g, black horse 11-13g, gecko 11- 13g, hippocampus 5-7g, talcum powder 2-4g, gypsum 2-4g, gecko 11-13g, rehmannia glutinosa 8-10g, Akebia 8-10g, Shouwu 5-7g, Salvia miltiorrhiza 11-13g, Dried Blood Root 8-10g

Drug for treating tuberculosis in children and preparation method of drug

The invention discloses a drug for treating tuberculosis in children and a preparation method of the drug. The drug for treating the tuberculosis in children is prepared from the following raw materials in parts by weight: 13 to 17 parts of flos humuli scandens, 13 to 17 parts of spica prunellae, 13 to 17 parts of radix scrophulariae, 13 to 17 parts of calcined oyster, 13 to 17 parts of radix stemonae, 13 to 17 parts of radix changii, 13 to 17 parts of Chinese yam, 13 to 17 parts of calcined keel, 13 to 17 parts of radix ranunculi ternati, and 8 to 12 parts of semen citri reticulatae. The preparation method comprises the following steps: decocting the raw material herbs with water which is 6 to 8 times of the total weight by using high fire, continuously decocting for 25 to 35 min by usingslow fire, and collecting the decoction liquid; adding water with the weight being 5 to 7 times of the total weight of the herb residues, decocting by using high fire, continuously decocting for 20 to 30 min by using slow fire, merging the decoction liquid at two times, and uniformly mixing, thus obtaining the drug for treating the tuberculosis in children. The drug of the invention is used for treating the tuberculosis in children such as tuberculosis of cervical lymph node, tuberculosis of tracheobronchial lymph node, tuberculous mesenteric lymphadenitis, children bronchitis and the like, and is definite in drug effect, nontoxic, free from side effect, safe, reliable, simple in preparation method and convenient in use. The total effective rate of the drug for clinically treating 10000 cases is 90 percent.

Traditional Chinese medicine for treating tuberculosis

The invention relates to the field of traditional Chinese medicine, in particular to traditional Chinese medicine for treating tuberculosis. Each dose of the traditional Chinese medicine for treating tuberculosis comprises the following medicinal herbs: 25 g of lily, 25 g of ainsliaea fragrans Champ., 25 g of radix stemonae, 25 g of bletilla, 25 g of humulus japonicus, 25 g of lucid asparagus, 15 g of cortex lycii radicis, 15 g of dwarf lilyturf turber, 30 g of heartleaf houttuynia herb, 30 g of siegesbeckia glabrescens makino, 25 g of petelot habenaria, 25 g of walnut kernel, 10 g of ginkgo, 15 g of osbeckia opipara, 10 g of longspur epimedium, 30 g of semen coicis, 25 g of alpinia japonica, 25 g of ceylon cynoglossum, 30 g of cirsium japonicum, 20 g of bistort, 50 g of cynoglossumfurcatum Wall., 15 g of Chinese arbor-vitae branches, 30 g of pilea notata and 30 g of liquorice. The traditional Chinese medicine for treating tuberculosis adopts the various traditional Chinese medicines to condition lungs, has the efficacies of nourishing yin, moistening lung, suppressing cough, reducing phlegm, cooling blood, stopping bleeding, removing blood stasis to regenerate tissues, regulating the flow of qi, relieving pain, benefiting a liver and kidneys, resisting bacterium, tonifying deficiency, and enhancing immunity, not only can resist tuberculosis from the source, but also can protect the lever, has obvious effects in treating symptoms such as cough, expectoration, hemoptysis and chest pain of tuberculosis, is free of toxic and side effects, and high in safety, and can treat both symptoms and root causes.

Medicine for phlegm-fire tuberculosis scrofula and galls

The invention provides medicine for phlegm-fire tuberculosis scrofula and galls. The medicine is prepared from, by weight, 6-60 parts of skinks, 20-200 parts of indigofera pseudotinctoria, 20-200 parts of rubus pinfaensis roots and leaves, 18-180 parts of tetrastigma obtectum roots, 18-180 parts of Chinese sage herbs, 18-180 parts of japonese pearlwort herbs, 18-180 parts of Chinese lobelia, 15-150 parts of uniflower swisscentaury roots, 18-180 parts of herba solidaginis, 20-200 parts of stellaria yunnanensis, polygonum multiflorum wine, EM original liquid and an appropriate amount of carbomer. Skinks and Chinese lobelia are screened, purified and smashed, then an appropriate amount of EM original liquid is added in skinks and Chinese lobelia, and the mixture is evenly stirred and standing is performed for one day to break down the toxins of skinks to prepare mixed medicine of skinks and Chinese lobelia; an appropriate amount of carbomer and EM original liquid are evenly stirred to be gluey matter and then neutralized into neutral thick matter; the rest medicine components are screened, purified, dried, sterilized and smashed into powder, the mixed medicine of skinks and Chinese lobelia, an appropriate amount of the polygonum multiflorum wine and an appropriate amount of the neutral thick matter are added into the powder to be evenly stirred in an adhesion mode, the mixture is pressed into tablets, and the medicine for the phlegm-fire tuberculosis scrofula and galls is prepared.

Decoction herbal medicine for treatment of yin-yang deficiency type tuberculosis and preparation method thereof

The invention belongs to the field of Chinese herba preparations, and aims to provide decoction herbal medicine for treatment of yin-yang deficiency type tuberculosis according to the knowing mechanism for treatment of the yin-yang deficiency type tuberculosis by traditional Chinese medicine. The decoction herbal medicine comprises, by mass, 20g of membranous milkvetch roots, 10g of common bletilla pseudobulb, 20g of dwarf lilyturf tubers, 14g of siberian solomonseal rhizomes, 10g of cornus officinalis sieb, 12g of common selfheal fruit-spike, 12g of ginseng, 12g of danshen roots, 23g of humulus scandens, 12g of kadsura pepper stems, 12g of ardisia japonica, 12g of giant knotweed rhizomes, 10g of sessile stemona roots, 12g of radix agteris, 12g of baical skullcap roots, 20g of dendrobium, 12g of otter liver , 12g of hairyvein agrimonia herbs and buds, 28g of honeysuckle flowers, 23g of indian buead, 28g of common yam rhizomes, 12g of rice-grain sprouts, 23g of weeping forsythiae capsule, 4g of dark plum fruits, 12g of immature fruit of peach, 36g of drgon bones, 42g of oyster shell, 12g of ephedra roots, 23g of blighted wheat, 20g of white paeony roots, 14g of chinese dates, 28g of hyacinth beans, 14g of lotus seeds, 23g of calcining dragon bone and calcining oyster shell, 12g of medicine terminalia fruits, 36g of fresh pear and 23g of philippine violet herbs. The decoction herbal medicine provided by the invention is a good traditional Chinese medicine formula.

Medicine bag for treating bronchitis and emphysema

Provided is a medicine bag for treating bronchitis and emphysema. The medicine bag for treating the bronchitis and the emphysema is prepared from common lantana leaves, Chinese fevervine herbs, fennel, ephedra herbs, menthol, roots of sinuate tickclover, stems and roots of flatstem rockvine, Chinese leucas, Indian mockstrawberrg herbs, rhizoma paridis chinensis, wideleaf osbeckia roots, herbs of dwarf denseflower elsholtzia, lumbricus, human placenta, inula flowers, periostracum cicada, chaste tree fruits, negundo chaste tree fruits, fructus meliae azedarach and fructus toosendan. A preparation method comprises the steps that all the medicinal materials are smashed and mixed together, the materials are packed in a packaging bag made of filter paper according to the quantity and sealed to obtain a finished product metheph medicine bag. The medicine bag for treating the bronchitis and the emphysema is wide in effect, and the effects of diffusing the lung, depressing Qi, eliminating phlegm, relieving the asthma, relieving a cough, removing the phlegm, resisting bacteria, sterilizing, killing tuberculosis worms, diminishing inflammation, benefiting the lung and the like on the bronchitis and the emphysema are achieved; obvious treatment effects on acute bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, cough and asthma relieving, chronic cough, chronic asthma, asthma and the like are achieved, and the cure rate reaches over 98 percent.

Chinese herbal composition for treating tuberculosis and preparation method thereof

The invention discloses a Chinese herbal composition for treating tuberculosis and a preparation method thereof. The composition is prepared from, by weight, 3-6g of rhizoma bletillae, 8-12g of gynuradivaricate cauline leaves, 5-10g of herba ophiopogon latifolius, 3-6g of radix stemonae, 5-10g of smoked plum pulp, 5-10g of radix cynanchi atrati, 3-6g of herba sweet wormwood, 5-10g of fructus thladiantha dubia bunge, 6-8g of Chinese milkwort herbs, 10-15g of fruits of fruitcose gomphocarpus, 10-15g of herba parnassia palustris, 8-12g of herba tripterospermum affine and 5-10g of leaves of euryagroffii merr.. The Chinese herbal composition has the advantages that injection is not required, no side effects are taken, the cure rate is high, and the healing speed is high.

Oral administration traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating tuberculosis

The invention discloses an oral administration pharmaceutical composition for treating phthisis, wherein the active constituents include the following raw material herbs (by weight portion): donkey-hide gelatin 35g, astragalus root 20g, root of pilose asiabell 25g, poria cocos wolf 15g, Chinese yam 20g, lotus seed 12g, adenophora root 25g, ophiopogon root 25g, Sichuan fritillary bulb 12g, roor of sessile stemona 25g, white atractylodes rhizome 15g and mahonia stem 12g.

Chinese herbal medicine for treating pulmonary edema

The invention discloses a Chinese herbal medicine for treating pulmonary edema. One Chinese herbal medicine comprises: 6-12 g of common ducksmeat herbs, 6-15 g of reed rhizomes, 10-20 g of cortex phellodendri, 6-12 g of herba violae, 6-12 g of largeleaf gentian roots, and 3-10 g of radix saposhnikoviae. The Chinese herbal medicine is developed according to accumulation of traditional Chinese medicine treatment experience and traditional physiotherapy practice of a drug inventor for a long time. The medicine can effectively cure pulmonary edema complicated by pleuritis or pleural effusion and has a curative effect on drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis. The medicine is wide in raw drug material resources and low in cost, doesn't have an obvious side or toxic effect, and can effectively reduce the burden and pain of a patient.

Pharmaceutical composite for treating pulmonary tuberculosis

The invention discloses a pharmaceutical composite for treating pulmonary tuberculosis and belongs to Chinese herbal medicine for treating pulmonary tuberculosis. One treatment course of the pharmaceutical composite comprises, by weight, 25-35 grams of aster, 25-35 grams of cynanchum glaucescens, 45-55 grams of stemona, 25-35 grams of platycodon grandiflorum, 25-35 grams of bulbus fritillariae cirrhosae, 45-55 grams of pericarpium citri reticulatae, 45-55 grams of angelica sinensis, 35-55 grams of human placenta, 15-25 grams of cordyceps sinensis, 55-65 grams of gekko, 45-55 grams of colla corii asini, 45-55 grams of semen coicis, 45-55 grams of dahurian patrinia herbs, 45-55 grams of houttuynia cordata, 45-55 grams of bletilla striata, 45-55 grams of Chinese yam, 25-35 grams of tortoise plastron, 25-35 grams of lily, 25-35 grams of dogwood, 45-55 grams of white mulberry root-bark, 25-35 grams of nodus nelumbinis rhizomatis and 45-55 grams of licorice roots. The pharmaceutical composite has the effect of building up the resistance to diseases for a person, clearing away heat and toxic materials, relieving cough, reducing sputum, moisturizing dryness, stopping bleeding and nourishing the lung and kidney, the pharmacological effect is stable, the curative effect is good, and the pharmaceutical composite is safe and reliable.

Traditional Chinese medicine for resisting pulmonary tuberculosis-astragalus fritillaria capsules

The invention relates to a special Chinese patent medicine for resisting phthisis-astragalus fritillaria capsules, which is prepared from 120-150g of radix astragali, 20-50g of aweto, 80-100g of gecko, 50-80g of fritillaria cirrhosa, 50-70g of stemona, 48-70g of lily root, 30-50g of ginkgo, 56-76g of hyacinth bletilla, 120-150g of coix seed, 20-50g of radix glehniae, 80-102g of radix rehmanniae preparata, 60-85g of radix ophiopogonis, 55-75g of tuckahoe, 80-130g of taraxacum and 60-75g of oyster. The Chinese patent medicine not only can be made into capsules according to the formula of the composition, but also can be made into tablets, pills, powder and oral liquids according to the formula of the composition. The capsules are prepared from Chinese medicinal herbs, and can treat tuberculosis (mainly phthisis) by utilizing the comprehensive conditioning actions of the Chinese medicinal herbs; the capsules can not generate toxic or side effect, and also can not generate drug resistance, and the effective rate is up to more than 95%; and the capsules can be combined with other antituberculosis medicines to enhance the curative effect (especially for drug-resistant strain infected cases), and can also be independently used for patients who are allergic to western antituberculosis medicines or can not stand for the toxic or side effect.

Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating tuberculosis

he invention relates to traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating tuberculosis. The composition comprises traditional Chinese medicinal materials in parts by weight as follows: 10-30 parts of milkvetch roots, 5-25 parts of pilose asiabell roots, 5-25 parts of asparagus, 5-20 parts of Chinese white olive, 5-25 parts of rigidleaf cymbidium stems and leaves, 5-25 parts of Japanese ardisia, 5-25 parts of Fimbristylis rigidula Nees, 5-20 parts of bird's nests, 5-25 parts of tatarian aster roots, 5-25 parts of turtle shells, 5-20 parts of ginseng, 5-25 parts of rhizomes of Bornet Cowlily, 5-25 parts of common andrographis herbs, 5-25 parts of cassie roots, 5-20 parts of black fungi, 5-25 parts of Pyrrosla lingua, 5-25 parts of rose-of-Sharon roots, 5-20 parts of humulus japonicas, 5-25 parts of garden burnet roots, 5-25 parts of cushaw stems, 5-20 parts of apricot kernels, 5-25 parts of heterophylly faalsestarwort roots, 5-25 parts of dwarf lilyturf tubers, 5-25 parts of tuberous roots of Ophiopogon tonkinensis and 5-15 parts of liquorice roots. The traditional Chinese medicine composition has effects of promoting fluid production, nourishing the lung, nourishing yin, clearing heat, benefiting qi, nourishing blood, preventing phlegm from forming, stopping coughing, healing sores and stopping bleeding, is remarkable in tuberculosis treatment effect, and is reliable in function.

Traditional Chinese medicine composition for preventing and treating bone tuberculosis and preparation method

The invention discloses a traditional Chinese medicine composition for preventing and treating bone tuberculosis. The traditional Chinese medicine composition is mainly prepared from, by mass, 10-16 parts of herba ecliptae, 8-13 parts of dendrobe, 9-14 parts of jade hibiscus, 7-12 parts of walnut shells, 6-14 parts of diospyros rhombifolia, 9-13 parts of herba lycopi, 7-14 parts of China roses, 6-15 parts of celery, 8-14 parts of iris ensata thumb, 9-15 parts of rhodiola rosea, 7-13 parts of ranunculus japonicus, 10-16 parts of calcelaria crenatiflora, 8-15 parts of memorialis and 9-16 parts of eleusine indica. The traditional Chinese medicine composition is prepared from the medicinal herbs and is safe and effective to take and free of toxic and side effects, and the ingredients are stable. The composition completely meets the principle of traditional Chinese medicine and has the effects of removing toxicity and carbuncle, warming yang and expelling cold and the like. As is clinically verified, the treatment effect is good, relapse is avoided, and adverse effects are reduced, so that the traditional Chinese medicine composition is worthy of popularization.

Walnut oil expelling wind and removing cold

Abstract -- The walnut oil expelling wind and removing cold comprises, by weight, 250-260 parts of East China wild walnut, 30-40 parts of linseed, 70-80 parts of zanthoxylum armatum, 50-60 parts of coconut shell, 60-100 parts of prepared rehmannia root, 30-40 parts of roasted sinapis seed, 50-70 parts of deer-horn glue, 20-30 parts of cinnamon, 20-30 parts of ephedra, 20-30 parts of ginger charcoal, 30-40 parts of raw liquorice and the like. In the preparation method, added zanthoxylum armatum has the functions of expelling wind and removing cold. Prepared rehmannia root nourishes yin blood, replenishes essence and nourishes bone marrow, when used in cooperation with deer-horn glue, prepared rehmannia root reinforces kidneys, supports yang and strengthens muscles and bones, and when prepared rehmannia root and deer-horn glue are combined and used, blood is nourished and yang is supported. Cinnamon and ginger charcoal are used for warming yang, expelling cold and promoting blood circulation, so that symptoms are treated. Ephedra is used for opening the grain of skin and the texture of the subcutaneous flesh, so that body surface congealing cold is expelled. Sinapis seed is used for eliminating phlegm, removing dampness and removing obstruction of qi and blood circulation and can remove phlegm inside the skin and outside the flesh. When sinapis seed and ephedra are used together, obstruction of qi and blood circulation is removed, and prepared rehmannia root and deer-horn glue achieve nourishment and will not cause stagnation. Raw liquorice achieves detoxification, moderates the property of the herbs and the like. The walnut oil can warm middle energizer to dispel cold and is suitable for being eaten by patients of rheumatism ostalgia, bone tuberculosis, chronic osteomyelitis, periostitis, chronic lymphadenitis, rheumatoid arthritis, thrombus-obliterated angiitis, muscle deep abscess and other diseases caused by blood deficiency and cold coagulation.