

Chapter 28


This whole text has developed the Thesis of Prevention and Cure of these conditions and some others not classified with exactness. One might give a brief summary as a reminder, however.

The role of suppressed or buried infection in causing chronic diseases has been exposed in detail. It is only logical that such foci should be removed if at all possible. Most of them can, if they are discovered in time. They are dead teeth, infected teeth roots, the scarred-in buried tonsil and associated hardened lymph glands, the infected appendix that gave an acute attack years earlier, and the infected gall bladder. Most of these sources of suffering and death can be removed by expert surgery without real inconvenience to the patient, and a good surgeon can diagnose their presence without error.

The gastrointestinal tract as a source of the toxic amines and of viruses living in symbiosis with various germs, requires all the attention spoken of under diet and intestinal hygiene. To this end the enema should be used freely and intelligently to strengthen the bowel wall by washing away the toxins that paralyze it and cause diverticulosis. Special lavage systems are available most everywhere, but when this is not convenient, one can learn to use the enema at home with good results as well. It is discussed in Chapter 27, Case Management. Correct eating, as to quality and quantity are discussed sufficiently in the text. But some factors need emphasis.

The choice of foods calls for the avoidance of selenium containing wheat, peas, corn, etc. and the avoidance of foods poisoned with insecticides. It is within the power of the Food and Drug Administration to correct the whole food poisoning situation, and just now the public’s worry over insecticide and carcinogenic contaminations of our foods is calling for some protective action. But this action is even now as stingy as it can be and no protections against Selenium contaminations are offered as yet. If such neglect continues, it will be necessary for those who are able to organize their own farming services and see to it that the ground is fertilized scientifically by organic procedures so the plants are correctly nourished, healthy and resistant to insect attack. In fact, it is demonstrated that insects attack the sickly plants rather than good healthy stock. Selenium-free soil will be used, and crops rotated wisely.

Whole rye is the superior grain, and the whole grain should be bought, washed, dried and ground fine for baking the bread and muffins at home, and for making porridge. Freshly ground grain is preferred.

Whenever possible, honey should be used instead of sugar, and olive oil in preference to other fats. Foods should not be fried or roasted with fat and, of course, no animal proteins should be taken at all.

Sufficient exercise to meet the personal needs must be taken, especially such exercises that massage the abdominal contents. Each day the muscles need to be fatigued a little.

Plenty of sleep, free from worries or fears, a clear conscience, forgetting oneself with a healthy interest in the welfare of others so that constructive attitudes dominate, have good effects on the circulation, and prevent harmful mental influences from dominating the body chemistry. This is particularly true with reference to the harmful secretion of adrenaline, adrenochrome, etc., that are thrown into the circulation by anguish, anxiety, fear and insecurity. Many amines possess high reduction potentials and can inactivate the FCG of the tissue cells, laying them open to other pathogens, just as the toxic amines absorbed from the toxic intestines do. In this respect toxic amines were found, in recent psychiatric research, to disturb brain function in line with our Thesis. The stabilizing influence of religion is seen in our ancestors. Bureaucracies tried to serve the national welfare, instead of betraying it, as is happening to the knowledge of every thinking citizen today. In those days the vote counted and there was “something one could do about it” to keep one calm. Today, it is just the opposite and people are worried over their own fates and the future of their dependents. Terror is gripping the world and with it the two great killers, heart disease and cancer are increasing their toll.

The mental influence over the reflexes that govern digestion and intestinal movements is to be considered here. Spastic bowels with dry walls, the failure to empty the rapidly increasing bacterial poisons, add to the mental instability that brings these conditions about. Calm joy serves otherwise.

In the prevention of cancer it is important to consider the structure and behavior of the lower end of the large bowel, namely the descending colon, the sigmoid sphincter, the sigmoid cavity that ends with the inner anal sphincter, the short rectal canal and the external anal sphincter muscle. Much cancer of the bowel is located in this region and much intoxication is developed in the sigmoid cavity that poisons the body generally and gives rise to cancer in other parts that are disposed to anoxic effects. One must give attention then to the causes of anoxia in any particular tissue. Much information is given on this matter that is unreliable. It is stated that one blow on the breast will not cause cancer. Many times this is true, but anyone with long experience in medical practice knows better and can recall specific instances where the broom handle was to blame. It depends upon the deep injury to blood vessels and resultant block to the circulation. Then the anoxia, plus the intestinal diamines, the virus or some other carcinogen from the food or from an old scar with a buried infection, are the other elements that are needed. The blow may not be avoided, the scar may be identified and removed and the bowel can be trained to not produce the diamines that serve as a vanguard to the neoplastic change.

Cancer of the bowel, the sigmoid flexure and cavity, most noticeably develops in patients who neglect the emptying of the bowel once or more times a day including their failure to completely empty the sigmoid cavity at each movement. The accumulation of material in the sigmoid area can prove most disastrous. It has lost its parastaltic wave that normally strips the contents out through the anus without leaving any residue. In many, only the “overflow” gets out so a big portion is retained. Here the bacteria have their chance to continually re-infect all material that is admitted which keeps the intoxication going at its highest rate. The bowel wall gets poisoned so it cannot produce the energy necessary to make the muscle fibers contract. The pressure developed inside by accumulation and gas production, causes the wall to dilate and form sacs or diverticulae that hold the feces indefinitely thereby, poisoning the wall more, making it dilate still more, resulting in a vicious circle.

Obviously, the obligation is to wash out the accumulated feces and keep on washing them out twice a day or oftener depending on the case, but at least keep the cavity clean and free of the paralyzing poisons. Then the system that has been poisoned generally from the fecal toxins needs a boost in its oxidation advantage so as to defend any poisoned tissues and particularly the bowel wall itself. It should be understood, too, that not only the sigmoid is injured by the constipation, but the whole colon and particularly the caecum at the beginning of the colon. A constitutional aid is required to give the wall enough freedom from FCG inactivation so it can start to have muscle contractions and abundant secretions again. However, the daily lavage as often as required will give the bowel a rest as well as remove the source of poisoning. The diet will also help in removing the substances that produce poisons at the hands of the bacteria.

When this procedure is carried on long enough the bowel will regain its normal parastaltic habits and the parastaltic wave will progress forward right through the two sphincters of the anus and to the outside. It is an error to state that intestinal lavage carried out scientifically causes a habit that one must depend upon ever after. Indeed, the best possible aid to cure is to be had via the lavage system. This will result in the complete emptying of the bowel as one observes in healthy children. The heart, bowel, and all other tissues will then benefit and have the advantage of remaining healthy.