Pyramid Energy

The Discoveries of Joe Parr

The following are briefs of information derived since 1976 relating to the geometric shape of the pyramid. All advances were made after the gamma ray transducer was discovered. The costs of this research, as of June 2000, have exceedd $60,000.

1. The pyramid shape has 8 input ports (4 opposite pairs ) located every 45 egrees around the base.

2. To be usable, the most basic pyramid must include 4 horizontal rods forming a base, and 4 vertical rods forming the edges.

3. Free-flowing ions in the air are the pyramids' energy source.

4. A solid pyramid must have facilities to allow ions to flow at the geometric center.

5. Every pyramid has an energy barrier surrounding it. This barrier protects three mass  particles held captive at the geometric center of the shape.

7. The mass particles can be captive outside the geometric shape by either decreasing the angle of the sides, or placement of rings inside the shape.

8. To create an energy barrier (minimum charge) after 15 hours, the pyramid must be parallel to the earth, with one pair of ports aligned magnetically N-S.

9. The instant a pyramid assumes a fixed position on the surface of the earth, a clock governed by the fibonacci spiral starts running.

10. The term"history" reflects this spiral, and repeatable characteristics because of it.

11. A one-inch base pyramid will control a radioactive isotope of 1.0 uc (microcurie) or a current of 1.0 ua (microamp).

12. The usable energy of a pyramid does not increase with a larger pyramid.

13. A one-inch base pyramid produces the same effects as each square inch at the top of the Great Pyramid.

14. If you assume an energy output over a one year period as a Sine wave of 2 units amplitude at the King's Chamber, then you will also have a Sine wave of 0.8 units in the Pit Chamber, a null in the Queen's Chamber and a 1 unit pulsating wave (no negative excursions ) at the apex.

15. The energy barrier is in the shape of a bubble. It will expand and contract by history and the influence of gravity, and becomes opaque by stimulation of the host particles.

16. The bubble / barrier requires one of the two energy sources :
(a) free flowing ions of either polarity;
(b) acoustic energy at one, two or three specific frequencies.

17. A stationary pyramid follows the sun's active portion of the 11-year solar cycle.

18. A gamma ray source placed inside an active barrier will assume the Energy State of the pyramid and not the half-life of the source.

19. Cosmic and gamma rays are reflected by the barrier proportional to its opacity.

20. A quiescent barrier around a stationary pyramid will be from 1-3% opaque depending on the local tidal variations.

21. During the non-active portion of the sun's 11-year cycle, the pyramid must be rotated inside a magnetic field to create a barrier.

22. Centrifugal forces excite the host particles and can close the barrier within 50% of pinch-off. To obtain the energy to throw off the barrier into pinch-off will require the intervention of an atomic particle.

23. The sun has been a reliable source of these particles, which terminate their existence upon striking the barrier.

24. The centrifugal force to condition a barrier is least in mid-December and most in mid-June.

25. The earth has passed through a conduit of atomic particle 3 times in mid-December, forming a line from out sun to the stars classified as the Belt of Orion.

26. A closing barrier will attenuate the radio frequency spectrum, starting at DC and ending at light. Somewhere during the closing, gravity is blocked 100%.

27. A barrier has no detectable fields and can be penetrated by a physical object until it is pinched-off.

28. A barrier can develop a surface charge that is polarized opposite to the ions, but equal to their potential.

29. Two barriers of the same polarity oppose each other violently at pinch-off.

30. Assuming a new moon at rise as the gravitational source, the pyramid rotated inside a magnetic field, and  (-) ions as the energy source, at inch-off the pyramid will accelerate away from the moon.

31. With all things similar to statement 30, except that the ions are positive, at pinch-off the pyramid will acclerate toward the moon.

32. The kinetic energy increase for a short test has been calculated to be 1.3 x 10^5 OUO.

33. A barrier can be maintained only inside a magnetic field. Once inside, the barrier drops, and air friction will cause ionization and surface melting. Joe PARR Pyramid Energy


The mystery is; I have been trying to get this report written for 15 years now and unless death overtakes me, this is the last time! My rendition of the secret of the pyramids only applies to pyramids that are not solid at the geometric center. Size and construction material is not important for this report. I feel certain my presentation will rub somebody the wrong way. This situation is not new. Please make allowances for my grasp of nuclear physics. My overview covers 25 years of experience. For definition of certain terms, please consult the article at the end.

Now let me unlock a door into a new world of possibilities. First off, to my knowledge, there is only one secret of the pyramids! It would still be a secret today if not for the Gamma-Ray Transducer (l) and the Negative Ion Generator '(2). That secret, which Antoine Bovis discovered in dehydrated animal bodies during the 1930's and all the pyramid energy reports since 1970, is an Orb (3) surrounding the pyramid. See drawing below:

The Orb expands and contracts with the moon phases and requires the energy of the ion generator to study it. The edge is not detectable by conventional methods. Stationary pyramids can use positive or negative ions, but not an equal mix. If you aren't affected by depression, positive ions won't bother you! Thousands of hard data bits were logged using stationary pyramids. Unfortunately "good times" ended on December 4, 1979 when all experiments except one started loosing their accumulated energy. In 9 days the isotopes were again on track with their half-lives. The only experiment still operating was the one that was rotating 5 degrees every 10 days. That experiment continued to grow in energy to exceed all others.

The technique to rotate a pyramid properly took years to develop. The results were quite dramatic when I reached the projected speed. The experiment self- destructed. As each new test self destructed, one thing was evident. The ABS plastic pyramids were getting "beat-up". A few, which left the machine containment, imbedded in the wall. Two pyramids mounted back to back always self-destructed earlier than the rest. Something inside the pyramid was causing the problem. To study this, a piece of aluminum foil was installed behind one pyramid. This was rotated inside a machine having a strobe synchronized to the motor shaft. By viewing this rotating pyramid through an observation port, impressions could be seen on the metal foil. 50 experiments were conducted with the foil, 15 self-destructed. What was learned follows;

I) The Orb existed around the pyramid because of them.

2) The machine could be "fine-tuned" using their bunching.

3) They had sufficient energy to burn holes in test objects .

4) The 'History'(4) of the machine was a factor in their performance.

5) They become more active as the inertia increases.

What are these things inside the pyramid? I chose to use the definition by 'Leonard G. Cramp'(5) and refer to them as 'Mass Particles'(6). The mass particles are excited into being by inertia at around 360 Hz. The particles have a magnetic signature, the Orb does not. As the inertia increases the density of the Orb increases and this is expressed as 'Opacity'(7) because of it's attenuation to the entire electromagnetic spectrum from DC to Cosmic Rays. At some point in the experiment it is hopedthat the Orb will 'Pinch-'Qff(8). After pinch-off, gravity can no longer penetrate inside the Orb. Gravity now pushes or pulls on the Orb, depending on the polarity of the ions being used.

At this point in the report I would like to talk about the Orb. Let me say with all seriousness the Orb is not "user friendly". It has the ability to extract energy from any source either mechanical or biological for the benefit of the mass particles. Meditating inside an Orb is NOT recommended. There is evidence that extended exposure will cause debilitation of the higher brain functions. It never has been possible to supply enough energy to an experiment to cause the Orb to pinch-off. The machine mostly conditions the Orb in preparation for some event called a "trigger" to come along.

The illusive trigger remained a secret until 1993 when a new generation of machine went into full operation 24 hours/day. The new machine tested the ability of a 2-dimensional pyramid rotating in a magnetic field to capture and hold a mass particle. This experiment would not self-destruct. The experiment lost weight as predicted and the $1200 expense for an Ohaus scale was justified. After the experiment started, recordings indicated periodic events of greater weight loss occurring.'Fortunately the Ohaus machines designed by the Ohaus family could be modified to investigate this new event. The machine was modified to allow recording each time the experiment lost 5 grams of weight. 400-500 events were logged each day until December 9 when the numbers started to climb. On December 16, 1992;'135,272 events were recorded before the machine burned up. Analysis of the motor showed that the stress on the motor from the experiment going from no load to full load and back to no load in milliseconds completely wore out both motor brushes. 32 motors burned out during the 6 years of the experiment. The event that burned out the motors has been termed a 'Conduit' (9). From 12-16-92 until 9-1-97; 23 conduits were crossed by the earth going around the sun. The best conduit occurs between December 12 and 16.'The latest one recorded 87,346,836 particles. The conduit was so intense that we recorded crests of 3500/second with intervals between crests of 35 seconds.

'Now if you draw a line from our sun, through the earth on December 12 and continue the line into space, some of you might not be surprised to find out that the conduit is heading for the star group called; Belt of Orion!

'Last subject before I close. Dimensions of the Kings Chamber were fed into a acoustic computer used for sonar studies. A stream of fundamental and harmonics came forth which formed the basis of a 3 year acoustic study of the shape. The '2 dimensional gravity wheel experiment was the experiment it was focused at. 'The object was to find some method to eliminate the ions from being used.'-ions around computers tends to blow them up, not to mention any other static sensitive device. Two fixed and one variable frequency was found which caused the Orb to be stimulated. Surprisingly one of the 3 frequencies was 51.5 Hz which happens to be the angle of the side of Cheops.

'In closing let me mention two interesting tidbits;

'I) 'Rocky Mc Collum,' on March 26, 1979, took a photograph in the queens chamber of a rare event. I am in possession of that photograph. I believe it is a mass particle because it is in the geometric center of Cheops.

'2) During the year 2000, the newest machine stopped producing data. An investigation showed that something had plated itself all over the gravity wheel. This shorted out critical areas. Removing the material restored normal operation. The flakes removed are mallable, metalic and conductive. Anybody having access to an X-Ray Defraction Sgectroscopy machine and would like to test these samples, they might give a clue tothe particles striking the experiment. Please contact Dr. John DeSalvo and ask him to forward your request to me.

'To Contact Joe Parr email Dr. John DeSalvo and he will forward the message to him


'I. 'Gamma-Ray Transducer '- The mating of a 1.0 uc isotope of Cs137 and a dosimeter of 200 mr. Read and reset every 24 hours, averaged every 10 days.

'2. '-Ion Generator '- A lOKV-12KV device which sprays negatively charged electrons into the air. 'Normal density is 350,OOO/cc at 1 meter.

'3. 'Pyramid Orb '- A containment bubble which surrounds specific pyramid 'shapes and has no detectable edges.

'4. 'History' - The exact rate of linear time an object rests on the surface 'of the earth undisturbed. A clock unwinding at the rate of the fibonacci 'spiral determines the useful'periods.

'5. 'Leonard G. Cramp '- 'PIECE FOR A JIG-SAW', page 96.

'6. 'Mass Particle '- An inertial mass, not subject to the quantum laws, which 'is trapped inside the pyramid shape and shielded by the Orb.

'7. 'Opacity '- The degree of shielding from 0-100% assumed by the Orb. The 'lowest percentage effects the lowest electromagnet frequencies first.

'8. 'Pinch-Off '- The instant the shielding of the Orb reaches 100%.

'9. 'Conduit '- A concentrated stream of particles coming from the sun which the earth passes through during certain times of the year and governed by the '11 year solar cycle.

''10.Rocky Mc Collum ''- 'THE PRIME MOVER,' opus 2, Pyramid of Aquarius Pub. Co.



Joe Parr

After coming down from the Great Pyramid top in 1977, following an overnight stay, I decided to join the growing number of people trying to discover: “What 2,000,000 custom carved blocks were really for.”

During a return trip to the Antarctic in 1978, equipped with a Pyramid Products "Energy Array", one pack of blades for my razor, their laboratory equipment, and a lot of free time during the long winter nights...Soon the Gamma-Ray Transducer was born.

After returning to the States, an intense 18 month effort was made using certified radioactive sources. After air ions were discovered as an energy source around the Pyramid, the secrets began to make themselves known. Up to 9 experiments ran simultaneously and data was collected every 12 hours, to the exact minute each time.

The investigation bubble burst on December 4, 1979. Simultaneously, every experiment, except one, stopped working! Within 7 days, the transducers only indicated the half-life level of the particular isotope used! The experiment that didn't stop, had been rotating 5 degrees every 10 days. 25 years later, I can safely say: The mechanism that influenced these Pyramids to switch OFF is located somewhere in the center of our galaxy!

It took 3 years to develop the Pyramid Centrifuge and locate a DC motor large enough to drive it to the calculated speed. The first Centrifuge was like a Model "T" Ford, very basic. When 2500 RPM's was reached, on September 17, 1983, a loud explosion was heard. When the machine was shut down and cover removed, I discovered my arm was "wiped clean." Four Pyramids and a CS137 isotope were surgically removed. At the time, I didn't know what had happened. After 55 such experiments, I realize that was my first jump into Hyperspace.

The last experiment to jump was July 5, 1987. It was quite obvious by then, further tests would yield predictable results. I had discovered 3 particles that come to life from centrifugal force and a shield or barrier or "bubble" that protects them. The moon supplies the gravity, +/- air ions, the energy source, and there is an unknown trigger source I have not been able to identify, since the experiment is essentially over at the instant it jumps. By accident, "History" of the magnets in the Centrifuge was discovered. I can safely state that magnets (or their fields) exist in more than our dimension. If it wasn't for this fact, the Pyramid could never accelerate to the next dimension. The length of the occasion in "negative-time" is governed by a Fibonacci Spiral. To reset history to "zero" requires either removal of the magnets or moving the machine for 30 minutes. Since there are 108 magnets on the bottom row, it is obvious which was more efficient.

It took 5 years to evolve a "Real-Time" machine that would not destroy itself every time it took a jump. On August 10, 1992, the miniature centrifuge (or gravity wheel, as it is now called) was placed into operation. It uses a 2-dimensional Pyramid arm. By monitoring the motor current, I noticed periodic noise pulses on the chart recorder. Since the experiment was conducted in a secure area at work, using my employer's test equipment, I soon learned those noise spikes were a change in weight of the machine.

A risk purchase of an Ohaus Precision Plus Scale, with RS-232 output, proved important then, and still is now. Those noise spikes turned out to be the unknown trigger mentioned earlier. A particle from our sun strikes a bubble on one of the 2-dimensional Pyramids on the arm, causing it to instantly close-off. This results in the subtraction of the weight of the arm, that the Pyramid occupied. In turn, the scale sees this as a sudden change in the load it was measuring and shuts the data off. This in turn causes a pulse counter to indicate a “hit” and a speaker to notify me. The experiment was relocated next to the Centrifuge and ran 24 hours/day. 40-50 hits usually occur daily, but sometimes, I would take a reading and thousands of hits had occurred.

The significant days when kilo-particles would arrive, could only be determined after the Sun’s direction of travel was determined. After this, I created a graph of the Earth circling the Sun, and lines on a chart representing the exact day and month the particles hit. They occur only during the “Quiet Sun” portion of the 11 year Sun Spot cycle. A number of years of repeated data can be accumulated. It was discovered, as the Earth travels around the sun, it passes through conduits of particles that are heading into space. Some conduits head towards the Galactic Center, but the most impressive and largest one, occurs on December 11-16, and if you show it on a Star Chart, it is heading towards the “Belt of Orion.”

Negative air ions always fall on the experiment and these have made obvious high voltage problems for computers or test equipment inputs. To locate another energy source for the experiments, acoustics was tried! My employer graciously ran an acoustic computer program for me on the dimension of the King’s Chamber. Using two larger speaker assemblies, pumping their combined output at the Gravity Wheel, and the number of hits recorded in 24 hours as my guide, I soon learned the computer numbers were wrong! I had never considered that the stone coffer sitting in the room had altered the room’s resonance frequencies. So, starting at 40 Hz and increasing 0.5 Hz each day, I located and verified the first frequency after 100 days. It was 51.5 Hz (which I was reminded is also the angle of the sides).

At this time (February 9, 1997), my laboratory silently gave birth to an “Unexpected Outcome,” and the basis of this report. From this point of the report and onwards, all information will be in chronological order to show the changes occurring.

With the negative ions turned off and the humidity less than 50%, the first strange event occurred in September 1997. Walking through the lab, caused an Electrostatic Charge on my body to set off the experiments pulse counter when you passed the gravity wheel.

May 2000 - All particles arriving from the sun ceased to be recorded.

June 2000 - Discovered a metallic substance on the Gravity Wheel that had caused the May 2000 problem. Analysis of the metal was: 35% Boron; 23% Barium; 21.8% Iodine; 12% Silver; 4% Bromine, 3.5% Selenium; 0.7% Gallium. Removal of the mystery metal returned the Gravity wheel to normal operation.

August 2000 - Bill Cox, using his equipment, has determined that an energy field has developed around the Gravity Wheel experiment, which extends from floor to ceiling.

September 2000 - A second energy field is detected which extends as far as 15 feet from center. Method of detection is interaction with the human body. Entering the field is quiet, but on EXIT, the experiment will lose weight, causing a pulse to be recorded. Since the scale is set for 5 grams, the event is significant.

November 2000 - Two metal pyramids were hung from the ceiling. Bill Cox, who gave me the Pyramids stated one was hanging over his bed, and on some days it would turn as much as 45 degrees. One hour after hanging them, I noticed both were turning at a very slow rate. 5 years later, they are still turning. I use them to determine the health of the phenomena, which is still growing.

March 2001 - Acquired a second Ohaus scale and built up a new Gravity Machine, duplicating all electronics. The new machine had a larger arm and more magnets. It was set up 3 feet from the first experiment. Within days, and using the human body as a test instrument (like Sept. 2000), I determined the room now had two energy fields. The fields opposed each other (similar to tests using the Centrifuge). The new, larger machine had taken over 2/3 of the lab, the smaller machine the balance. Later the log data reports that the larger machine will consume 90% of the room.

June 2001 - Using the hanging Pyramids as a tool, determined that the Energy Field survives on wasted energy in the lab; ie. the experiments, unused wall-warts, magnetic field from the DC Treadmill motor, AC motors in the washing machine and dryer. The more energy it receives, the faster the Pyramids rotate back and forth. If you cut off it’s energy, the field can go dormant for days, but will return to life with any energy use.

August 2001 - Discovered a New Moon at rise will shrink the boundary of the energy field into a bubble. If a differential pressure gauge is inserted from the experiment area (ground zero) to the outside of the bubble, and monitored before, during and after moon rise, the gauge will start at 0.0 Pascal before, increase to 0.2 Pascal at rise, and fall back to 0.0 later.

September 2002. Suddenly after 1 year, the energy field starts to grow larger. It was only after NOAA announced the Sun had a second peak (during the current 11 year sun spot cycle). This new peak ties the bubble to the sun.

October 2002 - Left the lab at 1230 hours and returned at 1420 hours, in time to witness 18 honeybees dead or dying on the workbench below the only window in the room.

I added 3 bees more the next day and 1 more the following. All bees were put into formalin. No hive was detected in the attic or trees. It could not be determine how they got into the laboratory.

November 2002 - Terminated all acoustic tests after the generator was set to the Bee’s wing frequency. The effect on the Human Hosts was unsettling, due to the fact that the energy field was now entering the living areas of the house.

December 2002 - After conducting a low power audio test using transducers for 30 days, it was determined that the medium inside the bubble is a damping field which prevents the Gravity Wheel from building up a charge. It normally took 15 hours to build up a suitable charge.

March 2003 - Since the bubble was expanding into the living areas of the house, a series of tests were run to determine the intrusion under the house. Radius circles were drawn on a house scale drawing from point “0.” These were 8.5, 17, 27, 37, 47, and 56 feet. Using a strip chart recorder and special transducer, data was collected for 7-10 days at each convenient point on a radius circle. Some points were repeated. The results showed the bubble had crossed the 27 foot line.

March 2003 - Conducted a “Ghost-Whisper” test using a microphone and recorder. 3 attempts heard nothing but “popping” sounds. A fourth attempt a few days later proved no popping and no eerie voices. A check with the conduit dates showed that the March conduit had occurred and the particles were striking the bubble, but not penetrating it.

Additionally, measured the Cosmic Ray background using a Scintillation Counter. It was then measured at 100 feet from point “0.” It was determined at this point of time that the attenuation was 30-40%.

April 2003 - From the 18th-24th, the Gravity Wheel caused the Ohaus Scale to start vibrating. The vibrations increased and the experiment started gaining weight. The scale measures 4000 +/- 0.1 grams, and the experiment only weighs 1562 grams. On these days, the weight would increase to “scale overload” in seconds. A bathroom scale showed a weight gain of 7.5 lbs.

July 2003 - Experiments with a Van De Graff Generator, which normally produced a 200,000 volt positive charge would only produce a negative charge inside the damping field. If you removed the generator away from the bubble, it would return to a positive charge. If I allowed the generator to remain outside for 24 hours, brought it back in and turned it on, a positive charge would accumulate, but within 60 seconds it would drain to zero and come back negative.

July 2003 - 272 days after the last Honeybee invasion, they were back again. Between 0900-1000 hours, 30 bees were seen on the lab screen door. Before long, they had overcome that hurdle and were clinging to the solid wood door. When I returned from work, 10 dead bees were on the workbench and 6 were on the floor.

August 2003 - Since the bubble we lived in attenuated a lot of noise generated by humanity and it’s toys, a test was conducted to verify it. I connected the lab’s D.N.C. Coil to a 10 MHz RMS meter. The results were strip chart recorded. The data was unexpected The high noise level during the daytime suddenly went away at night. The next day, the noise was back on. Investigation showed an event preceded the sun at sunrise and followed it a sunset. The event switching the noise on and off increased by +38 seconds each day during the Fall months. I lost it in September. Then suddenly everything toggled, and the noise was switched on at night and off during the day. It is not known how much the bubble influenced this test.

October 2003 - Log entry. Sufficient time has lapsed to state the Human-Bubble interaction was over.

January 2004 - I notified the Station Engineer at a local radio station that their station was switching level 15 DB periodically during the day. When he reported back to me that the signal was solid, and that he couldn’t explain what I had received, I knew the bubble was evolving again.

Tests showed a window had opened at: 1.43496 MHz, 1.6556 MHz, 2.68612 MHz, and 4.3166 MHz. Additional higher frequencies probably existed, but no equipment was available to test them.

May 2004 - My partner, Dan Davidson, who has duplicated my efforts, also received an unexpected outcome! His wife is highly sensitive to the bubble’s presence, and he was willing to try anything to regain peace at his home. His solution was to wrap the house with insulated copper wire and connect a 36 kV pulsing generator to it. He did this for two weeks and claims to have rid the house of the problem.

I attempted the same solution on a smaller scale. I only wrapped the lab, where the bubble had it’s trunk. the 36 kV generator was on a shelf outside the house, since it generated copious amounts of ozone.

After 10 days, I shut down. The bubble had become so active that the Pyramids were rotating as much as 250 degrees in each direction, and much faster than they had ever moved.

June 2004 - In order to again get the Gravity Wheel functioning, I got permission to set up in a neighbor’s home, 300 feet to the southwest. All equipment was relocated, calibrated and started. It would need 15 hours to charge up. Each day, a phone call reported no hits on the pulse counter. The following weekend, took the scintillator over and made a measurement. There was a 30-40% attenuation also! Took the Van De Graff Generator over and it produced a negative charge. Also shut down the experiment and returned it home.

July 2004 - A magnetic compass used in the lab has been altered. It now points south.

August 2004 - Installed a 56-inch long Hydrophone into the ground near point “0.” Then modified a 35 kHz Ultrasonic Generator to transfer it’s energy into two ground probes. With an assistant, we energized the ground at various points up to 300 feet away and covering a 180 degree spread. The spread covered the house the experiment was located in. The results obtained verified my suspicion. There was a direct underground link between my bubble and the one created across the street.

December 2004 - Since the bubble was expanding, needed to determine in “real time,” where the edges were. Taking advantage of the 1.45 MHz window, built up a portable transmitter and mounted it on one end of a 4 foot cardboard tube. Then took a Frequency Selective Voltmeter and mounted it at the other end. Using the dB meter on the receiver, walked inside the bubble and outside, until I had exited the bubble. At the edge, made careful measurements and determined there was no longer an immediate edge. The bubble was now an Energy Field and the energy at an edge decreases to zero.

January 2005 - Strait-Line Sonic Laser, which was designed to measure wall distances has proven to be an interesting asset in the study of the Energy Field. The laser portion does nothing, but the ultrasonic signal bounces off invisible energy levels inside.

September 2005 - Set up a one-Lunar Month test using the 1.45 MHz Transmitter at point “0,” and a receiver 56 feet away, into a strip chart recorder. Results showed the moon’s influence was very visible. It also showed on Moon Days 23, 24, 25, 26, no openings occurred at any time.

January 2006 - Have found a Garmin GPS-72, which has 10 receivers tuned to 1575.42 MHz, makes an excellent device to measure attenuation at that frequency. Also the error percentage after “first contact” supplements the data. No results at this time though!

January 2006 - In closing, the attenuation measured using the scintillator has risen to 66%. Apparently the Energy Field is still evolving and growing.