Rex Research

Causality Engineering R&D & Karma Repair

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The Civilization Kit

Rex Research was established in 1982 by Robert A. Nelson to archive and distribute " InFolios " -- Information Folios -- of collected Articles about suppressed, dormant, or emerging Sciences, Technologies, Inventions, Theories, Therapies, & other Alternatives that offer real Hope & Choices to help Liberate Humanity from its Stupidity and the evile Pornocracy of Psychopaths .

Freedom , Truth, Love & Earth are gravely wounded, & Time is accelerating / compressing -- running out, along with the Oxygen & Oil & Money & Luck & Stuff -- in these Latter Days of this era of "Civilization" as we knew it. Enjoy your visit, and y'all come back again real soon now !

**  Inventor / Subject Index  **  Alchemy Index  **
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Subject Index : AA   BB   CC   DD   EE   FF   GG   HH   II   JJ   KK   LL   MM   NN   OO   PP   QQ   RR   SS   TT   UU   WW   XX   YY   ZZ
Aether ** Agrow ** Aero ** Air Wells / Fog Collectors ** Alchemy ** Anti-G ** Antennas ** Appropriate / Low Tech ** Automobiles ** Boats ** Cancer ** Cannabis Hemp ** Chemistry ** Coal / Oil ** Dental ** ElectroCulture ** ElectroMagnetix ** Electrotherapy ** Free Energy / OverUnity ** Government ** Health ** Heat / Cold ** Herbs ** Hodowanec Rhysmonics ** HydrOxygen ** Light ** Longevity ** Magnetix ** Mechanix ** Mind / Spirit ** Nanotech ** Robert A. Nelson ** Nukey-Poo ** Radionix ** Sound ** Time ** Water ** Wind


AAA --- ABOLAFIA: Static Field Converter ** ABRAHAM: Graphene Oxide Desalination ** Activated Water Patents * ADAMS: Cesium Eliminator ** ADAMS: Motor ** ADAMS: ElectroBiochemical Reactor ** ADAMS: Suspension ** ADAMENKO: Proton-21 Fusion ** Adrenochrome Patents ** AHO: MIST Steam Generator ** AKIMOV: Torsion Field Generators ** ALEXANDER: Dyna-Motor ** ANGELO: Interatomic Ion Motor ** ADLER: Vortex Tube ** AINSLIE: Counter-ElectroMotive Force ** ALCANTAR: Cactus Gum Water Purification ** ALLAEI: Invelox Wind Power ** Alum-Lead Battery Restoration *AMARASINGHAM : Hydraulic Motor **  AMMANN: Activator Transformer ** ANONYMOUS: Occult Technology of Power ** ANDERSON: Hyfuel Catalyst ** ANDERSON: Beehive ** ANTELMAN: TetraSilver TetraOxide ** ANTELMAN: TetraCopper Tetroxide ** AQUINO: Quantum-G Spacecraft ** Aragonite Patents ** ARATA / ZHANG: Cold Fusion ** ARKANI-HAMED: Amplituhedron ** ARLINSKI: Chronocraft ** Astragalus & Longevity ** Atmospheric / RF Electricity Collectors ** ATP Extraction Patents ** AUGUSTIN: Watercone ** AUL: Desalination ** AVEDON: Thermal Equalizer ** AVILA: Thermoelectric Battery ** AYCO: Aergas Power Injector **

» ABOLAFIA, Andrew: Static Field Converter ~ Rotating diamagnetic shield converts static permanent magnet field into useable energy.

» ABRAHAM, Jijo, et al.: Graphene Oxide Desalination ~ Simple scalable graphene-based membranes reject 97% of NaCl.

» ADAMENKO, Stanislav: Proton-21 Fusion ~ Over-Unity, Transmutation, Neutralization of Radioactivity.

» ADAMS, Robert: Motor-Generator ~ A pulsed motor-generator, produces over-unity in some configurations.

» ADAMS, Jack: ElectroBiochemical Reactor ~ Low voltage stimulates microbes for 2-10x faster treatment of mining waste water ( arsenic, nitrate, sulfate, CO2, &c ), replaces tons of chemicals.

» ADAMS, Walter: Suspension ~ Simple 1920s design (cantilever, drum, rubber) eliminates springs,. as seen on some big trucks. Got Sorbothane &c?.

» ADLER, Edward: Vortex Tube ~ Telescoping tube & vortex-generator creates open-air whirlpool.

» Aeroponic / Vertical Farming ~ The future of real food ( plus electroculture ): 15 patents & book list.

Aether / Gravity: ARKANI-HAMED: Amplituhedron ** BOUTARD: Aether Technologies ** AQUINO: Quantum-G Spacecraft ** BEARDEN: Energy from the Vacuum ** BROWN, TT: Journals & Notes ( 1 ) ** BROWN: J & N ( 2 ) ** BROWN: J & N ( 3 ) ** BROWN: J & N ( 5 ) ** BROWN, TT: Journals & Notes - Addendae ** HODOWANEC: Rhysmonic Cosmology ** HOLLINGSHEAD: Odic Ray ** JEFIMENKO: Causality ** KESHE: Energy Generators ** KOSTOFF: Gravity-Power Machine ** LEADBEATER / BESANT: Occult Chemistry ** MEINKE: Orgone Devices ** MENDELEEV: Periodic Table ** MONSTEIN: Space Quanta Medium ** NIEPER: Shielding-G ** PARR: Pyramid Energy ** REICH: Orgone ** REICH: Orgone Motor ** ROSCHIN & GODIN: Searl Effect Generator ( #3 ) ** RYCHNOWSKI, F.: Eteroid ** SCHAPPELLER: Glowing Magnetism ** Scalar Waves & Fields ** SEDWICK: RING Propulsion ** SILVERTOOTH: Detection of Aether ** TSEUNG: Leading Out Theory ** Torsion Fields ** WHITTAKER: Scalar Potentials ** ZIRBES: Flux-o-Matic Motor ** WHITTAKER: Scalar Potentials

Agriculture: [ ZIP #1 ] [ ZIP #2 ]: Aeroponic / Vertical Farming ** Miscellaneous Articles ** Plant Breeding ** Hot Water vs Weeds ** Companion Plants ** AKIMOV: Torsion Field Generators ** ALLEN: Hydrautomat * ANDERSON: Beehive ** AUGUSTIN: Watercone ** BAILEY: Vegetable Gardening ** BALASINGHAM: Agrizest ** BILLINGTON: Sonic Agriculture ** BOSE: Response in the Living & Non-Living ** BOUTARD: Biodynamic Retting ** CALLAHAN: Paramagnetic Agriculture ** CHAPIN: Interstellar Light Collector ** CHRISTOFLEAU: ElectroCulture ** CORSON & ZADEREJ: Electrogenics ** DARRAGH: Vi-Aqua ** DeLAND: Frost Guard ** DICKINSON: Cyclocitral Root Stimulation ** DUDGEON: Electroculture ** Thujone vs Rodents ** Catnip ** Dew Pond Construction ** Pesticidal Plants ** Rock Dust ** Desalination Patents ** EBNER: Primeval Code ** ECKART: Paper Mulch ** Electrolyzed Water ** EnWave: Dehydration System ** FELTENBERGER: Pendulum Pump ** FRANKLIN: Mechanical Cow ** RF Heating vs Pests ** GAMBERINI: Underwater Greenhouse ** GARCIA: Rootman Insulation ** GEORGES: Tree-T-Pee ** GILMARTIN: Mini-Water Wheel ** GOLOD: Pyramid Devices ** GRANDER: Revitalized Water ** GUASCO: Theta Amplifier * DORGAN: Seaweed vs Cattle Methane * GUILLEMETTE: Perpetual ES Battery ** Hippo Roller ** JEONG: Frequency-Regulation of Plant Genes ** KAN'CHZHEN: Microwave Transfer BioInfo ** KEENER: Cold Plasma Food Preservation ** KEITH: Terrastar Soil Conditioner ** KERTZ: Vertigro ** KHOSLA: CoolBot ** KRATKY: Hydroponics ** STERNHEIMER: Plant Protein Music ** Biochemical Stimulation ** Biodynamic Formulas ** AstroMeteorology ** ElectroCulture ** ElectroCulture Patents ** ElectroCulture Patents #2 ** ElectroCulture Patents #3 ** Electroculture Patents #4 ** ELLSWORTH: AirWell ** FANTUZZI: Energy Accumulator ** FLUHRER: Weather Control ** FREEDMAN: Chemalloy ** JOHNSON ( J. ): Dipole Resonance Mutation ** JOHNSON: PooGloos ** KITSEE: Electricity vs Tree Pests ** KOLISKO: Agriculture of Tomorrow ** KRATKY: Hydroponics ** LAEMSTROM: Electroculture ** LARVARON: Telluric Radiation ** LEE: Ion-A-Gro ** LEWIS: Diesel Exhaust Fertilizer ** LINACRE: Airdrop Irrigation ** LINDEN: Biochar Composting Toilet ** MagnaCulture ** McGUIRE: Acoustic Insect Repellant ** MEEUWS: LED / Vertical Farming ** MORI: Hydrogel Farming * Moringa * MURRAY: Seawater Farming ** NELSON: Hemp Husbandry ** NOLTE: Rainmakerh2o Water Treatment ** OLESEN: Liquid NanoClay ** PARKER / VALENTINE-COLE: Cannabis Composter ** PARRY: ElectroCulture ** PASHLEY: Bubble Desalination ** Pine Pollen ** Plant Breeding ** Plant Milk ** Poultry ** QINETIQ: Dew Collector ** Radiesthesia Patents ** RAO: Automatic Irrigation Siphon ** ROY: Fertilizer ** SAMANI: Liquid Organic Fertilizer ** SCHAUBERGER: Patents ** SCHWARTZ: Spray-On Glass ** Seed-Saving ** Spirulina Algae Production ** SPITERI-SARGENT: Pump ** STAMETS: Mycology **  TAMURA: Water Activator ** TONKIN: Salt Water Irrigation ** Tourmaline Electrogeneration ** TURNEY: Microwave Biochar ** WADLE: Tree Electricity ** WALLACE: Fumaric Acid vs Methanogenesis ** Water Management ** WHISSON: Air Well ** YEOMANS: Keyline Farming ** ZIEGLER : SeaCrop ** Air Well Patents (#1) ** Air Wells Patents (#2) ** Electro-Culture #1 ( PDF ) ** Electro-Culture #2 ** Electro-Culture #3 **

ElectroCulture:  CHAPIN: Interstellar Light Collector ** BILLINGTON: Sonic Agriculture ** BINJIANG: ElectroCulture ** BOEHM: DNA Resonant Frequencies ** CHRISTOFLEAU: ElectroCulture ** CORSON & ZADEREJ: Electrogenics ** DARRAGH: Vi-Aqua ** DeLAND: Frost Guard ** DUDGEON: Electroculture ** EBNER: Primeval Code ** Electrolyzed Water ** RF Heating vs Pests ** GUASCO: Theta Amplifier ** GUILLEMETTE: Perpetual ES Battery ** GUASCO: Theta Amplifier ** STERNHEIMER: Plant Protein Music ** ElectroCulture ** ElectroCulture Patents ** ElectroCulture Patents #2 ** ElectroCulture Patents #3 ** Electroculture Patents #4 ** FANTUZZI: Energy Accumulator ** JOHNSON ( J. ): Dipole Resonance Mutation ** LAEMSTROM: Electroculture ** LEE: Ion-A-Gro ** LEVENGOOD: Electroculture ** MagnaCulture ** PARRY: ElectroCulture ** Radiesthesia Patents ** Tourmaline Electrogeneration ** WADLE: Tree Electricity ** WHEATON: Electrical Seed Germination ** Electro-Culture #1 ( PDF ) ** Electro-Culture #2 ** Electro-Culture #3 **

Airplanes: Airplane Inventions (#1) ** Airplanes (#2) ** Airplanes (#3) ** Autogyro / Gyroplane Patents ** BESLER: Steam-Powered Airplane ** BROCK: WindTamer Turbine ** BRODIE: Portable Airport ** BULL: Inertial Levitation ** CAMINEZ: Engine ** CARR: Coanda Effect Airplane ** COANDA: Coanda Effect ** COANDA: AeroTubExpress ** CONTORET: Personal Propulsion System ** CORNELIUS: Stabilator ** CUSTER: Channel-Wing ** Cyclogyro Aircraft ** DeLOUISE: 'DaVinci Vision' Airplane **  DeRouge: Stabilizer ** DeSEVERSKY: Ionocraft ** DOMENJOZ: Parachute Airplane ** FLETTNER: Magnus Effect Wind Propulsion ** GARBER: Acrobatic Kite ** HALL: Prop Cowling ** HILL: Fishtail Propeller ** HOLMES: Gyradoscope & Prop ** IRVING / Di CESARE: Offset Propeller ** KIM: Electroactive Paper ** KIRSTEN: Prolate Cycloidal Propeller ** KLINE / FOGLEMAN: Wing ** LANG: Wing Denticles ** LANIER: Vacu-Plane ** LANIER: ParaPlane ** LICIAR: Cyclonoidal Propulsion ** LIPPISCH: Aerodyne ** LIPPS: Elliptical Prop ** LOCKERBY: Waggle-Wings ** McGINNIS: Synergy Aircraft ** MELOT: Steam-Oil Jet ** MUELLER: Rotary Arch Kite ** One-Blade Props ** Ornithopter Patents ** PAPIN-ROUILLY: Gyropter ** PEEBLES: Fanwing * PLATZ: Glider ** SCHMIDT: Undulatory Propulsion ** SCHWAIGER: D-Dalus Aircraft ** SCHWENTEIT: Disc Aircraft ** SEBASTIAN/STREM: Toroidal Prop ** STARCK: Knoller-Betz Effect Airplane ** STONE: T-Wing ** VOLF: Propeller ** WARREN: BoxChute ** Wingless Aerodynes ** YANG: Metal Microlattice *

» AHO, Arthur: Tomorrow's Energy ... Need Not Be Fuel -- An out-of-print classic: Aho's theories about Space, Life, Energy, &c.

» AHO, Richard: Steam Generator ~ Hydrogen bond explosions by Mechanical Impact Steam (MIST) system produces superheated steam @ over-unity efficiency. ( See also: SCHAEFFER )

» AINSLIE, Rosemary: Counter-ElectroMotive Force ~ Claims to be an Over-Unity circuit, COP 16+ ( but recent tests cannot replicate the results ).

» Airplane Inventions ~ Excellent old aero tech inventions that got lost: Cornelius free-winged plane, Perry nose vanes, Thompson Magnus-Effect wing, de Rouge stabilizer, Fox air-cushion wing, Flettner Magnus-Effect prop, Irving dihedral prop, Doehler wing tips, Laurent wing tips3, Randle wing.

» Air Well Patents (#1) ~ Dozens of US & foreign patents for methods to collect atmospheric humidity.

» Air Well Patents (#2) ~ Dozens more patents: collection of atmospheric humidity.

» Airwells ( Adsorption ) ~ Patents & reviews of high-efficiency CaCl2 dessicant systems to recover atmospheric humidity.

» AKIMOV, Anatoly: Torsion Field Generators ~ Rejuvenation, stress reduction, plant growth stimulation, & metal modification.

» ALCANTAR, Norma: Cactus Gum Water Purification ~ Simple green tech produces clean water.

» ALEXANDER, Robert: Motor-Generator ~ A neo-legendary self-sustaining system.

» ALLAEI, Daroush: Invelox Wind Power ~ 200% Greater Power Output, 50% Shorter Tower, 8X Smaller Footprint 5X Lower Cut-in Speed ( 2 mph ).

» ALLEN, Thomas: Hydrautomat ~ Marvelous improvement on the hydraulic ram principle, lost since 1925 ; here it is again, with replication & improvements by Michael Sipos.

» Alum-Lead Battery Restoration ~ Simple, cheap desulphonation method saves old batteries.

» AMARASINGHAM, Bobby : Hydraulic Motor -- Over-Unity generators, patented, prototyped, dormant ( Inventor died 2021 )

» AMMANN, C.E.: Activator Transformer ~ Collected articles, photo, details ( no patent ).

» ANDERSON, Eugene: Hyfuel Catalyst ~ Production of H & O by dissociation of water with a "catalytic" alloy. Probably not "catalytic" -- it gets consumed. See also: FREEDMAN.

» ANDERSON, Henry: Water-Fuel System ~ 70 KV ionolysis of water produced 35 mpg.

» ANDERSON, Cedar & Stuart : Beehive ~ The Flow Hive is a major improvement in apiary tech; articles & patent.

» ANGELO, Antonio d': Interatomic Ion Motor ~ Patented by a Jesuit priest; demonstrated to generate many times more power than input (1928).

Antennas: BRITTEN: Antenna ** Atmospheric / RF Electricity Collectors ** BROWN, TT: Journals & Notes - Addendae ** CORNWELL: Microwave Phenomena ** Crystal Radio Circuits ** CUMMER: Metamaterial Power Harvester ** Elemental Rod Generator / EM Energy Receiver ** FANTUZZI: Energy Accumulator ** GIBBS: HyperDimensional Resonator ** GRANDICS: Pyramid Electrostatic-DC Generator ** GUILLOT: Atmospheric Electric Generator ** HART: EH Antenna ** HATELY / KABBARI: X-Field Antenna ** MAICHE: Wireless Telluric Radio ** MATCHETT: Earth Motor ** MINTO: Hydronic Transmitter ** LARVARON: Telluric Radiation ** MOHORN: Aquapol Dehumidifier ** NIEPER: Shielding-G ** OGNYANOV: Electric Power Pack ** ORLANDO: Atmospheric Electrical Generator ** PLAUSON: Converting Atmospheric Electricity ** PLAUSON: Converting Atmospheric Electricity ( II ) ** POMERLEAU: Free Energy Coils ** Radiesthesia Patents ** ROGERS: Antenna ** ROTA: Universal Current Detectors ** SPRINK: Space Activator ** SQUIER: Antenna ** STOCKMAN: RF / Microwave Motors ** SUTERA: Spray-On Antenna ** TAMBURINI: Radio Vorticity * TATE: Ambient Power Module ** TRAWOEGER: Pyramid Electric Generator ** VAIDEANU: UV-RF Ray ** VINCENT: Distributed Load Antenna ** WALTON: Radar

Gravity /Anti-Gravity / Astronautics / Levitation : AQUINO: Quantum-G Spacecraft ** BROWN (T.T.): Gravitator ** BROWN (T.T.): Notebooks (Vol. 1) ** (Vol. 2) ** (Vol. 4) ** BROWN, TT: Journals & Notes - Addendae ** BULL: Inertial Propulsion ** BRUSH: Kinetic G ** CARR: Utron ** COOK: Inertial Propulsion ** DEAN: Inertial Drive ** DESEVERSKY: Ionocraft ** DOTTO: Diamagnetic Levitation ** Electrogravitics ** FARROW: Gravity Reduction ** FETTA: Microwave Space Drive ** FISCHBACH: Hypercharge ** Force Field Propulsion ** GREBENNIKOV: Insect Anti-G (#1) ** GREBENNIKOV: Insect Anti-G (#2) ** HIDDINK: 1-Terminal Capacitor ** HOLLINGSHEAD: Gravitational Lense ** HOOPER: Motional E-Field ** HUTCHISON: Hutchison Effect ** KIDD: Gyroscopic Propulsion ** KITA: Chiralex G-Shield ** KOWSKY / FROST: Gravity Nullification ** LAITHWAITE: Gyroscopic Levitation ** MILKOVIC: Two-Stage Mechanical Oscillator ** NELSON: Levity's Labor Lost ** NIPHER: Electro-G ** PAGES: Antigravity ** PARR: Pyramid Energy ** PERL: Gravitics ** PIGGOTT: Electro-Gravitation ** RAVATIN: Activators ** ROSCHIN / GODIN: Searl Effect ** ROSCHIN / GODIN: Prototype SE Generator ** ROSCHIN & GODIN: Searl Effect Generator ( #3 ) ** ROTA: Levitation Apparatus ** ST. CLAIR: USP Applications ** SARGOYTCHEV: Antigravity ** SEARL: Searl Effect ** SEIKE: G-Strain Amplifier / Monopolar Moebius Coil ** SHAWYER: Microwave Space Drive ** SHIPOV: 4-D Gyroscope Propulsion ** SMITH: Anti-G ** SMITH: G-Control ** Space Drives ** SPEARS: Capacitance Gravity ** THORNSON: Inertial Engine ** TOMION: Electrodynamic Field Generator ** VIALLE: Negative Mass ** WALLACE: Kinemassic Force ** WHITTAKER: Scalar Potentials **

Appropriate Technologies: Agriculture Articles ** Air Wells ** Air Well Patents (#1) ** Air Wells Patents (#2) ** Alum-Lead Battery Desulphonation ** Atmospheric & RF Electricity Collectors ** ALLAEI: Invelox Wind Power ** ALLEN: Hydrautomat ** ANDERSON: Beehive ** AUGUSTIN: Watercone ** AVEDON: Thermal Equalizer ** Bamboo Cable ** Basalt Fiber Manufacture Patents ** ElectroCulture ** BALL: Powered Rope Ascender ** BERL: Protoproduct ** BERNITSAS: VIVACE ** BOSCH: Acoustic Washing Machine ** BRITS / CHRISTIE: Magnetic Heater ** Candle Space Heater ** CARTER / JACOBSEN: Low Temperature Carbonization (LTC) ** CHRISTOFLEAU: ElectroCulture ** CIRCEO: Plasma Waste Incinerator ** CRAWFORD: Concrete Canvas ** Crossbows ** CUMMINS: Solar Refridgerator ** CUPPETILLI: Heating System ** DAVIDOVITS: Geopolymers ** Desalination Patents ** Dew Pond Construction ** EBNER: Primeval Code ** Earth Battery Patents ** ECCLES: H-K-Carbonate Generator ** Electro-Culture #1 ** Electro-Culture #2 ** Electro-Culture #3 ** ElectroCulture Patents #2 ** Electrolyzed Water ** ELLSWORTH: AirWell ** EnWave: Dehydration System ** ERICKSON: ISAAC Ice Maker ** FELTENBERGER: Pendulum Pump ** FLETTNER: Magnus Effect Wind Propulsion ** Fog Collectors ** FORD: Ambient Air Clothes Dryer ** FRANKLIN: Mechanical Cow ** FRAYNE: "Windbelt" Generator *FREEMAN/FRY: Suppressed & Incredible Inventions ** GARCIA: Rootman Insulation ** GENTRY: LTC-Coal ** GILMARTIN: Mini-Water Wheel ** GREEN: Wind Turbine ** GUILLEMETTE: Perpetual ES Battery ** GUILLOT: Atmospheric Electric Generator ** HAGEMAN: Thermal Hydraulic Engine ** HARTSHORNE: Household Cyclopedia ** HAUSER: Alsi-Paper ** Hemp Husbandry ** HILL: Fishtail Propeller ** Hippo Roller ** HOFF: WaterBoxx ** HORIO: Biomass Charcoal Heater ** HUTCHISON: Power Cell ** Intermittent Absorption Refrigeration ** ITO: Plastic-to-Oil Conversion ** JACQUES: Coal Battery ** JOHNSON: PooGloos ** JOHNSON: Air Purification ** KAMEN: Power Generation / Water Purification System ** KARNIK: Water Filter ** KARPEN: Thermoelectric Battery ** KARRICK: LTC-Coal ** KARRICK: LTC Patents ** KARRICK: LTC-Coal (# 3) ** KAYSER: OTRAG Rocket ** KEENER: Cold Plasma Food Preservation ** KEITH: Terrastar Soil Conditioner ** KERTZ: Vertigro ** KETCHUM: LTC ** KINLEY: Solar Furnace ** KLAPHAKE: Air Wells ** KOLLARS: Mosquito Trap ** LARSEN / STUTZ: LTC ** LaVOIE: Burner Booster ** LEIGHTON/BIRKIN: Ultrasonic Nozzle ** LIGHTFOOT: Solar Heater ** LINDEN: Biochar Composting Toilet ** LINSON-SMITH: Water Flow Control System ** MagnaCulture ** MAIER-LAXHUBER: Zeolite Adsorption Heating/Cooling ** MAISOTSENKO: Indirect Evaporative Cooling ** MEYERS: Absorber ** MILKOVIC: Two-Stage Mechanical Oscillator ** MILLER: Celtic Cross Sextant ** MOHORN: Aquapol Dehumidifier ** MONZERT: Practical Distiller ** MURRAY: Seawater Farming ** NA: Coal Additive ** Ocean Wave / Current / Thermal Energy Conversion Patents ** OLIVER: AC Solar Generator ** PARENT: Air Well ** PARKER & VALENTINE-COLE: Cannabis Composter ** PRINGLE: HF Attenuating Wave Kinetics ** RAMAN: Radiative Cooling Generator ** RAO: Automatic Irrigation Siphon ** RHINEFRANK: SeaRay WavePower ** ROY: Fertilizer ** SAMANI: Liquid Organic Fertilizer ** SCHAUBERGER: Photos & Family Patents ** SEO: Graphene Synthesis ** SHUKLA: Fenugreek Food Preservation ** SINGH: AirTap Water Heater ** Solar Concentrators ** SLAT: Pacific Plastic Patch Cleanup ** Solar Ponds ** Spirulina Algae Production ** STAMETS: Mycology ** STEINKE: Wind Sail Receptor ** SUAREZ: Turbostove ** Sundials ** THEILOW: Air Well ** TONKIN: Salt Water Irrigation ** TRESHALOV: Damless Hydroelectric Station ** TURNEY: Microwave Biochar ** VESPERMAN: Gallery of Clean Energy Inventions ** VITTORI: WarkaWater Airwell ** WADLE: Tree Electricity ** WADSTROM: Solvatten Water Purifier ** WAGH: Grancrete (Ceramicrete) ** WALLACE: Fumaric Acid vs Methanogenesis ** Water ManagementWater Purification Electro-Coagulation Patents * WHETSTONE: Tadpole ** WHISSON: Air Well ** WILKINSON: High-Frequency Transformations ** WILKS: Power Wagon ** WOOD: Matrix Solar Dish ** ZADGAONKAR: Plastic-to-Fuel ** ZHOU: Desalination Heliostat **

Automobiles: . InFolios ( PDF ): Autos # 1 -- Miscellaneous ** Autos # 2 -- Wheels ** Autos # 3a ** # 3b ( High-MPG ) ** Autos # 4 -- Air Cars ** Autos # 7 -- Miscellaneous ** ANDERSON: Water-Fuel System ** ADAMS: Suspension ** AYCO: Aerogs Power Injector ** AXFORD: Electromagnetic Piston Motor ** BABINGTON: Nebulizer ** BACHMAIER / GOTTLEIB: Piezo Direct Fuel Injection ** BADASH: Z5 ** BADUA: Recycled Oil Auto Fuel ** BANEASA: Super-Aspirating Air Filter ** BARTHOLOMEW: Engine ** BASCLE: Carburetor ** BAYLIN: Rotary Piston Engine ** BERLIN: Fuel Catalyst ** BERRIMAN: Carburetor ** BOKON: Vapor-Dyne Engine ** BOOKER: Joe Cell ** BOSMANS: Motor ** BOURKE: Engine ** BOYETTE: Air-Electric Car ** BOYLE: HHO Generator ** BRENNAN: Gyro Momorail ** BROWN: Fuel Humidifier ** BROWN: 100 MPG Carburetor Myth ** BUSHNELL: Vapor Fuel Engine ** CAGGIANO: Carburetor ** CAMINEZ: Engine ** Carburetors (Vapor ) ** CARMAN: Inertial Storage Transmission ** CHAMBRIN: Water-Alcohol Fuel Reactor ** CHEIKY: Supercritical Fluid Fuel Injection ** CHRISTENSEN / HANSEN: Electrochemical Exhaust Purifier ** CLEM: Hydraulic Engine ** COHN: Plasmatron ** COLLINS: Engine ** CONSTANTINESCO: Transmission ** CONSTANTINESCO: Transmission (II) ** CORETH: Alcohol-Vegetable Oil-Water Fuel ** CORTRIGHT: BioGasoline ** COTTELL: Ultrasonic Fuel-Water Burner ** COVEY: Vapor Carburetor ** CROZIER: Water Carburetor ** DiPIETRO: Compressed Air Rotary Engine ** DOTTO: Rotary Engine ** DUDYSHEV: Electrostatic Enhanced Combustion ** DURNIN: IV Tranny ** DYE: Dexpressor ** ELMER: Engine ** ENACHE: EM-Enhanced Combustion ** ERDEMIR: Boric Acid / Alcohol Lubricant ** FEHER: Microwave Ignition ** FISH: Carburetor ** FISHER: Yoke Arm ** GARRETT: Electrolytic Carburetor ** GENEPAX / SUEMATSU: Water Energy System ** GILLIGAN: Fuelsavers ** GLOBUS: Water-Gasoline Emulsion ** GODWARD: Fuel Vaporizer ** GOGINS: Infinity Transmission ** GRAY: EMS Motor ** GREENWOOD: Torotrak IV Transmission ** GRIGORYANTS: Diesel Rotary Engine ** GUIGE / DAVIDSON: AirTab Vortex Generator ** GUNNERMAN: Water-Fuel Emulsion ** HAGEMAN: Thermal Hydraulic Engine ** HANSEN: Alcohol/Water Vapor Fuel ** HARPER: Rotary Engine ** HATTON: Gadgetman Groove ** HEELEY: Passive Turbo Fuel Saver ** HHO / Waterfuel Canadian Patents ** HOLLIS: MileageMatrix Thermostat ** HOLTZAPPLE: StarRotor Engine ** HOWELL-SMITH BRADELY: Revetec Cam-Drive Engine ** HOLUBOWICZ: Gun Engine ** HULL: Hull Effect ** Hyfuel-Assist Autos ** JACKSON: Vaporous Gas Aspiration System ** JAGTOYEN: Auto Exhaust Water Recovery System ** JENKINS: Water-Fuel Emulsion ** Joe Cell ** JOHNSON: Oil-Water Nanocluster ** KASMER: Hydristor ** KELLER: KROV Steam Engine ** KEPLINGER &  EGGER: Maya Motor ** KIM: Perovskite-Strontium Catalyst ** KLEIN: Aquafuel Car ** KUKLER: Diesel Injector ** KURKO: Fuel Additive ** LaFORCE: Vapor Fuel System ** LAGIEWKA: Impact Absorber ** LAME: Hemisphere Drive ** LAPAN: Vapor Carburetor ** LAURENT: Irolene Fuel ** LAUWERS: SmeshGear Transmission ** LEE: Emulsified Wastewater-Heavy Oil Fuel ** LEE: Pre-Ignition Catalytic Converter ** LINDAHL: Webster-Heise Valve ** LINDSEY: Compressor ** LO / GANN: Cluster Water ** McCLINTOCK: Air Engine ** MACGUIRE: Air-Fuel Ratio Control ** MAGLAQUE: Rotary Piston Generator ** MAKHONINE: Fuel Reformer ** MEIERBACHTOL: Fuel Atomizer ** MENZELL: Fuel Saver Devices ** MEYER: Water Fuel Cell Memos ** MEYERS: Compressed Air Car ** MOODY: Back Pressure Turbocharger ** MORGADO: Engine ** MUNSON: Water Fuel ** MURAKAMI: Plasma Jet Ignition ** NAKAMATS: Enerex H-O Generator ** NEGRE: Compressed Air Car ** OBERGFAELL: Engine Water Injection ** OGLE: Fuel System ** OVERINGTON: Catalytic Ignition ** PANTONE: GEET Fuel Plasma ** PAPP: Engine ** PATTERSON: Ram-Implosion Wing ** PERRY: Cyanuric Acid ** PLICHTA: Silane Fuel ** POGUE: Carburetor ** PRITCHARD: Steam Car ** RAMPEN: Digital Hydraulic Pump ** RANDALL: Oil from Recycled Tires ** ROBINSON: EER Engine ** ROSOCHA: Plasma-Assisted Combustion ** RICHARDSON: AquaFuel ** ROBAR: Freon Engine ** ROBINSON: Platinum Gas Saver ** ROHN: IC Engine ** ROWLEY: Vapor Carburetor ** RUSETEL: Water Engine ** SANDERSON: Piston Mechanism ** SANGIOVANI: Auto Exhaust Filter ** SANTILLI: MagneGas ** SARICH: Direct Fuel Injector ** SCHOELL: "Cyclone" Heat Regenerative Engine ** SCRAGG: Pulsed Detonation Cycle Engine ** SELLNAU: Gasoline-Direct-Injection Compression Ignition ** SHELTON: Vapor Fuel System ** SHIKHIRIN: Tore Propulsion ** SHMUELI: Aquastroke Engine ** SINGH: Squish-Zone Grooves (IC Engine) ** STANLEY: Stanley Steamer ** STAVER: Transmission ** ST. HILAIRE: Quasiturbine ** STREY: Microemulsion Fuel ** TAO: Electric Fuel Treatment ** TESLA: Disc Turbine ** TEVES: Water Fuel Conversion System ** THOMPSON: U-Joint ** TOUR: Double Piston Cycle Engine ** TOWNSEND: Synfuel ** TRUCCO: Multifuel Engine ** Unicycles ** VAUX: Bourke Engine ** Vapor Carburetor Patents ** VLACHOS: Thermohydraulic Motor ** VLACHOS: ThermoHydraulic Motor ( II ) ** WEBSTER / HEISE: Valve ** WESTON: Air / Vapor Fuel System ** WILKS: Power Wagon ** WILL: Vortex Exhaust Muffler ** YOGEV: H-Generator ** YUNICK: Adiabatic Engine ** YURTH: CO2 Dissociation System ** ZINN: Combustor ..

» ANZA, Satoshi : Nanobubble Generators ~ Low-cost porous graphite-based nozzles enable numerous phenomenal applications; articles & patents.

» AOUINI: Saphonian Turbine ~ Claimed to exceed Betz' Limit for wind power.

» AQUINO, Fran De: Quantum-G Spacecraft ~ Theory & experiments, replications by JL Naudin, et al ...

» Aragonite Patents ~ Several dozen patent abstracts for preparation and applications of aragonite (fractal Ca-carbonate).

» ARATA, Yoshiaki & ZHANG, Yue: Cold Fusion ~ Zi-Oxide + nano-Pd + De produces He + heat.

» ARKANI-HAMED, Nima & Jaroslav TRNKA, Jaroslav: Amplituhedron ~ An elegant breakthrough in quantum geomath, explaining everything, plus everything else -- describes a way to solve maximally supersymmetric Yin-Yang-Mills theory in 4 googool dimensions.

» ARLINSKI, George: Chronocraft ~ A po'buckra Time Machine !

» AUGUSTIN, Stephan: Watercone ~ Ingenious simple apparatus for distillation of water from wet soil.

» AUL, Albert: Electro-Gravitational Desalination ~ A simple battery-like desalination system that also produces DC power ( but it suffers from bio-fouling ). Construction plans for 1 gal / day and 100 gpd.

» Autogyro / Gyroplane Patents -- A comprehensive list culeld from

» AVEDON, Raymond: Thermal Equalizer ~ Destratifies warm/cold air in rooms, saves 20% of costs.

» AVILA, Carlos: Thermoelectric Battery ~ Compact, relatively low-tech thermo-chemi-mechanical power supply.

» AVRAMENKO, Stanislav: Single Wire Electrical Transmission ~ Quasi-superconductive system uses resonant reactive capacitive current.

» AXFORD, Michael: Electromagnetic Piston Motor ~ This repel-only design proclaims to be a better emover.

» AYCO, Victorio: Aerogas Power Injector ~ Maximizes fuel burn, no detonation, emissions, increases mpg.


BBB --- ** BAATI: Fullerene / Olive Oil & Longevity ** BABINGTON: Nebulizer ** BABCOCK: Toroidal Motor ** BACHMAIER / GOTTLEIB: Piezo Direct Fuel Injection ** BADASH: Z5 ** BADUA: Recycled Oil Auto Fuel ** BADYLAK: Organ Regeneration ** BAHAR: ElectroChemical Compression ** BAILEY: Vegetable Gardening ** Baking Soda vs Cancer  ( (II ) ** Baking Soda / Molasses vs Cancer ** BALASINGHAM: Agrizest ** BALDINELLI: Dual Relay Charger ** BALL: Powered Rope Ascender ** Bamboo Cable ** BANEASA: Super-Aspirating Air Filter ** BANIEL & AYAN: HCl-Conversion of Cellulose to Sugar ** BARANOV: Structured Water Fuel ** BARBAT: Self-Sustaining Electrical Generator ** BARBOSA: Earth Energy Generator ** BARROWS: Perpetual Motion J. ** BARTHOLOMEW: Engine ** Basalt Fiber Manufacture Patents ** BASCLE: Carburetor ** BAUGH: Rejuvenation ** BAUMANN: Testatika Generator ** BAYLIN: Rotary Piston Engine ** BAZANT: Electroshock Desalination ** BEARDEN / PATRICK: Motionless Electric Generator **  » BEARDEN: Energy from the Vacuum **  BECHAMP: Microzymes ** BECKER: Anti-Aging Machine ** BECKETT: Mg-Carbonate Water ** BEDINI: Scalar Generator ** BEDINI: Motor-Generator * BEDINI: Battery Charger * BELFOR: Homeoblock ** BELJANSKI: Flavopereirine vs AIDS ** BELLOCQ: Pump ** BELMONTE: Epigenic Rejuvenation ** BELOSEVIC: Ozone vs Prions ** BENEDICT: Phototherapy ** BENENATI: Mummification ** BENITEZ: Electrical Generator ** BENNETT: Rejuvenation ** BENVENISTE: Homeopathy & Digital Biology ** BERL: Protoproduct ** BERNITSAS: VIVACE ** BERRIMAN: Carburetor ** BESLER: Steam-Powered Airplane **  BILLINGTON: Sonic Agriculture ** BINJIANG: ElectroCulture ** Bioenergetic Patents ( II ) ** Bionic Wing Patents ** Biophoton Patents ** BioGeometry & Bioenergy Balancing Patents ** Biophoton Research Papers ** BLASS: Homozone ** BLAU: Rapid Telomere Extension ** BLEECHER: NeverWet ** BLONDLOT: N-Rays ** Bloodroot ** BODNER: Artificial Gills ** BOEHM: DNA Resonant Frequencies ** BOISMENU: Artificial Diamonds ** BOKON: Vapor-Dyne Engine ** BOLOTOV: Transmutation Production of Silicon ** BOOKER: Joe Cell ** BOSE: Response in the Living & Non-Living ** BOSMANS: Motor ** BOSTICK: Plasmoids ** BOURKE: Engine ** BOUSQUET: Hydrofoil ** BOUTARD: Aether Technologies ** BOUTARD: Biodynamic Retting ** BOVIS: Biometer ** BOYETTE: Air-Electric Car ** BOYLE: HHO Generator ** BRADY: Coconut Oil Dentistry ** BRANDT: Permanent Magnet Motor ** BRASHER: Pneumatic Breakwater ** BREAUX: Electrostatic Generator ** BRENNAN: Gyro Monorail ** BRITS / CHRISTIE: Magnetic Heater ** BRITTEN: Antenna ** BROCK: WindTamer Turbine ** BRODIE: Portable Airport ** BROOKS: Spectral Chemistry ** BROWN: Fuel Humidifier ** BROWN (Paul): NuCell ** BROWN (T.T.): Gravitator ** BROWN (T.T.): Scientific Notebooks (Vol. 1) ~ (Vol. 2) ~ (Vol. 4) ** BROWN (T.T.): Journals & Notes - Addendae ** BROWN: Hyfuel ** BROWN: Nuke Waste Remediation ** BRUNO: Photovoltaic-Thermal System ** BRUSH: Kinetic G ** BRUSHKOV: Bacillus cereus sp. F Longevity ** BULL: Inertial Propulsion ** BURKINSHAW: Waterless Cleaning System ** Budesonide vs Covid ** BURZYNSKI: Antineoplaston Therapy ** BUSHMAN: Magnetic Beam Apparatus ** BUSHNELL: Vapor Fuel Engine ** BUSSARD: Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion **

» BABCOCK, Paul: Toroidal Motor ~ External Field Interaction Motor bypasses Lenz' Law ... patented, prototyped & demonstrated.

» BABINGTON, Robert: Nebulizer ~ Reduces fuel consumption by 15%, eliminates soot, smoke, and clogging...

» BACHMAIER, Georg / GOTTLEIB, Bernhard: Piezo Direct Fuel Injection ~ Enables stratified charge, improves performance, reduces emissions 20%.

» BADASH, Zion: Z5 Fuel Ionizer ~ Cu-Ag mesh zionizer in engine air intake reduces pollutants 10-60%.

» BADUA, Teodorica: Recycled Oil Auto Fuel ~ Vaporized used oil works as auto fuel.

» BAHAR, Bamdar: ElectroChemical Compression ~ New refrigeration system requires no CFCs, no motor, is 2-3x more efficient than other methods

» BAILEY, L.: The Principles of Vegetable Gardening ~ A very thorough classic guide to home food production ( 1901 )

» BALASINGHAM, Nathan: Agrizest ~ All-natural additive increases growth 15%, yields 5x, improves color, flavor, reduces environmental stress & pest/disease damage 80%.

» BALDINELLI, Fred: Dual Relay Charger ~ Another free energy device that got lost after being demonstrated.

» BALL, Nathan: Powered Rope Ascender ~ Spelunkers, rescuers: Lift 100s of lbs @ 10 ft/sec.

» Bamboo Cable ~ Up to 28000 psi strength ( hemp : ~ 8000 psi ), strength increases 20% when wet; article & patents.

» BANEASA, Corneliu: Super-Aspirating Air Filter ~ 20% reduction in fuel consumption, 10% increased power.

» BANIEL, Eran & AYAN, Aharon: HCl-Conversion of Cellulose to Sugar ~ A major improvement of the Bergius process: complete recovery of HCl, & low-cost production of ethanol.

» BARANOV, Alexander: Structured Water Fuel ~ Tesla coil cold fusion transmutation converts O to C & D with alleged 50x energy gain.

» BARBAT, William: Self-Sustaining Electrical Generator ~ Apparently replicates the Hubbard Generator.

» BARBOSA, Nilson: Earth Energy Generator ~ Collects geomagnetism, converts to AC/DC, & transmits; 4 patents.

» BARKER, Horace : Nozzle ~ Fins inside nozzle straighten waterflow, increase squirt.

» BARRETT, Steven : Ionoplane ~ The 21st century winged version of DeSeversky's Ionocraft; articles & patents.

» BARROWS, Irvin: Perpetual Motion Journal ~ PDF scans of the classic PMJ ( 6 issues, 1967 - 1971 ).

» BARTHOLOMEW, Gilbert: Engine ~ Burns its own carbon monoxide, with increased power & lower fuel consumption.

» Basalt Fiber Manufacture Patents ~ A list culled from the European Patent Office.

» BASCLE, Joseph: Carburetor ~ 1950s design increased mpg 25%, decreased pollution 45%.

» BAUMANN, Paul: Testatika Generator ~ Proven Free-Energy Generator that converts static electricity to DC, up to 30 KW. See also: ES Motors/Generators & Plauson

» BAYLIN, Samuel: Rotary Piston Engine ~ Only 3 moving parts: compact, lightweight, high compression & efficiency; article (1947 ) & 2 patents.

» BAZANT, Martin, et al.: Electroshock Desalination ~ Membraneless system separates saline from fresh water & disinfects.

» BEARDEN, Tom : Collected Books & Papers

» BEDINI, John: Variable Reluctance Motor/Generator ~ Patents, articles, & photos of a proclaimed Free Energy Generator.

» BEDINI, John: Scalar Beam Generator ~ Improves recording playback quality, & the taste of food & drink. Article & patent.

» BEDINI, John: Battery Charger ~ Scalar Wave circuit recharges dead batteries that conventional systems can't; articles & patent application.

» BEDINI, John: Bedini SG [ 'School Girl' Generator -- The Complete Beginner's Handbook

» BEDINI, J.: Bedini SG -- The Complete Intermediate Handbook -- Understanding Circuit Optimization and Capacitor Discharge 

» BEDINI, J.: Bedini SG -- The Complete Advanced Handbook -- Optimizing Mechanical Recovery with a 'Low-Drag' Generator (by Peter Lindemann & Aaron Murakami)

» BELLOCQ, Toribio: Wave Pump ~ Defies Toricelli's Law: pressure waves lift water over 30 feet. Very efficient, low power. Plus: acoustic wave pumps invented by Bentley & Bodine.

» BENDALL, Malcolm : Plasmoid Generator ~ Vortex + electrics ==> transmutation, &c; collected papers, notes, construction instructions.

» BENITEZ, Carlos: Electrical Generator ~ Alleged over-unity system, circa 1915; articles, 4 patents.

» BERL, Ernst: Protoproduct ~ Simple process converts vegetable waste (lignin-carbohydrates) directly to synthetic bitumen.

» BERLIN, Alvin, et al.: Fuel Catalyst ~ In-line alloy cracks fuel, liberates hydrogen: improves combustion, reduces pollutants ~ 50%, & increases power.

» BERNITSAS, Michael: VIVACE ~ "Vortex-Induced Vibrations for Aquatic Clean Energy"; harvests energy from slow-moving water.

» BERRIMAN, Lester: Carburetor ~ The 1970s "Dresserator" carb ran 22:1, gained ~ 20% mpg.

» BESLER, George & William: Steam-Powered Airplane ~ Silent, w/ reversible prop braking.

» BILLINGTON, Webster: Sonic Agriculture ~ Subsurface antenna broadcast of audio frequencies increases plant growth.

» BINJIANG, Liu, et al.: ElectroCulture & ElectroHusbandry ~ Increase yields, reduce pesticides, protect vs swine flu, &c; articles & 5 patents.

» Bionic Wing Patents ~ List of 500 from the European Patent Office

» BLEECHER, Douglas: NeverWet ~ Novel superhydrophobic spray ( nano-silica / substrate ) completely repels water -- many possibilities.

» BLOMGREN, Oscar: ElectroStatic Cooling ~ ESC is a fourth way of transferring heat (besides conduction, convection & radiation). Extremely simple and efficient.

» BLONDLOT, Rene: N-Rays ~ An alleged new radiation, discovered in 1903 & "discredited" in 1906 by utterly unscientific techniques; this needs to be retested with modern equipment. See also: DOBLER

» Boats & Ships ~ Unusual designs for watercraft.

» Boats ( Wave-Powered ) ~ 8 Patents, &c...

» BODNER, Alan-I.: Artificial Gills ~ Extracts dissolved oxygen from water.

» BOISMENU, Eugene: Artificial Diamonds ~ Gem-quality diamonds by electrolysis of CaC.

» BOKON, William: Vapor-Dyne Engine ~ Only 17 moving parts, burns alcohol 70:30 H2O, 50+ mpg, no radiator, direct-connects to wheels.

» BOLOTOV, Boris: Transmutation Production of Silicon ~ Cold Fusion with zirconium, Si from Al + P, suppression of radiation, & remediation of nuke-contaminated soil.

» BOOKER, Joe: Joe Cell ~ Orgone Accumulator-electrolyzer that can power IC engines w/o fuel.

» Books -- A collection of classic alt-sci-tech books

» BOSCH, Robert: Acoustic Washing Machine ~ Honk your laundry clean in 5 minutes.

» BOSE, Jagadis: Response in the Living & Non-Living ~ Classic study of plant & metal responses to stimuli

» BOSMANS, John: Motor ~ No connecting rods, crank case; 20%+ mpg, simple design.

» BOSTICK, Winston: Plasmoids ~ Collected papers.

» BOURGOIN, Ronald: Ambient Temperature Superconductor ~ Bismuth wire superconducts @ room-T !

» BOURKE, Russell: Engine ~ Improved 2-cycle engine, 2 moving parts, no oil-fuel mixture.

» BOUSQUET, Gabriel, et al.: Wind-powered hydrofoil -- articles, patent.

» BOUTARD, Louis: Biodynamic Retting ~ Proteus ferments to activate retting ( e.g., hemp )...

» BOUTARD, Louis: Aether Technologies ~ Perpetual generator, production of organic life, &c.

» BOYETTE, William: Air-Electric Car ~ 24-ton locomotive operated @ 1 cent / mile ( in 1934 )

» BOYLE, Arnold: HHO Generator ~ Produces 25-33 liters HHO / minute from seawater ; doubles ( or more ) the fuel economy of most automobiles; commercially available.

» BRANDT, Ron: Permanent Magnet Motor ~ Proven powerful design ( 1980s ) -- construction details, articles, photos, videos &c

» BRASHER, Philip: Pneumatic Breakwater ~ Bubbles create zones of calm water, protects ships, ports; articles & several patents.

» BREAUX, Onezine: Electrostatic Generator Tesla-based design patented by T's friend Breaux; alleged over-unity.

» BRENNAN, Louis: Gyro Monorail ~ Elegant, proven choochoo design, dormant since the 1920s, ready for motorcycles anytime ; articles, patents.

» BRITS, Lou & CHRISTIE, John: Magnetic Heater ~ Rotating magnets in aluminum frame, 91% efficient.

» BRITTEN, Chauncey: Atmospheric Energy Generator ~ Free energy patent & article from the 1930s.

» BROCK, Gerald: WindTamer Turbine ~ Diffuser-augmented design breaks the Betz Limit for wind power.

» BRODIE, James: Portable Airport ~ Cable-rig system: aircraft can launch/land anywhere!

» BROOKS, Juliana: Spectral Chemistry ~ Specialized applications of E & M fields, heterodyned hyperfine structure frequencies ( e.g., alpha rotation-vibration constant ), splitting frequencies, spectral signatures @ resonance, etc., affect chemical reactions and biosystems.

» BROWN, Charlie: Fuel Humidifier ~ Optimizes combustion w/ 90-95 % humidity; improves all aspects of engine performance.

» BROWN, Michael: The 100 MPG Carburetor Myth ~ Excerpt, Chap. 3 from The Fish Carburetor Book (1982).

» BROWN, Paul: Resonant Nuclear Battery ~ The Nucell uses the Beta Voltaic Effect to produce useful electrical power from radioisotope decay without a chemical or thermal cycle or nuclear reaction. There are no byproducts. Nukey poo thus becomes a valuable fuel.

» BROWN, Thomas T.: Electro-Kinetic Devices ~ Office of Naval Research report (1952): tests of flying saucers, gravitic communication system, and electrometer.

» BROWN, T.T.: Gravitator ~ British Patent #300,311 and "How I Control Gravitation". See also: NIPHER.

» BROWN, T.T.: Gravitic Isotopes ~ Two methods to produce gravitationally-anomalous isotopes and materials: centrifuging/settling in fluids of progressive specific-G, & tribo-excitation. Canadian Patent # 726,958 & invention disclosure. See also BRUSH: Kinetic Gravitation.

» BROWN, T.T.: Scientific Notebooks ( Vol. 1 ) ~ ( Vol. 2 ) ~ ( Vol. 4 ) ~ Anti-Gravity, Petro-Voltaics, and Quasi-Light research notes --- deep insight into the mind of a great scientist.

» BROWN, Thomas Townsend: Journals & Notes [ Addendae ] ~ Vol. IV-2 ( Dielectrics ), & V-1. V-2 ( Structure of Space Calculations ).

» BROWN, Yull: Brown's Gas (Hyfuel) ~ Electrolytic production of stoichometric HHO from water for fuel w/ several phenomenal properties, including neutralization of nuclear waste.

» BROWN, Yul: Reduction of Radioactivity ~ Stoichometric HHO burns radioactive material, reducing emissions to 0.04% in minutes. P.A.C.E. Report & Video ( NY Assemblyman Dan Haley witnessed a demonstration ).

» BRUNO, Michel, et al.: Photovoltaic-Thermal System ~ Concentrates sunlight 2000x, converts 80% to useful energy, desalinates water, & refridgerates...

» BRUSH, Charles: Kinetic Theory of Gravitation ~ Proven theory & experiments: bismuth falls slower than other elements. Relates to T.T. BROWN: Gravitic Isotopes.

» BULL, Harry: Reaction Motor ~ Levitation by impact of a piston in a cylinder (Pop. Sci., 1935).

» BURKINSHAW, Stephen: Waterless Cleaning System ~ Nylon beads attract dirt, reduce laundry water usage by 90%.

» BUSHMAN, Boyd: Magnetic Beam Apparatus ~ Generates a magnetic monopole beam which emits pulses, levitates, degausses, stops electronics and separates materials

» BUSHNELL, Raymond: Vapor Carburetor ~ Vaporizes fuel, heats inlet air w/o NOx or losing power.

» BUSSARD, Robert: Inertial ES Confinement Fusion ~ 100,000x more powerful than Farnsworth's Fusor.


CCC --- CAMINEZ: Engine ** CADEMARTIRI: Electricity vs Fire ** CAGGIANO: Carburetor ** CALLAHAN: Paramagnetic Agriculture ** COMELLA: Adult Stem Cell Therapy ** CAMPBELL-TOFTE: Rauvolfia Vomitoria vs Diabetes ** CAMUS: Urine-ATP Battery / Neltron ** Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening ** Carburetors (Vapor ) ** CARR: Coanda Effect Plane ** CARR (Otis): Utron ** CARMAN: Inertial Storage Transmission ** CARSON: Emergency Childbirth ** CARTER / JACOBSEN: Low Temperature Carbonization (LTC) ** CASSAR: Smog-Eating Cement ** CASTLEMAN: Superatoms **  CATER: Awesome Life Force ** Catnip ** CELIS: Hydrogasifier ** CHAMBRIN: Water-Alcohol Fuel Reactor ** CHAMPION: Transmutations ** CHAPIN: Interstellar Light Collector ** CHAUSOVSKY: Technotronic Psychotechnology ** CHEKURKOV: Levitator ** CHEIKY: Supercritical Fluid Fuel Injection ** CHEN: Ultrasonic Tooth Regeneration ** CHERNETSKII: Self-Generating Discharge Plasmatron ** CHERNOBROV: Time Machine ** CHERRY: Electrical Production of Gasoline ** CHESTER: Chestahedron ** CHILDS: SAFIRE Transmutation ** CHRISTENSEN / HANSEN: Electrochemical Exhaust Purifier ** CHRISTIAN: Monopolar Electromagnet ** CHRISTOFLEAU: ElectroCulture ** CHRISTIE / BRITS / Lutec: Controller ** CHIZHEVSKY: ES-DC Generator ** CHUA: Esmosphere ** CHUKANOV: Ball Lightning ** CIRCEO: Plasma Waste Incinerator ** CLEM: Hydraulic Engine ** CLYNES: Sentic Forms ** COANDA: Coanda Effect ** COANDA: AeroTubExpress ** Cobalt Hexamine vs Ebola ** Cockroach Medicine ** COHN: Plasmatron ** COLA: Flash Bainite Steel ** COLLINS: Engine ** COLMAN / SEDDON-GILLESPIE: Battery ** Compost Toilets ** CONSTANTINESCO: Transmission ** CONSTANTINESCO: Transmission (II) ** CONTORET: Personal Propulsion System ** COOK: Magnetic Beam ** COOK: Inertial Propulsion ** CORETH: Alcohol-Vegetable Oil-Water Fuel ** CORLISS: Anomalies Handbooks ** CORNELIUS: Stabilator ** CORNWELL: Microwave Phenomena ** CORREA: Pulsed Abnormal Glow Discharge ** CORSON / ZADEREJ: Electrogenics ** CORTRIGHT: BioGasoline ** COTSARELIS: Hair Regrowth ** COTTELL: Ultrasonic Fuel-Water Burner ** COLER: Stromzeuger ** CORREA: Pulsed Abnormal Glow Discharge ** COVEY: Vapor Carburetor ** CRAIG: Hall Effect Generator ** CRAWFORD: Concrete Canvas ** CRILE: Radiogens ** CROCK: Aura Therapy ** Crocodylus Porosus Peptide ** CROOKS: Desalination ** Crossbows ** CROSSE: ElectroCulture ** CROW: Master Magnet ** CROZIER: Water Carburetor ** Crystal Radio Circuits ** CUI: Nano-Ag Water Purification ** CUI: Silver Nanowire Insulation ** CULTURE: HHO Generator ** CUMMER: Metamaterial Power Harvester ** CUPPETILLI: Heating System ** CUSTER: Channel-Wing ** Cyclogyro Aircraft ** Cymatherapy ** Cymatics **

» CADEMARTIRI, Ludovici: Electricity vs Fire ~ Quench flames with Voltage & Frequency ( See also: BLOMGREN: ES Cooling & WARD: Magnetic Beam.

» CAGGIANO, Allen: Carburetor ~ Patented, proven, & severely suppressed 100+ MPG fuel implosion vapor system; Articles, US Patent, & construction plans.

» CALLAHAN, Philip: Paramagnetic Agriculture ~ Powdered granite / Irish Round tower models stimulate plant growth, increase yields, improve health.

» CAMINEZ, Harold: IC Engine ~ "Amazing New [ in 1927 ] Motor Runs without Crankshaft or Gears".

Cancer Therapies: ANTELMAN: TetraCopper Tetroxide ** Artemisinin vs Cancer ** BARE: Frequency Therapy ** Maple Syrup / Baking Soda vs Cancer ** BECKER: Silver Iontophoresis ** BELJANSKI: Flavopereirine vs AIDS ** BOEHM: DNA Resonant Frequencies ** BURZYNSKI: Antineoplaston Therapy ** Cesium Chloride vs Cancer ** Crocodylus Porosus Peptide * DANG: Papaya vs Cancer ** DARAIO: Sonic Bullets  ** DAVALOS / RUBISKY: Irreversible Electro-Poration vs Cancer ** DiClAcetate vs Cancer ** DMSO Therapy ** DOTTO: Diamagnetic Ring ** DUFES: Bioactive Polymers vs. Cancer ** FARHADI: Nettle vs AIDS ** Frankincense vs Cancer ** GcMAF ** Geranium vs HIV / AIDS ** Ginger vs Cancer ** GOLD: Hydrazine Sulfate vs Cancer ** GORDON: Blushwood vs Cancer ** GUASCO: Theta Amplifier ** GUDKOV: Flagellin vs Radiation ** GWYNN: Chlorozone vs Cancer ** HALSTEAD: Cancer Therapy ** Herbs vs AIDS ** HOLT: Cancer Therapy ** HOOD: Melittin vs HIV / Cancer ** KAALI / SCHWOLSKY: Blood Electrification vs AIDS ** KANADY: Cold Atmospheric Plasma vs Cancer ** KASHFI: NOSH-Aspirin vs Cancer ** KOCH: Glyoxylide Therapy ** target="_blank"Liposomal Vitamin C ** LITTRUP: Cryotherapy vs Cancer ** LIVINGSTON: Cancer Therapy ** Mebendazole vs Cancer ** Milkwood vs Cancer ** NAESSENS: Somatoscope, & 714X ** NORDENSTROM: Electricity vs Cancer ** NORETTA: Peach vs Cancer ** Oleocanthol vs Cancer ** PALTI: Electric Fields & Frequencies vs Cancer ** PANDEY: Dandelion vs Cancer ** PASCHE: EMF Cancer Therapy * Pine Pollen * POPP: Mistletoe vs Cancer ** PRIORE: ElectroTherapy ** QUINTON: Ocean Plasma ** REVICI: Selenium vs Cancer ** RIFE: Beam Ray Machine ** ROSENBERG: T-Cell Therapy ** SIMONCINI: Baking Soda vs Candida & Cancer ** SOLOMIDES: Physiatrons vs Cancer ** Sulforaphane vs Cancer ** Sulforaphane Patents ** Sutherlandia vs Cancer  ** TetraSilver Tetroxide ** Turmeric / Curcumin ** WAINWRIGHT: Ozone Therapy ** Ozone Therapy ** Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy ** YE: Gold Nanotubes vs Cancer ** ZENG: Electro-Chemo-Acceleration ** ZACHARAKIS: T-Cell Therapy **

Cannabis Hemp: KEASLING: Cannabinoids via Yeast ** Cannabis Cultivation, Chemistry, Pharmacology, Industry & History ** NELSON: Hemp Husbandry ** NELSON: Hemp & Health ** NELSON: Hemp & History ** PARKER / VALENTINE-COLE: Cannabis Composter ** RABELAIS: Pantagruelion ** ROBINS: Hemp Husbandry Frontispiece ** FOREST: "Hemp for Freedom" ** MITLIN: NanoHemp SuperCapacitor ** Cannabis & Health News 2004-05 ** THC Patents ** Hemp Plastic ** ABEL: Marijuana - The First Twelve Thousand Years **

» CAMUS, Nelson: Urine-ATP Battery / Neltron ~ 5 gallons #1 Tinkle produces 5 kw for 24 hours ! plus: ""Neltron' Cold Fusion.

» Candle Space Heater ~ A simple method to stay warm.

» Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Patents ~ Dozens of patents for capturing evil CO2 without injuring good CO2.

» Carburetors ( Vapor ) ~ 4 Recent announcements of high-mpg carburetors.

» CARMAN, Vincent: Inertial Storage Transmission ~ Hydraulic system built w/ off-shelf parts, doubles miles-per-gallon, suppressed / ignored by government & industry in the 1970s.

» CARR, Otis: Utron ~ Here are all the available technical details, model construction plans, patent, interview, articles, &c. for the anti-g/time travel machine.

» CARR, Robert: Internal Wing Aircraft ~ Applies the Coanda Effect (v.i.) to produce additional lift & thrust. Hand-thrown models fly at 100 mph for record distances.

» CARTER, G. & JACOBSEN, S.: Engineering Factors Relating to the Utilization of the Cannel Coals of Southern Utah ~ Karrick LTC prospectus for Utah.

» CASSAR, Luigi: Smog-Eating Cement ~ Titanium dioxide photocatalysis reduces ambient pollution up to 60%.

» CASTLEMAN, Jr., A.W.: Superatoms ~ Clusters of specific numbers of atoms can mimic other elements and produce new reactions (room-T production of H from H2O) - a new dimension of the Periodic Table.

» CATER, Joseph: The Awesome Life Force ~ A 1980s classic review of alternative sciences (PDF).

» Catnip ~ Repels ants, mosquitos, &c.: articles, patents including improved steam distillation of the oil.

» CELIS, Roberto: Hydrogasifier ~ Auto exhaust heat allegedly dissociates water to hyfuel.

» CHAMBRIN, Jean: Water-Alcohol Fuel Reactor ~ Operates vehicles with any fuel, plus water.

» CHAMPION, Joe: Transmutations ~ Three low-energy methods: Phonon Resonance, Mutant Microbes, & NMR/Heat/Pressure.

» CHEIKY, Michael: Supercritical Fluid Fuel Injection ~ Up to 50% ++ mpg, reduced NOx.

» CHEKURKOV, Alexey : Levitator ~ Homemade antigravity from Russia -- articles & schematics, YT videos, &c.

Chemistry: ANDERSON: H-Generating Alloy ** ABRAHAM: Graphene Oxide Desalination ** ADAMS: ElectroBiochemical Reactor ** ANTELMAN: TetraSilver TetraOxide ** ANTELMAN: TetraCopper Tetroxide ** Aragonite Patents ** BANIEL / AYAN: HCl-Conversion of Cellulose to Sugar ** BERL: Protoproduct ** BLASS: Homozone ** BOISMENU: Diamonds ** BOLOTOV: Transmutation Production of Silicon ** BOUTARD: Aether Technologies ** BURZYNSKI: Antineoplaston Therapy ** Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening ** CASSAR: Smog-Eating Cement ** CASTLEMAN: Superatoms ** CO2 Sequestration Patents ** CHAMPION: Transmutations ** CHERRY: Electrical Production of Gasoline ** CHESTER: Chestahedron ** Cobalt Hexamine vs Ebola ** COHN: Plasmatron ** CORTRIGHT: BioGasoline ** DAVIDOVITS: Geopolymers ** DUFES: Bioactive Polymers vs. Cancer ** ECCLES: K-Carbonate Battery ** Electrolyzed Water ** ENGEL: Living Alcohol ** FRANCH: Water to Gas ** FRANCH: Mota ** FREEDMAN: Chemalloy ** GAINES: Mica Paper ** GENEPAX / SUEMATSU: Water Energy System ** GENTRY: Low Temperature Carbonization of Coal ** GLOBUS: Water-Gasoline Emulsion ** GRIFFIN: Hydrogen Generator ** GOLDFEIN: Biological Transmutation ** HARTSHORNE: Household Cyclopedia ** HAUSER: Alsi-Paper ** HENSON: Si2HSb2 Amplifier ** HUDSON: Monoatomic Gold ** HWANG: Microwave Steel Manufacture ** Hydrophobic Cement ** ITO: Plastic-to-Oil Conversion ** JACQUES: Coal Battery ** JOHNSON ( J. ): Dipole Resonance Mutation ** JOVITSCHITSCH: Transmutation C to O ** KESHE: Energy Generators ** KIM: Perovskite-Strontium Catalyst ** KOLISKO: Working With the Stars In Earthly Substance ** LAURENCZY: Formic Acid Hyfuel ** LEA: Allotropic Silver ** LEA: Allotropic Silver (Excerpts) ** LEADBEATER / BESANT: Occult Chemistry ** LEUNG: Cellulose NanoCrystals ** LU: DNA-Au ** MALGARINI: Christic Chemistry ** MILEWSKI: Gold from Glass ** MILLS: Hydrino ** MONTAGNIER: DNA& Teleportation ** MONZERT: Practical Distiller ** Nanoparticle Gold / Silver Preparation Patents ** Nano-Magnesium Hydroxide Water Purification ** NOCERA: Artificial Photosynthesis ** O'CONNOR: Bio-Crude Oil ** Oxygen Generator Patents ** OZKAN: Hydrogen Catalyst ** PALMER: D3O Energy Absorber ** PEREZ: Seaweed Shock Absorber ** PERRY: Cyanuric Acid ** PIKUL: Metallic Wood * Plastic-to-Oil Recycling * PLICHTA: Silane Fuel ** RAVATIN: Activators ** RICHARDSON: AquaFuel ** SANTILLI: MagneGas / Aquafuel ** SCHWARTZ: Spray-On Glass ** SEO: Graphene Synthesis ** Siloxene * Sodium Chlorite Manufacture * SPRINK: Space Activator ** STERNHEIMER: DNA Music ** STONE: Ferrock *** STREY: Microemulsion Fuel ** SUEKRAN: Hybrid Heating Mixture ** THC Patents ** VIGIER: Pd-Li7 Energy Source ** WAGH: Grancrete (Ceramicrete) ** WALLACE: Fumaric Acid vs Methanogenesis ** WARD: Starlite Plastic **  WESTENDORFF: Electro-Catalysis ** WHANG: AlkaLife ** WILKINSON: High-Frequency Transformations ** WILLAUER: Seawater Fuel ** ZADGAONKAR: Plastic-to-Fuel ** ZENG: Chemo-Acceleration ** ZHU: Titanate Nuke Absorbent

» CHERNETSKII, Alexander: Self-Generating Discharge Plasmatron ~ Alleged to be an OU generator.

» CHERNOBROV, Vadim: Time Machine ~ Claims acceleration & slowing of T, & T-travel.

» CHERRY, Louis: Electrical Production of Gasoline ~ Simple electrical treatment converts 80-100% of kerosene/benzene in oil to gasoline.

» CHESTER, Frank : Chestahedron ~ A new form, 7-sided polyhedron with equal-area surfaces, many applications.; articles, videos, patents.

» CHATTRE, Sheerang: Fog-Collector ~ Highly efficient mesh design collects dew / fog.

» CHILDS, Montgomery : SAFIRE Transmutation ~ Patented, demonstrated tabletop plasma device converts elements.

» CHIZHEVSKY ES-DC Generator ~ Another atmospheric DC Generator. ( See also: GUILLEMETTE, ABOLAFIA, YABLOTCHKOV, IMRIS, PLAUSON, BAUMANN )

» CHRISTENSEN Henrik / HANSEN, Kammer: Electrochemical Exhaust Purifier ~ One-step method-apparatus eliminates NOx, HC, & C.

» CHRISTIAN, Lorin: Monopolar Electromagnet ~ 9 Patents

» CHRISTIE, John / BRITS, Ludwig: Controller ~ Method of controlling EM motor/generators w/ pulsing system, claimed to be 500% efficient.

» CHRISTOFLEAU, Justin: ElectroCulture ~ Increase yields, rejuvenate old trees: Patents, PDF book.

» CHUA, Sebastian & Richard: Esmosphere ~ Magnetic device extends shelf live of food.

» CHUKANOV, Kiril: Ball Lightning ~ A proven method of producing Ball Lightning from Quantum Energy.

» CIRCEO, Louis: Plasma Waste Incinerator ~ Reduces municipal waste to minimum + produces energy

» CLEM, Richard: Hydraulic Engine ~ Allegedly free-running, no fuel.

Coal / Oil: BERL: Protoproduct ** CO2 Sequestration Patents ** CARTER / JACOBSEN: Low-T Carbonization (LTC) ** CHERRY: Electrical Production of Gasoline ** CORETH: Alcohol-Vegetable Oil-Water Fuel ** CORTRIGHT: BioGasoline ** COTTELL: Ultrasonic Fuel-Water Burner ** DANG: Oil-Water Separation ** Electrolyzed Water ** Electro-Osmosis of Oil ** ENACHE: EM-Enhanced Combustion ** FAN: Coal-Direct Chemical Looping ** GENTRY: LTC ** GOLOD: Pyramid Devices ** HOLM / RAMESH: Catalytic Thermal Depolymerisation ** HORIO: Biomass Charcoal Heater ** IMANAKA: Synthetic Petroleum ** ITO: Plastic-to-Oil Conversion ** JACQUES: Coal Battery ** KARRICK: LTC-Coal ** KARRICK: LTC Patents ** KARRICK: LTC-Coal (# 3) ** KERTZ: Vertigro ** KETCHUM: LTC ** LARSEN / STUTZ: LTC ** LaVOIE: Burner Booster ** McNAMARA: Plastic-to-Oil ** MEIKRANTZ: Centrifugal Separator ** NA: Coal Additive ** NELSON: EM Treatments of Coal ** O'CONNOR: Bio-Crude Oil * Plastic-to-Oil Recycling * PRINGLE: High-Frequency Attenuating Wave Kinetics ** RANDALL: Oil from Recycled Tires ** SHARMA: Plastic-to-Oil ** STREY: Microemulsion Fuel ** TAO: Electric Fuel Treatment ** TURNEY: Microwave Biochar ** WILKINSON: High-Frequency Transformations ** ZADGOANKAR: Plastic-to-Oil ** ZHU: Coal Fuel Cell **

» COANDA, Henri: Coanda Effect ~ Controlled boundary layer entrains up to 100x more air.

» COANDA, Henri: AeroTubExpress ~ "A Revolution in Transportation" from the 1970s: articles & patents.
» COHN, Daniel, et al.: Plasmatron ~ Electromagnetic fuel reformation cracks hydrocarbons, decreases NOx 90%.

» COLA, Gary: Flash Bainite Steel ~ Inexpensive 10-second process makes steel 7% stronger, more ductile.

» Cold Fusion Patents ~ Several Patents & Applications for Low-Energy Transmutation.

» COLER, Hans: BIOS Report # 1042 ~ British Intell. Objectives SubComm. Report about free energy generators developed by the German Admiralty in WW2.

» COLLINS, Brian: Engine ~ 2-Cyle Scotch yoke design: multi-fuel, near zero emissions, only 5 moving parts.

» COLMAN, Harold & SEDDON-GILLESPIE, Ron: Power Generator ~ Cd-P-Co + 300 MHz produces power.

» Compost Toilets ~ 7 Select PDFs re: construction of waterless caca-nana-poopoo digester-potty systems & production of humanure.

» CONSTANTINESCO, George: Inertial Transmission ~ No gears, no clutch: just drive... automatically adjusts to load; a small engine can pull a huge load without straining.

» CONSTANTINESCO, G.: Wave Transmission of Power ~ PDF book & articles, supplements the above.

» CONTORET, Adam: Personal Propulsion System ~ Smart, with lots of potential.

» COOK, Jeff: Magnetic Beam ~ 2-Coil device emits beam, penetrates glass, wood, repels flame; includes construction plans.

» COOK, Robert: Inertial Propulsion Engine ~ Patented, prototyped, & peer-reviewed.

» CORETH, Alfred: Alcohol-Vegetable Oil-Water Fuel ~ A 1930's non-petroleum fuel to replace gasoline, claimed to be cheaper and more energetic.

» CORNELIUS, George: Stabilator ~ The "Fre-Wing" can fly itself, land or take off without the aid of a pilot and cannot stall, spin, or side-slip; articles & USP 1865744.

» CORNWELL, John: Microwave Phenomena ~ Novel energy passes thru Faraday cage, jams electronics.

» CORREA, Paul & Alexandra: Pulsed Abnormal Glow Discharge (PAGD) ~ Anomalous cold cathode reaction force from metals in vacuum tubes (Pulsed Cold Plasmas): clean, potentially free energy.

» CORSON, Claude / ZADEREJ, Andrew: Electrogenics ~ Electrostatic, IR, and RF treatment of seeds plus enzymes repairs damaged DNA, reduces hard seed, increases viablility and yields.

» CORTRIGHT, Randy: BioGasoline ~ Catalytic conversion of Biowaste directly to Gasoline.

» COTTELL, Eric: Ultrasonic Fuel / Water Burner ~ Burn 75 fuel-25 water, 100% efficient, no HC, NOx.

» COVEY, Ray: Vapor Carburetor ~ Early 1980s design, patented & produced, increases mpg, reduces emissions, &c.

» CRAIG, Palmer: Hall Effect Device ~ Elegant application of the Hall Effect produces power, rectification & amplification with Earth's magnetic field.


» CRAWFORD, William / BREWIN , Peter: Concrete Canvas ~ 2-Layer fiber mat + concrete, deploys, sets in any configuration; many apps.

» CROOKS, Richard: Desalination ~ Prototype system produces fresh H2O by microfluidic channels & low voltage.

» Crossbows ~ Forward to the Past: Plans & Patents

» CROSSE, Andrew: Abiogenesis of Acari ~ Another pathway to Life, from K-Silicate, Pumice & Voltaic pile.

» CROSSE, Andrew: ElectroCulture ~ Excerpts from Memoirs: phenomenal results (++ rapid growth & yields ).

  1. » CROW, Leonard: Master Magnet ~ ( PDF ) -- Design, Construction & Operating Principles Electromagnets for Attracting Copper, Aluminum & Other Non-Ferrous Metals. Includes construction plans.

» CROZIER, Harold: Water Carburetor ~ 100 Miles-per-gallon with water-gasoline ( 1949 ).

» Crystal Radio Circuits ~ 40 articles from old radio magazines; you might need these after an em-pulse.

» CUI, Yi, et al: Electrified NanoSilver Water Purification ~ Kills most bacteria within seconds... articles, patent, & Nano-Silver Manufacture Patents

» CUI, Yi, et al.: Silver Nanowire Insulation ~ Personal thermal management greatly reduces / eliminates need for indoor heating.

» CULTURE, James: HHO Generator ~ Claimed to be ~ 40%+ efficient than any others; article & patent.

» CUMMER, Steven: Metamaterial Power Harvester ~ Recycles ambient microwaves with 37% efficiency.

» CUMMINS, Emily: Solar Refridgerator ~ A simple sun-powered fridge.

» CUPPETILLI, Robert: Heating System ~ Secondary system can reduce heating costs over 60%.

» CURRY, Randy: Atmospheric Plasma Generator ~ Pooting-Edge Gen-1 R&D .

» CUSTER, Willard: Channel-Wing Airplane ~ VTOL with very heavy loads, 14 lb lift / hp, no flaps, lower stall, higher cruise speed.

» Cyclogyro Aircraft ~ "Paddlewheel" propulsion: history, modern R&D, & patents. Related: Kirsten


DDD --- D'ANGELO: Interatomic Ion Motor ** DANG: Oil-Water Separation ** DANG: Papaya vs Cancer ** DARAIO: Sonic Bullets ** DARDIK: SuperWave Cold Fusion ** DARRAGH: Vi-Aqua ** DAVALOS / RUBISKY: Irreversible ElectroPoration vs Cancer ** DAVEY: Sonic Resonance Boiler ** DAVIDOVITCH: Electro-Orthodontia ** DAVIDOVITS: Geopolymers ** DAVIDSON: RF Dissociation of Water ** DAVIS / RAWLS: Biomagnetism ** DAVSON: Physics of the Primary State of Matter ** DEAN: Inertial Drive ** DeGEUS: ZPE Generators ** DeKREUK: Nereda Water Purification ** DeLAND: Frost Guard ** DeLOUISE: Airplane ** DEMUTH: Photocatalytic Electrolysis ** DENK: Solar Powered Reactor ** DENNE: Planar Wireless Motor ** DePALMA: N-Machine ** DePALMA: N-Machine ( III ) ** DePALMA: Equivalence Engine ** DePINHO: Age Reversal **  DeRouge: Stabilizer ** Desalination Patents ** DeSEVERSKY: Ionocraft ** Dew Pond Construction ** Dew Harvesting ** DEYO: Harmonic Energy Exchange Device ** DICKINSON: Cyclocitral Root Stimulation ** DICKINSON: Economonstrator ** DiPIETRO: Compressed Air Rotary Engine ** DIRCKS: Perpetuum Mobile ** Distilled Water & Health ** DJUREK: Room-T Superconductor ** DMSO in Medicine ** DOBLER: Telluric Radiation Photography ** DOMENJOZ: Parachute Airplane ** DOMOKOS / VARKONYI: Gomboc ** DORGAN: Seaweed vs Cattle Methane ** DOTTO: Diamagnetic Levitation ** DOTTO: Rotary Engine ** DOUGAL: Infrared Therapy ** DUDGEON: Electroculture ** DUDLEY: Electric-Field Rocket ** DUDYSHEV: Electrostatic Enhanced Combustion ** DUFES: Bioactive Polymers vs. Cancer ** DUMAS: Resonance Heater ** DUNAEVSKIJ: Steam Engine ** DURNIN: IV Tranny ** DCA vs Cancer ** DYE: Dexpressor ** v. DYKE: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars **

» DANG, Wayang, et al.: Self-Cleaning Oil-Water Separation Membrane ~  Zwitterionic polyelectrolyte coating enables easy separation & cleanup.

» DARDIK, Irving: SuperWave Cold Fusion ~ Proven CF, "as seen on TV" ( 60 Minutes, Apr. 20 '09 ).

» DARRAGH, Austin & David: Vi-Aqua RF Water Treatment ~ 27 MHz reduces surface tension,, increases crop yield up to 25%; article & 2 patent applications.

» DAVEY, Peter: Sonic Resonance Boiler ~ Simple design boils water, apparently defies laws of physics.

» DAVIDOVITS, Joseph: Geopolymers ~ Mineral polymers superior to concrete; allegedly the Great Pyramids of Egypt were built by pouring dissolved limestone.

» DAVIDSON, Sonya: RF Dissociation of Water ~ 30 MHz produces HHO @ 89-85% efficiency & is non-polluting ( Related: KANZIUS ).

» DAVIS, Richard: Non-Inductive Resistor ~ Moebius loop resistor is non-inductive, non-reactive, maintains the time constant, can be folded into any shape. Most useful for UHF.

» DAVSON, Cyril : The Physics of the Primary State of Matter ~ The work of Karl Schappeller ( 1955 ) ( PDF )

» DEAN, Norman: Inertial Drive ( I ) ~ The famous "Dean Drive", patented, demonstrated, now dormant.

» DEAN, Norman: Dean Drive ( II ) ~ Photos of the Dean Drive, & Documentation.

» De GEUS, Arie: Zero Point Energy Generators ~ Free Energy & Transmutations.

» DE KREUK, Merle: Nereda Water Purification ~ Aerobic granular sludge purifies water in 1 reactor in 1/4 of the space for 30% less energy used by conventional methods.

» DeLAND, John: Frost Guard ~ A simple method to prevent frost damage to crops. ( PDF )

» DeLOUISE, Joseph: 'DaVinci Vision' Airplane ~ Psychic dream-inspired design reinvents & flies itself. ( See also CARR: Coanda Effect Internal Wing )

» DEMUTH, Martin: Photocatalytic Electrolysis ~ Splits water with Titanium Disilicide

» DENK, Thorsten: Solar Powered Reactor ~ Produces water, H2 &O from Ilmenite (iron-titanium oxide)for astronauts.

» DENNE, Phillip: Planar Wireless Motor ~ "The most significant improvement in electromagnetic machine design in 150 years" -- patterned laminations replace copper wire.

Dental Tech -- Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening ** BELFOR: Homeoblock ** BRADY: Coconut Oil Dentistry ** CHEN: Ultrasonic Tooth Regeneration ** DAVIDOVITCH: Electro-Orthodontia ** Dental Electrolysis ** Herbs vs Halitosis ** HONTSU: Tooth Patch ** JIANG: Cold Plasma Dental Probe ** JUDD: Tooth Remineraliation ** KENT: KISSCare ** LYNGSTADAAS: Bone Scaffold ** MAO: Tooth Regeneration ** MOHINDRA: OraLift ** Nanobubble Water ** NARA: Gingivitis Therapy *** NELSON: Teach Your Dentists Well ** Ozone Dentistry ** PITTS: Dental Electro-Mineralization ** Purple Nutsedge vs Tooth Decay ** Pyorrhea Patents ** RICKARD: L-Arginine vs Plaque ** SARIKAYA: Tooth Remineralization ** SHARPE: Tooth Regrowth ** TAGG: Strep. s. K12 vs Halitosis ** Tooth Remineralization ** YU: Plasma Dental Brush **

» DEPALMA, Bruce: N-Machine ~ The Faraday Unipolar Dynamo as a free energy generator. See also KINCHELOE & TEWARI & TROMBLY...

» DePALMA, Bruce: Equivalence Engine ~ The Sinusoidal Torque Generator -- "A torsion pendulum excited at the nodal point. Power is taken from the end in motion".

» DePALMA, Bruce: N-Machine ( III ) ~ Correspondence & comments by Adam Trombly, Paramahansa Tewari, DePalma.

» DeRouge, Charles: Stabilizer ~ Mast-mounted airfoil corrects pitch & sideslip for ultralights.

» Desalination Patents ~ Potable water from saline.

» DESEVERSKY, Major: Ionocraft ~ The famous Ionocraft, propelled by the ion wind effect.

» Dew Harvesting ~ Dozens of methods to recover atmospheric humidity -- supplements the other Air Well / Dew Pond files.

» Dew Pond Construction ~ Collect atmospheric humidity for millenia: Details & photos.

» DEYO, Stan, et al.: Harmonic Energy Exchange Device ~ Radiant Energy Receiver based on Tesla's USP US685958; Articles & 4 patents.

» DICKINSON, Alexandra, et al.: Beta-Cyclocitral Root Growth Stimulation ~ Natural plant hormone accelerates root growth, increases branching; articles & patents.

» DICKINSON, H.C.: Economonstrator ~ Simple hydraulic machine demonstrates economics.

» DiPIETRO, Angelo: Compressed Air Rotary Engine ~ Nearly 100% efficient, compact, light weight (29 lbs), high power, few moving parts.

» DIRCKS: Perpetuum Mobile ~ The definitive 1861 compilation: 3 centuries of attempts at self-motive power.

» DJUREK, Danijel, et al: Room-Temperature Superconductor ~ Simple, patented room-T superconductivity

» DOBLER, Paul: Telluric Radiation Photography ~ Simple method for photography of underground watercourses, & artifical generation of the radiation ( See also: BLONDLOT / N-Rays ).

» DOMENJOZ, John: Parachute Airplane ~ A unique powered semi-rigid parachute design

» DOMOKOS, Gabor & VARKONYI, Peter: Gomboc ~ The 1st self-righting form ( mono-monostatic )

» DORGAN, Joe: Seaweed vs Cattle Methane ~ Bromoform eliminates CH4 production in ruminant guts.

» DOTTO, Gianni: Rotary Engine ~ 400 HP in 36 kg, no ignition system.

» Dragonfly Patents ~ 50+ Patents for dragonfly wing flapping designs

» DUDGEON, E.: Growing Crops & Plants by Electricity ~ Details practical methods of electroculture ( PDF )

» DUDLEY, Horace: Electric-Field Rocket ~ Experiments with electrified rockets, claimed up to 400% increased altitude.

» DUDYSHEV, V.: Electrostatic Enhanced Combustion ~ Increases combustion ( 50% ), reduces fuel consumption (40% ) and pollution ( 80% ); 12 patents.

» DUMAS, Jean-Christophe: Resonance Reactor ~ Open-source spontaneous steam generator with 116% efficiency.

» DUNAEVSKIJ, Samuil: Steam Engine ~ Claims near-perfect efficiency.

» DURNIN, Steve: Infinitely Variable Transmission ~ Elegant, simple, patented, demonstrated.

» DYE, Tony: Dexpressor ~ Waste engine heats drives pump, reduces engine load up to 50%.


EEE --- ECCLES: K-Carbonate Generator ** EBNER: Primeval Code ** Ebola Patents ** Ebola Therapies ** ECKART: Paper Mulch ** ECKLIN: Stationary Armature Generator ** EDEN: Al-Lamp ** EEMAN: Co-Operative Healing ** EGELY: Nano-Carbon Plasma Power Generator ** EGELY: Bio-Energetic Devices ** EGELY / VESELY: Biological Induced Magnetic Anomalies ** EHRENHAFT: Magnetic Current ** EHRENHAFT: Magnetolysis / Magnetic Current ** EHRNBERG: Wave Power Generator ** EINSTEIN / SZILARD: Refrigerator ** EISING: Radolatum ** EK: Cellulose-Polymer Water Filter ** Electro-OsteoGenesis ** ElectroCulture Patents #1 ** ElectroCulture Patents #2 ** Electroculture Patents ( IV ) ** Electrolyzed Water ** Electro-Osmosis of Oil ** Electro-Osmosis Patents ** Electrostatic Therapy Patents ** ELLSWORTH: AirWell ** ELMER: Engine ** EMOTO: Messages From Water ** ENACHE: EM-Enhanced Combustion ** ENGEL: Living Alcohol ** EnWave: Dehydration System ** ERDEMIR: Boric Acid / Alcohol Lubricant ** ERICKSON: ISAAC Ice Maker **

» Earth Battery Patents ~ 9 Patents for generation of DC from the earth.

» EBNER, Guido: Primeval Code ~ Electrostatic fields evoke ancient DNA characteristics, produce plants & animals with increased vitality & yields -- Sheldrake's Primordial Field.

» EBNER, G.: Primeval Code ( II ) -- ADDENDUM : BURGIN, Luc: Der Urzeit Code ( PDF, 26 MB (). [ Source: ]

» ECCLES, Christopher: Thermal Energy Cell ~ Over-Unity generation of electricity from a K-carbonate/water electrochemical cell.

» ECKART, et al.: Paper Mulch ~ Better than plastic ( biodegradable, &c ); increase yields 40% +, preserve moisture, prevent weeds.

» ECKLIN, John: Permanent Magnet Motor / Stationary Armature Generator ~ Reciprocating shields cause permanent magnets to repel, producing motion; avoids Lenz's Law.

» EDEN, Gary: Aluminum Lamp ~ Microdischarge lights are brighter, cheaper, simpler, more efficient than LEDs.

» EGELY, Gyorgy: Nano-Carbon Plasma Power Generator ~ Renewable energy production process with resonant nano-dust plasma generates heat, power, or nuclear reactions; 2 patents.

» EHRENHAFT, Felix: Magnetic Current / Monopole ~ Demonstrates existence of monopolar magnetic charges & magnetic current, magnetic decomposition of water.

» EHRENHAFT, Felix: Magnetolysis & Magnetic Current ~ "Decomposition of Water by Permanent Magnet", "Magnetic Current Intensity", "Electric Field around the MC", "MC in Gases", "Single Magnetic Charges", "Motion of Electrolytes in Magnetic Field".

» EHRENHAFT, Felix: Magnetic Monopoles ~ Magnetic Monopoles in Theory & Experiment -- light-pressure phenomena: pos./neg. photophoresis, gravitophoresis, photophoretic toroids, &c.

» EHRNBERG, Dan: "Vigor" Wave Power Generator ~ Rubber tube filled w/ water-air generates power.

» EINSTEIN, Albert / SZILARD, Leo: Refrigerator ~ Chill out with ammonia, butane, & water ; low efficiency low tech, but relatively green.

» EK, Monica, et al.: Cellulose-Polymer Water Filter ~ Non-polluting antibacterial polymer bonded on cellulose carrier purifies water.

Electrics & Magnetics: ADAMS: Motor ** ABOLAFIA: Static Field Converter ** AINSLIE: Counter-EM ** ALEXANDER: Dyna-Motor ** Alum-Lead Battery Restoration **  AMMANN, C.E.: Activator Transformer ** ANGELO: Interatomic Ion Motor ** Atmospheric & RF Electricity Collectors ** AVILA: Thermoelectric Battery ** AXFORD: Electromagnetic Piston Motor ** BABCOCK: Toroidal Motor ** BALDINELLI: Dual Relay Charger ** BARBAT: Self-Sustaining Electrical Generator ** BAUMANN: Testatika Generator ** BEDINI: Scalar Generator ** BEDINI: Motor-Generator ** BEDINI: Battery Charger ** BENITEZ: Electrical Generator ** BOSTICK: Plasmoids ** BOUTARD: Aether Technologies ** BRANDT: Permanent Magnet Motor ** BREAUX: Electrostatic Generator ** BRITTEN: Antenna ** BROWN: NuCell ** BROWN (T.T.): Anti-G ** BROWN (T.T.): G-Isotopes ** BROWN (T.T.): Scientific Notebooks (Vol. 1) ** (Vol. 2) ** (Vol. 4) ** BROWN, TT: Journals & Notes - Addendae ** BUSHMAN: Magnetic Beam Apparatus ** BUSSARD: Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion ** CAMUS: Urine-ATP Battery / Neltron ** CARR: Utron ** CATER: Awesome Life Force ** CHERNETSKII: Self-Generating Discharge Plasmatron ** CHERRY: Electrical Production of Gasoline ** CHIZHEVSKY ES-DC Generator ** CHRISTIAN: Monopolar Electromagnet ** CHRISTIE / BRITS: Motor ** CHUKANOV: Ball Lightning ** COLER: Generator ** COLMAN / SEDDON: Battery ** COOK: Magnetic Beam ** CORNWELL: Microwave Phenomena ** CORREA: Pulsed Abnormal Glow Discharge ** CORSON & ZADAREJ: Electrogenics ** CRAIG: Hall Effect ** CROW: Master Magnet ** Crystal Radio Circuits ** CUMMER: Metamaterial Power Harvester ** CURRY: Atmospheric Plasma Generator ** De GEUS: ZPE Generators ** DENNE: Planar Wireless Motor ** DEPALMA: N-Machine ** DePALMA: Equivalence Engine ** DEYO: Harmonic Energy Exchange Device ** DJUREK: Room-Temperature Superconductor ** DOTTO: Diamagnetic Ring ** DUDLEY: Electric-Field Rocket ** DUDYSHEV: Electrostatic Enhanced Combustion ** Earth Battery Patents ** EBNER: Primeval Code ** ECCLES: K-Carbonate Generator ** ECKLIN: Magnet Motor / Stationary Armature Generator ** EGELY: Nano-Carbon Plasma Power Generator ** EHRENHAFT: Magnetic Current ** EHRENHAFT: Magnetolysis / Magnetic Current ** ElectroCulture Patents ** Electrogravitics ** Electro-Osmosis of Oil ** Elemental Rod Generator ** EM Sea Engines ** Electrostatic Motors & Generators **  EMME: Earth Battery ** ENACHE: EM-Enhanced Combustion ** FARNSWORTH: Fusor ** FARROW: Gravity Reduction ** FIGUERA: Infinite Energy Machine ** FISCHBACH: Hypercharge ** FLANAGAN: Neurophone ** FLUHRER: Weather Control ** FLYNN: Parallel Path Technology ** Force Field Propulsion ** FORTOV: Microwave EMP Generator ** FRAYNE: Windbelt Generator ** Free Energy Generators (#1) ** FE Generators (#2) ** GARY: Magnet Motor ** GODES: Quantum Fusion Reactor ** GOODENOUGH: Glass Battery ** GRANDICS: Pyramid Electrostatic-DC Generator ** GRANIER: X-Ray Weapon ** GRAY: Motor ** GRINDELL-MATTHEWS: "Death Ray" ** GRITSKEVITCH: Hydro-Magnetic Generator ** GUILLEMETTE: ES Battery ** GUILLOT: Atmospheric Electric Generator ** GULLEY: Self-Sustaining Electric Motor ** HART: EH Antenna ** HATEM: Magnet Motor ** HATELY / KABBARI: Crossed-Field Antenna ** HEINS: Perepitea Generator ** HEMPEL: Ionic Magnetic Power Charger ** HENDERSHOT: Generator ** HENDERSHOT: Generator & Motor ** HERRERA: Melanin Battery ** HIDDINK: 1-Terminal Capacitor ** HIERONYMOUS: Radionics ** HODOWANEC: Rhysmonics **  HOLCOMB: Energy Systems ** HOLLINGSHEAD: Gravitational Lense ** HOOPER: Motional EM Field ** HUBBARD: Generator ** HURWICH: Ray Gun ** HUTCHISON: Hutchison Effect ** HUTCHISON: Power Cell ** HYDE: ES Generator ** IDE: OU Capacitance Motor ** IGHINA: The Law of Rhythm ** IMRIS: Optical ES Generator ** IZUOGU: Emagnetodynamic Machine ** JACQUES: Coal Battery ** JAMES : Thermionic-Thermoelectric Generator ** JAMISON: Energizer ** JEFIMENKO: Electrostatic Motors ** JOHNSON ( J. ): Dipole Resonance Mutation ** JOHNSON: Magnet Motor ** JOHNSON ( L. ): Thermo-Electric Conversion System ** JOHNSON (L.): Li-Air Battery ** JOHNSON (Rory): Magnatron ** KALININ: Munich Jar ** KAMAT: Solar Paint ** KANAREV: Self-Running Motor ** KANER / EL-KADY: Graphene Battery ** KANNO: Charging Circuit ** KAPANADZE: OU Generator ** KARPEN: Thermoelectric Battery ** KAWAI: Magnet Motor ** KELLOGG: Photon-Proton Electric Generator ** KEMENY: Cold Electricity ** KENYON: Alternator-Generator-Motor ** KEPPE / SOOS: "Space Energy" Motor ** KESHE: Energy Generators ** KHARE ; Supercapacitor ** KIM: Electroactive Paper ** KINCHELOE: N-Machine ** KOLDOMASOV: Reactor ** KOWSKY & FROST: Gravity Nullification ** KROMREY: Molecular Generator ** LAKHOVSKY: MWO ** LAMBERTSON: WIN Generator ** LANDON: Magnetic Motor ** LAPOINT: Primer Fields ** LeBON: Evolution of Forces ** LeBON: Evolution of Matter ** LEEDSKALNIN: Magnetic Current ** LI: Carbon Supercapacitor ** LOCKRIDGE Device ** MACCANTI: Electrical Generator ** MAJORANA: Antimatter Cannon ** MARKOVICH: ATREE ** MARKS: Aerosol Electric Generator / MTD Power Converter ** MARKS: Lepcon & Lumeloid ** MATCHETT: Earth Motor ** MATTHEWS: Wall of Light ** MAXWELL: Lecture ** MAXWELL: Treatise on Electricity & Magnetism ** McCLAIN & WOOTAN: Magnetic Resonance Amplifier ** McKIE: PODMOD ** MAGLICH: Migma Fusion ** MATVEEV: 1-Wire Transmission ** MELNICHENKO: Ferromagnetic Resonance Generator ** MEYER: NMR Amplifier Generator ** MEYERS: Absorber ** MEYL: Scalar Physics ** Microwave Shield Patents ** MILLS: Hydrino ** MINATO: Magnet Engine ** MINTO: Hydronic Transmitter ** MOHR: Detonator Ray ** MOLLINET: Power Unit LE M3 ** MONSTEIN: Space Quanta Medium ** MONUS: Magnet Motor: Build One ** MORARU: Magnetic Energy Engine ** MORAY: Generator ** MORAY: Beyond the Light Rays ** MUELLER: Generator ** MURRAY: Dynaflux ** NELSON: Electron Trap ** NEWMAN: Motor ** NEWMAN: Motor ( II ) ** NING: Energy-Storage Membrane ** NIPHER: Electro-Gravitics ** Nomography ** OGNYANOV: Electric Power Pack ** OLIVER: AC Solar Generator ** ORLANDO: Atmospheric Electrical Generator ** PAIS: Patents & Applications ** PARR: Pyramid Energy ** PATRICK / BEARDEN: MEG ** PERL: Anti-G ** PERRIGO: Generator ** PIGGOTT: Electro-Gravitation ** PLAUSON: Converting Atmospheric Electricity ** PLAUSON: Converting Atmospheric Electricity ( II ) ** POMERLEAU: Free Energy Coils ** PRENTICE: FE Generator ** PRIORE: ElectroTherapy ** Radiesthesia Patents ** RAVATIN: Activators ** RAYLEIGH: Active Nitrogen ** REED: Magnetic Motor ** REICH: Orgone Motor **  REID: Crystal Battery ** RODIN: Vortex Math / Coil ** ROGERS: Antenna ** ROSCHIN / GODIN: Searl Effect ** ROSCHIN / GODIN: Searl Effect Generator ** ROSCHIN & GODIN: Searl Effect Generator ( #3 ) ** ROTA: Levitation Apparatus ** ROY: Microwave Effects ** RUSSELL: Generator Coils ** RUSSELL: Collected Drawings ** Scalar Waves & Fields ** ST. CLAIR: USP Applications ** SCHAPPELLER: Magnet Generator ** SCRAGG: HCl Generator ** SEARL: Levitation ** SEE: Wave Theory of Gravitation ** SEIKE: G-Strain Amplifier / Monopolar Moebius Coil ** SHAKHPARONOV: Kozyrev-Dirac Emanation ** SHOULDERS: Elektrum Validum ** SHOULDERS: Elektrum Validum Archives ** SILVERSTONE: Molecular Induction ** SMITH ( Wilbert ): Anti-G ** SMITH (W.): G-Control ** SMITH ( Don ): Energy Generators ** SPRINK: Space Activator ** SQUIER: Antenna ** STOCKMAN: RF / Microwave Motors ** STONEBURG: Self-Sustaining Electric Motor ** STRANO: Thermoelectric Wave Generator ** STUBBLEFIELD: Earth Battery ** SULLIVAN: Multi-Direction DC/AC ** SWEET: Generator ** SWEET: VTA Addendae ** SWEET: Collected Writings ** SWEET: VTA Construction ** SZABO: Energy-by-Motion Generator ** SZILI: ZPE Extraction Circuit ** TATE: Ambient Power Module ** TENTZERIS: Ambient Energy Antenna ** TESLA: Magnifying Transmitter ** TESLA: Patents ** TEWARI: N-Machine ** Thorium Plasma Battery ** TORRES: RotoVerter ** Torsion Fields ** Tourmaline Electrogeneration ** TRAWOEGER: Pyramid Electric Generator ** TREFILOV: Torsion Field Devices ** TROMBLY: N-Machine **  TRUMP: Atomic-Electrostatic Motor ** TSEUNG: ZPE Converter ** VAIDEANU: UV-RF Ray ** VALLEE: Synergetic Generator ** VARTAN: Electric Perpetual Motion ** VIALLE: Negative Mass ** VIGIER: Pd-Li7 Energy Source ** VINCENT: Distributed Load Antenna ** WALTON: Radar ** WANG: Magnet Motor ** WANG: Tribo-Electric Generator ** WADLE: Tree Electricity ** WADLE: Magnetic Field Deflector Shield ** WARD: Magnetic Convertor ** WELLS: Newman Motor ** WERJEFELT: Magnetic Battery ** WHEELER: Magnet Motor ** WHITTAKER: Scalar Potentials ** WILKINSON: High-Frequency Transformations ** WILKS: Power Wagon ** WILLIS: Magnacoaster ** WISELEY: Electromagnetic Engine ** XU: Graphene Battery ** YABLOTCHKOV: OU ES Amplifier ** YATER: Random Energy Fluctuation Converter ** YILDIZ: Electrical Generator ** ZINSSER: Kinetobaric Generator

» ElectroCulture ~ Stimulate plant growth with electricity, magnetism, sound & light! Increase yields, reduce pesticides, harvest early. Dozens of proven methods!

» ElectroCulture Patents ~ 40 patents for electric ( DC, AC, ES ), magnetic, RF / microwave treatments to stimulate or retard plant growth.

» ElectroCulture Patents #2 ~ 20 patents more ...

» ElectroCulture Patents #3 ~ More & more...

» Electroculture Patents #4 ~ More methods for stimulation of plant growth with electricity, magnetism , light, sound.

» Electro-Culture #1 ( PDF ) ** Electro-Culture #2 ** Electro-Culture #3 **

ElectroCulture: AKIMOV: Torsion Field Generators ** BINJIANG: ElectroCulture ** CHAPIN: Interstellar Light Collector ** CHRISTOFLEAU: ElectroCulture ** CORSON & ZADEREJ: Electrogenics ** CROSSE: ElectroCulture ** DeLAND: Frost Guard ** DUDGEON: Electroculture ** EBNER: Primeval Code ** Electrolyzed Water ** RF Heating vs Pests ** GUASCO: Theta Amplifier ** GUASCO: Theta Amplifier ** GUILLEMETTE: Perpetual ES Battery ** STERNHEIMER: Plant Protein Music ** ElectroCulture ** ElectroCulture Patents ** ElectroCulture Patents #2 ** ElectroCulture Patents #3 ** Electroculture Patents #4 ** FANTUZZI: Energy Accumulator ** JOHNSON ( J. ): Dipole Resonance Mutation ** LAEMSTROM: Electroculture ** MagnaCulture ** PARRY: ElectroCulture ** Radiesthesia Patents ** Tourmaline ** WADLE: Tree Electricity ** WHEATON: Electrical Seed Germination ** ElectroCulture #1 ** ElectroCulture #2 ** ElectroCulture #3 **

» Electro-Gravitic Systems ~ "An examination of electrostatic motion, dynamic counterbary & barycentric control"; Report GRG-013, British Gravity Research Group (1956).

» Electrolyzed Brine ~ On-demand production of powerful disinfectant from salt water, no red chemicals.

» Electro-Osmosis Patents ~ Yo, Tepco-Yakuza ! Here are 40 methods to dewater soil ( H2O moves to the - pole ) @ Fukushima Daiichi.

» Electro-Osmosis of Oil ~ Enhanced recovery of oil from wells / fields by electrokinetic action of DC + frequencies.

» Electrostatic Motors & Generators ~ Patents & articles. ( See also these alleged putative rumored supposed claimed ES-DC transformizatifiers: GUILLEMETTE , ABOLAFIA , YABLOTCHKOV , IMRIS , PLAUSON , BAUMANN

Electrotherapy:** AKIMOV: Torsion Field Generators ** BAUGH: Rejuvenation ** BOEHM: DNA Resonant Frequencies ** CROCK: Aura Therapy ** DAVALOS / RUBISKY: Irreversible Electro-Poration vs Cancer ** DAVIS / RAWLS: Biomagnetism ** DOTTO: Diamagnetic Ring ** DOUGAL: Infrared Therapy ** EEMAN: Co-Operative Healing ** EGELY: Bio-Energetic Devices ** EGELY / VESELY: Bio-Induced Magnetic Anomalies ** Electrostatic Therapy Patents ** GIANSANTI   Copper Mask ** GOLBERG: PEMF Preservation of Milk ** JOHNSON ( J. ): Dipole Resonance Mutation ** KAALI / SCHWOLSKY: Blood Electrification vs AIDS ** KALININ: Munich Jar ** KAN'CHZHEN: Microwave Transfer BioInfo ** KASAREV: Scenar ** LAKHOVSKY: MWO ** NORDENSTROM: Electricity vs Cancer ** PALTI: Electric Fields & Frequencies vs Cancer ** PASCHE: EMF Cancer Therapy ** SCHOENBACH: Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields ** Quantum Regeneration ** SMIRNOV: EM Shield ** Torsion Field GeneratorsTorsion Field ( I ) ** TROFIMOV: Hypo-Magnetic Chamber **

» Elemental Rod Generator / EM Energy Receiver ~ 74 Elements solar cell allegedly generates wattage.

» ELLSWORTH, Michael, et al.: Atmospheric Water Generator ~ Dessicant / solar airwell, low energy requirements, available now.

» ELMER, Harry: 300 MPG Engine ~ Invented in the 1920s; "operated with equal success on mineral, animal and vegetable oils". No cooling system. Only 64 parts.

» EMME, Michael : Earth Battery ~ Kilowatts from the ground; articles & patents

» EMOTO, Masaru: Messages From Water ~ Frozen water crystals give insight to intent and conditions (PDF).

» ENACHE, Auriel: Electromagnet-Enhanced Combustion ~ produces 12% + heat, reduces CO, NOx.

» EnWave: Dehydration System ~ "Revolutionary" microwave / vacuum method reduces treatment time from hours to minutes, 1/3 less energy, lower capital costs, preserves sensitive biota.

» ERDEMIR, Ali: Boric Acid / Alcohol Lubricant ~ Simple, benign fuel/oil additive reduces engine friction by 2/3 & improves mpg.

» ERICKSON, Donald: ISAAC Ice Maker ~ Elegant integrated tech produces ice by solar-powered intermittent absorption refrigeration.

» ESTEVES, Catarina, et al.: Fog Collector ~ PNIPAAm polymer on cotton absorbs 3.4 liter water per kg of fabric.


FFF --- FAN: Coal-Direct Chemical Looping ** FANTUZZI: Energy Accumulator ** FARLEY & RAINEY: Wave Power Generator ** FARNSWORTH: Fusor ** FARROW: Gravity Reduction ** FEHER: Microwave Ignition ** FELTENBERGER: Pendulum Pump ** Fenbendazole vs Cancer **  FERLINI: Magnetic Portal ** FETTA: Microwave Space Drive ** FIGUERA: Infinite Energy Machine ** FILARDO: Traveling Wave Propulsion ** FISCHBACH: Hypercharge ** FISCHER: Hydraulic Heat Engine ** FISH: Carburetor ** FISH: Whale Flipper Rotor ** FISHER: Yoke Arm ** FLANAGAN: Neurophone ** FLETTNER: Magnus Effect Wind Propulsion ** FLANAGAN: Neurophone ** FLUHRER: Weather Control ** FLYNN: Sonofusion ** FLYNN: Parallel Path Technology ** Fog Collectors ** FOREST: Hemp for Freedom ** FORTOV: Microwave EMP Generator ** FRANCH: Water to Gas ** FRANCH ( 2 ) ** Frankincense vs Cancer ** FRAYNE: "Windbelt" Generator ** FREEMAN/FRY: Suppressed & Incredible Inventions ** FREEDMAN: Chemalloy ** FRENETTE / PERKINS: Friction Heater ** FRIDMAN: Shock-Wave Generator ** FRODSHAM: Magnetic Sepsis Filter ** FROLOV : New Sources of Energy ** Fukushima Mon Amour **

» FAN, Liang-Shih: Coal-Direct Chemical Looping ~ Iron & Calcium oxides convert coal to energy w/o combustion, plus sequesters 99% CO2.

» FANTUZZI, G.: Energy Accumulator ~ Geometric forms + Cu coils + Oraccu = accelerated germination, oscilloscope-detectable electrical wave, mummification, & activation of Geiger counter. ( See also: Radiesthesia Patents ]

» FARLEY, Francis & RAINEY, Rod: "Anaconda" Wave Power Generator ~ "Bulge wave" in water-filled rubber tube generates power.

» FARNSWORTH, Philo: Fusor ~ The Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Reactor... See Also: BUSSARD & MAGLICH .

» FARROW, Edward: Gravity Reduction ~ 15% weight reduction: Full text & illustrations from Technical World Magazine ( Nov 1913 )

» FEHER, Lambert: Microwave Ignition ~ 20 GHz resonant chamber heats fuel-air mixture, generates ignition spark: complete combustion.

» FELTENBERGER, Bruce: Pendulum Pump ~ Shades of Milcovic, v.i.: simple design pumps water with pendulum-gravity assist.

» FERLINI, Giovanni: Magnetic Portal ~ Space-Time teleportation with magnet arrays; book ( in Italian ) & articles

» FETTA, Guido: Microwave Space Drive ~ Similar to SHAWYER's EMDrive ( v.i. ), proven by NASA.

» FIGUERA, Clemente: Infinite Energy Machine ~ Patented ( 1902 ), prototyped, tested "free energy".

» FILARDO, Benjamin: Traveling Wave Propulsion ~ Deformed skirt moves on land & underwater; articles, video, patents.

» FISCHBACH, Ephraim: Hypercharge ~ The "5th Force", discovered in 1986, discredited (maybe), & now being reconsidered.

» FISCHER, Victor: Hydraulic Heat Engine ~ Proven to exceed the limitations of the Carnot Cycle.

» FISH, Frank: Whale Flipper Rotor ~ 30% less drag, 8% more lift, 40% lower stall speed.

» FISH, John: Carburetor ~ 30-60 % improved mpg, burns any fuel.

» FISHER, Patrick: Yoke Arm ~ Yoke-cam linking crankshaft to piston rod increases piston dwell during combustion, ++ mpg; articles & US patent.

» FLANAGAN, G. Patrick: Neurophone ~ System for hearing through the skin.

» FLANAGAN Patrick: Neurophone ( II ) ~ Several articles from archives.

» FLETTNER, Anton: Magnus Effect Propulsion ~ Rotating cylinders: 15x multiplication of input power.

» FLUHRER, Helmut: Weather Control ~ Ionizes atmosphere to produce rain.

» FLYNN, Joe: Parallel Path Technology ~ Proven over-unity magnetic control system; patents & construction instructions.

» FLYNN, Hugh: Sonofusion ~ The original Cold Fusion, invented several years before Pons & Fleischman. Plus: Review of Sonofusion patents.

» Fog Collectors ~ Produce liquid water from fog. See also: Air Wells.

» FORD, Larry: Ambient Air Clothes Dryer ~ Apropos tech: Circulates 20x more air to dry clothes without heat or heat damage; save energy costs.

» FOREST, Waves: Space Juice ~ A visit to T.T. Brown, gravity shielding, electrogravitics, & art.

» FORTOV, Vladimir: Microwave EMP Generator ~ Small system generates BevaWatts of ElectroMagnetic Pulse.

» FRANCH, Guido: Water To Gasoline ~ A secret method to convert water into a gasoline-like fuel! Plus: L. Enricht, R. Pillai, & J. Andrews.

» FRANCH, Guido: Mota / Dam-a-Gas ~ Transmutation of water to gasoline-like fuel, and vice versa.

» FRANKLIN, Hugh: Mechanical Cow ~ Plant-based milk system produces 40 quarts/hour, 20 lb protein/100 lb feed from vegetable waste, no lactose.

» FRAYNE, Shawn: "Windbelt" Generator ~ Micropower wind generator converts vibration to electricity: no rotor, ultra-efficient.

» FREEMAN, John ( FRY, Al ): Suppressed & Incredible Inventions ~ The classic compendium that inspired Rex Research.

» FREEDMAN, Samuel: Chemalloy ~ Pb-Zn-Brass-Al-Ag alloy solder, also generates hydrogen/oxygen and electricity from water, & stimulates plant growth! See also: ANDERSON.

Free Energy / Over-Unity: ADAMS: Motor ** ADAMENKO: Proton-21 Fusion ** AINSLIE: Counter-ElectroMotive Force ** ALEXANDER: Dyna-Motor ** ANGELO: Interatomic Ion Motor ** Atmospheric & RF Electricity Collectors ** BALDINELLI: Dual Relay Charger ** BARANOV: Structured Water Fuel ** BARBAT: Self-Sustaining Electrical Generator ** BARBOSA: Earth Energy Generator ** BARROWS: Perpetual Motion J. ** BAUMANN: Testatika Generator ** BEDINI: Motor-Generator ** BENITEZ: Electrical Generator ** BOUTARD: Aether Technologies ** BRANDT: Permanent Magnet Motor ** BRITTEN: Antenna ** CHERNETSKII: Self-Generating Discharge Plasmatron ** CHRISTIE & BRITS: Controller ** COLER: Stromzeuger ** CORREA: Pulsed Abnormal Glow Discharge ** CRAIG: Hall Effect Generator ** De GEUS: ZPE Generators ** DEPALMA: N-Machine ** DEYO: Harmonic Energy Exchange Device ** DIRCKS: Perpetuum Mobile ** DUMAS: Resonance Heater ** ECCLES: Electrolytic Cell ** ECKLIN: Permanent Magnet Motor / Stationary Armature Generator ** Elemental Rod Generator / EM Energy Receiver ** FIGUERA: Infinite Energy Machine ** FLYNN: Parallel Path Technology ** FRENETTE / PERKINS: Friction Heater ** FE Generators #1 ** FE Generators #2 * FROLOV : New Sources of Energy * GARY: Magnet Motor ** GRANDICS: Pyramid Electrostatic-DC Generator ** GRAY: Motor ** GRITSKEVITCH: Hydro-Magnetic Generator ** GUILLEMETTE: ES Battery ** GULLEY: Self-Sustaining Electric Motor ** HATEM: Magnet Motor ** HEINS: Perepitea Generator ** HENDERSHOT: Generator ** HENDERSHOT: Generator & Motor ** HENSON: Si2HSb2 Amplifier ** HIDDINK: 1-Terminal Capacitor ** HODOWANEC: Magnetic Resonance Amplifier ** HUBBARD: Generator ** HUTCHISON: Power Cell ** HYDE: ES Generator ** IDE: Over-Unity Capacitance Motor ** IMRIS: Optical Electrostatic Generator ** IZUOGU: Emagnetodynamic Machine ** JAMES : Thermionic-Thermoelectric Generator ** JAMISON: Energizer ** Joe Cell ** JOHNSON: Magnet Motor ** KALININ: Munich Jar ** KANAREV: Plasma Water Electrolysis ** KANAREV: Self-Running Motor ** KAPANADZE: Over-Unity Generator ** KARPEN: Thermoelectric Battery ** KARNOUKHOV: Akula Generator ** KeelyNet Archives ** KELLOGG: Photon-Proton Electric Generator ** KELLY: Practical Guide to Free Energy Devices ** KENYON: Alternator-Generator-Motor ** KEPPE: "Space Energy" Motor ** KESHE: Energy Generators ** KINCHELOE: N-Machine ** KOLDOMASOV: Reactor ** KROMREY: Molecular Generator ** KUTIENKOV: Ram Pump ** LAMBERTSON: WIN Generator ** MACCANTI: Electrical Generator ** MAJORANA: Antimatter Cannon ** MARKOVICH: ATREE ** McCLAIN & WOOTAN: MRA (#1) ** McCLAIN / WOOTAN: MRA (#2) ** McKIE: PODMOD ** McCLINTOCK: Air Engine ** MELNICHENKO: Ferromagnetic Resonance Generator ** MENGER: Magnet Motor ** MEYER: NMR Amplifier Generator ** MEYERS: Absorber ** MILKOVIC: Two-Stage Mechanical Oscillator ** MINATO: Magnet Motor ** MODDELL: ZPE Converter ** MOLLINET: Power Unit LE M3 ** MORAY: Generator ** MORAY: Beyond the Light Rays ** MORAY: Speech re: Free Energy ** MUELLER: Generator ** NELSON: Electron Trap ** NEWMAN: Motor ** NEWMAN: Motor ( II ) ** OGNYANOV: Electric Power Pack ** PAIS: Patents & Applications ** PATRICK / BEARDEN: Motionless Electrical Generator ** PERRIGO: Generator ** PLATEN: Thermal Engine ** POMERLEAU: Free Energy Coils ** POTAPOV : Quantum Thermal Power Plant  ** PRENTICE: Antenna ** RAYLEIGH: Active Nitrogen ** REED: Magnetic Motor ** REICH: Orgone Motor ** RUSSELL: Generator Coils ** RUSSELL: Collected Drawings ** Scalar Waves & Fields ** SCHAEFFER: Steam Generator ** SCHAPPELLER: Glowing Magnetism ** SCRAGG: HCl Motor ** SEARL: Generator ** SEIKE: G-Strain Amplifier/Monopolar Moebius Coil ** SEROGODSKY: Heat Engine ** SHOULDERS: Elektrum Validum ** SMITH ( Don ): Energy Generators ** SPITERI-SARGENT: Water Pump ** STONEBURG: Self-Sustaining Electric Motor ** STUBBLEFIELD: Earth Battery ** SUEKRAN: Hybrid Heating Mixture ** SWEET: Vacuum Triode Amplifier ** SWEET: VTA Addendae ** SWEET: Collected Writings ** SWEET: VTA Construction ** SZABO: Energy-by-Motion Generator ** TEWARI: Space Power Generator ** TRAWOEGER: Pyramid Electric Generator ** TRIPLER / WAINWRIGHT: Liquid Oxygen Engine ** TROMBLY: N-Machine ** TSEUNG: Leading Out Theory ** VALLEE: Synergetic Generator ** VARTAN: Electric Perpetual Motion ** VINCENT: Distributed Load Antenna ** WANG: Magnet Motor ** WARD: Magnetic Convertor ** WHEELER: Magnet Motor ** YABLOTCHKOV: ES Amplifier ** YILDIZ: Electrical Generator ** ZINSSER: Kinetobaric Generator ** SZILI: ZPE Extraction Circuit ** VIALLE: Negative Mass ** WERJEFELT: Magnetic Battery ** YATER: Random Energy Fluctuation Converter **

» Free Energy Generators ( #1 ) ~ Articles from the 1920s & 30s: John Huston (v.i.), C. Earl Amman, Lester Hendershot.

» Free Energy Generators (#2) ~ Szuc's "Magnetic Field Motor", Xtec's "Power-Amplifying Antenna", Serogodsky, K-Capture Generator, & Tesla's Aether-powered Electric Car.

» FRENETTE, Eugene, et al.: Friction Heaters ~ Frictional-cavitation heating of oil/water.

» FRIDMAN, Igor: Shock-Wave Generator ~ A kinder, gentler Israeli ubermensch method to disperse Palestinians and borrow their land.

» FROLOV, Alexander : New Sources of Energy ~ Review of several little-known sources of "free energy" .

» Fukushima Mon Amour ~ Once more into the breach: here are the publicly known methods ( 70 patents ) to reduce the radioactivity of nuclear materials.

» Fullerene Manufacture ~ 70 Patent abstracts & YouTube videos for production of C60.


GGG --- GAJAREV / POPONIN: DNA Biocomputer Reprogramming ** GADOMSKY: Nano-Gold Invisibility ** GAINES: Mica Paper ** GAMBERINI: Underwater Greenhouse ** GARBER: Acrobatic Kite ** GARCIA: Rootman Insulation ** GARRETT: Electrolytic Carburetor ** GARY: Magnet Motor ** GASCHLER: Transmutation of Radium ** GcMAF ** GENEPAX / SUEMATSU: Water Energy System ** GENTRY: Low Temperature Carbonization of Coal ( LTC ) ** Geopathic Zones ** GEORGES: Tree-T-Pee ** Geranium vs HIV/AIDS ** GESELL: The Natural Economic Order ** GHASEMI: Steam Generator ** GIANSANTI: Copper Mask ** GIAPIS: Oxygen from Electro-Kinetic CO2 ** GILBERT: DD107498 vs Malaria ** GILLIGAN: Fuelsavers ** Gills ( Artificial ) ** GILMARTIN: Mini-Water Wheel ** Ginger vs Cancer ** GLOBUS: Water-Gasoline Emulsion ** GLUBB: Course of Empire ** GODES: Quantum Fusion Reactor ** GOGINS: Infinity Transmission ** GOLD: Hydrazine Sulfate vs Cancer ** GOLDFEIN: Biological Transmutation ** GOLDIN: Gyro-Gen Wave Power ** GOLOD: Pyramid Devices ** GONG: Fiber-Reinforced Soft Composite ** GOODENOUGH: Glass Battery ** GOODSON: Electrodynamic Combustion Control ** GORDON: Night Vision Device ** GRANDER: Revitalized Water ** GRANDICS: Pyramid ES-DC Generator ** GRANIER: X-Ray Weapon ** GRAVES: World's 16 Crucified Saviors ** GRAY: EMS Motor ** GREBENNIKOV: Chitin Anti-G ( #1 ) ** GREBENNIKOV: Chitin Anti-G ( #2 ) ** GREEN: Wind Turbine ** GREENWOOD: Torotrak IV Transmission ** GRIFFIN: Hydrogen Generator ** GRIGGS: Hydrosonic Pump ** GRIGORYANTS: Diesel Rotary Engine ** GRINDELL-MATTHEWS: "Death Ray" ** GRITSKEVITCH: HydroMagnetic Generator ** GUARENTE: Longevity ** GUASCO: Theta Amplifier ** GUDKOV: Flagellin vs Radiation ** GUIGE / DAVIDSON: AirTab Vortex Generator ** GUILLEMETTE: ES Battery ** GUENON: The Reign of Quantity ** GUILLOT: Atmospheric Electric Generator ** GULLEY: Electric Motor ** GUNNERMAN: Water-Fuel Emulsion ** GUO: Hydrogel Airwell ** GWYNN: Chlorozone vs Cancer ** Gyro-Stabilized Cars & Motorcycles ** GYSIN: Dream Machine **

» GADOMSKY, Oleg: Nano-Gold Invisibility ~ Sub-micron stratum of nano gold particles with specific size & spacing apparently renders objects "invisible"; articles & USP Application.

» GAINES, George : Mica Paper ~ When the cellulose runs out -- 8 patents.

» GAMBERINI, Sergio: Underwater Greenhouse ~ Largely impractical & completely vulnerable -- but what a way to grow... Article & USP Application...

» GAN, Qiaoqiang: Radiative Cooling Polymer -- Non-electric dimethylsiloxane/aluminum structure cools all day; articles & patents.

» GARBER, Paul: Acrobatic Kite ~ Considered to be the best target practice kite.

» GARCIA, Roberto Castelblanco, et al. : Rootman Insulation -- Eco-friendly hydroponic-cultivated rootmass insulation w/ superior fire resistance & sound absorption; articles & patent.

» GARRETT, Henry: Electrolytic Carburetor ~ Garrett patented, built & drove a water-fueled car in 1935.

» GARY, Wesley: Magnet Motor ~ A simple free energy generator/motor; proven, patented & assiduously ignored since the 1890s.

» GENEPAX / SUEMATSU, Mitsuru: Water Energy System ~ Revolutionary new zeolite-water fuel cell w/ Pt-Ruthenium catalyst.

» GENTRY, Frank: The Technology of Low Temperature Carbonization ~ LTC Fundamentals, Coal Gas -Tar - Coke, Processes, Operation, Design, Materials, & Economics (1928).

» Geopathic Zones ~ 19 Patents for detection & neutralization / shielding of telluric radiations.

» GEORGES, John: Tree-T-Pee ~ Simple cone surrounding base of tree conserves water, protects from frost, & increases yields.

» GHASEMI, Hadi, et al.: Steam Generator ~ 85% Efficient conversion of solar energy to steam with carbon sponge -- 30% more efficient than other systems.

» GIAPIS, Konstantinos: Oxygen Production from Electro-Kinetic CO2 ~ CO2 accelerated w/ electric charge decomposes to oxygen upon impact; articles & patent application.

» GIBBS, Steven: HyperDimensional Resonator ~ Caduceus coil / quartz crystal + Radionics = alleged Time-Warp for astral T-Travel.

» GILLIGAN, Michael, et al.: Fuelsavers ~ 3 Patents for simple devices to increase MPG & power, & reduce emisssions.

» Gills ( Artificial ) ~ Extract oxygen from water ( except in dead zones, of course ) ... Something to think about while you're drowning or being water-boarded.

» GILMARTIN, Ian: Mini-Water Wheel ~ Simple design capable of generating enough electricity to run a house from as little as 20 cm height.

» GESELL, Silvio : The Natural Economic Order ~ The classic account of "demurrage" currency in WW2 Austria.

» GLOBUS, Alfred: Water-Gasoline Emulsion ~ "Hydrelate" fuel reformer enables 10% water addition to fuel, raises octane to 91.

» GODES, Robert: Quantum Fusion Reactor ~ LENR/Cold fusion with electronic pulses that promote proton-electron capture reactions, produces neutrons & heat.

» GODWARD, Ernest: Fuel Vaporizer ~ 1913 Design: 457 mpg w/ petrol ; 266 mpg w/ kerosene.

» GOGINS, Laird: Infinity Transmission ~ 95% Efficient, improves mileage-per-gallon, smooth, infinite number of gear ratios.

» GOLDFEIN, Solomon: Biological Transmutation ~ U.S. Army Mobility Equipment R&D Command Report # 2247: "Energy Development from Elemental Transmutations in Biological Systems" (May 1978). Mg-ATP can act as a biological cyclotron to transmute Na to Mg, K to Ca, Mn to Fe, & produce surplus energy.

» GOLDIN, Aaron: Gyro-Gen Wave Power ~ Simple system prototyped from household appliance parts; articles, patent.

» GOLOD, Alexandr: Pyramid Devices ~ Electrical & bioenergetic effects, increased oil production.

» GOMBERT, Bernd: Electronic Wedge Brake ~ Siemens system stops in half the distance of conventional designs.

» GONG, Jian, et al.: Fiber-Reinforced Soft Composite ~ Flexible hydrogel fabric, "5x stronger than steel".

» GOODENOUGH, John, et al.: Glass Battery ~ Nonflammable solid state electrolyte design promises to replace lithium batteries.

» GOODSON, David: Electrodynamic Combustion Control ~ Electrostatic control of flame increases combustion efficiency 30%, reduces particulates 95% w/o increasing NOx.

» GORDON, David: Night Vision Device ~ Low-intensity spot of light in one eye enables the other to see in the dark.

Guberment: Declaration of Independence ** USA Constitution ** Bill of Rights/Amendments ** The Antifederalist Papers ** v. DYKE: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars ** GESELL: The Natural Economic Order ** GLUBB: Course of Empire ** TUYACAN (CIA): Psychological Operations in Guerilla Warfare ** ANONYMOUS: The Occult Technology of Power ** PAINE: The Rights of Man ** PAINE: The Age of Reason ** THOREAU: Civil Disobedience **

» GRANDER, Johann: Revitalized Water ~ Controversial energized water produces increases crop yields ... many industrial benefits. The health claims have been "debunked"...

» GRANDICS, Peter: Pyramid DC Generator ~ Great Pyramid antenna & circuit converts atmospheric electricity to DC power!

» GRANIER, Christian: X-Ray Weapon ~ French Patent 286982 -- Stereo X-ray generators destroy electronic targets, & related topics.

» GRAY, Edwin: Electro-Magnetic Association (EMA) Motor ~ The marvelous EMA or Pulsed Capacitance Discharge (PCD) engine promised to revolutionize power production and transportation, but it was thoroughly suppressed...

» GREBENNIKOV, Viktor: Insect Anti-Gravity ~ Grebennikov discovered anti-gravity in the wings of an insect, & he built a flying platform powered by this method.

» GREBENNIKOV, V.: Insect Anti-G (2) ~ 2 Articles from the Russian journal New Energy Technologies; lots of details.

» GREEN, Raymond: Wind Turbine ~ Funnels wind = 4x more power.

» GREENWOOD, Christopher: Infinitely Variable Transmission ~ Torotrak:Optimal engine use, MPG improved 20%, Low revs in cruising, easy ascent/descent 25% slope.

» GRIFFIN, Linnard: Hydrogen Generator ~ Catalytic production of H / O by colloidal Ag, Cu, Zn.

» GRIGGS, James: Hydrosonic Pump ~ The patented Hydrodynamics ShockWave Pump utilizes cavitation to heat water with hyper-efficiency (similar to the Schaeffer steam generator, v.i.).

» GRIGORYANTS, Robert: Diesel Rotary Engine ~ "Revolutionary" ( literally ) engine: silent, super-economical, eco-friendly, no tranny, lightweight.

» GRINDELL-MATTHEWS, Harry: "Death Ray" ~ Remote detonation of explosives, stop electric motors.

» GRITSKEVITCH, Oleg: Hydro-Magnetic Generator ~ up to 10,000x over-unity is claimed: produces DC power by ultrasonic & electrostatic stimulation of water/D oxide/BaTi.

» GUASCO, Roger: Theta Amplifier ~ "Green Ray" generator stimulates plant growth, improves health.

» GUIGE, Jacques / DAVIDSON, Ron: AirTab Vortex Generator ~ Improve vehicle miles-per-gallon, handling, & stability.

» GUILLEMETTE, Suzanne: Perpetual Electrostatic Battery ~ French Patent claiming a convenient source of industrial power.

» GUILLOT, Jules: Atmospheric Electric Generator ~ A powerful proven design from the 1920s.

» GUO, Youhong, et al.: Hydrogel Airwell ~ MIT team design is highly efficient, scales up; articles, patents.

» GULLEY, John: Self-Sustaining Electric Motor ~ 7 Articles from the Louisville Courier-Journal, 1970s.

» GUNNERMAN, Rudolf: Water-Fuel Emulsion ~ Nickel catalysis of water-alcohol-petrol emulsion: Engines run on 50% water, 25% + mpg.

» Gyro-Stabilized Cars & Motorcycles ~ Gyro-X, Ford's Gyron, & several others; articles, videos, patents.


HHH --- HAGEMAN: Thermal Hydraulic Engine ** HALAS: Nanoparticle Solar Steam ** HALL: Prop Cowling ** HALSTEAD: Cancer Therapy ** HAMILTON: Chlorine Dioxide **  HANSEN: Alcohol/Water Vapor Fuel ** HARMAN, Jayden: Lily Propeller ** HARPER: Rotary Engine ** HART: EH Antenna ** HARTSHORNE: Household Cyclopedia ** HATELY / KABBARI: X-Field Antenna ** HATEM: Magnet Motor ** HATTON: Gadgetman Groove ** HAUSER: Alsi-Paper ** HEELEY: Passive Turbo Fuel Saver ** HEINS: Perepitea Generator ** HELMHOLTZ: Resonator ** Hemp Husbandry ( NELSON ) ** Hemp Plastic ** HEMPEL: Ionic Magnetic Power Charger ** HENDERSHOT: Motor ** HENDERSHOT: Motor ( II ) ** HENDERSHOT: Motor ( III ) ** HENG / LUO: Fog Collector ** HENSON: Si2HSb2 Amplifier ** HERBRAND: Turbine ** HERRERA: Melanin Battery ** HHO / Waterfuel Canadian Patents ** HIDDINK: 1-Terminal Capacitor ** HIERONYMOUS: Radionics ** HIGH: Speed Reading System ** HILL: Fishtail Propeller ** HINE: Wave-Power Boat ** Hippo Roller ** HODOWANEC: Rhysmonics ** HODOWANEC: Magnetic Resonance Amplifier ** HOFF: WaterBoxx **  HOLCOMB: Energy Systems ** HOLLINGSHEAD: Gravitational Lens ** HOLLINGSHEAD: Odic Ray ** HOLLIS: MileageMatrix Thermostat ** HOLM / RAMESH: Catalytic Thermal Depolymerisation ** HOLMES: Gyradoscope ** HOLT: Cancer Therapy ** HOLTZAPPLE: StarRotor Engine ** HOLUBOWICZ: Gun Engine ** Homeopathy Patents ** HONTSU: Tooth Patch ** HOOPER: Motional E-Field ** HORIO: Biomass Charcoal Heater ** HOWELL-SMITH BRADELY: Revetec Cam-Drive Engine ** HUBBARD: Generator ** HUDSON: ORMEs ** HULL: Hull Effect ** Human Growth Hormone Precursors ** HUMBLE: ClO2 Therapy ** HUME, E. Douglas : Bechamp or Pasteur? ** HUN: Kumdang-2 ** HURTUBISE: Angel Light ** HURWICH: Ray Gun ** HUSSAM: SONO Filter ** HUSTON: Heat from Air ** HUTCHISON: Hutchison Effect ** HUTCHISON: Power Cell ** HWANG: Microwave Steel Manufacture ** HYDE: ES Generator ** Hydrophobic Cement ** Hypnosis ** HydroxyChloroQuine **

» HAGEMAN, Brian: Thermal Hydraulic Engine ~ Utilizes low heat ( 180 F/82C, solar, waste, &c ) to run no-emission, non-combustion "Natural Energy Engine".

» HALAS, Naomi, et al.: Nanoparticle Solar Steam ~ CuO, C, or Au on silica nanoshells in water generate steam without boiling.

» HALL, Carl: Propeller Cowling ~ Increases airspeed up to 140%; article & patent.

» HANSEN, Herbert: Alcohol/Water Vapor Fuel ~ 70+ mpg & more power than with gasoline; articles & 3 patents.

» HARMAN, Jayden: Lily Propeller ~ Golden Mean design generates vortex for optimal performance.

» HARPER, Murry: Rotary Engine ~ No valves, crankshaft, distributor, rods, fan, radiator - perfect balance, superior seals.

» HART, Robert: EH Antenna ~ Combines the E and H fields in very small size w/ improved performance.

» HARTSHORNE, Henry: The Household Cycopedia ~ "...of General Information, Containing Over 10,000 Receipts in all the Useful and Domestic Arts..." ( 1883 )( PDF, 14 MB ).

» HATELY, Maurice & KABBARY, Fathi: Crossed Field Antenna ~ A revolutionary AM antenna: 1/50 wavelength long, no radial ground system, no RF interference, great bandwidth, & performs better than equivalent full-sized vertical radiator.

» HATEM, Leon: Magnet Motor ~ Another controversial magnet device, patented, prototyped, replicated.

» HATTON, Ron: Gadgetman Groove ~ Simple tweak in throttle body improves fuel vaporization & consumption, reduces emissions.

» HAUSER, Albert: Bentonite Paper ~ "Alsi-Paper" can be made from Bentonite clay; save trees !

Health:  ADAMS: Cesium Eliminator ** N-Acetyl Carnosine vs Cataracts / Glaucoma ** Adrenochrome Patents * AKIMOV: Torsion Field Generators ** ANTELMAN: TetraSilver TetraOxide ** ANTELMAN: TetraCopper Tetroxide ** Activated Water Patents ** ATP Extraction Patents ** BAATI: Fullerene / Olive Oil & Longevity ** BADYLAK: Organ Regeneration ** BARE: Frequency Therapy ** BAUGH: Rejuvenation  ** Baking Soda vs Cancer  ( (II ) ** Baking Soda / Molasses vs Cancer **  BECHAMP: Microzymes ** BECKER: Silver Iontophoresis ** BECKER: Anti-Aging Machine ** BECKETT: Mg-Carbonate Water ** BELFOR: Homeoblock ** BELOSEVIC: Ozone vs Prions ** BENEDICT: Phototherapy ** BENENATI: Mummification ** BENNETT: Rejuvenation ** BENVENISTE: Homeopathy & Digital Biology ** Bioenergetic Patents ( II ) ** Biophoton Patents ** BioGeometry & Bioenergy Balancing Patents ** Biophoton Research Papers ** Birth Control ** BLASS: Homozone ** BLAU: Rapid Telomere Extension ** Bloodroot vs Skin Cancer ** BOEHME: DNA Resonance ** BOVIS: Biometer ** BRUSHKOV: Bacillus cereus sp. for Longevity ** Budesonide vs Covid ** BURZYNSKI: Antineoplaston Therapy ** CAMPBELL-TOFTE: Rauvolfia Vomitoria vs Diabetes ** Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening ** CARSON: Emergency Childbirth ** Cesium Chloride vs Cancer ** CHAUSOVSKY: Technotronic Psychotechnology ** CHEN: Ultrasonic Tooth Regeneration ** Cobalt Hexamine vs Ebola ** Cockroach Medicine ** Compost Toilets ** Copper Medicine ** COTSARELIS: Hair Regrowth ** Covid Database ** CRILE: Radiogens ** Crocodylus Porosus Peptide ** CROCK: Aura Therapy ** Cymatherapy ** BRADY: Coconut Oil Dentistry ** DANG: Papaya vs Cancer ** DARAIO: Sonic Bullets ** DAVALOS / RUBISKY: Irreversible Electro-Poration vs Cancer ** DAVIDOVITCH: Electro-Orthodontia ** DAVIS / RAWLS: Biomagnetism ** Dental Electrolysis ** DePINHO: Age Reversal ** Distilled Water & Health ** DCA vs Cancer ** DMSO Therapy ** DOTTO: Diamagnetic Ring ** DMSO in Medicine ** DOUGAL: Infrared Therapy ** DUFES: Bioactive Polymers vs. Cancer ** Ebola Patents ** Ebola Therapies ** EEMAN: Co-Operative Healing ** EGELY: Bio-Energetic Devices ** EGELY / VESELY: Bio-Induced Magnetic Anomalies ** EISING: Radolatum ** Electrolyzed Water ** Electro-OsteoGenesis ** Electrostatic Therapy Patents ** ENGEL: Living Alcohol ** EnWave: Dehydration System ** Fenbendazole vs Cancer ** Field Manuals ** FLANAGAN: Neurophone ** Frankincense vs Cancer ** FRODSHAM: Magnetic Sepsis Filter ** FUCHS: Beta-Catenin vs Alopecia ** GAJAREV / POPONIN: DNA Reprogramming ** GAJAREV: Wave Genetics ( II ) ** GcMAF ** Geopathic Zones ** Geranium vs HIV/AIDS ** GIANSANTI: Copper Mask ** GILBERT: DD107498 vs Malaria ** Ginger vs Cancer ** GOLD: Hydrazine Sulfate vs Cancer ** GOLOD: Pyramid Devices ** GORDON: Blushwood vs Cancer ** GUASCO: Theta Amplifier ** GUDKOV: Flagellin vs Radiation ** GWYNN: Chlorozone vs Cancer ** HALSTEAD: Cancer Therapy ** HAMILTON: Chlorine Dioxide ** Herbs vs Cataracts ** Herbs vs Halitosis ** Herbal Contraception ** HOLT: Cancer Therapy ** Homeopathy Patents ** HONTSU: Tooth Patch ** HUANG: Deuterium-Depleted Water ** Human Growth Hormone Precursors ** HUMBLE: ClO2 vs Malaria ** HUN: Kumdang-2 ** HydroxyChloroQuine ** IGHINA: Elios ** ISTRATE: Celulact H ** JOHNSON ( J. ): Dipole Resonance Mutation ** JIANG: Plasma Dental Probe ** JONES/AMERISCIENCE: AS10 Rejuvenation ** JUDD: Tooth Remineralization ** KAALI / SCHWOLSKY: Blood Electrification vs AIDS ** KALININ: Munich Jar ** KANADY: Cold Atmospheric Plasma vs Cancer ** KARIM: Biogeometry ** KAN'CHZHEN: Microwave Transfer BioInfo ** KASAREV: Scenar ** KASHFI: NOSH-Aspirin vs Cancer ** KEENER: Cold Plasma Food Preservation ** KENT: KISSCare ** KHAVINSON: Epitalin ** KIEFER: Vomit Beam ** KILNER: Dicyanin Aura Lens ** KITT: Stabilized DeHydroAscorbic Acid ** KOCH: Glyoxylide Therapy ** KOH: Vibration-Accelerated Wound-Healing ** KORSCHELT: Etheric Radiations ** KRAJMALNIK-BROWN: Fecal Transplants vs Autism** KRAVCHENKO: Biological Anomaly Detectors ** Lactucarium / Lettuce Opium ** LAKHOVSKY: MWO ** LANDOLINA: Veti-Gel Bandage ** Le RIBAULT: Organo-Silicon Therapy ** LEINENGA / GÖTZ: Ultrasound vs Alzheimer's Disease ** LIH: LifeVac Anti-Choke Device ** Liposomal Vitamin C ** LIVINGSTON: Cancer Therapy ** LO / GANN: Cluster Water ** LYNGSTADAAS: Bone Scaffold ** LITTLEFIELD: Resurrection Salt ** LITTRUP: Cryotherapy vs Cancer ** MACIEL: Tilapia Skin Burn Bandage ** MADURO: Ashitaba for Longevity ** MAO: Tooth Regeneration ** MARTA: Polarized Light Therapy ** Mebendazole vs Cancer ** MERKL: Chondriana & Life Crystals ** MIELKE: Prion Disinfectant ** Milkwood vs Cancer ** MOHINDRA: OraLift ** MONTAGNIER: DNA Teleportation ** MORAD: MuTaTo vs Cancer ** MORFILL: Plasma Sterilization ** Moringa ** MOUSSAD: Lipofullerene Life Extension ** NAESSENS: Somatoscope / 714X * NAVIAUX: Suramin vs Autism * NAKANISHI: Cabenegrin Resurrection ** Nanobubble Water ** NEISTER: Sterilray ** NELSON: Diabetes Treatment ** NEMES: Microscope ** NEWNHAM: Borax vs Arthritis ** NORDENSTROM: Electricity vs Cancer * OBOLENSKY: Teslatron * ODON: Childbirth Device ** Olive Leaf ** OLNEY: UV Blood Irradiation Therapy ** Orgone Patents ** Ortho-Silicic Acid *S* Ozone Therapy ** PALTI: Electric Fields & Frequencies vs Cancer ** PAN: Channelrhodopsin vs Blindness ** PANDEY: Dandelion vs Cancer ** PASCHE: EMF Cancer Thereapy ** PETYAEV: Anti-Aging Chocolate ** PFEIFFER: Sensitive Crystallization Processes ** PICCARDI: Chemical Basis of Medical Climatology ** Pine Pollen * PITTS: Dental Iontophoresis ** Plant Milk ** POPP: Mistletoe vs Cancer ** POSNER: Malaria Cure ** PRIORE: ElectroTherapy ** Purple Nutsedge vs Tooth Decay ** Pyorrhea Patents ** Pyramid Patents ** Pyramid Energy Patents ( II ) ** QUAVE: Botanicals vs MRSA ** QUINTON: Ocean Plasma ** Radiesthesia Patents ** REICH: Orgone ** REVICI: Selenium vs Cancer ** RICKARD: L-Arginine vs Plaque ** RIFE: Beam Ray Machine ** ROBBINS: Fisetin ** ROBERTSON: Revital ** ROFFE: Harmonic Resonance ** ROWEN: Ozone vs Ebola ** RUBTSOV: Puke Ray ** RUSS: Eye-Ray Device ** SARIKAYA: Tooth Remineralization ** SAVA: Prion Disinfection ** SAVAGE: CSA-25 vs AIDS ** SCHIFFER / BUCK: Therapeutic Glasses ** SCHOENBACH: Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields ** SCHWARTZ: Spray-On Glass ** SEDYLMAR: Microwave Still ** SHARPE: Tooth Regrowth ** SHCHEPINOV: Deuterated Nutrients ** SHEALY: DNA Telomere Rejuvenation ** SHIRONOSOV: Activated Microcluster Water ** SHUKLA: Fenugreek Food Preservation ** Silicic Acid & Health ** SIMONCINI: Baking Soda vs Candida & Cancer ** SKULACHEV: SkQ ** Sleep ** SMIRNOV: EM Shield ** SOLOMIDES: Physiatrons vs Cancer ** SOUTER: Water Purification ** STARK: Water Purification ** STERNHEIMER: DNA Music ** Sulforaphane vs Cancer ** Sulforaphane Patents ** Sutherlandia vs Cancer ** TetraSilver Tetroxide ** Thunder God Vine vs Cancer ** TOBINICK: Etanercept vs Strokes ** Tooth Remineralization ** Torsion Field ( I ) ** Torsion Field Generators * TSAI: Enzyme HDAC1 Rejuvenation * TSEN: UV Inactivation of Viruses ** Turmeric / Curcumin ** WILLARD: Catalyst-Activated Water ** Cannabis & Health (2004-05) ** Ozone Therapy ** Ozone Dentistry ** Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy ** Super-Light Water ** Urine Therapy ** UVAROV: Egyptian Healing Rods ** VOLTARELLI: Stem Cells vs Diabetes ** VOLTARELLI: Stem Cells vs Diabetes ** WAINWRIGHT: Ozone therapy ** WURZBURGER: MgOH vs MRSA ** YE: Gold Nanotubes vs Cancer ** YU: Plasma Dental Brush ** ZACHARAKIS: T-Cell Therapy ** ZENG: Electro-Chemo-Acceleration ** ZHANG: Lanosterol vs Cataracts ** ZUROVCIK: Wound-Healing Device ** InFolios ( PDF format ): Aphrodisiacs ** Hair

Cancer: ANTELMAN: TetraSilver TetraOxide ** ANTELMAN: TetraCopper Tetroxide ** Maple Syrup / Baking Soda vs Cancer ** BECKER: Silver Iontophoresis ** BECKER: Anti-Aging Machine * Bloodroot vs Skin Cancer ** BURZYNSKI: Antineoplaston Therapy ** Cesium Chloride vs Cancer ** Cockroach Medicine ** DANG: Papaya vs Cancer ** DARAIO: Sonic Bullets ** DAVALOS / RUBISKY: Irreversible Electro-Poration vs Cancer ** DCA vs Cancer ** DMSO Therapy ** DOTTO: Diamagnetic Ring ** DUFES: Bioactive Polymers vs. Cancer ** Fenbendazole vs Cancer ** Frankincense vs Cancer ** Geranium vs HIV/AIDS ** Ginger vs Cancer ** GOLD: Hydrazine Sulfate vs Cancer ** GORDON: Blushwood vs Cancer ** GWYNN: Chlorozone vs Cancer ** HALSTEAD: Cancer Therapy ** HOLT: Cancer Therapy ** Homeopathy Patents ** KAALI / SCHWOLSKY: Blood Electrification vs AIDS ** KASHFI: NOSH-Aspirin vs Cancer ** KOCH: Glyoxylide Therapy ** LITTRUP: Cryotherapy vs Cancer ** LIVINGSTON: Cancer Therapy ** Mebendazole vs Cancer ** Milkwood vs Cancer ** MORAD: MuTaTo vs Cancer ** NAESSENS: Somatoscope / 714X ** NORDENSTROM: Electricity vs Cancer ** Ozone Therapy ** PALTI: Electric Fields & Frequencies vs Cancer ** PANDEY: Dandelion vs Cancer ** PASCHE: EMF Cancer Thereapy ** Pine Pollen ** POPP: Mistletoe vs Cancer ** PRIORE: ElectroTherapy ** QUINTON: Ocean Plasma ** REVICI: Selenium vs Cancer ** RIFE: Beam Ray Machine ** SAVAGE: CSA-25 vs AIDS ** SCHOENBACH: Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields ** SIMONCINI: Baking Soda vs Candida & Cancer ** SOLOMIDES: Physiatrons vs Cancer ** Sutherlandia vs Cancer ** TetraSilver Tetroxide ** Thunder God Vine vs Cancer ** Turmeric / Curcumin ** Ozone Dentistry ** Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy ** WAINWRIGHT: Ozone therapy ** YE: Gold Nanotubes vs Cancer ** Urine Therapy *

Heat / Cold: Intermittent Absorption Refrigeration ** AVEDON: Thermal Equalizer ** BAHAR: ElectroChemical Compression ** BRITS / CHRISTIE: Magnetic Heater ** CADEMARTIRI: Electricity vs Fire ** Candle Space Heater ** CUI: Silver Nanowire Insulation ** DAVEY: Sonic Resonance Boiler ** DENK: Solar Powered Reactor ** DUMAS: Resonance Heater ** DUNAEVSKIJ: Steam Engine ** EINSTEIN / SZILARD: Refrigerator ** ENACHE: EM-Enhanced Combustion ** ERICKSON: ISAAC Ice Maker ** FISCHER: Hydraulic Heat Engine * FRENETTE / PERKINS: Friction Heater ** GHASEMI: Steam Generator ** GOODSON: Electrodynamic Combustion Control ** GRIGGS: Hydrosonic Pump ** HAGEMAN: Thermal Hydraulic Engine ** HORIO: Biomass Charcoal Heater ** HUSTON: Heat from Air ** Iron Powder Fuel ** JOHNSON: Thermo-Electric Conversion System ** KELLER: KROV Steam Engine ** KHOSLA: CoolBot ** KINLEY: Solar Furnace ** KOLPAK: Rechargeable Thermal Battery ** LIGHTFOOT: Solar Heater ** MAIER-LAXHUBER: Zeolite / Water Heating / Cooling ** MAISOTSENKO: Indirect Evaporative Cooling ** MEANEY: Solar Panel ** ORAN: Blue Swirl Flame ** PINHERO: IR Solar Cells ** PLATEN: Thermal Engine ** RANQUE: Vortex Tube ** RANQUE: Vortex Tube ( II ) ** SCHAEFFFER: Steam Generator ** SCHAUBERGER: Klimator ** SEROGODSKY: Heat Engine ** SINGH: AirTap Water Heater ** Solar Concentrators / Furnaces ** SUAREZ: Turbostove ** SUEKRAN: Heating Mixture ** TREFILOV: Torsion Field Devices ** TRIPLER / WAINWRIGHT: Liquid Oxygen Engine ** VARTAN: Pulsed Rotation Cooling ** VATISTAS: Vortex Cooling ** WANG: Super-Hydrophobic Cu-Oxide ** WHETSTONE: "Tadpole" ** WOOD: Matrix Solar Dish ** YANG: RadiCold ** YATER: Random Energy Fluctuation Converter **

» HEELEY, George: Passive Turbo Fuel Saver ~ Simple retrofit device gives up to 75% more mpg, increases power, reduces emissions.

» HEINS, Thane: Perepitea Generator ~ 'Infinity Generator' exploits a magnetic anomaly, violates Lenz Law for improved efficiency.

» HELMHOLTZ, Herman v.: Resonator ~ Acoustic resonator w/ numerous applications: intro info, patent list.

» HEMPEL, Jorg: Ionic Magnetic Power Charger ~ Charges/discharges capacitors in a magnetic field much faster w/o heating.

» HENDERSHOT, Lester: Motor-Generator ~ 1928 "Fuelless Motor"; Articles from NY Times, Aho's schematics.

» HENDERSHOT, L.: Motor-Generator ~ 3 PDF books including patent application & schematics, for the legendary generator.

» HENDERSHOT, L.: Fuelless Motor ( III ) ~ Scans of 10 newspaper articles ( 1928 ).

» HENG, Xin & LUO, Cheng: Fog Collector ~ Bio-inspired design uses hinged plates to accumulate useful quantities of dew.

» HENSON, Robert : Si2HSb2 Amplifier ~ Simple synthesis produces crystal claimed to amplify input 184,000x; USP 5252176.

Herbs: Herbs vs Corona Virus ** Apoptosis of Cancer by Natural Substances ** Astragalus & Longevity ** Birth Control ** Bloodroot vs Cancer ** CAMPBELL-TOFTE: Rauvolfia Vomitoria vs Diabetes ** Catnip ** Curcumin ** DANG: Papaya vs Cancer ** Frankincense vs Cancer ** GORDON: Blushwood vs Cancer ** Herbs vs Halitosis ** Herbs vs AIDS ** Herbs vs Arthritis ** Herbs vs Diabetes ** Herbs vs Cataracts ** Herbs vs Hepatitis ** HUN: Kumdang-2 ** MICHELOW: Griffithsin vs Ebola Virus ** Milkwood vs Cancer ** Moringa ** NAKANISHI: Cabenegrin Resurrection ** Olive Leaf ** PANDEY: Dandelion vs Cancer ** Pine Pollen ** POSNER: Artemisinin Malaria Cure ** Purple Nutsedge vs Tooth Decay ** QUAVE: Botanicals vs MRSA ** SHUKLA: Fenugreek Food Preservation ** Sutherlandia vs Cancer ** Thunder God Vine vs Cancer ** Turmeric / Curcumin ** Turmerone ** Cannabis & Health (2004-05) * Hemp & Health **

» HERBRAND, Ludwig: Turbine ~ Combines principles of Schauberger vortex, Venturi, & Gravity to extract maximum energy from dams; articles, patents.

» HERRERA, Arturo: Melanin Battery ~ Melanin pigment + water + sunlight produces electricity, HH-O indefinitely.

» HHO / Waterfuel -- Canadian Patents ~ A collection of select patents & list.

» HIDDINK, Joseph: 1-Terminal Capacitor ~ A pulse-converter of Coulomb charge ; Claims free energy & anti-gravity.

» HIERONYMOUS, Thomas: Eloptic Energy ~ Two articles & USP for radionic detection of elements.

» HILL, Arthur: Fishtail Propeller ~ Simple efficient mechanism imitates fish and birds.

» HINE, Roger & Derek: Wave-Power Boat ~ Successfully crossed the Pacific Ocean -- article, patents.

» Hippo Roller ~ Rolling barrel eases transportation of water.

» HODOWANEC, Gregory: Rhysmonic Cosmology ~ Theory & practice of Hodowanec's G-Wave Detectors.

» HODOWANEC, G.: Mini-MRA ~ "Cosmology Notes" on experiments with the McCLAIN-WOOTAN Magnetic Resonance Amplifier.

» HOFF, Petrus: Water Box ~ Collects dew for trees.

» HOLCOMB, Robert: Energy Systems ~ Converts electron spin in the iron atom into usable electricity.

» HOLLAND, Chance, et al.: Cutin vs Spoilage ~ Vegetable skin extract preserves produce.

» HOLLINGSHEAD, Edgar L.: Odic Ray ~ 1920s invention produced levitation, disintegration, transparency, &c.

» HOLLINGSHEAD, Marcus: Gravity Lense ~ Toroidal coil design levitates, no inertia, low-power, high lift

» HOLLIS, Tom: MileageMatrix Thermostat ~ Gives 5-8% improved mpg, extends tranny life, reduces oil consumption and CO2, available now

» HOLM, James / RAMESH, S.: Catalytic Thermal Depolymerisation ~ One more way to convert plastic to fuel ; Article & patent.

» HOLMES, Edgar: Gyradoscope ~ Gyroscopes & eccentrics generate lift; prototype-proven ( 1931 ).

» HOLTZAPPLE, Mark: StarRotor Engine ~ The Brayton Cycle & "gerotors": 58-76% efficient, less heat, multi-fuel, longer life, easily scalable, compact, light weight, fewer parts, 80-100 mpg.

» HOLUBOWICZ, Kazimierz: Gun Engine ~ 90% efficient, lower fuel consumption & emissions 80%, burns any fuel, plus water !

» HOOPER, William: Motional Electric Field ~ The Motional E-Field cannot be shielded: a source for free energy from the G-field, plus anti-gravity. Discovered in the 1970s & carefully ignored since then.

» HORIO, Masayuki: Biomass Charcoal Heater ~ Improved Thin Bed Combustion Furnace design is ~ 80% thermal efficient.

» HOWELL-SMITH BRADELY, David: Revetec Cam-Drive Engine ~ Novel design offers 3x torque, 50% increased efficiency.

» HUBBARD, Alfred: Coil Generator ~ A powerful free energy generator invented ca. 1919. Articles, patent for a radium-spark plug, R&D notes, &c. See also BROWN: Nucell.

» HUDSON, David: ORMEs Patent ~ Preparation of Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements (ORMEs): British Patent 2,219,995.

» HULL, Robert & ROGERS, Nathan: Hull Effect ~ Bismuth + Magnetism generates torsion field effects in IC engines, improves gas mileage.

» HUME, E. Douglas : Bechamp or Pasteur? ~ "A Lost Chapter in the History of Medicine" ( PDF ) ( See also : BECHAMP : Microzymes )

» HURTUBISE, Troy: Angel Light ~ This controversial invention allegedly sees through walls, heals, &c.

» HURWICH, Sid: "Ray Gun" ~ An EM Beam device that "freezes" mechanical/electrical devices.

» HUSSAM, Abul: SONO Filter ~ Simple design with composite iron matrix removes most Arsenic.

» HUSTON, John: Heat from Air ~ A patented, demonstrated over-unity heat-generator from the 1920s.

» HUTCHISON, John: The Hutchison Effect ~ Levitation, Disruption & Luminescence effects from combined field effects of Tesla Coil, ES Field, &c.. Plus: Rock Battery...

» HUTCHISON, John: Power Cell ~ Simple tabletop preparation of mineral batteries. This is the audio-only MP3 of Mr H's video, minus the screeching she-thing.

» HWANG, Jim: Microwave Steel Manufacture ~ 50% reduced cost, energy & emissions.

» HYDE, William: Electrostatic Generator ~ Over-Unity claimed; also converts High-V ES to Low-V DC ...

» Hydrophobic Cement ~ Yo ! Tepco ! Here's a list of patents for you to review ! ( Please ? ) Patents for water-repelling formulas.

» Hyfuel Assist Autos ~ 8 Do-It-Yourself water-fuel cars in the news, '07-'08.

Hydrogen / Oxygen: ANDERSON: Hyfuel Catalyst ** ANDERSON: Water-Fuel System ** BARANOV: Structured Water Fuel ** BODNER: Artificial Gills ** BOYLE: HHO Generator ** BROWN: Hyfuel ** CASTLEMAN: Superatoms ** CELIS: Hydrogasifier ** CHAMBRIN: Water-Alcohol Fuel Reactor ** CULTURE: HHO Generator ** DAVIDSON: RF Dissociation of Water ** DEMUTH: Photocatalytic Electrolysis ** DENK: Solar Powered Reactor ** EHRENHAFT: Magnetolysis / Magnetic Current ** FREEDMAN: Chemalloy ** GARRETT: Electrolytic Carburetor ** GENEPAX / SUEMATSU: Water Energy System * GIAPIS: Oxygen from Electro-Kinetic CO2 * GRIFFIN: Hydrogen Generator ** Hyfuel-Assist Autos ** HHO / Waterfuel Canadian Patents ** Joe [ BOOKER ] Cell ** KANAREV: Plasma Water Electrolysis ** KANZIUS: Water-Fuel ** KLEIN: Aquafuel Car ** KOENEMAN: Hydrogen Generator ** KUEHNEL: Hydrogen Photocatalyst * LAURENCZY: Formic Acid Hyfuel ** LEACH: HASER ** LEE: Pre-Ignition Catalytic Converter ** MEYER: HOH-Generator ** MILLS: Hydrino ** MIZUNO: Plasma Electrolysis ** NAKAMATS: Enerex H-O Generator ** NOCERA: Artificial Photosynthesis ** OHMASA: Water-Fuel Generator ** OZKAN: Hydrogen Catalyst ** PACHECO: Hydrogen Generator ** POTTER: Plasma Drill ** PUHARICH: Electrolytic Cell ** RICHARDSON: AquaFuel ** ROTH: Alchemical Hydrogen ** SALTER: HHO Generator ** SANTILLI: MagneGas/Aquafuel ** SPIROS: Electrolysis ** SUN: TiO Nanofiber HHO ** SURATT: SG Gas ** TEVES: Water Fuel Conversion System ** WAGNER: Zorongen Gas ** XU: PiezoElectroChemical Effect ** YOGEV: H-Generator ** ZOGRAFOS: Combined Frequency Electrolysis


III --- IDE: Over-Unity Capacitance Motor ** Ice Dams ** IGHINA: Magnetic Atom ** IGHINA: The Law of Rhythm ** Immortality ** IMRIS: Optical Electrostatic Generator ** Iron Powder Fuel ** IRVING / DiCESARE: Offset Propeller ** ISTRATE: Celulact H ** ITO: Plastic-to-Oil Conversion ** IMANAKA: Synthetic Petroleum ** IZUOGU: Emagnetodynamic Machine **

» Ice Dams ~ Fukushima Daiichi ... Modern Mechanics & Inventions ( May 1931 ): "Liquid Air To Reclaim Land From North Sea" ... Patents

» IDE, Osamu: Over-Unity Capacitance Motor ~ Resonant circuit with moveable ferromagnetic core produces excess voltage.

» IGHINA, Pier Luigi: Magnetic Atom ~ Low-energy transmutations w/ solar-terrestrial energy, Species transmutations with frequencies, Magnetic Gyro weather control, Elios therapy device & much more...

» IGHINA, Pier Luigi: The Law of Rhythm ~ Explains our misperception of Light... plus: photos of his Magnetic Stroboscope, &c.

» IMANAKA, Tadayuki, et al. : Synthetic Petroleum ~ Activated H2O-UV-TiO2-kerosene-CO2; yields 5-10+ oil; articles, patents.

» IMRIS, Pavel: Optical Electrostatic Generator ~ Up to 900% efficiency claimed.

» Intermittent Absorption Refrigeration ~ Dozens of US Patent covers for ammonia-water refrigerators (some using solar heating) plus a list of dozens more foreign patents for the same, &c.

» Iron Powder Fuel ~ Clean, 'infinite' closed cycle system ; articles & patents.

» IRVING, James / Di CESARE, Pierino: Offset Propellers ~ Provides better balance, reduces vibration & stress, increases efficiency.

» ITO, Akinori: Plastic-to-Oil Conversion ~ Elegant system produces 1 liter oil from 1 kg plastic waste.

» IZUOGU, Ezekiel: Emagnetodynamic Machine ~ Alleged Over-U magnetic motor, patented, demonstrated.


JJJ --- JACQUES: Coal Battery ** JACKSON: Vaporous Gas Aspiration System ** JAGTOYEN: Auto Exhaust Water Recovery System ** JAMES: Thermionic-Thermoelectric Generator ** JAMISON: Energizer ** JEFIMENKO: Electrostatic Motors ** JEFIMENKO: Causality ** JENKINS: Nuclear Decay Rates & Earth-Sun Distance ** JENKINS: Water-Fuel Emulsion ** JENNY: Cymatics ** JEONG: Frequency-Regulation of Plant Genes ** JIANG: Plasma Dental Probe ** Joe Cell ** JOHANNESSON: Air Lubrication System ** JOHNSON: Magnet Motor ** JOHNSON: Dipole Resonance Mutation ** JOHNSON: PooGloos ** JOHNSON: Thermo-Electric Conversion System ** JOHNSON: Li-Air Battery ** JOHNSON: Magnatron ** JOHNSON: Air Purification ** JOHNSON: Oil-Water Nanocluster ** JONES/AMERISCIENCE: AS10 Rejuvenation ** JONES / CHAO: Chemisorbent Thermal Change Generator ** JUDD: Tooth Remineralization **

» JACKSON, Kenneth: Vaporous Gas Aspiration System ~ VGAS fuel system, 100% mpg gain.

» JACOBSEN, S. & CARTER, G.: Karrick-LTC of Utah Coal ~ B. Sci. Thesis (1933, Univ. of Utah), "Engineering Factors Relating to the Utilization of the Cannel Coals of Southern Utah", describing construction & operation of a Karrick retort.

» JACQUES, William: Electricity from Coal ~ Production of DC electricity directly from coal by aeration! A coal battery... combine with Low Temperature Carbonization.

» JAGTOYEN, Marit: Auto Exhaust Water Recovery System ~ "Lexcarb" on-board system collects & purifies water from exhaust gases.

» JAMES, Jasper : Thermionic-Thermoelectric Generator ~ Claimed to produce 20w from a small device, allegedly used by "The Government"; Articles & USP 4368416.

» JAMISON, Larry: Energizer ~ Article from the S.F. Examiner (1981) describes self-charging device, & Patent Application.

» JEFIMENKO, Oleg: Electrostatic Motors ~ Atmospheric-powered ES motors -- several articles including constuction plans.

» JEFIMENKO, Oleg: Causality &c ~ 5 Books

» JENKINS, J.: Nuclear Decay Rates & Earth-Sun Distance ~ Fluctuations are strongly correlated in time & distance: major implications for neutralizing radioactivity... (PDF)

» JENKINS, Walter: Water-Fuel Emulsion ~ Ultrasonic emulsification enables up to 95% water: 5% gasoline ratio.

» JENNY, Hans: Cymatics ~ Beautiful acoustic waves forms in sand, water, &c.

» JEONG, Mi-Jeong: Frequency-Regulation of Plant Genes ~ Specific frequencies can regulate the expression of any gene fused to the ald promoter.

» JOHANNESSON, Johannes: Air Lubrication System ~ Float your boat on air: Reduces hull-water drag & fuel consumption, similar to Mitsubishi MALS

» JOHNSON, Howard: Magnet Motor ~ The famous magnet motor that (allegedly) works ( Don't buy the online "HoJo" scam ) .

» JOHNSON, James: Dipole Resonance Mutation ~ Select frequencies in electrostatic field effect phenomenal chemical changes: food preservation, catalysis, electroculture &c...

» JOHNSON, Keith: Oil-Water Nanocluster Emulsion ~ 20-molecule nanoclusters of water-oil saves fuel, reduces NOx.

» JOHNSON, Kraig: PooGloos ~ An elegantly simple Sewage Treatment Sytem, apropos tech.

» JOHNSON, Lonnie: JTEC Engine ~ Ericsson Cycle Thermoelectric conversion of ambient heat.

» JOHNSON, Lonnie: Lithium-Air Battery ~ Leading edge design, plus list of 400+ recent patents ( 2012-2013 )

» JOHNSON, Rory: Magnatron ~ Another lost techno-gem: a laser-activated D-Ga fuel cell powered a 525 HP motor.

» JOHNSON, Matthew: Air Purification ~ Ozone, water vapor, electrics, and catalysis produce clean air, available now.

» JONES, Jack & CHAO, Yi: Chemisorbent Thermal Change Generator ~ MgBr-CoBr-Ammonia OTEC power system for propulsion. 

» JOVITSCHITSCH, Milorad: Transmutation of C to O ~ Transmutation of carbon to radioactive oxygen by electric discharge. ( PDF )


KKK --- KAPANADZE: Over-Unity Generator ** KAMAT: Solar Paint ** KANADY: Cold Atmospheric Plasma vs Cancer ** KANAREV: Self-Running Motor ** KANER: Graphene Battery ** KANNO: Charging Circuit ** KARAMCHEDU: Desalination ** KARNIK: Water Filter ** KARNOUKHOV: Akula Generator ** KARPEN: Thermoelectric Battery ** KASAREV: Scenar ** KASHFI: NOSH-Aspirin vs Cancer ** KAYSER: OTRAG Rocket ** KEASLING: Cannabinoids via Yeast ** KEELY: Motor ** KEELY: Aetheric Generator ** KEELY: Atomic & Molecular Triplets ** KEENER: Cold Plasma Food Preservation ** KEITH: Terrastar Soil Conditioner ** KELLER: KROV Steam Engine ** KELLOGG: Photon-Proton Electric Generator ** KELLY: Practical Guide to Free Energy Devices ** KEMENY: Cold Electricity ** KENT: SASER ** KENYON: Alternator-Generator-Motor ** KEPLINGER &  EGGER: Maya Motor ** KEPPE / SOOS: "Space Energy" Motor ** KERTZ: Vertigro ** KERVRAN: Biological Transmutation ** KESHE: Energy Generators ** KETCHUM: LTC ** KETTERMAN: Mirage Drive ** KHARE: Supercapacitor ** KHOSLA: CoolBot ** KIDD: Gyroscopic Propulsion ** KIEFER: Vomit Beam ** KILNER: Aura Lens ** KIM: Electroactive Paper ** KIM: Perovskite-Strontium Catalyst ** KINCHELOE: N-Machine ** KINLEY: Solar Furnace ** KIRSTEN: Prolate Cycloidal Propeller ** KITA: Chiralex Gravity Shield ** KITSEE: Electricity vs Tree Pests ** KITT: Stabilized DeHydroAscorbic Acid **  KLADOV: Ultrasonic Activator ** KLAPHAKE: Air Wells ** KLEIN: Aquafuel Car ** KLINE / FOGLEMAN: Wing ** KNEIDER: Wave-Power Boat ** KOCH: Glyoxylide Therapy ** KODAMA: Microbubble Flotation ** KOENEMAN: Hydrogen Generator ** KOH: Vibration-Accelerated Wound-Healing ** KOHAVI: Air Well ** KOHNEN: Litrospheres ** KOLDOMASOV: Reactor ** KOLISKO: Agriculture of Tomorrow ** KOLISKO: Working With the Stars In Earthly Substance ** KOLLARS: Mosquito Trap ** KOLPAK: Rechargeable Thermal Battery ** KOROTKOV: Gas-Discharge Visualization ** KOROVYAKOV: Gyroscopic Torsion Field ** KORSCHELT: Etheric Radiations ** KOSTOFF: Gravity-Power Machine ** KOURIS: Coriolis Force Turbine ** KOWSKY / FROST: Gravity Nullification ** KRAJMALNIK-BROWN: Fecal Transplants vs Autism ** KRATKY: Hydroponics ** KRAVCHENKO: Biological Anomaly Detectors ** KRIVITS: Plagiarism @ Oxford U. Press ** KROMREY: Molecular Generator ** KRUMMENACHER, Walter, et al.: Polarmond Sleeping System ** KUEHNEL: Hydrogen Photocatalyst * KUKLER: Diesel Injector ** KURKO: Fuel Additive ** KUTIENKOV: Ram Pump ** KUSHI / OHSAWA: Biological Transmutation ** KUTIENKOV: Ram Pump **

» KALINA, Alexander: Ammonia-Steam Cycle ~ Improves efficiency of steam engines up to 50%.

» KALININ, Oleg: Munich Jar ~ Quartz-Serpentine perpetual battery also accelerates healing 3x.

» KAMAT, Prashant: Quantum Dot Solar Paint ~ "Sun-Believable" nano-Ti-Oxide paint generates power.

» KAMEN, Dean: Power Generation / Water Purification System ~ micro-power local generation of electricity, water purification.

» KANAREV, Philipp: Water Plasma Electrolysis ~ A super-efficient process that produces H / O.

» KANNO, Matayoshi: Charging Circuit ~ 5-Minute recharger for electric vehicles, delivers in bursts that overcome cable resistance\

» KANAREV, F.M.: Self-Running Motor ~ Newly patented, tested, & proven Pulse Power Electrical Generator.

» KAN'CHZHEN, Tszyan: Microwave Transfer of Biological Information ~ Exchange genetic characteristics between species.

» KANER, Richard & EL-KADY, Maher: Graphene Battery ~ Fabricate micro-supercapacitors w/ Lightscribe dvd-burner & totally un-green chemistry.

» KANZIUS, John: Water-Fuel ~ RF-induced ignition of salt water; ; the device also treats cancer.

» KAPANADZE, Teriel: Over-Unity Generator ~ Alleged free energy: patented, prototyped, tested.

» KARAMCHEDU, Chaitanya: Desalination ~ Starch-grafted polyacrylamide hydrogel bonds potable water for recovery.

» KARL, Haskell: Aerodynamic Air Turbine Engine ~ A self-propelling vortex air implosion engine.

» KARNIK, Rohit: Xylem Water Filter ~ Pine stick eliminates 99%+ of E. coli; 1 sq. cm @ 5 psi produces up to 4 liters of potable water per day.

» KARNOUKHOV, Roman : Akula Generator -- Claimed to be an overunity generator...

» KARPEN, Vasilesco: Thermoelectric Battery ~ A model has run 50+ years @ a Romanian museum.

» KARRICK, Lewis: LTC of Coal ( # 1 ) ~ Low Temperature Carbonization of coal by this process produces up to 1 barrel of oil per ton of coal -- free! -- plus smokeless char and water-gas. If this elegant public-domain technology was used in the USA, we wouldn't have to fight oil wars except for fun. See also: KETCHUM, LARSEN & STUTZ: Design Specifications, and JACOBSEN / CARTER ... GENTRY, KARRICK: LTC (# 3)

» KARRICK, L.: LTC Patents ~ Karrick's US Patents for LTC of coal.

» KARRICK, L.: LTC of Coal ( # 3 ) ~ Photos of US Bureau of Mines NTU Retorts ( Ind Engg Chem., Jan '51 ), Pittsburgh '27, &c.

» KASMER, Thomas: Hydristor ~ Dual-analog hydrostatic "transistor" for mechanical energy conversion; extremely efficient, simple, elegant.

» KAWAI, Teruo: Magnet Motor ~ Patented, prototyped, proven over-unity magnet motor, suppressed by the Yakuza (according to T. Bearden).

» KAYSER, Lutz: OTRAG Rocket ~ Earth -- Love it, or leave it on the cheap in an OTRAG Rocket ( Not available in Palestine ).

» KEASLING, Jay, et al.: Cannabinoids via Yeast ~ Production of THC, CBD, &c by modified yeast sequences; article & patents.

» KEENER, Kevin: Cold Plasma Food Preservation ~ Room-temperature 80 KV ionization kills bacteria within seconds, even in sealed packages.

» KEITH, Ward: Terrastar Soil Conditioner ~ Simple tech consolidates soil, increases surface area 35%, improves water infiltration, increases yields 10-40%, less labor.

» KEELY, John E.W.: Motor ~ Clara Bloomfield-Moore: Keely  & His Discoveries ( Aerial Navigation, 1893 )[ PDF, 10 MB ]; the classic book on Sympathetic Vibratory Force, the notorious Keely Motor, &c.

» KEELY, J.: Etheric Generator ~ A comprehensive collection of articles & photos about the alleged sonic liberation of aether power.

» KEELY, J.: Atomic & Molecular Triplets ~ MP3 files of chords from Keely's drawings.

» KeelyNet Archives 

» KELLY, Patrick: The Practical Guide to 'Free Energy' Devices ~  The definitive review, updated (Version 32.1, July 2017).

» KELLEY, Gene: WindWing ~ Simple airfoil/lever system pumps water.

» KELLOGG, Norman: Photon-Proton Electric Generator ~ A photon-proton plasma engine-generator (radon-hydrogen) developed in the 1970s, promised free energy.

» KELLER, Leonard: KROV Steam Engine ~ Rotary Oscillating Vanes design operates with superior efficiency using saturated (not superheated) steam; articles & patents.

» KELLY, Patrick: The Practical Guide to 'Free Energy' Devices ~ The definitive review, updated (Version 32.1, July 2017).

» KEMENY, Tibor: Cold Electricity ~ Battery/thyristor circuit generates AC without resistance, tension, or heat, & not governed by Ohm's law.

» KENT, Anthony: SASER ~ Sound Amplification by Stimulation Emission of Radiation - TeraHz generator

» KENYON, Keith: Alternator-Generator-Motor ~ Iron-free alternator-AC/DC generator: 125% efficiency.

» KEPLINGER, Klaus &  EGGER, Friedrich: Maya Motor ~ A simple, very compact & powerful rotary engine inspired by a Mayan glyph.

» KEPPE, Norberto & SOOS, Cesar: "Space Energy" Motor ~ Operates with 70-90% less energy than conventional motors; patented, demonstrated, kits available. Apparently a Newman-type motor incorporating Bedini's too; Over-Unity claimed.

» KERTZ, Glen: Vertigro ~ Closed vertical growth system produces algae biofuel, 100,000 gal/year/acre

» KERVRAN, C. Louis: Biological Transmutation & Modern Physics ~ English translation of a rare text: Experimental Evidence, Explanation, & Theory ( 1982 ). ( Html )

» KERVRAN, L. : Biological Transmutations ~ The classic text on LENR in nature ( PDF ).

» KESHE, Mehran: Energy Generators ~ Metal-organic frameworks ( "Kt Fluid" ) captures atmospheric CO2 & methane at room temperature, generates voltage ... Entangled Plasmatic Magnetic Fields for Over-Unity energy production, transmutations &c. ( Schappeller redux ).

» KETCHUM, Richard: Karrick LTC Pilot Plant Feasibility Study ~ Construction & operation of a pilot plant for the Karrick Process. See also: LARSEN & STUTZ

» KETCHUM, R.: Review of Coal LTC Processes ~ Ketchum, et al., reviewed 101 LTC processes for their applicability to Utah coals; Karrick's best.

» KETTERMAN, Greg: Hobie Mirage Drive ~ Marvelous pedal-power propulsion mimics penguins.

» KHARE, Esha: Supercapacitor ~ Hydrogenated titanium oxide nanorods / polyaniline design: " instant " recharge.

» KHOSLA, Ronald: CoolBot ~ Retrofit Air Conditioner-to-Refridgerator with inexpensive adapter, save big $$$ @ farms, restaurants, &c.

» KIDD, Sandy: Gyroscopic Propulsion ~ Patented, demonstrated inertial drive.

» KIM, Chang: Perovskite-Strontium Catalyst ~ Replaces Pt, Rh &c in catalytic converters: an order of magnitude cheaper.

» KIM, John: Electroactive Paper ~ Gold-plated paper can oscillate 10% in 0.06 second when electrified: micro-wing propulsion.

» KINCHELOE, Robert: N-Machine Test ~ Prof. Kincheloe (Prof. Emeritus, Stanford Univ.) tested DEPALMA's N-Machine ; it does in fact produce "free energy"!

» KING, Moray B.: Collected Papers ~ Powerpoint & PDF presentations of free energy R&D.

» KINLEY, Peter: Solar Furnace ~ Improved, versatile, simple design.

» KINDEREVICH, Anatoly: Transmutation of Nuclear Waste ~ Proven to reduce radioactivity.

» KIRSTEN, Kurt: Prolate Cycloidal Propeller ~ Hovering flight, wingless, quiet, stable.

» KITA, Ron : Chiralex Gravity Shield -- Simple 1,2,3-TriChlorobenzene Electret reduces G ~ 0.04%. Patent, articles, videos.

» KITSEE, Isidor: Electricity vs Tree Pests ~ Got Oak Borer ? Pine Beetle ? Got this ?

» KLADOV, Anatoly, et al.: Ultrasonic Activator ~ Energy generation & transmutation; articles & patents.

» KLAPHAKE, Wolf: Air Wells & Dew Ponds ~ "Practical Methods for Condensation of Water from the Atmosphere". & See: Air Wells

» KLEIN, Dennis: Aquafuel Car ~ In-car production of aquafuel (HHO) from H2O. ( See also: SANTILLI )

» KLINE, Richard & FOGLEMAN, Floyd: Airfoil ~ This wing & prop design incorporates a notch that makes it impossible for the plane to stall or spin, increases thrust by 10%, and improves fuel efficiency by ~ 25%. Carefully ignored by NASA, the Air Force, &c after being tested by them in the 1970s.

» KNEIDER, Francois: Wave Power Boat ~ Possibly the simplest method -- could have been invented any time in the past few millenia.

» KODAMA, Yoshiaki: Microbubble Flotation ~ Air boundary layer reduces emissions, increases speed & cargo capacity. Related: JOHANNESSON: Air Lubrication System ** TAKAO: Mitsubishi Air Lubrication System

» KOENEMAN, Robert, et al.: Hydrogen Generator ~ Pulsed DC method & apparatus claims superior H2 production; articles & patents.

» KOHAVI, Ayre: Water-Gen Air Well ~ A high efficiency, high-volume mil-spec back-pack dehumidier.

» KOHNEN, Michael: Litrospheres ~ Safe, inexpensive self-luminous microspheres (phosphor and B-radioactive activator), 12 yr. half-life.

» KOLDOMASOV, Alexander: Reactor ~ Piezo-dielectric pressurization of light/heavy water allegedly generates 20x over-unity.

» KOLISKO, Eugen & Lili: Agriculture of Tomorrow ~ Biodynamic agriculture: formulas & astronomical factors yield phenomenal crops ( PDF, 60 MB ).

» KOLISKO, Lili: Working With the Stars In Earthly Substance ~ Astronomical effects on crystallization of gold & silver salts during 1927 eclipse.

» KOLLARS, Thomas: Mosquito Trap ~ Apropos tech: Environmentally benign ProVector kills 50-100% of local mosquitoes with days.

» KOLPAK, Alexia: Rechargeable Thermal Battery ~ Azobenzene on carbon nanotube substrate stores heat for later release, endless cycling.

» KOROTKOV, Konstantin: Gas-Discharge Visualization ~ Imaging system claimed to photograph auras / souls; far superior to Kirlian photography.

» KOROVYAKOV, N.: Gyroscopic Torsion Field ~ See-through gyroscope reveals centrifugal / centripetal implosion / explosion motion. Plus: "gyroscopic wind" by Erickson & Emerson.

» KOSTOFF, Robert: Gravity-Power Machine ~ This prototyped & patented device is claimed to be self-sustaining.

» KOURIS, Paul: Coriolis Force Turbine ~ Impeller in vortex increases power ~ 25%

» KOWSKY & FROST: Gravity Nullification ~ Quartz crystals, high current & frequency allegedly expands, levitates, according to neo-legendary 1920s research.

» KOZYREV, Nikolai: Experiments with Time ~ T produces work and can be generated !

» KOZYREV, N.: Time ~ Several papers re: Kozyrev's work.

» KRATKY, Bernard: Non-Circulating Hydroponics ~ Simple & foolproof cultivation of veggies without pumps.

» KRIVITS, Steven : Plagiarism @ Oxford University Press -- Adept Alchemy vs The Lost Elements... a sordid saga of exemplary scholarship vs sleazy suppression.

» KROMREY, Raymond: Molecular Generator ~ Over-unity generator combines magnetism & gravity. ( PDF )

» KRUMMENACHER, Walter, et al.: Polarmond Sleeping System ~ All-in-one survival shelter.

» KUEHNEL, Moritz, et al.: Hydrogen Photocatalyst ~ Cadmium sulfide quantum dots photocatalyze generation of H2 from plastic; articles & patent application WO2018096103

» KUKLER, Ronald: Diesel Injector ~ High-pressure reduces fuel consumption 30%, improves performance.

» KURKO, Robert: Fuel Additive ~ More petroleum additives make " Green ": boosts mpg, reduces pollutants to nill, &c.

» KUSHI, Michio & OHSAWA, George: Biological Transmutation ~ Taoism + Physics: manufacture of Fe, Co & Ni from C & O, Na + O = K, &c. Lab notes & equipment diagrams. ( PDF )

» KUTIENKOV, Valentin & MARUKHIN, Viatcheslav: Ram Pump ~ Claimed to be self-sustaining, in production.


LLL --- LAITHWAITE: Gyroscopic Levitation ** Lactucarium / Lettuce Opium ** LAEMSTROM: Electroculture ** LaFORCE: Vapor Fuel System ** LAGIEWKA: Impact Absorber ** LAKHOVSKY: MWO ** LAM: Aileron ** LAMBERTSON: WIN Generator ** LAME: Hemisphere Drive ** LANDOLINA: Veti-Gel Bandage ** LANDON: Magnetic Motor ** LANG: Wing Denticles ** LANG ( II ): Sharkskin Drag Reduction ** LANGENFELD: PowerSwim ** LANIER: Vacu-Plane ** LANIER: ParaPlane ** LAPAN: Vapor Carburetor ** LAPOINT: Primer Fields ** LARSEN / STUTZ: LTC ** LARSEN: LENR ** LARSEN: LENR-Au/Pt ** LARVARON: Telluric Radiation ** LAURENCZY: Formic Acid Hyfuel ** LAURENT: Irolene Fuel ** LAUWERS: SmeshGear Transmission ** LaVOIE: Burner Booster ** LEA: Allotropic Silver ** LEA: Allotropic Silver (Excerpts) ** LEACH: Hydrogen Generator ** LEAVELL: Vibrationless / Soundless Tools ** LeBON: Evolution of Forces ** LeBON: Evolution of Matter ** LeCLAIR: Nano-Jet Cavitation ** LEE: Pre-Ignition Catalytic Converter ** LEE: Ion-A-Gro ** LEE: Emulsified Wastewater-Heavy Oil Fuel ** LEEDSKALNIN: Magnetic Current ** LEIGHTON/BIRKIN: Ultrasonic Nozzle ** LEINENGA / GÖTZ: Ultrasound vs Alzheimer's Disease ** Le RIBAULT: Organo-Silicon Therapy ** LEUNG: Cellulose NanoCrystals ** LEVENGOOD: Electroculture ** LEWIS: Diesel Exhaust Fertilizer ** LI: Bio-Battery ** LICIAR: Cyclonoidal Propulsion ** LIGHTFOOT: Solar Heater ** LIH: LifeVac Anti-Choke Device ** LINACRE: Airdrop Irrigation ** LINDAHL: Webster-Heise Valve ** LINDEN: Biochar Composting Toilet ** LIPSON: Artificial Muscle ** LYNGSTADAAS: Bone Scaffold ** LINDSEY: Compressor ** LINSON-SMITH: Water Flow Control System ** LIPPISCH: Aerodyne ** LIPPS: Elliptical Prop ** LITTLEFIELD: Resurrection Salt ** LITTRUP: Cryotherapy vs Cancer ** LIVINGSTON: Cancer Therapy ** LO / GANN: Cluster Water ** LOCKERBY: Waggle-Wings ** LOCKRIDGE Device ** LONG: Molybdenum Hydrogen Catalyst ** LORIN: Monopolar Electromagnet ** LOVELL: Monothermal ** LU: DNA-Au ** Lucid Dreaming ** LUCAS: Macrosonic Resonant Synthesis ** LULING: Magnet Motor **
» LAEMSTROM, S.: Electricity in Agriculture & Horticulture ~ 1904 Cornell Univ. publication detailing results of experiments: over 100% increase w/ others. ( PDF )

» LAEMSTROM, Selim: Experiences sur l'Influence de l'Electricite sur les Vegetaux ~ A pioneering text in the field of Electroculture ( PDF ).

» LaFORCE, Edward: Vapor Fuel System ~ 80%+ increased mpg.

» LAGIEWKA, P.: Impact Absorber ~ Elegant 3-body inertial system completely absorbs impacts.

» LAITHWAITE, Eric: Gyroscopic Levitation ~ Demonstrated, & patented gyroscopic levitation that defies Newton's laws of motion...

» LAMBERTSON, Wingate: WIN Generator ~ A free-energy generator that was repeatedly demonstrated. Lambertson took the secret of conditioning the magnets with him to the afterlife.

» LAME, Maurice-Luc-V.: Hemisphere Drive ~ Unique drive system invented in the 1930s.

» LANDON, William: Magnetic Motor ~ This one exploits the "neutron barrier".

» LANG, Amy: Wing Denticles ~ Imitation sharkskin reduces drag ~ 30%...

» LANG, Amy: Sharksin Drag Reduction ( II ) ~ Imitation scales generate microvortices that reduce drag ~ 80% .

» LANGENFELD, Christopher, et al.: PowerSwim ~ 85% conversion of effort to propulsion ( swimming: 3%, fins 15% max ) @ several mph.
» LANIER, Edward: ParaPlane ~ STOL, anti-stall-spin-skid, low speed bird-like maneuverable.


» LANIER, Edward: Vacuplane ~ Lanier's "Vacuplane" had no skin on the top of the wing, thus doubling the vacuum zone and eliminating the boundary layer. It could virtually fly itself.

» LAPAN, Theodore: Vapor Carburetor ~ 1970s design; article & 2 patents; 70+ mpg.

» LAPOINT, David: Primer Field Theory ~ Experimental verification of the "Electric Sun" model, power generator -- & warning of sudden Ice Age

» LARSEN, William / STUTZ, Clifford: Design of Plant for Low Temperature Carbonization of Utah Coal by Karrick Process ~ Complete specifications, parts list, &c for a commercial scale Karrick-LTC pilot plant. See also KETCHUM's report.

» LARSEN, Lewis: LENR ~ Cold Fusion: weak-force electrons + protons = neutrons

» LARSEN, Lewis, et al.: LENR Gold Production ~ Cold fusion neutrons produce Au & Pt from Tungsten; article & patents.

» LARVARON, Maurice-Fr.: Telluric Radiation ~ Methods to neutralize harmful telluric radiation, increase plant growth, improve health; article & patent.

» LAURENCZY, Gabor: Formic Acid Hyfuel ~ Catalytic decomposition of formic acid generates hydrogen safely, efficiently.

» LAURENT, Camille-Edmond & Irene: Irolene Fuels ~ Superior fuel from catalytic dissociation of steam admixed with hydrocarbons ( 1925 ).

» LAUWERS, Leonardus / GIJSBERTUS, Cornelis: SmeshGear Transmission ~ Nearly 100% efficient, compact, fast, shifts under full load, 7x higher starting torque.

» LaVOIE, Eric: Burner Booster ~ High pressure atomization increases efficiency 25-35%. ( See also BABINGTON: Nebulizer ).

» LEA, Carey: Allotropic Silver ~ Preparation & properties of "allotropic" silver -- actually multiple forms of colloidal Ag, including a golden species.

» LEA, Carey: Allotropic Silver ~ Excerpts from American J. Science (1896) detailing preparation & properties of "allotropic" silver.

» LEACH, Sam: Hydrogen Generator ~ An elegant method for generating Hydrogen.

» LEAVELL, Charles: VAST ~ "Vibrationless and Soundless Tools" - lighter, fewer parts, uses 75% less power, 97% noise reduction.

» LeBON, Gustave: The Evolution of Forces ~ Presents concept of "intra-atomic energy" as origin of forces; inspired Moray's invention of Cosmic Energy Receiver.

» LeBON, G.: The Evolution of Matter ~ Introduces "Intra-atomic energy" ... some fascinating factoids remain unexplained, e.g., Hg + 1% tin produces "radioactivity" with sunlight...

» LeCLAIR, Mark: MIST: Nano-jet cavitation produces transmutation & crystalline water, besides new machining capabilities.

» LEE, Dennis: Pre-Ignition Catalytic Converter ~ Alleges 5x gas mileage.

» LEE, Jim : Ion-A-Gro ~ Solar-powered plant ionizer increase yields 30%++

» LEE, Wen-Jhy / CHEN, Chun-Chi: Emulsified Wastewater-Heavy Oil Fuel ~ Increases boiler fuel efficiency by 14%, reduces CO2 84%.

» LEEDSKALNIN, Edward: Magnetic Current ~ Theory and experiments with magnetic current ("Magneticity").

» LEIGHTON, Tim & BIRKIN, Peter: Ultrasonic Nozzle ~ Revolutionary design uses 90% less power & water @ low pressure to super-clean.

» LEUNG, Chi, et al.: Cellulose NanoCrystals ~ A very simple, inexpensive, high-yield, eco-friendly preparation of CNC ( 73% yield from hemp ! ) -- stronger than kevlar.

» LEVENGOOD, William: Electroculture ~ Sophisticated methods determine seed viability, improve germination & breeding.

» LEWIS, Gary: Diesel Exhaust Fertilizer ~ Tractor exhaust injection into soil sequesters CO2 ( 400 HP = 1100 Kg / hectare ), eliminates fertilizers, improves growth.

» LI, Yat: Bio-Battery ~ Ti-Oxide nanowires + sewage = electricity, H-generation, & water purification.

» LI, Xiaodong,: Cotton Carbon Supercapacitor ~ Simple, eco-lovey activated C + nano-Mn-Oxide.

» LICIAR, Rudolf: Cyclonoidal Propulsion ~ Used in the Nazi "Haunebu" disk craft.

Light: BLONDLOT: N-Rays ** BENEDICT: Phototherapy ** Biophoton Patents ** BRUNO: Photovoltaic-Thermal System ** CHAPIN: Interstellar Light Collector ** CHAPIN: Interstellar Light Collector ** DOBLER: Telluric Radiation ** EHRENHAFT: Magnetic Current ** GADOMSKY: Nano-Gold Invisibility ** GORDON: Night Vision Device ** HIERONYMOUS: Eloptics ** HURTUBISE: Angel Light ** KOHNEN: Litrospheres ** MARKS: Lepcon & Lumeloid ** MARTA: Polarized Light Therapy ** MERKL: Chondriana & Life Crystals ** MILEWSKI: Single Crystal Light Filament ** NEISTER: Sterilray ** NEMES: Microscope ** PINHERO: IR Solar Cells ** PRAKASH: Foldscope ** Radionic Photography ** REED: Shocked Salt-Coherent Light ** RUSS: Eye-Ray Device ** SANTILLI: Concave Lens Telescope ** SCHIFFER / BUCK: Therapeutic Glasses ** Solar Concentrators / Furnaces ** TOUR: Flash Graphene Production ** WOOD: Matrix Solar Dish ** ZAYMIDOROGA: Photocell ** ZINK / PARKS: NightWalking **

» LIGHTFOOT, Daniel: Solar Heater ~ Motionless tracking through 50* vertical arc 150* EW; 90 % efficient.

» LINACRE, Edward: Airdrop Irrigation System ~ Elegant mini-system harvests atmospheric moisture.

» LINDAHL, David: Webster-Heise Valve ~ Congressional Research Service Report # 82-176: performance, testing and politics of the WEBSTER-HEISE Valve... Save fuel, reduce HC, CO, NOx, increase power.

» LINDEN, Karl, et al.: Biochar Composting Toilet ~ "Sol-Char" poopotty is waterless, self-contained, & produces disinfected char for soil amendment.

» LINDSEY, Stephen: Compressor ~ Rotary blade design reduces energy consumption 20%.

» LINSON-SMITH. Lloyd: Water Flow Control ~ Simple device diverts cold water from hot water lines, saves $, water.

» LIPPISCH, Alexander: Aerodyne ~ Wingless aircraft & flying boats.

» LIPPS, Paul: Elliptical Propeller ~ Unique design, very high efficiency, plus several related patents.

» LIPSON, Hod: Artificial Muscle ~ Ethanol microbubbles in silicone lifts 1000x its weight when heated; articles & 3 patents.

» Lithification ~ Got Fukushima Daiichi ? Got Bionic Soil Solutions  [ R. SHERWIN, et al. ] ? & / or  Patents for Lithification ?  Electro-Osmosis ?

» LO, Shui-Lin / GANN, David: Clustered Water ~ "Double Helix" water improves health, IC engine performance, &c.

» LOCKERBY, Duncan: Waggle-Wings ~ Helmholtz resonators in a wing can reduce drag up to 40%...

» LOCKRIDGE Device ~ A proven over-unity motor-generator from WW2 Germany; John Bedini R&D, &c.

» LONG, Jeffrey: Molybdenum Hydrogen Catalyst ~ Inexpensive method produces H2 even from neutral dirty water.

Longevity / Rejuvenation --- Astragalus & Longevity ** AKIMOV: Torsion Field Generators ** BAATI: Fullerene / Olive Oil & Longevity ** BADYLAK: Organ Regeneration ** BAUGH: Rejuvenation ** BECKER: Anti-Aging Machine ** BECKETT: Mg-Carbonate Water ** BENENATI: Mummification ** BELMONTE: Epigenic Rejuvenation ** BENNETT: Rejuvenation ** BLAU: Rapid Telomere Extension ** BOEHM: DNA Resonant Frequencies ** BOVIS: Biometer ** BRUSHKOV: Bacillus cereus sp. F Longevity ** COTSARELIS: Hair Regrowth ** CROCK: Aura Therapy ** Cymatherapy ** DAVIS / RAWLS: Biomagnetism ** DePINHO: Age Reversal ** DOTTO: Diamagnetic Ring ** Fucoidan ** GAJAREV / POPONIN: DNA Reprogramming ** GAJAREV: Wave Genetics ( II ) ** GUARENTE: Longevity ** IGHINA: Elios ** Immortality ** JONES / AmeriScience: AS10 Rejuvenation ** KASAREV: Scenar ** KHAVINSON: Epitalin ** KOH: Vibration-Accelerated Wound-Healing ** LAKHOVSKY: MWO ** LITTLEFIELD: Resurrection Salt ** MADURO: Ashitaba for Longevity ** MARTA: Polarized Light Therapy ** MERKL: Chondriana & Life Crystals ** MOUSSAD: Fullerene Life Extension ** NAKANISHI: Cabenegrin Resurrection ** PETYAEV: Anti-Aging Chocolate ** QUINTON: Ocean Plasma ** ROBBINS: Fisetin ** ROBERTSON: Revital ** SHARPE: Tooth Regrowth ** SHCHEPINOV: Deuterated Nutrients ** SHEALY: DNA Telomere Rejuvenation ** SINCLAIR: Nicotinamide vs Ageing ** SKULACHEV: SkQ ** TAIMURAZOVICH: Quantum Regeneration ** TSAI: Enzyme HDAC1 Rejuvenation ** Super-Light Water ** Urine Therapy ** ZUROVCIK: Wound-Healing Device *

» LORIN, Christian: Monopolar Electromagnet ~ 9 Patents.

» LOVELL,  James : Monothermal ~ A simple, powerful thermoelectric generator.

» LU, Yi.: DNA-Au Nanocrystals ~ Au crystalizes on DNA in geometric forms: star, hexagon, circle, &c. Plus: the related theory by Rafiki... inspiring possibilities...

» LUCAS, Tim: Macrosonic Resonant Synthesis ~ Standing wave resonator increases acoustic power 1600x; articles & patents.

» LULING, Friedrich: Magnet Motor ~ A working design that built & demonstrated (Pathe Films); then he died. Patent, videos, & replications.


MMM --- MACGUIRE: Air-Fuel Ratio Control ** MACCANTI: Electrical Generator ** McCLAIN / WOOTAN: Magnetic Resonance Amplifier (MRA) (#1) ** McCARTHY / Steorn: Orbo Magnet Motor ** McCLAIN / WOOTAN: MRA (#2) ** McCLINTOCK: Air Engine ** McGINNIS: Synergy Aircraft ** McGUIRE: Acoustic Insect Repellant ** McKIE: PODMOD ** McNAMARA: Plastic-to-Oil ** MACIEL: Tilapia Skin Burn Bandage ** MAGLAQUE: Rotary Piston Generator ** MAGLICH: Migma Fusion ** MagnaCulture ** MAICHE: Wireless Telluric Radio ** MAIER-LAXHUBER: Zeolite Water Adsorption Heating / Cooling ** MADURO: Ashitaba for Longevity ** MAISOTSENKO: Indirect Evaporative Cooling ** MAJORANA: Antimatter Cannon ** MAKHONINE: Fuel Reformer ** MAO: Tooth Regeneration ** MARCUM: Time Machine ** MARKOV: Bidirectional Transformer ** MARKOVICH: ATREE ** MARKS: Aerosol Electric Generator / MagnetoThermoDynamic Power Converter ** MARKS: Lepcon / Lumeloid ** MARTA: Polarized Light Therapy ** MARTIN: Abiogenesis ** MATVEEV: 1-Wire Transmission ** MARKOVICH: ATREE ** MARSDEN: Obeam ** MARTIN: Abiogenesis ** MATCHETT: Earth Motor ** MATTHEWS: Wall of Light ** MAXWELL: Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism ** MEANEY: Solar Panel ** Mebendazole vs Cancer ** MEEUWS: LED / Vertical Farming ** MEIERBACHTOL: Fuel Atomizer ** MEIKRANTZ: Centrifugal Separator ** MEINKE: Orgone Devices ** MELLOR: Arsenic ** MELNICHENKO: Ferromagnetic Resonance Generator ** MELOT: Steam-Oil Jet ** MENG: Acoustic Remote Cavitation ** MENGER: Magnet Motor ** MENZELL: Fuel Saver Devices ** MERKL: Chondriana & Life Crystals ** MEYER (Stan): Hyfuel-Generator ** MEYER (Stan): Water Fuel Cell Memos ** MEYER (Michel): NMR Amplifier Generator ** MEYERS: Absorber ** MEYERS: Compressed Air Car ** MEYL: Scalar Physics ** MICHELOW: Griffithsin vs Ebola Virus ** Microwave Shield Patents ** MIELKE: Prion Disinfectant ** MILEWSKI: Single Crystal Light Filament ** MILKOVIC: Two-Stage Mechanical Oscillator ** Milkwood vs Cancer ** MILLER: Aluminum-Seawater Combustor ** MILLER: Celtic Cross Sextant ** MILLS: Hydrino ** MINATO: Magnet Motor ** MINTO: Hydronic Transmitter ** MITLIN: NanoHemp SuperCapacitor ** MIZUNO: Plasma Electrolysis ** MODDELL: ZPE Converter ** MOHINDRA: OraLift ** MOHORN: Aquapol Dehumidifier ** MOHR: Detonator Ray ** MOLLINET: Power Unit LE M3 ** MOMEN: Ultrasonic Dryer ** MONSTEIN: Space Quanta Medium ** MONTAGNIER: DNA Teleportation ** MONUS: Magnet Motor: Build One ** MONZERT: Practical Distiller ** MOODY: Back Pressure Turbocharger ** MORAD: MuTaTo vs Cancer ** MORARU: Magnetic Energy Engine ** MORAY: Generator ** MORAY: Beyond the Light Rays ** MORAY: Speech: Free Energy ** MORFILL: Plasma Sterilization ** Moringa ** MORGADO: Engine ** MORI: Hydrogel Farming ** Muslim Prophecy ** MOUSSAD: Lipofullerene Life Extension ** MILKOVIC: Two-Stage Mechanical Oscillator ** MENDELEEV: Periodic Table ** MUELLER: Generator ** MUELLER: Rotary Arch Kite ** MUNSON: Water Fuel ** MURAKAMI: Plasma Jet Ignition ** MURRAY: Dynaflux ** MURRAY: Seawater Farming ** MUSK: Tesla Motor Car Patents *

» MACCANTI, Giampolo: Electrical Generator ~ Another alleged OverUnity generator.

» MACGUIRE, Andrew: Narrow Band Air-Fuel Ratio Control ~ Simple gadget produces pulses in air flow to atomize fuel: reduces hydrocarbons 50%, carbon monoxide 75%.

» MAGLAQUE, Chad: Rotary Piston Generator ~ Armature-in-engine design claims 10x greater energy storage capacity than batteries.

» MAGLICH, Bogdan: Migma Fusion ~ A low-gain "driven" non-radioactive fusion power amplifier; D in a self-colliding beam. (See also: FARNSWORTH: Fusor)

» MagnaCulture ~ PDF scan of New Age Sci. J. (June '76) -- an introduction to ElectroCulture.

Magnetism: ABOLAFIA: Static Field Converter ** BOUTARD: Aether Technologies ** BRITS / CHRISTIE: Magnetic Heater ** BUSHMAN: Magnetic Beam Apparatus ** CALLAHAN: Paramagnetic Agriculture ** CHUA: Esmosphere ** COLER: Generator ** COOK: Magnetic Beam ** CRAIG: Hall Effect ** DEPALMA: N-Machine ** DePALMA: N-Machine ( III ) ** DOTTO: Diamagnetic Ring ** ECKLIN: Magnet Motor ** EGELY / VESELY: Biological Induced Magnetic Anomalies ** EHRENHAFT: Magnetic Current ** EHRENHAFT: Magnetolysis / Magnetic Current ** FLYNN: Parallel Path Technology ** GARY: Magnet Motor ** HATEM: Magnet Motor ** HEINS: Perepitea Generator ** HEMPEL: Ionic Magnetic Power Charger ** IGHINA: Magnetic Atom ** IGHINA: The Law of Rhythm ** JOHNSON: Magnet Motor ** KAWAI: Magnet Motor ** KESHE: Energy Generators ** KINCHELOE: N-Machine ** KROMREY: Molecular Generator ** LANDON: Magnetic Motor ** LAPOINT : Primer Field ** LEEDSKALNIN: Magnetic Current ** MACCANTI: Electrical Generator ** McCARTHY / Steorn: Orbo Magnet Motor ** McCLAIN / WOOTAN: Magnetic Resonance Amplifier ** MENGER: Magnet Motor ** MENZELL: Fuel Saver Devices ** MEYERS: Absorber ** MILEWSKI: Gold from Glass ** MINATO: Magnet Engine ** MONSTEIN: Space Quanta Medium ** MONUS: Magnet Motor: Build One ** MORARU: Magnetic Energy Engine ** MUELLER: Generator ** MUSAIOS: The Lion Path ** OLSSON: Magnetic Cellulose ** REED: Magnetic Motor ** ROSCHIN & GODIN: Searl Effect ** ROSCHIN / GODIN: Small Prototype Searl Effect Generator ** ROSCHIN & GODIN: Searl Effect Generator ( #3 ) ** ROY: Microwave Effects ** Scalar Waves & Fields ** SMITH ( Don ): Energy Generators ** ST. CLAIR: USP Applications ** SCHAPPELLER: Magnet Generator ** SEARL: Levitation ** SEARL: Levitation 2 ** SEARL: Levitation 3 * SEARL: Levitation 4  **    * SHAKHPARANOV: Moebius Band Torsion Devices ** TEWARI: N-Machine ** Torsion Fields ** TROMBLY: N-Machine ** TSEUNG: ZPE Converter ** WANG: Magnet Motor ** WARD: Magnetic Convertor ** WADLE: Magnetic Field Deflector ** WERJEFELT: Magnetic Battery ** WHEELER: Magnet Motor ** WILLIS: Magnacoaster **

» MAICHE, Louis: Wireless Telluric Radio ~ Post-EMP, you'll want/need this simple alt-tech -- directional, low energy, & untappable -- & anyone can build it...

» MAIER-LAXHUBER, Peter: Zeolite-Water Adsorption Heating / Cooling ~ Elegant technology produces up to 160% energy as heat or cold.

» MAISOTSENKO, Valerij: Indirect Evaporative Cooling ~ The M-Cyle: A new thermodynamic cycle, 1/4 energy consumption of direct evaporative cooling systems.

» MAJORANA, Ettore: Antimatter Cannon ~ Burns-neutralizes radioactive waste, produces free energy; prototyped & demonstrated; articles, videos, diagrams.

» MAKHONINE, Ivan: Fuel Reformer ~ 3-Stage compression/heating process produces excellent fuel from heavy oil, coal, &c.

» MALGARINI, Franco: Christic Chemistry ~ Experimental setups for hyperchemistry transmutations.

» MANELAS, Arthur: NanoMagnet Power ~ Nano-Strontium ferrite + circuit generates overunity; replication by Brian Ahern, patents, &c.

» MARCUM, Mike: Time Machine ~ Proven, prototyped, demonstrated; schematic, photos.

» MARKOV, Gennady: Bidirectional Transformer ~ Magnetic flux in a conductor can be induced simultaneously in both opposite directions.

» MARKOVICH, Peter: ATREE ~ "Apparatus To Rectify Ether Energy" (ATREE); produced 500 Watts DC from coils & antenna.

» MARKS, Alvin: Aerosol Electric Generator / MagnetoThermoDynamic Power Converter ~ Promising technologies, politely ignored by industry.

» MARKS, Alvin: Lepcon & Lumeloid ~ Nano-metals in plastic convert sunlight to electricity, 90% efficiency.

» MARSDEN, Mike: Obeam ~ Simple structure eliminates air / water resistance, generates electricity, condenses atmospheric humidity.

» MARTIN, Morley: Abiogenesis ~ 1930s R&D similar to Littlefield, Reich, & Crosse.

» Master Magnet ~ Attracts non-ferrous metal objects by AC induction. Complete construction plans.

» MATCHETT, Lorrie: Earth Motor ~ Applied geomagnetism: free energy from wire-wound rods.

» MATTHEWS, Arthur: The Wall of Light ~  A rare classic by Tesla's protegee (PDF).

» MATVEEV, Vladimir: Electrical Generator ~ A novel generator utilizing "magnetic conductivity modulation"

» MAXWELL, James Clerk: A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism ~ This is the 1783 edition containing 20 Quaternion Equations, later censored by Heaviside. These equations reconcile relativity with quantum physics, and help explain "free energy" and anti-gravity. [ ZIP1 ] [ ZIP2]

» MAXWELL, James C.: Lecture ~ A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field ( 1884 ) - EM Induction, General Equations of the EM Field, Mechanical Actions in the Field, Theory of Condensors, EM Theory of Light.

» McCARTHY, Shaun [ Steorn ]: Orbo Magnet Motor ~ A controversial magnet motor w/o back emf, now has several patents issued . Replicated by J.L. Naudin & others.

» McCLAIN, Joel & WOOTAN, Norman: Magnetic Resonance Amplifier (MRA) ~ In the correct embodiment, ultrasonic stimulation of barium-ferrite magnetic core allegedly produces Free Energy.

» McCLAIN, J. & WOOTAN, N.: Magnetic Resonance Amplifier (MRA) #2 ~ More Bulletins re: MRA, featuring weight loss. See also: HODOWANEC's report.

» McCLINTOCK, David: Air Engine ~ Allegedly a self-running diesel/compressor combination.

» McGINNIS, John: Synergy Aircraft ~ Double box tail design with several advantages; articles, patents.

» McKIE, Scott: PODMOD ~ Over-unity resonant tank circuit, patented, prototyped.

» McNAMARA, David: Waste Plastic-to-Oil ~ Cynar process converts w/ higher efficiency & yields, & spec oil grades. See also: ITO // ZAGOANKAR .

» McGUIRE, Reagan: Acoustic Insect Repellant ~ Playback sounds of Bark Beetle ( attacks pine trees ) repels or turns them against each other; article & patents.

» MEANEY, James: Soda Can Solar Panel ~ Cansolair design recycles cans for high efficiency solar heating: article & patent.

Mechanical: BELLOCQ: Pump ** BALL: Powered Rope Ascender ** BARROWS: Perpetual Motion Journal ** BESLER: Steam-Powered Airplane ** BRODIE: Portable Airport ** BULL: Inertial Drive ** CHESTER: Chestahedron ** CONSTANTINESCO: Transmission (II) ** COOK: Inertial Drive ** DEAN: Inertial Drive ** DIRCKS: Perpetuum Mobile ** DOMOKOS / VARKONYI: Gomboc ** FARLEY & RAINEY: Wave Power Generator ** FELTENBERGER: Pendulum Pump ** FILARDO: Traveling Wave Propulsion ** FLETTNER: Magnus Effect Wind Propulsion ** FRENETTE: Friction Heater ** GONG: Fiber-Reinforced Soft Composite ** GREENWOOD: Torotrak IV Transmission ** GRIGGS: Hydrosonic Pump ** HAGEMAN: Thermal Hydraulic Engine ** HOLMES: Gyradoscope ** KARL: Aerodynamic Air Turbine Engine ** KASMER: Hydristor ** KELLEY: WindWing ** KIDD: Gyroscopic Propulsion ** KIM: Electroactive Paper ** KIRSTEN: Prolate Cycloidal Propeller ** LAGIEWKA: Impact Absorber ** LAITHWAITE: Gyroscope Levitation ** LAME: Hemisphere Drive ** LEAVELL: Vibrationless / Soundless Tools ** LINDSEY: Compressor ** LIPSON: Artificial Muscle ** MARSDEN: Obeam ** MILKOVIC: 2-Stage Mechanical Oscillator ** MINTO: Freon Power Wheel ** NEAL: Compessor ** NITSCHKE: Collapsible Mast ** Ocean Wave / Current / Thermal Energy Conversion Patents ** Pendulum Patents ** PEARSON: Gas Wave Turbine ** PEREZ: Seaweed Shock Absorber ** POTTER: Plasma Drill ** RABIEI: Composite Metal Foam ** SANDERSON: Piston Mechanism * SANGHARA: Transparent Spinel Armor * SCHAEFFFER: Steam Generator ** SEN: Granular Shock Absorber ** SKINNER: Gravity Machine ** Space Drives ** STAVER: Transmission ** TESLA: Turbine ** TESLA: Oscillator ** THORNSON: Inertial Engine ** TSEUNG: Leading Out Theory ** WILKES: Rolamite ** ZIAIE: Ferropaper **

» MEEUWS, Gertjan: Vertical Farming ~ PlantLab system uses less of everything to grow more.

» MEIERBACHTOL, Mark: Fuel Atomizer ~ Rotating vane device atomizes fuel for increased mpg.

» MEIKRANTZ, David: Centrifugal Separator ~ 97-99% removal of oil from water... Ought to be mandatory on all tankers & wells.

» MEINKE, Herman: Orgone Devices ~ Improvements in orgone accumulators, cloudbusters, & DOR removal.

» MELLOR,  J.W.: Arsenic ~ Excerpts -- Comprehensive Treatise on Inorg. & Theor. Chem. ( Vol. IX - Arsenic ) -- Tech notes for alchemists, to supplement Adept Alchemy, Ch. III ( Arsenic & Gur ).

» MELNICHENKO, Andrei: Ferromagnetic Resonance Generator ~ Simple circuit produces 150%+ power out, "perpetual flashlight"; articles & patents.

» MELOT, Henri: Steam-Oil Jet ~ Self-regulating, no moving parts, 600 mph.

» MENDELEEV, Dimitri: The Aether ~ An attempt to integrate the concept of Aether into the Periodic Table of Elements.

» MENG, Robert: Acoustic Remote Cavitation ~ Underwater weapon to blast enemy whales, dolphins, plankton, &c to smithereens.

» MENGER, Howard: Magnet Motor ~ A simple "free energy" magnet motor inspired by ETs.

» MENZELL, Adrian, et al.: Fuel Saver Devices ~ Save The World Air Inc. (defunct ) was the assignee of several patented magnetic devices claimed to improve IC engine performance.

» MEYER, Michel: NMR Amplifier Generator ~ 30x Amplification of input energy by nuclear ma1gnetic resonance of copper; likewise with "Isotopic Mutation" of iron.

» MEYER, Stanley: Hydrogen Generator ~ High V-low Amp decomposition of water w/ electrical generation.

» MEYER, Stan: Water Fuel Cell Memos ~ Detailed technical briefs & replication notes. ( PDF )

» MEYERS, Roy: Absorber ~ Meyers' "Absorber" ( zinc plates, magnets and "Intensifiers") produces DC power from the geomagnetism.


» MEYERS, Roy J.: Compressed Air Car ~ 1920s design, no fuel / carburetor, no cooling system.

» MEYL, Konstantin: Scalar Physics ~ Longitudinal Magnetic Waves bioeffects ( delayed ageing ), communication, &c.

» Microwave Shield Patents ~ Got 5G ?

» MILEWSKI, John & Peter: Single Crystal Light Filament ~ Gas-doped crystal fibers yield more light at lower temperature/voltage.

» MILEWSKI, John: Gold from Glass ~ Microwave production of Au from ORME in glass: 2 videos.

» MILKOVIC, Veljko: Two-Stage Mechanical Oscillator ~ A brilliantly simple new mechanical device that produces 9:1 over-unity and anti-G.

» MILKOVIC, Veljko: Pendulum Oscillator Patents ~ 7 complete patents & 22 abstracts & figures for applications.

» MILLER, Crichton: Celtic Cross Sextant ~ Rediscovery of the navigational functions of the Circle Cross.

» MILLER, Timothy, et al.: Aluminum-Seawater Combustor ~ Vortex combustion chamber burns Al powder in exothermic reaction with steam to propel supercavitation surfboards &c.

» MILLS, Randell: Hydrino ~ A controversial new form of collapsed hydrogen ("Lower-Energy State") that produces power. See also: ECCLES

» MILLS, Randell: SunCell ~ Alleged "Hydrino" + 12 KJoule spark = light & claims for a new energy source; articles, videos, & patent applications.

» MINATO, Kohei: Magnet Motor ~ Angled permanent magnets & actuators produce rotation w/ 20% of the power used by conventional motors of same size/power !

Mind / Spirit: BOUTARD: Aether Technologies ** BOVIS: Biometer ** CHAUSOVSKY: Technotronic Psychotechnology ** CIA: Psy-Operations in Guerilla Warfare ** CLYNES: Sentic Forms ** CROCK: Aura Therapy ** DYKE: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars ** EEMAN: Co-Operative Healing ** EGELY: Bio-Energetic Devices ** EGELY / VESELY: Biological Induced Magnetic Anomalies ** EMOTO: Messages From Water ** FLANAGAN: Neurophone ** GIBBS: HyperDimensional Resonator ** GRAVES: World's 16 Crucified Saviors ** GUENON: The Reign of Quantity ** GYSIN: Dream Machine ** HIGH: Speed Reading System ** Hypnosis ** KAHNE: Multiple Mentality ** KAZNACHEEV: Kozyrev Mirrors ** KILNER: Aura Lens ** KRAJMALNIK-BROWN: Fecal Transplants vs Autism** Lucid Dreaming * MUSAIOS: The Lion Path **  NAVIAUX: Suramin vs Autism ** NELSON: American Prophecy ** NELSON: Marian Prophecy ** NELSON: Moslem Prophecy ** NOSTRADAMUS: Jihad ** NOSTRADAMUS: Plague ** PAVLITA: Psychotronic Generators ** PERSINGER: God Helmet ** POMERLEAU: Free Energy Coils ** Propaganda Techniques ** NELSON: Prophecy - A History of the Future ** PUHARICH: ELF Shield ** RICHARDS: Luminator ** ROSS: Eye Ray Detector ** RUSS: Eye-Ray Device ** St. CLAIR: USP Applications ** SCHERMULY: Polarizator ** SMITH: Controlled Remote Viewing Manual ** Sri Yantra + Om ** STERNHEIMER: DNA Music ** Subliminals ** SUMMERS: Allies of Humanity ** Telepathy Patents ** TILLER: Intention-Host Device ** TOBINICK: Etanercept vs Strokes ** WAGNER: W-Waves ** White Rose Society ** ZINK / PARKS: NightWalking **

» MINTO, Wallace: Freon Power Wheel ~ Construction details, article, and patents.

» MINTO, W.: Hydronic Radiation Transmitter ~ A simple underwater communication system.

» MITLIN, David: NanoHemp SuperCapacitor ~ Simple preparation uses hemp bast to eliminate need for graphene.

» MIZUNO, Tadahiko: Plasma Electrolysis ~ Claims 80x increased H production over standard electrolysis.

» MOHORN, Wilhelm: Aquapol Dehumidifier ~ Novel Field Generator uses no electricity or chemicals to force water downward & maintain dryness; patented, in production.

» MOHR, Otto: Detonator Ray ~ WW2 device converts "solar magnetism", tuned to resonate with elements, to explode gunpowder, gasoline, &c.

» MOLLINET, Gene: Power Unit LE M3 ~ 2 Articles describing another free energy device, now lost -- a Pb-FeS junction in a magnetic field with a battery jump start.

» MOMEN, Ayyoub, et al.: Ultrasonic Dryer ~ Nebulizer-tumbler dries clothes ( &c ) w/ 1/4 energy used by conventional appliances.

» MONSTEIN, Christian: Space Quanta Medium ~ SQM theory & C-Generator, patents, verification.

» MONTAGNIER, Luc: DNA Teleportation ~ Schumann Resonance carrier wave of Fourier Transform induces detectable DNA from a sample into water.

» MONTAGNIER, Luc: Digital Homeopathy Patents ~ Teleportation of DNA; articles & 4 patents.

» MONUS, Paul: Magnet Motor: Build One ~ Completely detailed construction instructions for several forms of permanent magnet motors.

» MONZERT, Leonard: Practical Distiller ~ The Art of Distilling & Rectifying  Alcohol and Essences ( 1889 ), PDF.

» MOODY, Ralph: Back Pressure Turbocharger ~ 84 mpg with a turbocharged back-pressure regulator.

» MORARU, Nicolae: Magnetic Energy Engine ~ Fe-Si "magnetic turbine" produces 8 hp/kg.

» MORAY, Thomas: Radiant Energy Receiver ~ Excerpts from The Sea of Energy, describing construction, operation of his cosmic energy device in the 1930s-1950s.

» MORAY, T.: Beyond the Light Rays ~ Explanation of the Oscillations of Radiant Energy, with equations, and Alpha, Beta and Gamma Ray Therapy.

» MORAY, T., et al: Isotopes in Ionic Recovery of Uranium Oxide ~ Moray's aging process was able to increase to content of uranium ores up to 50%!

» MORAY, T.: Transmutation of Ores ~ Details of Moray's process for artificial aging of uranium ores.

» MORAY, T.: Speech -- Free Energy ~ Speech at Valley State College (Northridge, CA, 1950s)

» MORGADO, Ralph: MYT Engine ~ "Massive Yet Tiny" (MYT) engine fires 16 times/cycle, 40x higher power,, fewer parts, high efficiency, low emissions.

» MORI, Yuichi: Hydrogel Farming ~ Novel polyacrylic gel enables novel forms of intensive farming.

» Moringa ~ Cultivation & preparation, medical applications, & patents.

» MOUROU, Gerard: CPA-Laser Transmutation of Nuclear Waste ~ Chirped Pulse Amplification (CPA) Laser treatment for  acceleration of nukeypoo half-living.

» MUELLER, Wilhelm: Generator ~ Scans of several 1980s papers re: alleged over-unity unipolar dynamo. ( PDF )

» MUELLER, Roy: Rotary Arch Kite ~ Magnus Effect "Skybow" -- swiveled ribbon generates lift & torque with obvious applications for power generation.

» MUNSON, Thomas: Water Fuel ~ Water / wax-gum emulsion substitutes for petrol, or can be mixed.

» MURAKAMI, Aaron, et al.: Plasma Jet Ignition ~ Increases HP & torque, MP, reduces CO, NOx & HC, &c.

» MURRAY, Jim: Dynaflux ~ Elliptical rotor reduces Lenz Law resistance for ultra-high efficiency in alternator / motor / generator designs.

» MURRAY, Maynard: Seawater Farming ~ 1000-8000 ppm seawater solids ( including NaCl ) increases yields, improves flavor & nutritional value for plants & animals.

» MUSK, Elon: Tesla Motor Car Patents ~ The list of ~ 350 open-source patents & applications ...


NNN --- NA: Coal Additive ** Nano-silver/gold ** NAESSENS: Somatoscope & 714X ** NAIR: Graphene Oxide Desalination ** NAKAMATS: Enerex H-O Generator ** NAKANISHI: Cabenegrin Resurrection ** Nanobubble Water ** Nanobubble Generator Patents ** Nano-Magnesium Hydroxide Water Purification ** NanoSilver Manufacture ** NASSIKAS: Space-Time Energy Pump * NAVIAUX: Suramin vs Autism * NEAL: Compressor ** NEGRE: Compressed Air Car ** NEISTER: Sterilray ** NELSON: Electron Trap ** NELSON ( Louis ): Diabetes Treatment ** NELSON: Swim Fins ** NELSON: Arsenic Pentoxide ** NEMES: Microscope ** NEWMAN: Motor ** NEWMAN: Motor ( II ) ** NEWNHAM: Borax vs Arthritis **  NI: Solar Vapor Generator ** NIEPER: Shielding-G ** NING: Energy-Storage Membrane ** NIPHER: Electro-G ** NIRMALAKAHANDAN: Low-Energy Desalination ** NITSCHKE: Collapsible Mast ** NOCERA: Artificial Photosynthesis ** NOLTE: Rainmakerh2o Water Treatment ** Nomography ** NORDENSTROM: Electricity vs Cancer ** NOSTRADAMUS: Jihad ** NOSTRADAMUS: Plague **

» NA, Xuefang: Coal Additive ~ Makes coal burn 20% more efficiently, reduces sulfur dioxide & trioxide and CO emissions; save ~ 12% on coal costs.

» NAIR, Rahul, et al.: Graphene Oxide Desalination ~ GO membrane rejects 97% NaCl.

» NAKAJIMA, Ken ( Ed.): Nuclear Back-End and Transmutation Technology for Waste Disposal --  An introduction to the problem ( 14 MB PDF )... See also: Fukushima Mon Amour

» NAKAMATS, Yoshiro: Enerex H-O Generator ~ The Enerex Electrolyser allegedly can produce 3x the power of gasoline.

» Nanobubble Water ~ Phenomenal effects: 70% effective vs cancer... Treats Gingivitis ... Purifies water... Fresh- & salt-water fish can live together in it ! Low tech / low energy requirements.

» Nanobubble Generator Patents ~ 3 Dozens methods & apparati to vindicate Don Ho.

» Nano Gold / Silver Preparation Patents ~ List of 40 patents ( See also: HUDSON / ORMEs ).

» NanoSilver Manufacture ~ Several complete patented methods plus several patent abstracts. A very versatile material, easily made, with high value added.

» Nano-Magnesium Hydroxide Water Purification ~ Articles & 50+ patent abstracts: remove 99%+ of metals from water.

Nano Tech: ARATA / ZHANG: Cold Fusion ** BLEECHER: NeverWet ** CUI: Nano-Ag Water Purification ** CUI: Silver Nanowire Insulation ** EGELY: Nano-Carbon Plasma Power Generator ** GADOMSKY: Nano-Gold Invisibility ** KAMAT: Solar Paint ** KHARE: Supercapacitor ** KOLPAK: Rechargeable Thermal Battery ** LEUNG: Crystaline NanoCellulose ** LI: Carbon Supercapacitor ** LOMASNEY: Modumetal Nanolamination ** LU: DNA-Au ** MITLIN: NanoHemp SuperCapacitor ** Nanobubble Water ** Nano-Magnesium Hydroxide Water Purification ** Nanoparticle Gold / Silver Preparation Patents ** NanoSilver Manufacture * NI: Solar Vapor Generator * OLSSON: Magnetic Cellulose ** PIKUL: Metallic Wood ** PINHERO: IR-Nantenna ** PRADEEP: NanoSilver Water Purification ** SCHWARTZ: Spray-On Glass ** SUN: TiO Nanofibers ** SUTERA: Spray-On-Antenna ** WANG: Super-Hydrophobic Nano-Cu-Oxide ** ZAYMIDOROGA: Photocell ** ZHU: Titanate Nuke Absorbent ** ZIAIE: Ferropaper 

» NASSIKAS, Athanassios: Space-Time Energy Pump ~  Ether gravitational space absorbed in atomic hydrogen produces heat, work, or electric power.

» NEGRE, Guy: Compressed Air Car ~ Several articles & patents, & patent list: AKA the Tata car.

» NELSON, Lawrence: Electron Trap ~ 5x over-unity power generator awaiting commercialization.

NELSON, Robert: Hemp Husbandry ** Hemp & Health ** Hemp & History ** Adept Alchemy ** Arsenic Pentoxide ** Nuke Waste Transmutations ** American Prophecy ** Marian Prophecy ** Muslim Prophecy ** Nostradamus & Jihad ** Prophecy: A History of the Future ** Time Cameras ** Karrick Low Temperature Carbonization of Coal ** Teach Your Dentists Well ** Levity's Labor Lost ** Wonder World of... Whenever ** Power from the Sky ** Memo to Tepco ** Asian Prophecy ** Ray Guns 101 ** Tree-lectricity

» NELSON, Robert: Swim Fins ~ Simple modification increases thrust 15-20%.

» NELSON, R.: Adept Alchemy ~ The Philosophers' Stone via the Short/Dry/Royal Path with Arsenic / Gur, plus: 20th Century Transmutations of Ag to Au ( Jollivet-Castellot, Fulcanelli, Tiffereau, &c.), Transmutations of Carbon ( Kushi, Jovitschisch ), Transmutations of Ores ( Moray ), Transmutation of W to He ( Wendt & Irion ), Transmutation of Pb to Hg ( Smits & Karssen ), Transmutation of H to He & Ne ( Ramsay ), Transmutations of Hg to Au ( Miethe, Nagaoka ), Biological Transmutations ( Kervran, &c.), Cold Fusion ( Pons & Fleischman, &c.), Transmutation of Nuclear Waste, esoterica & miscellanies. ** ROBINS: "Alchemia" ( The Frontispiece ) **

» NELSON, R.: The Alchemists ~ The amazing true story of Wenzel Seyler, a rogue monk who found the Philosophers' Stone in the ruins of a medieval chapel at Brna, Moravia, 1675. He made gold for Emperor Leopold Habsburg, became a Baron, and Master of the Mint, and he survived his enemies and his depravity, with the help of one true friend -- Francis Preyhausen.

» NELSON, R.: Transmutations of Nuclear Waste ~ A review of conventional & cold fusion methods to remediate nukey-poo to stable or short-life isotopes. See also: Nuclear Waste Remediation Patents

» NELSON, R.: Electromagnetic & Ultrasonic Treatments of Coal & Oil Shale ~ A review list of articles & patents for electrostatic, RF, plasma, & ultrasonic treatments of coal and oil shale for higher yields, lower cost/pollution.

» NELSON, R.: It's About Time ~ A brief review of Time travel & cameras: Ernetti, KOZYREV, von Lubec, &c.

» NELSON, R.: Levity's Labor Lost ~ A review of select levitation technologies -- E. Farrow, L. Rota, E. Hollingshead, V. Grebbenikov, H. Wallace, B. Johnson (PDF).

» NELSON, R.: The Wonder World of... Whenever ~ A review of amazing lost power sources of the early 20th century (Figueras, Guillot, Britten, Hendershot, Angelo, Craig, Hubbard, Meyers).

» NELSON, Robert: Power from the Sky ~ A review of methods to collect and convert atmospheric ES energy to industrial power.

» NELSON, R.: Memo to Tepco ~ Electro-osmosis of water, soil lithification, and liquid nitrogen. [ PDF ]

» NELSON, R.: Asian Prophecy ~ Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastran, & Bahaii prophecies.

» NELSON, Robert : Ray Guns 101 ~ The definitive review of the technology.

» NELSON, Robert: Tree-lectricity -- The Next Bigly Thing ! ~ How to bioharvest electricity from trees, receive-transmit w/o interference, & more...

» NEMES, Elmer: Nemescope ~ Revealed the internal structure of atoms and molecules and vital energy of organic substances in living color, with extremely high magnification and resolution.

» NEWMAN, Joseph: Gyroscopic Magnetic Particle Motor ( I ) ~ Energy Generation System w/ Higher Energy Out than In; S. African Patent # 831,296, &c..

» NEWMAN, Joseph: Gyroscopic Magnetic Particle Motor ( II ) ~ 4 Complete patents, plus construction details, videos, &c.

» NI, George, et al.: Solar Vapor Generator ~ MIT invention utilizes spectrally-selective absorber film to produce steam w/ sunlight; patents & aticles

» NIEPER, Hans: Shielding-Gravity ~ G-effects of energy shielding of Radional Field and reradiated Radions. The difference = G acceleration in the direction of mass. ( PDF )

» NING, Xia Xian: Energy-Storage Membrane ~ Increases electrical storage capacity 100x, 0.2 farads/sq cm, low cost, eco-friendly.

» NIPHER, Francis: Electro-Gravitic Experiments ~ Pioneering experiments reveal the relationship of electricity to gravity: repulsive force between electrified lead balls.

» NIRMALAKAHANDAN, Nagamany: Low-Energy Desalination ~ Utilizes waste heat, partial vacuum to distill saline water at relatively low temperature

» NITSCHKE, Earl: Collapsible Mast ~ Ingenious device rises to 300+ feet. Forgotten, lost since WW1. Article & patent.

» NOCERA, Daniel: Artificial Photosynthesis ~ Vicious chemistry with strategic materials produces proclaimed breakthrough catalyst: generates H/O 24-7.

» NOLTE, Clayton: Rainmakerh2o Water Treatment ~ Increase crop yields 60%+ with reduced water; crops endure higher/lower temperatures, &c...

» Nomography ~ 36 patents, 12 books, & articles.

» NORRIS, Elwood: Parametric Hypersound ~ Sound from ultrasound: sonic bullets, targeted advertizements, &c.

» Nuclear Waste Remediation Patents ~ 9 Patents & Applications for methods to transmute nukey poo to short-life compost.

Nuclear: ADAMENKO: Proton-21 Fusion ** ARATA / ZHANG: Cold Fusion ** BARANOV: Structured Water Fuel ** BROWN: Nucell ** BROWN: Nuke Waste Remediation ** BUSSARD: Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion ** Cold Fusion Patents ** COLMAN / SEDDON-GILLESPIE: Battery ** DARDIK: SuperWave Cold Fusion ** De GEUS: Zero Point Energy Generators ** FARNSWORTH: Fusor ** FLYNN: Sonofusion ** Fukushima, Mon Amour ** GASCHLER: Transmutation of Radium ** GODES: Quantum Fusion Reactor ** GUDKOV: Flagellin vs Radiation ** JENKINS: Nuclear Decay Rates & Earth-Sun Distance ** JOVITSCHITSCH: Transmutation C to O ** KERVRAN: Biological Transmutation ** KINDEREVICH: Transmutation of Nuclear Waste ** KOHNEN: Litrospheres ** KOLDOMASOV: Reactor ** KUSHI / OHSAWA: Biological Transmutation ** LARSEN: LENR ** LEADBEATER & BESANT: Occult Chemistry ** LeCLAIR: Nano-Jet Cavitation ** MAGLICH: MIGMA Fusion ** MORAY: Transmutation of Ores ** MORAY: Isotopes in Ionic Recovery of Uranium Oxide ** Nuke Waste Transmutations ** Nuclear Waste Remediation Patents ** PIANTELLI: Ni-H Cold Fusion ** ROSSI: E-Cat Cold Fusion ** SHAKHPARANOV: Moebius Band Torsion Devices ** Thorium Plasma Battery ** VALLEE: Synergetic Generator ** VIGIER: Pd-Li7 Energy Source ** WAI: Nuclear Waste Recycling ** ZHU: Titanate Nuke Absorbent *


OOO --- O'CONNOR: Bio-Crude Oil ** OBERGFAELL: Engine Water Injection OBOLENSKY: Teslatron * Ocean Wave/Current / Thermal Energy Conversion Patents ** ODON: Childbirth Device ** OGLE: Fuel System ** OGNYANOV: Electric Power Pack ** OHMASA: Water-Fuel Generator ** OHSAWA / KUSHI: C + O = Fe ** OLESEN: Liquid NanoClay ** OLIVER: AC Solar Generator ** OLMO / GIL: Fog Collector ** OLNEY: UV Blood Irradiation Therapy ** OLSSON: Magnetic Cellulose ** One-Blade Props ** ORAN: Blue Swirl Flame ** Orgone Patents ** ORLANDO: Atmospheric Electrical Generator ** Ornithopter Patents ** OVERINGTON: Catalytic Ignition ** OZKAN: Hydrogen Catalyst ** Ozone Therapy **

» OBERGFAELL, Simon, et al.: Engine Water Injection ~ Reduce fuel consumption 13%, improve performance 5%, reduce CO2 4%.

» Ocean Wave / Current / Thermal Energy Conversion Patents ~ List of 400+ patents, 1989-2007.

» O'CONNOR, Paul: Bio-Crude Oil ~ Produces crude oil from biomass under mild conditions.

» OGLE, Tom: Vapor Fuel System ~ This patented & proven reinforced fuel tank vapor generation system eliminated the carburetor and achieved 200 mpg in tests...

» OGNYANOV, Michael: Electric Power Pack ~ A self-energizing low-power device comprising a semiconductor tablet, ferrite rod, & coils.

» OHMASA, Ryushin: Water-Fuel Generator ~ Electrolysis + vibration produces stable hyfuel.

» OHSAWA, George: Transmutation of C + O => Fe ~ Low energy transmutation: French Patent 1427109. Supplements KUSHI / OHSAWA: Biological Transmutation .

» OLESEN, Kristian: Liquid NanoClay ~ Coats sand with nanoclay, forms soil within hours, stimulates growth of
Mycorrhizal fungi & plants.

» OLIVER, Jason: AC Solar Generator ~ Solar cell produces AC directly from sunlight.

» OLMO, Theo / GIL, Ricardo: Fog Collector ~ 56 m^2 mesh in only 1.6 m^2 area collects about 1000 liters/day at the world's first water farm.

» OLSSON, Richard, et al.: Magnetic Cellulose ~ Nanoparticles + cellulose eliminates need for heavy magnets in many applications... facile preparation..

» One-Blade Propellers ~ Faster, lighter, & smoother, with higher efficiency, reduced bending & gyroscopic stress.

» ORAN, Elaine, et al.: Blue Swirl Flame ~ Fast mixing & intense swirling by two quartz half-cylinders, & a water–surface boundary produces soot-free combustion ..

» Orgone Patents ~ 9 European patents for applications of Dr Reich's discoveries.

» ORLANDO, Serafino: Atmospheric Electrical Generator ~ Improves Plauson's work - replaces elevation with a Roentgen tube

» Ornithopter Patents ~ Hundreds of bird-flight mechanisms.

» OVERINGTON, Martin: Catalytic Ignition ~ Squish zone & Pt-catalyst replaces ignition system.

» Oxygen Generator Patents ~ Something to think about while you're drowning, choking, being strangled, hung, water-boarded or otherwise suffocating (e.g., auto-erotic asphyxiation while trapped in a burning disco in the Kursk submarine ), &c...

» OZKAN, Umit: Hydrogen Catalyst ~ Cobalt catalyst for high-efficiency production of H from ethanol.


PPP --- PACHECO: Hydrogen Generator ** PAGES: Antigravity ** PAIS: Patents & Applications ** PALMER: D3O Energy Absorber ** PALTI: Electric Fields / Frequencies vs Cancer ** PAN: Channelrhodopsin vs Blindness ** Panasonic: Photocatalytic Water Purification ** PANDEY: Dandelion vs Cancer ** PANTONE: GEET Fuel Plasma ** PAPIN-ROUILLY: Gyropter ** PAPP: Engine ** PARENT: Air Well ** PARKER & VALENTINE-COLE: Cannabis Composter ** PARR: Pyramid Energy ** PARRY: ElectroCulture ** PASHLEY: Bubble Desalination ** PATRICK / BEARDEN: Motionless Electrical Generator (MEG) ** PATTERSON: Ram-Implosion Wing ** PAVLITA: Psychotronic Generators ** PEARSON: Gas Wave Turbine ** PEEBLES: Fanwing ** Pendulum Patents ** PEREZ: Seaweed Shock Absorber ** PERL: Gravitics ** PERRIGO: Generator ** PERRY: Cyanuric Acid ** PERSINGER: God Helmet ** PETYAEV: Anti-Aging Chocolate ** PFEIFFER: Sensitive Crystallization Processes ** PIANTELLI: Ni-H Cold Fusion ** PICCARDI: Chemical Basis of Medical Climatology ** PIGGOTT: Electro-Gravitation ** PIKUL: Metallic Wood ** Pine Pollen * PINHERO: IR Solar Cells ** Pinhole Glasses ** PITTS: Dental Iontophoresis ** PIVOVARENKO: Electrical Potential Effects on Water ** Plant Breeding ** Plant Milk * Plastic-to-Oil Recycling ** PLATEN: Thermal Engine * PLATZ: Glider * PLAUSON: Converting Atmospheric Electricity ** PLAUSON: Converting Atmospheric Electricity ( II ) ** PLICHTA: Silane Fuel ** POGUE: Carburetor ** POMERLEAU: Free Energy Coils ** POPP: Mistletoe vs Cancer ** POSNER: Malaria Cure ** POTAPOV : Quantum Thermal Power Plant  ** POTTER: Plasma Drill ** PRAKASH: Foldscope ** PRENTICE: Antenna ** PRINGLE: High-Frequency Attenuating Wave Kinetics ** PRIORE: ElectroTherapy ** PRITCHARD: Steam Car ** PUHARICH: Electrolytic Cell ** PUHARICH: ELF Shield ** Purple Nutsedge vs Tooth Decay ** Pyorrhea Patents ** Pyramid Patents ** Pyramid Energy Patents ( II ) ** PYRGIOTAKIS: Engineered Water NanoStructures **

» PACHECO, Francisco: Hydrogen Generator ~ Patented, demonstrated hydrogen-on-demand generator.

» PAGES, Marcel: Antigravity ~ "Electromagnetic Magnus Effect": high-frequency & beta-radiation electrostatic field produces anti-G. Patented, proven, & ignored since the 1970s.

» PAIS, Salvatore: Patents & Applications ~ Claimed to be operative by the US Navy: Super-Duper Tom Swifty EMF Generator, Inertial Mass Reduction Drive, Laser-Turbojet, Plasma Compression Fusion, HF G-Wave Generator, Piezo Room-T Superconductor.

» PALMER, Richard, et al: D3O Energy Absorber ~ Novel polymer absorbs impacts.

» Panasonic Corp.: Photocatalytic Water Purification ~ Solar-powered titanium oxide-zeolite photolysis decomposes pollutants.

» PANTONE, Paul: GEET Fuel Plasma ~ Global Environmental Energy Technology (GEET) fuel reformer: Burn up to 50% water in gasoline engine w/ this patented system.

» PAPIN, Alphonse / ROUILLY, Didier : Gyropter ~ A unique old monocopter; articles & patents.

» PAPP, Joseph: Noble Gas Engine ~ Non-polluting, no oxygen consumption, no exhaust, high-power noble gas mixture/engine.

» PARENT, Marc: Air Well ~ Wind-powered thermodynamic humidity condenser.

» PARR, Joe: Pyramid Energy ~ Summary of 15 years' R&D: G-shielding, levitation, hyperspace, mass particle formation, &c.

» PARRY, Willet: ElectroCulture ~ Greatly increases germination, kills pests ( Also: JOHNSON: Dipole Resonance ).

» PASHLEY, Richard, et al.: Bubble Desalination ~ Simple method, 20% reduction of energy requirements, integrates with greenhouse.

» PATRICK, Stephen / BEARDEN, Tom, et al: Motionless Electromagnetic Generator ~ Magnetic amplifier that allegedly produces over-unity; the COP is 5.0.

» Patent Office Websites ~ Links to dozens of Patent Offices worldwide.

» PATTERSON, Robert: Ram-Implosion Wing ~ A hyperbolic-shaped wing creates a vortex that push-pulls to greatly increase miles-per-gallon ( above 65 mph).

» PAVLITA, Robert: Psychotronic Generators ~ Report of tests by G. Egely & G. Vertesy: "Experimental Investigation of Biologically Induced Magnetic Anomalies".

» PEARSON, Ronald: Gas Wave Turbine ~ One moving part, instant response, superior load performance, fuel efficient & lower construction cost; Article & 6 patents.

» PEEBLES, Patrick: Fanwing Aircraft ~ Rotor in wing accelerates air 2x for heavy-lift STOL; autorotates too.

» PELLARINI, Luigi: AirTruk Airdynecraft ~ Escape Thunderdome: articles & patents 

» Pendulum Patents ~ Select patents from the European Patent Office Advanced Search, for investigators of the Milkovic or Besler designs.

» PEREZ, Jose: Seaweed Shock Absorber ~ Low-tech vegetable shock absorber. See also: LAGIEWKA // PALMER: D3O

» PERL, Martin: The Gravitics Situation ~ 1956 Gravity Rand report on anti-gravity: T. Brown's Gravitator, Negamass, G-Heat Interaction, Weight-Mass Anomalies, Barytic Isotopes.

» PERRIGO, Harry: Aether Electric Accumulator ~ A Free Energy Generator developed in the 1920s, allegedly a hoax, allegedly genuine.

» PERRY, Robert: NOx Reduction by Cyanuric Acid ~ Eliminates Nitrogen Oxides from diesel exhaust.

» PETYAEV, Ivan: Anti-Aging Chocolate ~ Cocoa flavanols, astaxanthin, catechins & resveratrol rejuvenates skins by decades.

» PIANTELLI, Francesco: Ni-H Cold Fusion ~ 3 patents for Low Energy Nuclear Reaction ( LENR ).

» PIGGOTT, George: Electro-Gravitation ~ Electrostatic neutralization of gravity (See also NIPHER ).

» PIKUL, James, et al.: Metallic Wood ~  Nanopores in nickel inverse opal material, strong as titanium, 70% empty space; articles & patent.

» PINHERO, Patrick: Infrared Solar Cells ~ Nanotenna array converts 80% IR to electricity.

» PIVOVARENKO, Yuri: Electrical Potential Effects on Water ~ Pos-Neg charge profoundly affects properties & behavior of water.

» Plant Breeding ~ Fast Forward to the Past with these select Guidebooks.

» Plastic-to-Oil Recycling ~ Holms / Ramesh, Ito, McNamara / Cynar, Pringle, Sharma, Zadgaonkar, & how-to videos.

» PLATEN, Baltzar von: Perpetual Thermal Engine ~ Ammonia/Centrifuge system absorbs ambient energy, provides free energy, or maximal efficiency refrigeration at very least.

» PLATZ, Reinhold : Glider ~ Ultra-simple, w/ lots of potential for R&D.

» PLAUSON, Hermann: Converting Atmospheric Electricity ~ Collects/converts atmospheric static electricity to industrial AC/DC

» PLAUSON, Hermann: Conversion of Atmospheric Electricity ( II ) ~ Supplements to ( I ) -- Articles & Book.

» PLICHTA, Peter: Silane Fuel ~ Highly efficient alternative fuel prepared from silica.

» PLUMMER, A.W.: California Caverns ~ 300-Mile system discovered in 1934, now lost -- L.A. Evening Herald Express ( 28 Sept 1934 ).

» POGUE, Charles: Vapor Carburetors ~ 3 US Patents for the legendary 200 MPG vapor carburetors.

» POLLACK, Gerald: Structured Water ~ The "Exclusion Zone" on hydrophilic surfaces can be used to purify water & generate free electricity in a simple manner.

» POMERLEAU, Daniel: Free Energy Coils ~ Mind-coil electrical production, 5 KW demonstrated -- astounding, amazing, awesome, &c.

» POTAPOV, Yuri : Quantum Thermal Power Plant ( KTPP ) -- Patented, prototyped, claimed over-unity, tested by Frolov

» POTTER, Jared: Hydrothermal Spallation Drill ~ Melts through granite for deep boreholing: self-casing, 5x faster than conventional drills.

» Poultry -- 100 Books about chickens, turkeys, ducks, &c...

» POVEY, Thomas: Flare Pan ~ Rocket science comes home: Improved design uses 40% less energy.

» PRADEEP, Thalappil: NanoSilver Water Purification ~ "Simple", inexpensive & efficient.

» PRAKASH, Manu: Foldscope ~ Optical microscopes printed-and-folded from a single flat sheet of paper

» PRENTICE, Frank: Electrical Energy Accumulator ~ A simple Free Energy from RF Generator.

» PRINGLE, Frank: High-Frequency Attenuating Wave Kinetics ~ HAWK, Microwave Recovery of Fossil Fuels; elegant recycling technology & enhanced oilfield recovery.

» PRITCHARD,  Edward: Steam Car ~ A patented, proven 1970s design that "failed" only because of low oil prices.

» PUHARICH, Andrija: Water Dissociation ~ Dr. P. drove a motor home for 100s of 1000s of miles using this method in the 1970s.

» PUHARICH, A.: ELF Shield ~ Method & Apparatus to shield a person from ELFrequency EM Fields.

» Pyramid Power Patents ~ 18 designs for healing & power generation, pest control, &c.

» Pyramid Energy Patents ( II ) ~ 2 dozen more patents & applications for geometric / torsion field energy.


QQQ --- QINETIQ: Dew Collector ** QUAVE: Botanicals vs MRSA *

» QINETIQ: Dew Collector ~ Bionic imitation of Namib Desert Beetle's humidity-capturing back.


RRR --- RABELAIS: Pantagruelion ** RABIEI: Composite Metal Foam **  RABINOVICH: Plasmatron Fuel Reformer ** Radiesthesia Patents ** RAMAN: Radiative Cooling Generator ** RAMPEN: Digital Hydraulic Pump ** RANDALL: Oil from Recycled Tires ** RANQUE: Vortex Tube ** RANQUE: Vortex Tube ( II ) ** RAO: Automatic Irrigation Siphon ** RAVATIN: Activators ** RAY: Mosquito Repellant ** ROBINS: Frontispiece, Hemp Husbandry ** ROBINS: "Alchemia" Frontispiece, Adept Alchemy ** RAYLEIGH: Active Nitrogen ** REED: Magnetic Motor ** REED: Shocked Salt-Coherent Light ** REICH: Orgone ** REICH: Orgone Motor ** REID: Crystal Battery ** Remote Viewing Library ** RETEZAR: Fontus Air Well ** REVICI: Selenium vs Cancer ** RHINEFRANK: SeaRay WavePower ** RICHARDS: AquaMagic Water Generator ** Richards: Luminator ** RICHARDSON: AquaFuel / Aqualene ** RICKARD: L-Arginine vs Plaque ** RIFE: Beam Ray Machine ** ROBAR: Freon Engine ** ROBERTSON: Revital ** ROBBINS: Fisetin ** ROBINSON: Platinum Gas Saver ** ROBINSON: EER Engine ** RODIN: Math / Coil ** ROSOCHA: Plasma-Assisted Combustion ** ROFFE: Harmonic Resonance ** ROGERS: Antenna ** ROHN: IC Engine ** ROSCHIN / GODIN: Searl Effect ** ROSCHIN / GODIN: Searl Effect Generator ** ROSCHIN & GODIN: Searl Effect Generator ( #3 ) ** ROSENBERG: T-Cell Therapy ** ROSS: Eye Ray Detector ** ROSSI: E-Cat Cold Fusion ** ROTA: Levitation Apparatus ** ROTA: Universal Current ** ROTH: Alchemical Hydrogen ** ROWEN: Ozone vs Ebola ** ROWLEY: Vapor Carburetor ** ROY: Fertilizer ** ROY: Microwave Effects ** RUBTSOV: Puke Ray ** RUSETEL: Water Engine ** RUSS: Eye-Ray Device ** RUSSELL: Generator Coils ** RUSSELL: Collected Drawings ** RUSSELL : Universal One ** RUSSELL, W. : The Secret of Light ** RUSSELL, W. : New Concept of the Universe ** RYCHNOWSKI, F.: Eteroid **

Radionics / Psionics / Torsion: Radionic / Radiesthesia / Dowsing Patents ** Radiesthesia Patents ** Radionic Photography ** Radionics ( PDF ) ** CROCK: Aura Therapy ** EGELY / VESELY: Biological Induced Magnetic Anomalies ** GIBBS: HyperDimensional Resonator ** IGHINA: Magnetic Atom ** CHAPIN: Interstellar Light Collector ** GOLOD: Pyramid Devices ** AstroMeteorology ** STERNHEIMER: Plant Protein Music ** SPRINK: Space Activator ** St. CLAIR: USP Applications ** BOSE: Response in the Living & Non-Living ** HIERONYMOUS: Eloptic Energy ** KILNER: Dicyanin Aura Lens ** KOZYREV: Experiments with Time ** MEINKE: Orgone Devices ** BARDON: QBL ** BARDON: Hermetic Magic Index ** EEMAN: Co-Operative Healing ** EGELY: Bio-Energetic Devices ** MOHORN: Aquapol Dehumidifier ** MONTAGNIER: DNA Teleportation ** PAVLITA: Psychotronic Generators ** POMERLEAU: Free Energy Coils ** Pyramid Energy Patents ( II ) ** REICH: Orgone Motor ** Remote Viewing Library ** RICHARDS: Luminator ** RUSS: Eye-Ray Device ** SCHERMULY: Dowsing Rod ** SHKATOV & ZAMSHA: Torsion Fields and Interstellar Communication ** TILLER: Intention-Host Device ** Torsion Field ( I ) ** Torsion Field Generators ** KAZNACHEEV: Kozyrev Mirrors ** VORSUNOV: Biologically Active Films **

» RABIEI, Afsaneh: Composite Metal Foam ~ Ultra-high strength ( 5x stronger than other foams ), 1/3 weight of steel, reduces shock 5x.

» RABINOVICH, Alexander, et al.: Plasmatron Fuel Reformer ~ Gliding-arc plasma generates hydrogen, eliminates pollution; articles & patents

» Radiesthesia Patents ~ 40+ devices for concentration, amplification, rectification & neutalization of bioactive energy fields.

» Radionic / Radiesthesia / Dowsing Patents ~ List of patents for psychotronic devices.

» Radionic Photography ~ Psychotronic images - Chancellor Bath Process, De La Warr Camera, Ruth Drown.

» RAMAN, Aaswath : Radiative Cooling Generator ~ Simple ultra-high performance system generates low power 24/7; articles & patents.

» RAMPEN, William: Digital Hydraulic Pump ~ Replaces port/swash plates w/ computerized solenoids: Double mpg, 30% lower CO2 when used in tranny system

» RAMSAY, Bill : Hodowanec Rhysmonics ( Vol. 1 ) ( Vol. 2 ) ~ PDF compilation of Gregory Hodowanec's Rhysmonic Cosmology Notes & articles.

» RANDALL, Denis: Oil from Recycled Tires ~ Green Distillation Tech produces oil, steel, & carbon from tires by pyrolysis.

» RANQUE, G.: Vortex Tube: Heating/Cooling, 100° differential. Construction, Operation, Patents.

» RANQUE, G., et al .: Vortex Tube Patents ( II ) ~ 2 Dozen + hot / cold applications of the Hilsch-Ranque Vortex Tube

» RANQUE, G., et al .: Vortex Tube Patents ( III ) ~More...

» RAO, E.: Automatic Irrigation Siphon ~ Apropos tech -- Simple floating ball valve maintains prime even if ditch runs dry; low cost/maintenance, saves lots of water & labor.

» RAVATIN, Jacques: Activators ~ Smaller, more powerful versions of Sprink Activators: displacement of magnetic fields, 10%+ reduced gravity, use 50% less fuel, increased solubility, improved plant growth, eliminate catalysts in reactions.

» RAY, Anandasankar: Mosquito Repellant ~ Blocks their noses with butanol, 2,3-butadiene, & butanone, guava & citrus volatiles; articles, patents.

» RAYLEIGH, Lord: Active Nitrogen ~ 1940s Anomalous production of 400% excess energy from electrified nitrogen: Free Energy ?

» RAZE, Etienne: Razor Sharpener ~ Simple formula + ferrite + brass resharpens razors, no irritation.

» REED, Troy: Magnetic Motor ~ No-fuel magnet motor & magnetic heater.

» REED, Evan: Shocked Salt-Coherent Light ~ The first new method to generate coherent light since lasers.

» REICH, Wilhelm: Orgone Engineering ~ Select articles re: weather control via Cloudbusters.

» REICH, Wilhelm: Orgone Motor ~ Fragments of info re: orgone-powered electric motors.

» REID, Marcus : Crystal Battery ~ Similar to Hutchison's; forum discussions, tests &c.

» RETEZAR, Kristof: Fontus Air Well ~ Elegant portable system uses Peltier Effect to condense ~ 500 ml / hour.

» RHINEFRANK, Kenneth, et al.: SeaRay WavePower ~ Direct drive heave-surge-capture: 2x energy of other designs; simple, robust.

» RICHARDS, David: AquaMagic Water Generator ~ Condenses humidity from diesel exhaust ( 1 gal diesel yields 10 gal H2O ). Related: JAGTOYEN: Auto Exhaust Water Recovery System

» RICHARDS, Patrick: Luminator ~ An interdimensional portal generator.

» RICHARDSON, William: AquaFuel ~ Non-polluting water-fuel generated by carbon rod-arc...

» ROBAR, Sheldon: Freon Engine ~ Heated freon powers emissions-free engine...

» ROBINSON, Barnett: Platinum Gas Saver ~ Pt-Rh-Rn additive allegedly improves combustion 22%.

» ROBINSON, Barnett: EER Engine ~ "Elevated Expansion Ratio" = 48% + mpg, 30% - emissions, ++ hp.

» RODIN, Marko: Vortex-Based Mathematics / Coil ~ Collected Papers, Videos, &c.

» ROGERS, James: Underground/-water Radio ~ Static-free reception w/ buried/submerged antenna.

» ROHN, Walter: IC Engine ~ "Amazing new automobile motor" (1927): no spark plug, no connecting rods: Burn low-grade oil.

» ROSCHIN, Vladimir / GODIN, Sergei: Searl Effect Generator ~ Replication of the Searl Effect, + new phenomena: magnetic "walls", reduced temperature, field penetration of walls!

» ROSCHIN, V. / GODIN, S.: Searl Effect Generator ~ Tests of a small prototype SEG; disappointing results -- apparently, size matters; thresholds were not achieved with this model.

» ROSCHIN, Vladimir & GODIN, Sergei: Searl Effect Generator ( #3 ) ~ USPatent & reports of effects: weight loss, cooling, magnetic "walls".

» ROSOCHA, Louis: Plasma-Assisted Combustion ~ Nanomoment high-V pulses = non-thermal plasma, improves combustion, reduces pollution.

» ROSSI, Andrea: E-Cat Cold Fusion ~ Patented, demonstrated, & in production.

» ROTA, Luigi: Levitation Apparatus ~ Patented, prototyped, & demonstrated ca. 1920.

» ROTA, Luigi: Universal Current Devices ~ Pre-electric telluric energy can be detected, collected, focused, and beamed for secure communications, radar, and transmission of power.

» ROTH, Vernon: Alchemical Hydrogen ~ Electrolysis with spagyric catalyst-structured water produces allotropic hydrogens.

» ROUGE, Charles : Airfoil ~ Vertical vane above ultralights improves performance; article, patent..

» ROWLEY, Gerald: Vapor Carburetor ~ 50% increased mpg; article & US Patent.

» ROY, Andre: Fertilizer ~ No-chemical method converts wood waste to fertilizer.

» ROY, Rustum: Pure E & H Field Microwave Effects ~ Major phase transformations, magnetic property changes, instant alloying &c.

» RUSETEL, Mihai: Water Engine ~ Simple design: 100 Km per 10 liters of water.

» RUSSELL, Walter: Generator Coils ~ Counterwound interlocking conical coils produce free energy.

» RUSSELL, Walter: Collected Drawings ~ His Generator Coil, &c -- retrieved by Esa Ruoho.

» RUSSELL, Walter : Universal One ~ ( PDF )

» RUSSELL, W. : The Secret of Light ~ ( PDF )

» RUSSELL, W. : New Concept of the Universe ~ ( Ebook )

» RYCHNOWSKI, Franciszek : Eteroid ~ A 'new' form of matter, affects gravity & cohesion w/ patented electrostatic generator; articles, Polish patent 4373.

SSS -- SALTER: HHO Generator ** SAMANI: Liquid Organic Fertilizer ** SANDERSON: Piston Mechanism ** SANCOFF: Supercavitation Boat * SANGHARA: Transparent Spinel Armor * SANGIOVANI: Blade Auto Exhaust Filter ** SANTILLI: MagneGas ** SANTILLI: Concave Lens Telescope ** SARICH: Direct Fuel Injector ** SARIKAYA: Tooth Remineralization ** SAVA: Prion Disinfection ** SAVAGE: CSA-25 vs AIDS ** Scalar Waves & Fields ** SCHAEFFER: Steam Generator ** SCHAEFFER: Benzene-Steam Engine ** SCHAPPELLER: Glowing Magnetism ** SCHAUBERGER: Vortex ** SCHAUBERGER: Klimator ** SCHAUBERGER: Photos & Family Patents ** SCHAUBERGER: Energy Evolution ** SCHERMULY: Polarizator ** SCHMIDT: Undulatory Propulsion ** SCHOELL: "Cyclone" Heat Regenerative Engine ** SCHOENBACH: Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields ** SCHWAIGER: D-Dalus Aircraft ** SCHWARTZ: Spray-On Glass ** SCHWENTEIT: Disc Aircraft ** SCRAGG: HCl Motor ** Sea Engines ** SEBASTIAN/STREM: Toroidal Prop ** SEDYLMAR: Microwave Still ** SEE: Wave Theory of Gravitation ** SEARL: Generator ** SEARL (#3): Levity Disc Articles ** SEARL: Searl Effect Generator #4 ** SEIKE: G-Strain Amplifier / Monopolar Moebius Coil ** SELLNAU: Gasoline-Direct-Injection Compression Ignition ** SEN: Granular Shock Absorber ** SEO: Graphene Synthesis ** SEROGODSKY: Heat Engine ** SHAKHPARONOV: Kozyrev-Dirac Emanation ** SHAKHPARANOV: Moebius Band Torsion Devices ** SHARIF: Desalination ** Shark Repellants ** SHARMA: Plastic-to-Oil ** SHAWYER: Microwave Space Drive ** SHCHEPINOV: Deuterated Nutrients ** SCRAGG: Pulsed Detonation Cycle Engine ** SHEALY: DNA Telomere Rejuvenation ** SHELTON: Vapor Fuel System ** SHER: Air Well ** SHIKHIRIN: Tore Propulsion **  SHIPOV: 4-D Gyroscope Propulsion ** SHKATOV & ZAMSHA: Torsion Fields and Interstellar Communication ** SHMUELI: Aquastroke Engine ** SHOULDERS: Elektrum Validum ** SHOULDERS: Elektrum Validum Archives ** SHUKLA: Fenugreek Food Preservation **  SHMUELI: Aquastroke Engine ** Silicic Acid & Health ** Siloxene ** SILVERSTONE: Molecular Induction ** SILVERTOOTH: Detection of the Ether ** SIMONCINI: Baking Soda vs Cancer ** SINGH: Squish-Zone Grooves ** SINGH: AirTap Water Heater ** SKINNER: Gravity Machine ** SKULACHEV: SkQ ** SLAT: Pacific Plastic Patch Cleanup ** Sleep ** SMIRNOV: EM Shield ** SMITH: Anti-G ** SMITH: Binding Force ** SMITH: Controlled Remote Viewing Manual ** SMITH ( Don ): Energy Generators ** Sodium Chlorite Manufacture ** Solar Ponds ** SOLOMIDES: Physiatrons vs Cancer ** SPEARS: Capacitance Gravity ** Speleology Library  ** SPIROS: Electrolysis ** Spirulina Algae Production ** SPITERI-SARGENT: Water Pump ** SPRINK: Space Activator ** SQUIER: Antenna ** Sri Yantra + Om ** ST. CLAIR: USP Applications ** ST. HILAIRE: Quasiturbine ** SARGOYTCHEV: Antigravity ** SOUTER: Water Purification ** STAMETS: Mycology ** STANLEY: Stanley Steamer ** STARK: Water Purification ** STARCK: Knoller-Betz Effect Airplane ** STAVER: Transmission ** STEINKE: Wind Sail Receptor ** STERNHEIMER: DNA Music ** STOCKMAN: RF / Microwave Motors ** STONE: Ferrock ** STONE: T-Wing ** STONEBURG: Self-Sustaining Electric Motor ** STRANO: Thermoelectric Wave Generator ** STREY: Microemulsion Fuel ** STUBBLEFIELD: Earth Battery ** SUAREZ: Turbostove ** SUEKRAN: Hybrid Heating Mixture ** Sulforaphane vs Cancer ** Sulforaphane Patents ** SULLIVAN: Multi-Direction DC/AC ** SUN: TiO Nanofibers ** Sundials ** Super-Cavitation ** SURATT: SG Gas ** SUTERA: Spray-On Antenna ** Sutherlandia vs Cancer ** SWARTZ: MOXY Fusion ** SWEET: Vacuum Triode Amplifier ** SWEET: VTA Addendae ** SWEET: Collected Writings ** SWEET: VTA Construction ** SZABO: Energy-by-Motion (EBM) Generator ** SZILI: ZPE Extraction Circuit **

» SALTER, Jr, Aaron : HHO Generator ~ Patented, proven super-efficient system recycles electrolyte sludge & incorporates a Booker Joe Cell, v.i.. He was murdered.

» SAMANI, Zahrab: Liquid Organic Fertilizer ~ Accelerated bio-leaching of vegetable waste: 25% increased yield, increased salt tolerance.

» SANCOFF, Gregory: Supercavitation Boat ~ Rides on a layer of bubbles @ high-speed.

» SANDERSON, Robert: Piston Mechanism ~ 2-head design, reduced size, weight, friction & vibration, low cost, no crankshaft.

» SANGHARA, Jas, et al: Transparent Spinel Armor ~ "Game-changing" improved method: tougher, stronger, clear-as- & harder-than-glass in any hot-press form ...

» SANGIOVANI, Sergio: Blade Auto Exhaust Filter ~ Dramatic reduction in particulate emissions, 16-34% + mpg, 10% reduced CO2, increases Volumetric Efficiency of engine.

» SANTILLI, Ruggero: MagneGas ~ Carbon-arc dissociation of water and carbonaceous matter produces MagneGas ( Aquafuel ) with several unique properties.

» SANTILLI, R.: Magnecule Patents ~ Patents & applications for Magnecule / Magnegas production by carbon-arc dissociation of water and carbonaceous matter.

» SANTILLI, R.: Concave Lens Telescope ~ Revolutionary design makes "isodual" light / antimatter visible; articles & patent application.

» SARGOYTCHEV, Stoyan: Antigravity ~ Demonstrated, patented method of gravito-inertial propulsion -- plus confirmation of the Hutchison Effect.

» SARICH, Ralph: Direct Fuel Injector ~ Simple, much lower cost, made with simple tools: 100x less stringent accuracy, 30x less surface finish, & more efficient.

» Scalar Waves & Fields ~ The "pseudo-scientific" kind that works anyway.

» SCHAEFFER, Bernhard: Benzene-Steam Engine ~ This new energy cycle is 60% efficient, much more than the basic Carnot steam cycle.

» SCHAEFFER, Karl: Steam Generator ~ Exploits the phenomena of water hammer and cavitation to produce steam. Tests conducted at Battelle Institute showed over-unity efficiency.

» SCHAPPELLER, Karl: Prime Mover ~ Excerpts from Davson's 1950s book -- method & apparatus to generate "glowing magnetism" & Free Energy.

» SEBASTIAN, Thomas / STREM, Chris: Toroidal Propeller ~ MIT's revolutionary 100%+ efficient; articles, patent.

» SHARIF, Adel: Desalination ~ "Manipulated Osmosis" uses 30% less energy.
» SCHAUBERGER, Viktor: Austrian Patents ~ 12+ Austrian Patents for the control of water & beneficiation of soil by vortex action !

» SCHAUBERGER, Viktor: Photos & Family Patents ~ Diamagnetic Copper Plows & Log Flume Improvements, Living Water Generator.

» SCHAUBERGER, Victor: Energy Evolution ~ Translated / edited by C. Coates ( PDF ). Source:

» SCHAUBERGER, Viktor: Klimator ~ A very simple naturalesque method to heat / cool air / water.

» SCHMIDT, Wilhelm: Undulatory Propulsion ~ Another unique application of the Knoller-Betz Effect, patented & demonstrated.

» SHMUELI, Y.: Aquastroke Engine -- Runs on Water 70:30 Ethanol; 3 patents.

» SCHOELL, Harry: "Cyclone" Heat Regenerative Engine ~ Elegant closed-loop low pressure external combustion engine burns fuel completely at lower temperature, eliminates NOx & HC emissions, recycles waste heat; no tranny, radiator, oil, or muffler.

» SCHWAIGER, Meinhard: D-Dalus Aircraft ~ Counter-rotating disks & blades enable VTOL, hover, rotation, and glue-down landing.

» SCHWARTZ, Sascha: Spray-On Glass ~ Revolutionary flexible nano-silica coating protects plants & surfaces from dirt, infection, &c.

» SCHWENTEIT, Bruno: Disc Aircraft ~ Two patents for an electro-turbine disc aircaft, developed by Miethe & Schreiver during WW2.

» SCRAGG, Robert: Solar Reactor Engine ~ Utilizes reaction of Hydrogen-Chlorine-UV Light to produce over-unity in a closed loop kinetic system.

» SCRAGG, Robert: Pulsed Detonation Cycle Engine ~ Consumes 30% less fuel, produces less pollution; multi-fuel, no pistons, valves; 2 lb/hp, air-cooled.

» Sea Engines ~ Electromagnetic Field propulsion systems for sea vessels.

» SEARL, John: Searl-Effect Generator ( #1 ) ~ S. Gunnar Sandberg: "The Searl-Effect Generator ~ Design & Manufacturing Procedure" (1985); Details of the SEG magnet formula, magnetization, &c.


» SEARL, J.: Searl-Effect Generator ( #2 ) ~ S. G. Sandberg: "The Searl Effect & the Searl-Effect Generator": Manufacturing Procedure of the Permanent Magnets; The Magnetising Equipment & Method; SEG Geometry; Discovery of the Searl-Effect & Invention of the SEG; The 3-Ring SEG & the Searl-Levity Disc; Analysis of the Searl-Magnet. See also: Roschin & Godin.

» SEARL, J.: Levity Disc Photos ( #3 ) ~ Photos of Searl's attempt to build a Levity Disc.

» SEARL, J.: Searl Effect Generator ( #4 ) ~ Technical details.

» SEARL, J.: Levity Disc Articles ( #5 ) ~ Scans of articles from Searl's newsletter (1969-71) by Barrett, Seike, Vaeg, Bigelow, &c.

» SEDWICK, Raymond: RING Propulsion ~ Resonant Induction Near-Field Propulsion for space travel.

» SEDYLMAR, Steve: Microwave Still ~ Produces structured water with unique properties and health benefits.

» SEE, Thomas: Wave Theory ~ Introductory articles, & 8 papers from Astronomische Nachrichten -- Gravity, magnetic & electrostatic fields are longitudinal or compression waves in aether; light, heat & radio are shear waves in aether, 'aetherons". Tesla supported See's theory, and confirmed parts of it. PDF: Paper # 1 // Paper # 2 // Paper # 3 // Paper # 4 // Paper # 5 // Paper # 6 // Paper # 7a // Paper # 7b // Paper # 8a // Paper # 8b **

» Seed-Saving -- Several books on seed saving and starting.

» SEIKE, Seike: G-Strain Amplifier / Monopolar Moebius Coil ~ Generates Free Energy, & monopolar Moebius-wound coils generate anti-gravity; Articles, Patents, Replication by Naudin, Excerpts: Principles of Ultra-Relativity.

» SELLNAU, Mark: Gasoline-Direct-Injection Compression Ignition ~ Reduces fuel consumption 50%.

» SEN, Surajit: Granular Shock Absorber ~ Organizes random mechanical energy for conversion to electric power.

» SEO, Dong, et al.: Graphene 1-Step Bulk Synthesis ~ Fast, simple, safe, ambient-air growth of films from soybean oil.

» SEROGODSKY, Albert: Heat Engine ~ A patented, demonstrated free-energy thermo-mechanical device from Russia.

» Dr SEUSS ( GEISEL, T.S. ) : Collected Books ~ Censored elsewhere ( PDFs & ePubs ).

» SHAKHPARANOV, Ivan: Moebius Band Torsion Devices ~ Neutralize radioactivity ( e.g., Fukushima ), produce magnetic monopoles, & improve healing with topological magnetic fields. See also:

» SHAKHPARONOV, Ivan: Kozyrev-Dirac Emanation ~ Mobius Bands in series focus a beam of magnetic monopoles = time reversal, accelerated decay of radioactive nuclides, gravity, chemical & medical effects.

» Shark Repellants ~ Chemical, Audio, & Electronic methods to protect yourself from lawyers and elasmobranchi.

» SHARMA, Brajendra, et al.: Plastic-to-Oil ~ HDPE plastic shopping bags can be converted to high-quality fuel.

» SHAWYER, Roger: Microwave Space Drive ~ "Impossible" device apparently works anyway. See also ZINSSER

» SHER, Abraham: Air Well ~ Aqua Sciences Water Stations produce thousands of gallons / day. See also: ELLSWORTH: Air Well.

» SHIKHIRIN, Valery: Tore Propulsion ~ Applications of eversible elongated toroids for propulsion, engineering, energy production, &c.

» SHIPOV, Anton: 4-D Gyroscope Propulsion ~ Inertial propulsion, demonstrated, patents, articles, videos.

» SHKATOV, Victor &  ZAMSHA, Vitaliy: Torsion Fields and Interstellar Communication ~ PDF book reveals recent advances in Russian TF R&D.

» SHMUELI, Yehuda, et al. : Aquastroke Engine -- Runs on Water 70:30 Ethanol; 3 patents.

» SHOULDERS, Kenneth: Elektrum Validum ~ A new form of matter, and method of free energy production, and nuke waste remediation.

» SHOULDERS, Ken: Elektrum Validum Archives ~ Collected papers & videos.

» SHUKLA, Kavita: Fenugreek Food Preservation ~ Keeps food fresh 2-3x longer.

» Siloxene ~ 2-Dimensional silica acid, articles & patents.

» SILVERSTONE, Leon: Molecular Induction ~ Powerful effects (e.g., water purification) produced by secondary emissions from material treated with laser, frequencies, electromagnets.

» SILVERTOOTH, Ernest: Experimental Detection of the Ether ~ Refutation of the Michelson-Morley experiments.

» SINGH, Somender: Squish-Zone Grooves ~ Grooves cut into piston head improve gas-air mixing & combustion efficiency ~ 20%.

» SINGH, Sunil: Heat Pump Water Heater ~ "AirTap" retrofit apropos tech saves 80% energy costs... 250% improved efficiency... and it dehumidifies.

» SKINNER, William: Gravity Machine ~ A working gravity motor perfected during the 1930s, now lost. Claimed to amplify power 1200%.

» SLAT, Boyan: Pacific Plastic Patch Cleanup ~ Recycle & Convert Evil Plastic infidel flotsam / jetsam to Oil-God.

» SMITH, Don: Energy Generators ~ An excellent compilation by Patrick Kelly: Articles, booklets, patent, photos, commentary... ( PDF )

» SMITH, Wilbert: The New Science ~ Basic Concept, Quadrature Concept, Space, Field, Control & Percipitation [sic] Fabrics, Basic Particle, Radiated Energy, Matter, Forces, Gravity; Q Concept; Principles & Technology of Other Races: Structure of Meaning, Rectilinear Concept, Relativity of Measurement, Basic Reality, Concept of Spin, Mechanism, Units, Distribution, Velocity, Tempic Field; Spin Fields, Simultaneity, Divergence, Curl & Gradient of Spin, Spin Centers, Scalar & Gradient.

» SMITH, W.: Project Magnet ~ This formerly Top Secret Canadian document reveals the invention of a geo-magnetic "Free Energy" generator and the fundamentals of 1950s anti-G R&D.

» SMITH, W.: Gravity Control ~ Transcripts of letters & a presentation of Smith's devices and test results --- Includes circuit diagrams and graphs for Caduceus Coil & Binding Energy Meter.

» Sodium Chlorite Manufacture ~ Several patents for manufacture & uses, for generation of Chlorine Dioxide disinfectant.

» Soil Lithification ~ ? Got Fukushima Daiichi ? Got ? Bionic Soil Solutions  [ Robert SHERWIN, et al. ] ? ... & / or:  Patents for Lithification ? (  & Electrophoresis ?: Water migrates to the ( - ) pole... ! ) ?

» Solar Concentrators / Furnaces ~ Hundreds of US & Foreign Patent Abstracts, & articles...

» Solar Ponds ~ Salt gradient solar ponds generate power & heat, and produce minerals -- articles, patents.

Sound / Ultrasound: A4 = 432 Hz ** BILLINGTON: Sonic Agriculture ** BOSCH: Acoustic Washing Machine ** CHEN: Ultrasonic Tooth Regeneration ** COTTELL: Ultrasonic Fuel-Water Burner ** DARAIO: Sonic Bullets ** DAVEY: Sonic Resonance Boiler ** FLANAGAN: Neurophone ** FRIDMAN: Shock-Wave Generator ** GRIGGS: Hydrosonic Pump ** GRITSKEVITCH: Hydro-Magnetic Generator ** HELMHOLTZ: Resonator ** JENNY: Cymatics ** KEELY: Motor ** KEELY: Aetheric Generator ** KEELY: Atomic & Molecular Triplets ** KENT: SASER ** LEIGHTON / BIRKIN: Ultrasonic Nozzle ** LEINENGA / GÖTZ: Ultrasound vs Alzheimer's Disease ** LUCAS: Macrosonic Resonant Synthesis ** McCLAIN / WOOTAN: Magnetic Resonance Amplifier (MRA) (#1) ** McGUIRE: Acoustic Insect Repellant ** MOMEN: Ultrasonic Dryer ** NORRIS: Parametric Hypersound ** EM Treatments of Coal **

» SOUTER, Philip ( Procter & Gamble ): Water Purification Kit ~ Simple Fe-Sulfate flocculant / Ca-Hypochlorite disinfectant sachet/filter purifies water at very low cost.

» Space Drives ( Inertial ) ~ US Patents for inertial drives, impulse engines, centrifugal & centripetal propulsion, momentum transfer, motion rectifiers, non-linear propulsion, translational force generators, gyroscopic propulsion, directional force generators, & reaction motors.

» Space Drives ( Electromagnetic ) ~ US Patents for anti-G, force-field propulsion, electro-kinetics, &c.

» SPEARS, Morton : Capacitance Theory of Gravity ~ Books & patents ( Force Generating System US5090643 )

» Speleology Library -- A comprehensive collection of caves, karst,  spelunking, rigging and rescue.

» SPIROS, Spiro: Electrolysis ~ Improvements by the co-inventor of Yull Brown's HHO gas generator: claims 3 forms of over-unity.

» Spirulina Algae Production ~ Dozens of patents for home/industrial cultivation, & sources.

» SPITERI-SARGENT, Joseph: Water Pump ~ A patented, award-winning over-unity water pump.

» SPRINK, Leon: Space Activator ~ Opposing electrodes, geometric arrays, 5-150 KV DC, generate "Activation Field": Accelerates reactions 8x with 50% less energy. Also, levitation and other phenomena. See also: Ravatin.

» SQUIER, George: Trees as Antennas ~ Trees can be used as antennas for static-free reception and transmission at any wavelength.

» ST. CLAIR, John: Patent Applications ~ Several abandoned applications for remote viewing, teleportation, magnetic wormhole generator, walking thru walls &c.

» ST. HILAIRE, Roxane: Quasiturbine ~ A Wankel-type engine w/ greatly improved efficiency.

» STAMETS, Paul: Mycology ~ Fungi can help "save the world"; articles & patents.

» STANLEY, Francis & Freelam: Stanley Steamer ~ The classic steam car: engine diagrams &c.

» STARCK, Andre-Louis: Knoller-Betz Effect Airplane ~ Cheap, simple STOL, Low power, long range, low fuel consumption, extremely resistant to stall.

» STARK, Wendelin: DrinkPure Water Purification ~ Novel membrane water purification system.

» STAVER, Blaine: Transmission ~ Simple new design, extremely efficient.

» STEINKE, Richard: Wind Sail Receptor ~ Claims 3x efficiency over conventional blade designs: stronger, lighter, smaller, quiet.

» STERNHEIMER, Joel: DNA Music ~ Increase plant growth, milk production, yeast activity, healing.

» STOCKMAN, Harry: Radio Frequency Motors ~ Ultra-simple RF-powered motors: push-pull, parametric, Poynting Vector designs.

» STONE, David, et al.: Ferrock ~
Incorporates steel dust ( whilst supplies last ) fo' mo' stronger, flexibler concrete what absorbs currents of evile Anti-GretaTh. (TM) CO2; articles & patents.

» STONE, Hugh: T-Wing ~ VTOL with fixed wings & small props, plus more speed, range & endurance than helicopters.

» STONEBURG, William: Self-Sustaining Power Supply ~ Article from the Largo-Seminole Times, 1983... lost technology.

» STRANO, Michael, et al: Thermoelectric Wave Generator ~ A novel way to generate electric power with very high efficiency

» STREY, Reinhard: Microemulsion Fuel ~ Formula greatly improves diesel combustion ( but Cottell's Ultrasonic Emulsifier would be simpler, cheaper ).

» STUBBLEFIELD, Nathan: Earth Battery ~ A legendary telluric energy receiver coil that powered motors and wireless telephones... Articles, patents, & replications.

» SUAREZ, Rene N.: Turbostove ~ 95% Efficient, burns any fuel.

» SUEKRAN, Can: Hybrid Heating Mixture ~ HIM is claimed to have over 150% efficiency.

» SULLIVAN, John: Multi-Direction DC/AC ~ Claims to be the first new form of electrical current discovered in the past 100 years.

» SUN, Darren: Titanium Oxide Nanofibers ~ Simultaneous production of HHO & pure water by desalination with an anti-fouling & anti-microbial flexible forward-osmosis filtration membrane; & solar panels; & 2x battery life extension...

» Sundials ~ You'll be needing these after the GPS fails and the Pole shifts, &c... Books & patents.

» Super-Cavitation ~ High-speed underwater propulsion.

» SURATT, Ted / GOURLEY, Robinson: SG Gas ~ Electromagnetic reformation of water produces stable, non-explosive, compressible, lighter-than-air gas with many applications for health, agriculture, & industry.

» SUTERA, Anthony: Spray-On Antenna ~ Copper nanocapacitors in substrate greatly increase reception

» SWARTZ, Kenneth : MOXY Fusion ~ Metal-Oxygen fusion reactor transmutes elements..

» SWEET, Floyd: Space Quanta Magnifier / Vacuum Triode Amplifier ~ A Free Energy Generator that utilizes conditioned Ba-Ferrite magnets to produce up to 5 Kw / 60 Hz in prototypes.

» SWEET, F.: VTA Addendae ~ Details, affadavits, & original typewritten ms. of "Nothing is Something", &c.

» SWEET, F.: Collected Writings ~ Details re: Space Quanta Amplifier.

» SWEET, Floyd: VTA Construction ~ Vacuum Triode Amplifier ( Free Energy ) construction details by M. Watson.

» SYKES, Michael: Wood Thermal Battery ~ Zeolite-impregnated wood acts as a solar thermal battery, greatly reduces heating/cooling costs.

» SZABO, Leslie: Energy-by-Motion (EBM) Generator ~ A patented motor-generator that claims 6% over-unity, allegedly in production.

» SZILI, Jean: Zero-Point Energy Extraction Circuit ~ Simple circuit demonstrates OU extraction of ZPE.


TTT --- TATE: Ambient Power Module ** TAGG: Strep. s. K12 vs Halitosis ** TAIMURAZOVICH: Quantum Regenerator ** TAKAO: Mitsubishi Air Lubrication System ** TAMBURINI: Radio Vorticity ** TAMURA: Water Activator ** TANG / ZOSHI: Desalination ** TAO: Electric Fuel Treatment ** TEAL: Magnipulsion Engine ** Telepathy Patents ** TENTZERIS: Ambient Energy Antenna ** TESLA: Disc Turbine ** TESLA: Magnifying Transmitter ** TESLA: Oscillator ** TESLA: Patents * Tetrasilver Tetroxide * TEVES: Water Fuel Conversion System ** TEWARI: Space Power Generator ** THC Patents ** THAGARD: Plasma Discharge Water Purification ** THEILOW: Air Well ** THOMAS: The Adam & Eve Story ** THOMPSON: U-Joint ** THOREAU: Civil Disobedience ** Thorium Plasma Battery ** THORNSON: Inertial Engine ** Thunder God Vine vs Cancer ** TILLER: Intention-Host Device ** TOBINICK: Etanercept vs Strokes ** TOMION: Electrodynamic Field Generator ** TONKIN: Salt Water Irrigation ** TORRES: RotoVerter ** TOUR: Flash Graphene Production ** TOUR: Double Piston Cycle Engine ** Tourmaline Electrogeneration ** TOWNSEND: Synfuel ** Transmutation Patents ** TRAWOEGER: Pyramid Electric Generator ** TREFILOV: Torsion Field Devices ** TRESHALOV: Damless Hydroelectric Station ** TRIPLER / WAINWRIGHT: Liquid Oxygen Engine ** TROMBLY: N-Machine ** TRUCCO: Multfuel Engine **  TRUMP: Atomic-Electrostatic Motor ** TSEN: UV Inactivation of Viruses ** TSAI: Enzyme HDAC1 Rejuvenation ** TSEUNG: Leading Out Theory ** Turmeric / Curcumin ** Turmerone ** TUYACAN / CIA: Psychological Operations in Guerilla Warfare **

» TAKAO, Shinichi: Mitsubishi Air Lubrication System ~ Layer of air bubbles reduces frictional resistance between ship & water, reduces CO2 emissions up to 35%.

» TAMBURINI, Fabrizio: Radio Vorticity ~ Transmit any number of channels on one frequency: infinite potential; articles, patent, video.

» TAMURA, Kikuo: Water Activator ~ Infrared + Ion Generation activates water for 20% reduced irrigation / fertilizer requirements & increased yield, improves animal fertility, &c...

» TANG, James & ZOSHI, Joshua: Desalination ~ Solar-assisted differential pressure desalinates for 1/4 cost of other methods.

» TATE, Joseph: Ambient Power Module ~ Converts radio frequencies to usable electrical power ( milliwatts), plus early seismic warning (earthquakes generates RF).

» TAO, Rongjia: Electric Fuel Treatment ~ 20% improved miles-per-$ for cars, reduced friction for oil flow in pipelines.

» TEAL, Benjiman: Magnipulsion Engine ~ Simple EM engine uses only small current to produce power, starts w/ battery, never recharged.

» TENTZERIS, Manos: Ambient Energy Antenna ~ Printable antennas for harvesting microwave radiation & conversion to power ( See also TATE: Ambient Energy Module ).

» TESLA, Nikola: Communication with Mars ~ A review of Tesla's report of scalar radio contact with Mars via his Magnifying Transmitter.

» TESLA, N.: Magnifying Transmitter ~ Articles, Patents, Google search results re: Tesla's global system for transmitting electrical power.

» TESLA, N.: Turbine ~ 4 Articles, 8 Patents about the Disc Turbine, his mechanical masterpiece...

» TESLA, N.: Mechanical Oscillator ~ Patents & articles: his "earthquake generator".

» TESLA, Nikola: Autobiography ~ PDF reprint of "The Strange Life of Nikola Tesla" ( 1979 ).

» Tesla Car ~ "Historical" accounts, plus retro-R&D by Mike Gamble.

» TESLA, Nikola: Patents ~ 40 MB PDF, 499 pages, compiled by Bipolar Planet.

» TEVES, Antonio: Water Fuel Conversion System ~ Electrolytic process enables engines to burn 80% water!

» TEWARI, Paramahansa: Space Power Generator ~ A powerful, proven free energy generator based on DEPALMA's N-Machine.

» TEWARI, Paramahansa: USP Application 2015084467 -- Reduced Reaction Rotary Alternating Current Generator ( vs. Lenz' Law drag ).

» THC Patents ~ Select patents for production of TetraHydroCannabinol.

» THAGARD, Selma: Plasma Discharge Water Purification ~ Cleans several gallons in minutes with low energy requirements.

» THEILOW, Frank: Air Well ~ Uses absorption to collect atmospheric humidity.

» THOMAS, Chan: The Adam & Eve Story ~ The 1993 reprint of the neo-classic history of catastrophes (PDF).

» THOMPSON, Glenn: U-Joint ~ Constant velocity u-joint greatly improves efficiency of transmission.

» Thorium Plasma Battery ~ Safe, powerful, long-lasting -- and totally suppressed by the fabulous US regime.

» THORNSON, Brandson: Inertial Engine ~ Unidirectional thrust, patented, demonstrated, largely ignored.

Time: KOZYREV: Time Experiments (1) ** KOZYREV: Time (2) ** ARLINSKI: Chronocraft ** CHERNOBROV: Time Machine ** GIBBS: HyperDimensional Resonator ** MARCUM: Time Machine ** NASSIKAS: Space-Time Energy Pump ** SMITH: Binding Force ** SPRINK: Space Activator ** Time Cameras ** YORK: Quantum G & T-Pi / Time

» Time Cameras ~ A review of time camera technologies: DeLaWarr, von Lubek, Pelley, Ernetti, Steinmetz, &c.

» TOLL, Ian: Aerothermal Autoclave ~ Municipal waste system reduces volume 60% & produces energy.

» TOMION, Mark: Electrodynamic Field Generator ~ Patented, prototyped "StarDrive" modification of the Searl Effect Generator.

» TONKIN, Mark: Salt Water Irrigation ~ Major advance uses saline or sewage water for crop growth.

» TORRES, Hector: RotoVerter ~ Operate a motor at high impedances with a lower reflective power loss ... Allegedly also an overunity generator.

» Torsion Fields ~ Spin-, Axion-Fields, &c. A Quasi-Scientific Pseudo-Answer to Everything Ineffable.

» Torsion Field Generators ~ Several more patents -- supplements Torsion Fields

» TOUR, James, et al.: Flash Graphene Production ~ Laser flash Joule heating makes graphene in 10 miiliseconds; articles & 2 patents.

» TOUR, Hugo: Double Piston Cycle Engine ~ Improves efficiency up to 100%, reduces HC emissions 50%, NOx 80%, burns any fuel.

» Tourmaline Electrogeneration ~ Patents & articles re: "Electric Stone" - batteries, electroculture, healing.

» TOWNSEND, David: Synfuel ~ Naptha, methanol, butanol & trace Mg-laurel salts Rx replaces gasoline.

» Transmutation Patents ~ Gleanings from the European Patent Office ( except transmutation doping of silicon ).

» TRAWOEGER, Thomas: Pyramid Electrical Generator ~ 12 V, 1/4 A DC from a Cheops Pyramid, copper tube, magnet, coil, & capacitor. Photos, schematics, video.

» TREFILOV, V., et al.: Torsion Field Devices ~ Crystalline rechargeable battery: 850-1040 Watt-Hours/Kg, & Thermoelectric Capacitor Cooling Device

» TRESHALOV, German, et al.: Damless Hydroelectric Station ~ Hyper-efficient free-flow hydraulic system, patented and demonstrated.

» TRIPLER, Charles / WAINWRIGHT, Jacob: Liquid Oxygen Engine ~ Self-regenerating over-unity; 4 books & patents.

» TROMBLY, Adam / KAHN, D: Homopolar Generator ~ A proven, patented & thoroughly suppressed free energy generator based on the Faraday Homopolar Generator ( See also: DEPALMA, KINCHELOE, & TEWARI ).

» TRUCCO, Horacio: Multi-Fuel Engine ~ Can run on turpentine, oil, diesel, alcohol.

» TRUMP, John : Atomic-Electrostatic Motor ~ Ultra-efficient, based on Tesla's designs ( he got to see T's papers post-mortem ); article & patents

» TSEUNG, Lawrence: Leading Out Theory ~ Pulsed pendulums extract OU G-energy -- Prototyped, patented, also claims to convert Zero Point Energy to electricity via magnetism &c. Similar to Milkovic.

» TURNEY, Christian: Microwave Biochar ~ High-efficiency production of biochar from forestry waste.


UUU -- Urea Denitrification of Diesel Exhaust ** Unicycles / Monowheels ** Urine Therapy **

» Unicycles ~ Motorized hoop-cars -- one version got 280 mpg / 100 mph !

» Urea Denitrification of Diesel Exhaust ~ Dramatic reduction of NOx, EPA-mandated for 2010; articles & list of 100 patents.

USA / GOVERNMENT -- Declaration of Independence ** Constitution ** Bill of Rights ** PAINE: Rights of Man ** PAINE: Age of Reason ** PAINE: Common Sense ** THOREAU: Civil Disobedience


» VACHAEV, Anataloij et al.: Plasma-Water-Metal Production ~ Apparent creation of metals from distilled water by "eltons" -- clods of superdense quantum plasma.

» VAIDEANU, Constantin: UV-RF Ray ~ Effective @ 5 km + ; 2 patents.

» VALLEE, Rene-L.: Synergetic Generator ~ Colinear E & B fields imposed on Carbon rod generates ++ power.

» Vapor Carburetor Patents ~ Hundreds of US Patents: vaporize fuel to improve performance.

» VARANASI, Kripa, et al.: Electro-FogFence ~ Electrostatic charge increases water collection, eliminates steam plume from power plants.

» VARTAN, Grigorian: Pulsed Rotation Cooling ~ Uses 80% less energy than other refrigeration systems.

» VARTAN, Kalafian: Electric Perpetual Motion ~ Exploits precession of electrons in electromagnetic fields to generate alleged Over-Unity.

» VATISTAS, Georgios: Vortex Cooling ~ Stable-vortex heat exchange system is 40X more efficient than conventional designs.

» VAUX, Melvin: Scotch Yoke Engine ~ Improvement of the already excellent Bourke engine...

» VESPERMAN, Gary : Gallery of Clean Energy Inventions ~ A monumental review of unconventional tech.

» VIALLE, Richard: Negative Mass ~ Weight loss & over-unity electric power from "pigtail" coils @ 165 MHz.

» VIGIER, Jean-Pierre: Pd-Li7 Energy Source ~ New energy source: reaction of palladium & lithium7

» VINCENT, Rob: Distributed Load Antenna ~ 70% smaller, increased sensitivity & bandwidth.

» VITTORI, Arturo: WarkaWater Airwell ~ Ingenious elegant design collects up to 40 liters atmospheric water per day.

» VLACHOS, Constantin: Thermohydraulic Motor ~ Burn any fuel to heat hydraulic fluid in a novel power cycle: high efficiency, high mpg ; now sitting rusting in a storage shed.

» VLACHOS, Constantinos: ThermoHydraulic Motor ( II ) ~ Burn any fuel to heat hydraulic fluid in a novel power cycle: high efficiency, high mpg -- complete blueprints, &c.

» VOGEL, Marcel : Crystals & Water ~ Exactly-cut quartz crystals + Intent >> Structure Water; articles & instructions.

» VOIGHT, J.: Voight-Schneider Propeller ~ Cycloidal propulsion w/ high efficiency & maneuverability.

» VOLF, Christian: Propeller ~ Silent, provides much more traction than "conventional" designs.


WWW --- WADSTROM: Solvatten Water Purifier ** WANG: Magnet Motor ** WADLE: Tree Electricity ** WADLE: Magnetic Field Deflector Shield ** WAGH: Grancrete (Ceramicrete) ** WAGNER: Zorongen Gas ** WAGNER W-Waves ** WAI: Nuclear Waste Recycling ** WAINWRIGHT: Ozone Therapy ** WALLACE: Fumaric Acid vs Methanogenesis ** WALLACE: Kinemassic Force ** WALTON: Radar ** WANG: Tribo-Electric Generator ** WANG: Super-Hydrophobic Cu-Oxide ** WANG: Super-Hydrophilic Desalination * * WANKEL: Zisch-Boat ** WARD: Magnetic Convertor ** WARD: Starlite Plastic ** WARREN: BoxChute ** WATERS: Wind Turbine ** Water Management ** WEBSTER / HEISE: Valve ** WEIR: EESTOR BaTi SuperCap ** WELLS: Newman Motor ** WERJEFELT: Magnetic Battery ** WESTON: Air / Vapor Fuel System ** WHANG: AlkaLife ** WHEATON: Electrical Seed Germination ** WHEELER: Magnet Motor ** WHETSTONE: Tadpole ** WHISSON: Air Well ** WHITTAKER: Scalar Potentials ** WIDTSOE: Dry Farming ** WILKES: Rolamite ** WILKINSON: High-Frequency Transformations ** WILKS: Power Wagon ** WILL: Vortex Exhaust Muffler ** WILLARD: Catalyst-Activated Water ** WILLAUER: Seawater Fuel ** WILLIS: Magnacoaster ** Wingless Aerodynes ** WISELY: Electromagnetic Engine ** WOOD: Matrix Solar Dish ** WURZBURGER: MgOH vs MRSA **

» WADLE, Gordon: Magnetic Field Deflector Shield ~ Formula deflects magnetic fields, opens new possibilities for permanent magnet motors.

» WADLE, G.: Tree Electricity ~ Low voltage bioharvester replaces batteries.

» WADSTROM, Petra: Solvatten Water Purifier ~ Elegant apropos tech purifies water with sunlight.

» WAGH, Arun: Grancrete / Ceramicrete ~ Quick-drying spray-on ceramic offers low-cost shelter.

» WAGNER, John: Zorongen Gas ~ Claimed to be a new, safer form of hydrogen formed by a secret (silicate) electrolyte.
» WAI, Chien: Nuclear Waste Recycling ~ Ligand-assisted supercritical fluid (CO2) extraction for removal of transuranic contamination.

» WALLACE, Henry: Kinemassic Force Field ~ Counter-rotating masses of half-integral spin nuclei material (Cu, Zn, Pb, Sn, Ni, As, Ga) generate a "kinemassic force field" vs. gravity.

» WALLACE, Robert, et al.: Fumaric Acid vs Methanogenesis ~ Feed additive reduces CH4 production up to 70 ! Articles, patent.

» WALTON, Eric: Random Noise Radar ~ Virtually undetectable, resembles random noise.

» WANKEL, Felix : Zisch-Boat ~ Small, 60 mph, & seaworthy -- articles & 2 patents.

» WANG, Peng, et al.: Super-Hydrophilic Desalination ~ Cogenerate electricity and clean water with membrane & carbon nanothingies.

» WANG, Evelyn: Super-Hydrophobic NanoCopper Oxide ~ Improved heat transfer, increases efficiency for cooling, steam generators, &c.

» WANG, Shenhe: Magnet Motor ~ Shields & magnetic fluid bearing produces powerful rotor force; simple, proven patented design.

» WANG Zhong, et. al.: Tribo-Electric Power ~ Waste pressure neatly converted to useful power ( electric lighting, &c ).

» WARD, Maurice: Starlite Plastic ~ Invincible super-plastic resists fire, lasers, nukes.

» WARD, Steven: Magnetic Convertor ~ Manipulation of magnetic field ( "Wardforce" ) to produce work.

» WARREN, Charles: BoxChute ~ Autorotating parachute delivery system.

» WATERS, Michael: Wind Turbine ~ Squirrel-cage rotor is much smaller & far more efficient than conventional blade designs.

Water / Steam:  ABRAHAM: Graphene Oxide Desalination ** ADAMS: ElectroBiochemical Reactor ** Activated Water Patents ** AHO: MIST Steam Generator ** Air Wells ** Air Wells ( Solar Adsorption ) ** Air Well Patents (#1) ** Air Wells Patents (#2) ** ALCANTAR: Cactus Gum Water Purification ** ALLEN: Hydrautomat ** ANDERSON: Water-Fuel System ** AUGUSTIN: Watercone ** AUL: Desalination ** BARANOV: Structured Water Fuel ** BAZANT: Electroshock Desalination ** BECKETT: Mg-Carbonate Water ** BELLOCQ: Pump ** BENVENISTE: Homeopathy & Digital Biology ** BERNITSAS: VIVACE ** BESLER: Steam-Powered Airplane ** BLEECHER: NeverWet ** Boats ** BODNER: Artificial Gills ** BOSCH: Acoustic Washing Machine ** BRASHER: Pneumatic Breakwater ** CROOKS: Desalination ** CUI: Nano-Ag Water Purification ** DANG: Oil-Water Separation ** DARRAGH: Vi-Aqua ** DAVEY: Sonic Resonance Boiler ** De KREUK: Nereda Water Purification ** Desalination Patents ** Dew Harvesting ** Dew Pond Construction ** Distilled Water & Health ** DOBLER: Telluric Radiation Photography ** DUMAS: Resonance Heater ** DUNAEVSKIJ: Steam Engine ** EHRNBERG: Wave Power Generator ** EK: Cellulose-Polymer Water Filter ** Electrolyzed Water ** Electro-Osmosis Patents ** ELLSWORTH: AirWell ** EMOTO: Messages From Water ** FARLEY & RAINEY: Wave Power Generator ** FELTENBERGER: Pendulum Pump ** FISCHER: Hydraulic Heat Engine ** FLUHRER: Weather Control ** Fog Collectors ** FRANCH: Water-to-Gasoline ** FRENETTE / PERKINS: Friction Heater ** GENEPAX / SUEMATSU: Water Energy System ** GHASEMI: Steam Generator ** GILMARTIN: Mini-Water Wheel ** GOLDIN: Gyro-Gen Wave Power ** GRANDER: Revitalized Water ** GRIFFIN: Hydrogen Generator ** GRIGGS: Hydrosonic Pump ** GRITSKEVITCH: Hydro-Magnetic Generator **  GUO: Hydrogel Airwell ** HAGEMAN: Thermal Hydraulic Engine ** HALAS: Nanoparticle Solar Steam ** HAMILTON: Chlorine Dioxide ** HENG / LUO: Fog Collector ** HERBRAND: Turbine ** Hippo Roller ** HOFF: WaterBoxx ** HUANG: Deuterium-Depleted Water ** HUSSAM: SONO Filter ** Ice Dams ** JAGTOYEN: Auto Exhaust Water Recovery System ** Joe Cell ** KALINA: Ammonia-Steam Cycle ** KAMEN: Power Generation / Water Purification ** KANAREV: Plasma Water Electrolysis ** KARAMCHEDU: Desalination ** KARNIK: Water Filter ** KELLER: KROV Steam Engine ** KLAPHAKE: Air Wells ** KLEIN: Aquafuel ** KOHAVI: Air Well ** KOLDOMASOV: Reactor ** KOURIS: Coriolis Force Tubine ** KUTIENKOV: Ram Pump ** LEACH: HASER ** LEIGHTON/BIRKIN: Ultrasonic Nozzle ** LI: Bio-Battery ** LINACRE: Airdrop Irrigaton ** LINSON-SMITH: Water Flow Control System ** LO / GANN: Cluster Water ** MARSDEN: Obeam ** MEIKRANTZ: Centrifugal Separator ** MELOT: Steam-Oil Jet ** MILKOVIC: Two-Stage Mechanical Oscillator ** MIZUNO: Plasma Electrolysis ** MOHORN: Aquapol Dehumidifier ** MOMEN: Ultrasonic Dryer ** MURRAY: Seawater Farming ** NAIR: Graphene Oxide Desalination ** Nanobubble Water ** Nanobubble Generator Patents ** Nano-Magnesium Hydroxide Water Purification **  NI: Solar Vapor Generator ** NIRMALAKAHANDAN: Low-Energy Desalination ** NOCERA: Artificial Photosynthesis ** Ocean Wave / Current / Thermal Energy Conversion Patents ** OHMASA: Water-Fuel Generator ** OLMO / GIL: Fog Collector ** Panasonic: Photocatalytic Water Purification ** PARENT: Air Well ** PASHLEY: Bubble Desalination ** PIVOVARENKO: Electrical Potential Effects on Water ** PRADEEP: NanoSilver Water Purification ** PRITCHARD: Steam Car ** QINETIQ: Dew Collector ** QUINTON: Ocean Plasma ** NOLTE: Rainmakerh2o Water Treatment ** RAO: Automatic Irrigation Siphon ** REICH: Orgone ** RHINEFRANK: SeaRay WavePower ** RICHARDS: AquaMagic Water Generator ** RICHARDSON: AquaFuel ** SANTILLI: MagneGas / Aquafuel ** SCHAEFFER: Steam Generator ** SCHAEFFER: Benzene-Steam Engine ** SCHAUBERGER: Vortex ** SCHAUBERGER: Photos & Family Patents ** SCHAUBERGER: Energy Evolution ** Sea Engines ** SHARIF: Desalination ** SHER: Air Well ** SILVERSTONE: Molecular Induction ** Solar Ponds ** SOUTER: Water Purification ** STANLEY: Stanley Steamer ** STARK: Water Purification ** SPIROS: Electrolysis ** SPITERI-SARGENT: Water Pump ** SUN: TiO Nanofiber Desalination ** SURATT: SG Gas ** TAMURA: Water Activator ** TANG / ZOSHI: Desalination ** TEVES: Water Fuel Conversion System ** THAGARD: Plasma Discharge Water Purification ** THEILOW: Air Well ** TONKIN: Salt Water Irrigation ** TRESHALOV: Damless Hydroelectric Station ** VARANASI: Electro-FogFence ** VIOLET: Vitalized Water ** VITTORI: WarkaWater Airwell ** VOGEL: Crystals & Water ** WADSTROM: Solvatten Water Purifier ** WANG: Super-Hydrophilic Desalination ** Water Management ** Water Purification Electro-Coagulation Patents ** Wave-Powered Boats ** WESTENDORFF: Electro-Catalysis ** WHETSTONE: Tadpole ** WHISSON: Air Well ** WILLARD: Catalyst-Activated Water ** WILLAUER: Seawater Fuel ** XU: PiezoElectroChemical Effect ** YAGHI: MOF Airwell ** YU: Hydrogel Water Purification ** ZHU: Titanate Nuke Absorbent ** ZHOU: Desalination Heliostat ** ZINSSER: Kinetobaric Effect **

» Water Management ~ 64 PDF Books & papers: Wells, Ponds, Dams, Ditches, Swales, Cisterns, Rainwater Catchment, Purification, Pumps, Storage, &c...

» Water Purification -- Electro-Coagulation Patents

» Wave-Powered Boats ~ Articles & 8 Patents.

» WEBSTER, Sherwood / HEISE, Richard: Fuel Vaporizer ~ Increase fuel economy 20%, boost power 40%, reduce NOx and CO, use of 75-octane fuel. See also: LINDAHL (Congressional Research Service Report).

» WEIR, Richard / NELSON, Carl: Barium-Titanate Ultra-Capacitor ~ EESTOR: Parallel-plate capacitor w/ Ba-TiOx dielectric acts as a solid-state battery that recharges in 5 minutes, produces 52 KW-hours from 400 lb.

» WELLS, David: Newman Motor Weather & Health Effects ~ A new Pandora's Box, opened in the 1990s: local & remote weather control, positive health effects, & a planar G-field.

» WERJEFELT, Bertil: Magnetic Battery ~ 3x overunity, patented, built, tested, dormant...

» WESTENDORFF, Karl, et al.: Electro-Catalysis ~ Accelerate chemical reaction 100000x with electric fields.

» WESTON, John: Air / Vapor Fuel System ~ 400+ mpg claimed with a very simple system ( needs safety improvements ).

» WHEATON, Frederick: Effects of Various Electrical Fields on Seed Germination.

» WHEELER, Ken: Magnet Motor ~ Alleged over-unity, recently patented, prototyped, demonstrated ...

» WHETSTONE, Stan: Tadpole ~ Simple device increases efficiency of water-heaters by 30%.

» WHISSON, Max: Air Well ~ "Max Water" refrigerated windmill collects atmospheric humidity.

» WHITTAKER, Edmund: Scalar Potentials ~ "On Partial Differential Equations of Math. Physics"... "Expression of EM Field Due to Electrons by Means of Two Scalar Potential Functions" . Classic papers introducing scalar concepts.

» WIDTSOE, John: Dry Farming ~ A thorough guide to droughticulture ( 1910 ).

» WILKES, Donald: Rolamite ~ Nearly frictionless, 2 rollers, S-shaped band under tension w/ guidewalls.

» WILKINSON, Francis: High-Frequency Transformations ~ Tesla coil + distillation produces fuel from vegetable oil, desulfurizes oil, rubber from veggie waste, distillation of metals, transmission of power.

» WILKS, Paul: Power Wagon ~ Appropriate tech recycles vehicular power, generates electricity.

» WILL, Brian: Vortex Exhaust Muffler ~ Improved sound, more horsepower, increased mpg.

» WILLAUER, Heather: Seawater Fuel ~ Extraction of CO2 & H from seawater being touted as a breakthrough... Please ignore Andrews, Anderson, Franch, Kanzius, and the Nazi Walters seawater-H2O2 turbine... article & patents.

» WILLIS, Richard: Magnacoaster ~ Patented, prototyped, "in production" magnetic electrical generator claimed to be over-unity.

» Wingless Aerodynes ~ US Patents for Lenticular & Discoid Aircraft, Flying Saucers & Hubcaps, &c.

» WISELEY, Kenneth: Electromagnetic Motor ~ Patented, demonstrated, & claimed to be self-regenerating; article & patent.

» WOOD, Douglas: Matrix Solar Dish ~ Simple design multiplies sunlight 1000x.


XXX --- XU: PiezoElectroChemical Effect ** XU: Graphene Battery **

» XU, Huifang: PiezoElectroChemical Effect ~ Quartz / Zn-Oxide dendrites + ultrasound generates voltage, electrolyzes water, up to 18% efficiency.

» XU, Zihan, et al: Graphene Battery ~ Powered by ambient thermal energy.


YYY --- YABLOTCHKOV: ES Amplifier ** YAGHI: MOF Airwell ** YANG: Metal Microlattice ** YANG: RadiCold ** YATER: Random Energy Fluctuation Converter ** YE: Gold Nanotubes vs Cancer ** YEOMANS: Keyline Farming ** YILDIZ: Electrical Generator ** YOGEV: H-Generator ** YORK: Quantum G Derived from Pi/Time ** YU: Plasma Dental Brush ** YU: Hydrogel Water Purification ** YUNICK: Adiabatic Engine ** YURTH: CO2 Dissociation System **

» YABLOTCHKOV[  JABLOTCHOV ], Pavel: ES Amplifier ~ 200% over-unity proven, patented electrostatic amplifier, "System of Distribution and Amplification of Electrical Currents by Means of Atmospheric Electricity".

» YAGHI, Omar: MOF Airwell ~ Zirconium-Metal-Organic-Framework absorbs atmospheric humidity -- Techno-hope for Ecocrats ...

» YANG, Sophia, et al.: Metal Microlattice ~ Revolutionary superstrong ultralight truss system formed by photopolymerization; video & patents.

» YANG, Ronggui, et al.: RadiCold ~ Highly efficient passive metamaterial cooling system both reflects & radiates heat even in sunlight; Articles & US patent.

» YATER, Joseph: Random Energy Fluctuation Converter ~ Reversible thermal energy electrical generator, alleges free energy ( not ).

» YEOMANS, Percival: Keyline Plan ~ Contour line farming for water conservation and improved soil condition.

» YILDIZ, Muammer: Electrical Generator ~ Over-unity homopolar generator.

» YOGEV, Amnon: Hydrogen Generator ~ "Enginuity" car produces hydrogen from Al or Mg with steam.

» YORK, Warren: Quantum Gravity from Pi / Time ~ A 4-D math concept using form/shape patterns as integers to describe dynamics of motion in real time to explain quantum G. (Word.doc: 7.8 MB )

» YU, Guihua, et al.: Hydrogel Water Purification ~ Low cost solar powered 'Hierarchically-Nanostructured Gel' Vapor Generator -- articles & patent.

» YUNICK, "Smokey": Adiabatic Engine ~ The master mechanic-racer's own hot vapor fuel system.

» YURTH, David: CO2 Dissociation System ~ Corona discharge plasma improves combustion & decomposes pollutants.


ZZZ --- ZADGAONKAR: Plastic-to-Fuel ** ZAYMIDOROGA: Photocell ** ZENG: Electro-Sterilization / Chemo-Acceleration ** ZHANG: Lanosterol vs Cataracts ** ZHU: Coal Fuel Cell ** ZHU: Titanate Nuke Absorbent ** ZIAIE: Ferropaper ** ZIEGLER : SeaCrop ** ZINK / PARKS: NightWalking ** ZINN: Combustor ** ZINSSER: Kinetobaric Effect ** ZIRBES: Flux-o-Matic Motor  ** ZOGRAFOS: Combined Frequency Electrolysis

» ZADGAONKAR, Alka: Plastic-to-Fuel ~ Catalytic conversion of plastic to fuel, 40-60% yield.

» ZAYMIDOROGA, Oleg: Photocell ~ Nanomaterial photocell captures solar + stellar energy, 24/7 -- 2x efficiency of comparable photovoltaics, cheaper.

» ZENG, Xin An: Electrical Sterilization / Chemical Acceleration ~ Vastly accelerate the maturation of chemical species & sterilize with 600 Volts/cm.

» ZHOU, Junyun: Desalination Heliostat ~ Improved solar distillation at much lower cost.

» ZHU, Huai-Yong: Nano-Titanate Absorbent for Nuclear Waste ~ Removes nukey-poo from water; 1 gram purifies 1 ton of water.

» ZHU, John: Coal Fuel Cell ~ Uses 50% less coal per amp produced. ( See also: JACQUES: Electricity from Coal )

» ZIAIE, Babak: Ferropaper ~ Paper and nano-Fe produces powerful micro-actuators.

» ZIEGLER, Arthur : SeaCrop ~ Seawater fertilizer preparation increases yields & quality -- Articles & Patents

» ZINN, Ben: Combustor ~ Stagnation Point Reverse Flow: complete combustion, minimal emisssions.

» ZINSSER, Rudolf: Kineto-Baric Force ~ Mechanical Energy from Gravitational Anisotropy (MEGA), a new prime mover, orders of magnitude more efficient than other systems. Matter may be temporarily turned into a state of anisotropy in relation the the G-field, producing the Kineto-Baric Force.

» ZIRBES, Lloyd: Flux-o-Matic Motor ~ Gravity generator inspired by ETs, demonstrated, suppressed -- diagrams & photos.

» ZOGRAFOS, Petros ~ Combined Frequency Electrolysis ~ 3-Phase multifrequency generation of Hydrogen from alloy... Articles & patent.


Health: ADAMS: Cesium Eliminator ** N-Acetyl Carnosine vs Cataracts / Glaucoma ** Adrenochrome Patents ** AKIMOV: Torsion Field Generators ** ANTELMAN: TetraSilver TetraOxide ** ANTELMAN: TetraCopper Tetroxide ** Activated Water Patents ** Apoptosis of Cancer by Natural Substances ** Astragalus & Longevity ** ATP Extraction Patents ** BAATI: Fullerene / Olive Oil & Longevity ** BADYLAK: Organ Regeneration ** BARE: Frequency Therapy ** BAUGH: Rejuvenation **  BECHAMP: Microzymes ** BECKER: Silver Iontophoresis Healing & Regeneration ** BECKER: Anti-Aging Machine ** BECKETT: Mg-Carbonate Water ** BELFOR: Homeoblock ** ** BELJANSKI: Flavopereirine vs AIDS ** BELMONTE: Epigenic Rejuvenation ** BELOSEVIC: Ozone vs Prions ** BENEDICT: Phototherapy ** BENENATI: Mummification ** BENNETT: Rejuvenation ** BENVENISTE: Homeopathy & Digital Biology ** BioGeometry & Bioenergy Balancing Patents ** Bioenergetic Patents ( II ) ** Biophoton Patents ** Biophoton Research Papers ** Birth Control ** BLASS: Homozone ** BLAU: Rapid Telomere Extension ** Bloodroot vs Cancer ** BOEHM: DNA Resonant Frequencies ** BRADY: Coconut Oil Dentistry ** BRUSHKOV: Bacillus cereus sp. F Longevity ** Budesonide vs Covid ** BURZYNSKI: Antineoplaston Therapy ** CALLAHAN: Paramagnetic Agriculture ** CAMPBELL-TOFTE: Rauvolfia Vomitoria vs Diabetes ** Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening ** CARSON: Emergency Childbirth ** Catnip ** Cesium Chloride vs Cancer ** CHAPIN: Interstellar Light Collector ** CHAUSOVSKY: Technotronic Psychotechnology ** CHEN: Ultrasonic Tooth Regeneration ** Cobalt Hexamine vs Ebola ** Cockroach Medicine ** COMELLA: Adult Stem Cell Therapy ** Compost Toilets ** COTSARELIS: Hair Regrowth ** Covid Database ** CROCK: Aura Therapy ** Crocodylus Porosus Peptide ** CUI: Nano-Ag Water Purification ** Curcumin ** BRADY: Coconut Oil Dentistry ** DANG: Papaya vs Cancer ** DCA vs Cancer ** DARAIO: Sonic Bullets ** DAVALOS / RUBISKY: Irreversible ElectroPoration vs Cancer ** DAVIDOVITCH: Electro-Orthodontia ** DAVIS / RAWLS: Biomagnetism ** Dental Electrolysis ** DePINHO: Age Reversal ** Distilled Water & Health ** DMSO Therapy ** DMSO in Medicine ** DOTTO: Diamagnetic Ring ** DUFES: Bioactive Polymers vs. Cancer ** Ebola Patents ** Ebola Therapies ** EEMAN: Co-Operative Healing ** EGELY: Bio-Energetic Devices ** EGELY / VESELY: Biological Induced Magnetic Anomalies ** EISING: Radolatum ** Electrolyzed Water ** Electro-OsteoGenesis ** Electrostatic Therapy Patents ** ENGEL: Living Alcohol ** Fenbendazole vs Cancer ** Field Manuals ** FLANAGAN: Neurophone ** Frankincense vs Cancer ** FRODSHAM: Magnetic Sepsis Filter ** FUCHS: Beta-Catenin vs Alopecia ** Fucoidan ** GAJAREV / POPONIN: DNA Biocomputer ** GAJAREV: Wave Genetics ( II ) ** GcMAF ** Geopathic Zones ** GIANSANTI: Copper Mask ** GILBERT: DD107498 vs Malaria ** GOLD: Hydrazine Sulfate vs Cancer ** GOLOD: Pyramid Devices ** GORDON: Blushwood vs Cancer ** GUARENTE: Longevity ** GUASCO: Theta Amplifier ** GUDKOV: Flagellin vs Radiation ** HALSTEAD: Cancer Therapy ** HAMILTON: Chlorine Dioxide ** Herbs vs Halitosis ** Herbs vs AIDS ** Herbs vs Arthritis ** Herbs vs Cataracts ** Herbs vs Diabetes ** Herbs vs Depression ** Herbs vs Hepatitis ** Homeopathy Patents ** HONTSU: Tooth Patch ** HUANG: Deuterium-Depleted Water ** Human Growth Hormone Precursors ** HUN: Kumdang-2 ** HydroxyChloroQuine ** IGHINA: Elios ** Immortality ** INGBER: Magnetic Blood Cleaner ** ISTRATE: Celulact H ** JIANG: Plasma Dental Probe ** JONES/AMERISCIENCE: AS10 Rejuvenation ** JUDD: Tooth Remineralization ** KAALI / SCHWOLSKY: Blood Electrification vs AIDS ** KALININ: Munich Jar ** KANADY: Cold Atmospheric Plasma vs Cancer ** KANCHZHEN: Microwave Transfer BioInfo ** KANZIUS: RF-Hyperthermia vs Cancer ** KARIM: Biogeometry ** KASAREV: Scenar ** KASHFI: NOSH-Aspirin vs Cancer ** KENT: KISSCare ** KHAVINSON: Epitalin ** KIEFER: Vomit Beam ** KILNER: Dicyanin Aura Lens ** KITT: Stabilized DeHydroAscorbic Acid ** KOCH: Glyoxylide Therapy ** KOH: Vibration-Accelerated Wound-Healing ** KOLLARS: Mosquito Trap ** KORSCHELT: Etheric Radiations ** KRAJMALNIK-BROWN: Fecal Transplants vs Autism** KRAVCHENKO: Biological Anomaly Detectors **  Lactucarium / Lettuce Opium ** LAKHOVSKY: MWO ** LEINENGA / GÖTZ: Ultrasound vs Alzheimer's Disease ** Le RIBAULT: Organo-Silicon Therapy ** LIH: LifeVac Anti-Choke Device ** Liposomal Vitamin C ** LIVINGSTON: Cancer Therapy ** LO / GANN: Cluster Water ** LYNGSTADAAS: Bone Scaffold ** LITTLEFIELD: Resurrection Salt ** LITTRUP: Cryotherapy vs Cancer ** MACIEL: Tilapia Skin Burn Bandage ** MADURO: Ashitaba for Longevity ** MAO: Tooth Regeneration ** Maple Syrup / Baking Soda vs Cancer ** MARTA: Polarized Light Therapy ** Mebendazole vs Cancer ** MERKL: Chondriana & Life Crystals ** MICHELOW: Griffithsin vs Ebola Virus ** MIELKE: Prion Disinfectant ** Milkwood vs Cancer ** MOHINDRA: OraLift ** MONTAGNIER: DNA Teleportation ** MORAD: MuTaTo vs Cancer ** MORFILL: Plasma Sterilization ** Moringa ** MOUSSAD: Lipofullerene Life Extension ** NAESSENS: Somatoscope ** NAKANISHI: Cabenegrin Resurrection ** Nanobubble Water ** NanoSilver Manufacture * NAVIAUX: Suramin vs Autism * NEISTER: Sterilray ** NELSON: Diabetes Treatment ** NELSON: Teach Your Dentists Well ** NEWNHAM: Borax vs Arthritis ** NORDENSTROM: Electricity vs Cancer * OBOLENSKY: Teslatron * ODON: Childbirth Device ** Olive Leaf ** OLNEY: UV Blood Irradiation Therapy ** Orgone Patents ** Ortho-Silicic Acid ** Ozone Dentistry ** Ozone Therapy ** PALTI: Electric Fields & Frequencies vs Cancer ** PAN: Channelrhodopsin vs Blindness ** PANDEY: Dandelion vs Cancer ** PASCHE: EMF Cancer Therapy ** PFEIFFER: Sensitive Crystallization Processes ** PICCCARDI: Chemical Basis of Medical Climatology ** Pine Pollen ** Pinhole Glasses ** PITTS: Dental Iontophoresis ** PIVOVARENKO: Electrical Potential Effects on Water ** Plant Milk ** POSNER: Malaria Cure** PRIORE: ElectroTherapy ** Purple Nutsedge vs Tooth Decay ** Pyorrhea Patents ** Pyramid Patents ** Pyramid Energy Patents ( II ) ** PYRGIOTAKIS: Engineered Water NanoStructures ** QUAVE: Botanicals vs MRSA ** Radiesthesia Patents ** RAHN: Invisible Radiations of Organisms ** REICH: Orgone ** REVICI: Selenium vs Cancer ** RICKARD: L-Arginine vs Plaque ** RIFE: Beam Ray Machine ** ROBBINS: Fisetin ** ROFFE: Harmonic Resonance ** ROSENBERG: T-Cell Therapy **  ROSS: Eye Ray Detector ** ROWEN: Ozone vs Ebola ** RUBTSOV: Puke Ray ** RUSS: Eye Ray Detector ** SAVA: Prion Disinfection ** SARIKAYA: Tooth Remineralization ** SAVAGE: CSA-25 vs AIDS ** SCHIFFER / BUCK: Therapeutic Glasses ** SCHOENBACH: Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields ** SCHWARTZ: Spray-On Glass ** SEDYLMAR: Microwave Still ** SHARPE: Tooth Regrowth ** SHCHEPINOV: Deuterated Nutrients ** SHEALY: DNA Telomere Rejuvenation ** Shilajit Patents  ** SHIRONOSOV: Activated Microcluster Water ** SHUKLA: Fenugreek Food Preservation ** Silicic Acid & Health ** SKULACHEV: SkQ ** SMIRNOV: EM Shield ** SOLOMIDES: Physiatrons vs Cancer ** SOUTER: Water Purification ** STARK: Water Purification ** STERNHEIMER: DNA Music ** Sulforaphane vs Cancer ** Sulforaphane Patents ** Sutherlandia vs Cancer ** TAIMURAZOVICH: Quantum Regenerator ** TAYLOR: Selenium vs Ebola ** TetraSilver Tetroxide ( # 5 ) ** Thunder God Vine vs Cancer ** TOBINICK: Etanercept vs Strokes ** Tooth Remineralization ** Torsion Field ( I ) ** Torsion Field Generators ** TSAI: Enzyme HDAC1 Rejuvenation ** TSEN: UV-Inactivation of Viruses ** Turmeric / Curcumin ** Turmerone ** Urine Therapy ** UVAROV: Egyptian Healing Rods ** VIOLET: Vitalized Water ** VOLTARELLI: Stem Cells vs Diabetes ** VORSUNOV: Biologically Active Films ** WAINWRIGHT: Ozone Therapy ** WHANG: AlkaLife ** WHITE: Cosmo-Electro Culture ** WILLARD: Catalyst-Activated Water ** WURZBURGER: MgOH vs MRSA ** YE: Gold Nanotubes vs Cancer ** YU: Plasma Dental Brush ** ZACHARAKIS: T-Cell Therapy ** ZENG: Electro-Sterilization / Chemo-Acceleration ** ZHANG: Lanosterol vs Cataracts ** ZUROVCIK: Wound-Healing Device ** Cannabis & Health (2004-05) ** Ozone Therapy ** Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy ** Super-Light Water
» N-Acetyl Carnosine vs Cataracts / Glaucoma ~ Articles & patent

» Activated Water Patents ~ 20 methods utilizing magnetism, electricity, sound, & vortex to produce Microcluster / Structured /Activated Water.

» ADAMS, Mike: Cesium Eliminator ~ Herbal-mineral formula removes ~ 95% of Cesium-134/137 from the intestinal tract.

» Adrenochrome Patents ~ Save the Babies ! Use potentized synthetic Adrenochrome !

» ANTELMAN, Marvin: TetraCopper Tetroxide ~ TCTO is only slightly less potent vs pathogens than TetraSilver (v.i.), and it is inexpensive, and easy to prepare.

» ANTELMAN, M.: TetraSilver TetraOxide ~ The most powerful anti-pathogen known. This simple preparation is extremely effective vs. AIDS and many other viral/bacterial threats. TSTO is an order of magnitude more effective than colloidal or nano-silver.

» Apoptosis of Cancer Cells by Natural Substances ~ These plant components kill cancer cells: References & abstracts, A-Z.

» Astragalus & Longevity ~ Repair those decrepit telomeres...

» ATP Extraction Patents ~ Several methods to extract Adenosine TriPhosphate.

» BAATI, Tarek, et al.: Fullerene / Olive Oil & Longevity ~ C60 sonicated in olive oil &c & rejuvenates / extends lifespan. Articles & patents. Related: Fullerene Manufacture
» BADYLAK, Stephen: Organ Regeneration ~ Recycled pig bladder enables regrowth of severed limbs.

» Baking Soda / Maple Syrup  vs Cancer ~ Anecdotal support for an alleged remedy ( see also: SIMONCINI ).

» Baking Soda vs Cancer  ( (II ) ~ 7 Articles ( See also: Baking Soda / Molasses vs Cancer & SIMONCINI )

» BARE, James: Frequency Therapy Device ~ The Plasmatron embodiment of Dr Rife's method & apparatus. Articles & 2 patents. See also Rife, Boehm, v.i. )

» BARKER, Charles : Copper-1 vs Lyme's Disease ~ Simple synthesis, effective organometal treatment for numerous ailments including Alzheimer's, fibromyalfia, syphilis, &c.; articles & patents.

» BAUGH, Carl: Rejuvenation ~ Hyperbaric Biosphere + EMF / frequencies produce phenomenal effects.

» BECHAMP, Antoine: Microzymes ~ The Blood and its Third Anatomical Element -- Pre-bacterial lifeforms, similar to Reich's "Bions".

» BECKER, Paul: Anti-Aging Machine ~ Pulsed EMF stimulation regenerates nerves, stimulates ATP production, increases plant growth, &c.

» BECKER, Dr Robert: Silver Iontophoretic Healing & Regeneration ~ Ag ion implantation regenerates cells.

» BECKETT, Russell: Mg-Bicarbonate Water ~ Simple formulation promotes healthy longevity.

» BELFOR, Theodore: Homeoblock ~ Orthodontic device remodels jaws, rejuvenates face, & treats snoring & sleep apnea.

» BELJANSKI, Mirko: Flavopereirine vs AIDS ~ Extremely effective & safe.

» BELMONTE, Juan C.I. : Epigenic Rejuvenation ~ Yet another pathway to longevity.

» BELOSEVIC, Mike: Ozone vs Prions ~ Prions can be unfolded by ozonated water.

» BENEDICT, Mellen: Phototherapy ~ Accelerated light-healing system inspired by Near-Death Experience.

» BENENATI, Francis: Mummification ~ The Egyptian process was rediscovered in the 1920s -- Look good on Resurrection Day !

» BENNETT, Sanford: Rejuvenation ~ Exercising in Bed & Old Age: Its Cause & Prevention. It works.

» BENVENISTE, Jacques: Homeopathy & Digital Biology ~ Discredited by mainstream science -- so what ? Others report successful replication.

» Bioenergetic Patents ( II ) ~ 25+ More patents for subtle energy treatment of patients & environment.

» BioGeometry & Bioenergy Balancing Patents ~ Ibr. Karim's Biosigns addendae, and some related patents.

» Biolocation Patents ~  Radiesthesia by another name: 17 patents.

» Biophoton Patents ~ Dozens of methods for detection and applications. Related: Biophoton Research / POPP: Mistletoe vs Cancer

» Biophoton Research Papers ~ A dozen pdf files detailing the technology of cellular light emissions.

» BLASS, Fritz: Homozone ~ Magnesium peroxide for health; articles & patents.

» BOEHM, Charlene: DNA Resonant Frequencies ~ Based on her USP 7280874 -- Methods for determining therapeutic resonant frequencies... applied to Rife therapy.

» BRADY, Damian, et al.: Coconut Oil Dentistry ~ Enzyme-treated coconut oil fights oral bacteria; article & patents.

» Budesonide vs Covid ~ Videos & Patents ( Therapy & Synthesis )

» Natural Birth Control ~ Out-of-Print " Avoid or Achieve Pregnancy Naturally " ( mucus, ovulation cycles ), plus astrological fertility, Lunaception, & Herbal Contraception.

» BLAU, Helen, et al.: Rapid Telomere Extension ~ Breakthrough R&D -- Nucleoside-modified mRNA safely reverses 15 years of telomere aging in 1 week.

» Bloodroot vs Skin Cancer ~ When that pesky Fukushima fallout lands on you: Articles, patents, botany & cultivation.

» BRUSHKOV,  Anatolii ( Brouchkov ), et al.: Bacillus cereus sp. F Longevity ~ Ancient bacteria discovered in permafrost increases lifespan, improves plant growth & cold tolerance.

» BURZYNSKI, Dr Stanislaw: Antineoplaston Therapy ~ A simple, highly effective therapy vs many cancers (allegedly, of course).

» CAMPBELL-TOFTE, Joan, et al.: Rauvolfia Vomitoria vs Diabetes ~ Traditional African medicine normalizes blood sugar, protects pancreas. Articles & patents.

» Cesium Chloride vs Cancer ~ Articles & patents re: alkaline CsCl therapy.

» Copper Medicine ~ Got Cholera? Arhtritis? Thrombosis? Perhaps you could use some copper aspirinate...

» Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening ~ Consumer info plus list of patent abstracts.

» CARSON, Gordon: Emergency Childbirth ~ Pregnancy & labor, delivery, unusual deliveries, hemorrhage, &c [ PDF ]

» Catnip ~ Repels ants, mosquitos, &c. Articles, patents.

» CHAPIN, Richard: Interstellar Light Collector ~ Reflector focuses moonlight for therapy &c. (~15% of moonlight is secondary emission). Article & patent.

» CHAUSOVSKY. Gregory: Technotronic Psychotechnology ~ Several interesting simple methods for kaleidoscopic trance induction, stress reduction, immunotherapy, & rejuvenation. Musical condom & Nasal Mood Ring not included.

» CHEN, Jie: Ultrasonic Tooth Regeneration ~ Pulsed ultrasound stimulates regrowth of teeth: Intraoral Wireless Device for Dental Tissue Formation and Tooth-Root Healing.

» Cobalt Hexamine vs Ebola ~ US Navy-sponsored R&D -- articles & 2 US Patent Applications... Several methods of preparation ...

» Cockroach Medicine ~ Cures everything except death.

» COMELLA, Kristin, et al.: Adult Stem Cell Therapy ~ 90%+ Successful healing rate w/ patients' own stem cells; articles & patents. Suppressed, of course...

» Compost Toilets ~ 7 Select PDFs re: construction of waterless caca-nana-poopoo digester-potty systems & production of humanure.

» Copper Medicine ~ Got Cholera? Get Cu-Aspirinate... Simple preparations...

» COTSARELIS, George: Hair Follicle Regeneration ~ World Peace via Hair Regrowth: Restored self-esteem for old men in government improves imagined sexiness vs young males, eliminates one motive for war. Power, money, oil, sperm count, prostate health, physical fitness not included.

» Covid Database ~ Prevention, Therapies, & Narratives

» CRILE, George: Radiogens ~ May the Force be with you ... &: Pre-Cancer Detection with the Zuccala Lytic Test...

» Crocodylus Porosus Peptide ~ Cure AIDS by feeding patients to crocodiles, or vice versa...

» CROCK, Lee: Aura Therapy ~ A simple device for aura cleansing ( available from )

» BRADY, Damian, et al.: Coconut Oil Dentistry ~ Enzyme-treated coconut oil fights oral bacteria; article & patents.

» DANG, Nam: Papaya vs Cancer ~ Leaf extract is a potent therapy.

» DARAIO, Chiara: Sonic Bullets ~ Novel system generates powerful nonlinear pulses w/ applications in non-invasive surgery, weapons, &c.

» DAVALOS, Rafael / RUBISKY, Boris: Irreversible ElectroPoration vs Cancer ~ Pulsed electricity kills cancer without harm to healthy cells; article & patents.

» DAVIDOVITCH, Zeev: Electro-Orthodontia ~ Straighten teeth in 1/2 time with electric stimulation.

» DAVIS, Albert / RAWLS, Walter: Biomagnetism ~ Pioneering R&D of healing effects of N / S Pole; articles, book, & patents.

» Dental Electrolysis ~ 10+ methods for application of electricity to dental care -- none of which are being used yet.

» DePINHO, Ronald: Age Reversal ~ Stunning effect achieved by control of telomerase gene.

» DiChloroAcetate ( DCA ) v Cancer ~ Simple molecule regulates mitochondrial metabolism to thwart cancer.

» Distilled Water & Health ~ 5 Texts.

» DMSO Therapy ~ Highly effective vs dozens of medical conditions, including cancer.

» DMSO Medicine ~ 8 Books re: DiMethylSulfOxide & Health

» DOTTO, Gianni: The Dotto Ring ~ Combined Thompson-Peltier-Seebeck effect generates a benevolent magnetic field that (allegedly) can cure cancer. The device also levitated !

» DOUGAL, Gordon: Infrared Therapy ~ Amazing improvement in dementia by irradiation with @ 900-1500 nm; ditto for skin (herpes, acne), hearing, Parkinson's Disease, depression, sexual disfunction, common cold, malignancy, musculoskeletal disorders, wounds, opthalmia, &c.

» DUFES, Christine: Bioactive Polymers vs. Cancer ~ Total disappearance of tumors within 2 weeks: cationic polyamine & dendrimeric polymers deliver & synergize gene therapies.

» Ebola Patents ~ 100+ Patents & Applications for detection & treatment of Ebola ( Filovirus ) & Related Diseases ( Marburg Virus, Lassa Fever, Hemorrhagic Fever ) Got Tetrasilver ?

» Ebola Therapies ~ Here are several patented methods to treat Ebola virus and related diseases without extremely-expensive, false-hope, fake-hype, high-tech, high-price, low-yield, small-batch, elites-only, too-little-too-late DNA recombinations.

» EEMAN, L.E.: Co-Operative Healing ~ Copper screens under head/but w/ wire connectors to hands romotes relaxation, sleep, healing.

» EGELY, George: Bio-Energetic Devices ~ The Egely Wheel detects psychic / biological energy, indicating health & psychic power.

» EGELY, G. / VESELY, G.: Experimental Investigation of Biological Induced Magnetic Anomalies ~ Magnetization of para-, dia-, & ferromagnetic materials by Pavlita generators (bioenergy accumulators/transmitters) (PDF).

» EISING, Eugene: Radolatum ~ Petrolatum irradiated with UV light reradiates with amazing healing power - a wonderment all but forgotten today. Very easy to do-yourself...

» Electrolyzed Water ~ On-demand production of powerful disinfectant from brine - low tech, no red chemicals

» Electro-OsteoGenesis ~ 1028 Pulsed EM Field acceleration of fracture healing ( Gary Wade ), & 30+ related patents.

» Electrostatic Therapy Patents ~ 2 Dozen methods for health applications of ES energy.

» ENGEL, Emmet: Living Alcohol ~ No hangover; the ferment breathes, groans, generates a counter-clockwise vortex.

» Fenbendazole vs Cancer ~ Dog dewormer is very effective vs cancers; articles & patents. See also: Mebendazole vs cancer.

» Frankincense vs Cancer ~ Highly effective in many cases.

» FRODSHAM, George: Magnetic Sepsis Filter ~ Medisieve system removes microbes ( e.g., malaria, leukemia ) quickly & safely; articles & USP Application.

» FUCHS, Elaine: Beta-Catenin vs Alopecia ~ Methyl Vanillate stimulates production of B-Catenin, which leads to regeneration of follicles.

» Fucoidan ~ Sulfated polysaccharide extracted from algae/seaweed stimulates stem cell production, + several other health benefits ( vs. cancer &c.); articles & patents for extraction.

» Fullerene Manufacture ~ 70 Patent abstracts & YouTube videos for production of C60.

» GAJAREV, Pjotr, & POPONIN, Vladimir: DNA Biocomputer Reprogramming ~ DNA can be reprogrammed by light and frequency !

» GAJAREV, Petr, et al.: Wave Genetics ( II ) ~ Rewrite DNA with linquistics, light & frequency; articles, videos, complete patents & book.

» GcMAF ~ Controversial Vitamin D binding protein macrophage activating factor -- claimed to cure cancer, HIV, &c.

» Geopathic Zones ~ 19 Patents for detection & neutralization / shielding of telluric radiations.

» Geranium Extract vs AIDS ~ The extract of Pelargonium is highly effective vs HIV / AIDS.

» GIANSANTI, Carlo: Copper Mask ~ Claimed to provide numerous health benefits... Cheaper than Obummercare...

» GILBERT, Ian, et al.: DD107498 vs Malaria ~ Quinolone-4-carboxamide derivative vs Plasmodium -- inexpensive, single-dose, easily synthesized molecule.

» Ginger vs Cancer ~ 6-Shogaol extract of ginger has been found to be ~10,000x more effective than taxol vs breast cancer, and non-toxic.

» GOLD, Dr Joseph: Hydrazine sulfate vs Cancer Cachexia -- Dramatic relief; articles & patents.

» GORDON, Victoria: Blushwood vs Cancer ~ Australian plant extract liquifies, destroys tumors without side-effects.

» GUARENTE, Leonard, et al.: SIRT1 Polypeptides vs Aging ~ Nutraceutical Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide ( NAD ) precursors increase lifespan.

» GUDKOV, Andrei: Flagellin vs Radiation ~ Bacterial protein protects vs damage & death

» GWYNN, Ross: Chlorozone vs Cancer ~ Electrolyzed Physiological Saline effects phenomenal reversal of cancers. Totally ignored by institutional medicos.

» HALSTEAD, Dr Bruce: Cancer Therapy ~ Based on extract of Chinese cabbage + chelation -- it was suppressed, of course.

» HAMILTON, Richard, et al.: Chlorine Dioxide ~ Generates pure ClO2 in situ without contaminants. Related: HUMBLE: MMS

» Herbal Contraception ~ Lists, articles, & patents re: contraceptive & abortifactive herbs.

» Herbs vs Corona Virus ~ 2 Dozen patents for herbal treatments vs Coronavitus, SARS, & MERS, garnered from the European Patent Office.

» Herbs vs Cataracts ~ 20 Chinese patents for herbal treatment of cataracts & related pathology.

» Herbs vs Halitosis ~ A dozen Chinese patents, 50+ plants vs Death Breath.

» Herbs vs AIDS ~ Articles & patents for herbal treatment of HIV / AIDS.

» Herbs vs Arthritis ~ Hundreds of herbs ( traditional Chinese medicine ) vs rheumatic arhtritis  related conditions.

» Herbs vs Diabetes ~ A comprehensive collection of articles & patents.

» Herbs vs Hepatitis ~ A comprehensive compilation of herbal therapies for Hepatitis.

» Herbs vs Tuberculosis ~ Dozens of Traditional Chinese Medicine patents.

» HILL, Robert: Remineralization Toothpaste ~ Bioglass formulation recalcifies dental caries.

» HOLT, Dr John: Cancer Therapy ~ 434 MHz + Cystine Sulfoxide can cure cancer.

» Homeopathy Patents ~ 100+ Patent abstracts for extreme dilution therapies.

» HONTSU, Shigeki: Tooth Patch ~ Hydroxyapatite film prevents decay, protects sensitive teeth.

» HUANG, Feng, et al.: Deuterium-Depleted Water ~ Mass-production method of DDW for improved general health, therapy, & longevity; articles & patents.

» Human Growth Hormone Precursors ~ Patents & notes.

» HUME, E. Douglas : Bechamp or Pasteur? ~ "A Lost Chapter in the History of Medicine" ( PDF ) ( See also : BECHAMP : Microzymes )

» HUN, Jon Sung, et al.: Kumdang-2 ~ Rare Earth-enriched Ginseng extract injection is claimed to cure AIDS, Ebola, cancer, &c.

» Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy ~ Scans of several articles about H2O2 for medicinal purposes, including complete instructions for proper regimen, &c.; 8 MB of GIFs.

» HydroxyChloroQuine ~ Patents for Synthesis & Therapy.

» Immortality ~ Leonard Orr's Rebirthing Technique, & 20 patented methods claiming immortality ...

» INGBER, Donald: Magnetic Blood Cleaner ~ Reduces sepsis 80% without antibiotics, targets cancer.

» ISTRATE, Ioan: Celulact H ~ Monocarboxylic acid extract of tallow is very effective vs many degenerative diseases, including cancer ( Romanian Patent RO116597 )

» JIANG, Chunqi: Cold Plasma Dental Probe ~ Pulsed power removes tough biofilm without harm to flesh.

» JONES, Jeffrey / AmeriScience: AS10 Rejuvenation ~ Nutrient formula claimed to produce dramatic reversal of ageing.

» JUDD, Dr Gerard: Tooth Remineraliation ~ Natural non-fluoride regimen - "Keep Your Teeth For Life".

» KAALI, Paul / SCHWOLSKY, Steven: Blood Electrification vs AIDS ~ Electrification of blood kills viruses including AIDS...

» KALININ, Oleg: Munich Jar ~ Quartz-Serpentine perpetual battery also accelerates healing 3x.

» KANADY, Jerome, et al.: Cold Atmospheric Plasma vs Cancer ~ CAP -- a new method of treatment; articles & patents.

» KANCHZHEN, Tszyan: Microwave Transfer of Biological Information ~ Exchange genetic characteristics between species, & healing, rejuvenation.

» KARIM, Dr Ibrahim: Biogeometry ~ Simple figures and objects that use their shape, color & orientation to resonate/harmonize w/ the body & environment to restore balance, positive bioenergy, health.

» KASAREV, Alexandr: SCENAR ~ ( Self-Controlled-Energo-Neuro-Adaptive Regulation ) Speeds recovery from injury 30%+, regenerates tissue, improves memory.

» KASHFI, Khosrow: NOSH-Aspirin vs Cancer ~ This form of aspirin kills cancer; non-toxic to normal cells.

» KENT, Keith: KISSCare ~ Silicone dental coating prevents food sticking to teeth, plaque from forming.

» KHAVINSON, Dr. Vladimir : Epitalin -- Ala-Glu-Asp=Gly tetrapeptide therapy rejuvenates (telomere repair ) & improves many health conditions.

» KIEFER, Karl: Vomit Beam ~ RF device induces confusion, barfing, helplessness.

» KILNER. Walter: Dicyanin Aura Lens ~ Bioplasma is visible through filters of dicyanin, cyanopinacolone, &c; articles & patents.

» KITT, Douglas: Stabilized DeHydroAscorbic Acid ~ 500% increased absorption of Vit. C.

» KOCH, Dr. William: Glyoxylide Therapy ~ Very effective treatment for many diseases (including cancers), suppressed by the AMA.

» KOH, Timothy: Vibration Accelerated Wound-Healing ~ Low-magnitude high-frequency mechanical signals improve healing of flesh & bone.

» KORSCHELT, Oskar: Etheric Radiations ~ Simple devices focus etheric energy for healing.

» KRAJMALNIK-BROWN, Rosa, et al.: Fecal Transplants vs Autism: 50% Reduction in autism within 2 years !

» KRAVCHENKO, Juri, et al: Biological Anomaly Detectors ~ Russian R&D of biofield detection/correction devices;  See also: Geopathic Zones

» Lactucarium / Lettuce Opium ~ Articles & Patents for extraction, purification.

» LAKHOVSKY, Georges: ElectroTherapy Patents ~ US Patents, Frequency Analysis, article, &c.

» LAKHOVSKY, Georges: MultiWave Oscillator Handbook -- The Borderland Sciences compilation

» LAKHOVSKY, G.: Le Secret De La Vie -- Cosmic waves and vital radiation

» LANDOLINA, Joe: Veti-Gel Bandage ~ Polysaccharide polymer stops bleeding within seconds.

» LEINENGA, Gerhard & GÖTZ, Jurgen: Ultrasound vs Alzheimer's Disease ~ Noninvasive treatment removes amyloid-ß and restores memory.

» Le RIBAULT, Loic: Organo-Silicon Therapy ~ Very effective vs arthritis & other conditions; simple preparation.

» LIH, Arthur: LifeVac Anti-Choke Device ~ A simple, must-have, one-way vacuum to clear obstructed pipeways.

» Liposomal Vitamin C ~ The optimal form of bioavailablity -- Preparation, articles, patents.

» LITTLEFIELD, Charles: Resurrection Salt ~ Biochemical tissue salts revitalized by repeated crystallization under monochrome light & ammonia atmosphere: reanimates animals.

» LITTRUP, Peter: Cryotherapy vs Cancer ~ Noninvasive, w/ very high success rate.

» LIVINGSTON, Virginia: Cancer Therapy ~ 80%+ Recovery rate claimed for autogenous vaccine/diet protocol; 10 Articles & US Patent 4692412.

» LO, Shui-Lin / GANN, David: Clustered Water ~ "Double Helix" water improves health, IC engine performance, &c.

» LYNGSTADAAS, Ståle: Bone Scaffold ~ Titanium oxide + polyunsaturated fatty acids + proteins / stem cells provide strong support for bone regeneration.

» MACIEL, Edmar: Tilapia Skin Burn Bandage ~ Purified fish skin accelerates healing, reduces pain.

» MADURO, Frank, et al.: Ashitaba for Longevity ~ 4,4'-Dimethoxychalcone induces autophagy. Articles, patents, extraction, &c.

» MAO, Jeremy: Tooth Regeneration ~ Stem cells + scaffold = new teeth.

» Maple Syrup / Baking Soda vs Cancer ~ Anecdotal support for an alleged remedy ( see also: SIMONCINI ).

» MARTA, Fenyo: Polarized Light Therapy ~ Superior, optimized chromotherapy system.

» Mebendazole vs Cancer ~ This inexpensive ( discontinued ) over-the-counter antinausea drug ( allegedly ) is highly effective vs cancer.

» Medical Grab Bag #1 ~ 18 miscellaneous articles.

» MERKL, George: Chondriana / Life Crystals ~ "Atomic wrench" (Syntrophic Transducer) incorporates "scrolls" of light into matter, producing life.

» MICHELOW, Ian: Griffithsin vs Ebola Virus ~ Mannose-binding lectin extracted from red algae inactivates ebola, HIV, herpes, &c.

» MIELKE, Martin: Prion Disinfectant ~ Simple formula ( alcohol, alkali ) effective vs prions, MRSA, &c

» Milkwood vs Cancer ~ Euphorbia peplus ( petty spurge ) "cures skin cancer": basal ( 57%), squamous ( 50%), & intraepidermal ( 75 % ) in 1 month; articles, patents.

» MOHINDRA, Nick: OraLift ~ Patented, proven, & available now -- Simple mouthpiece improves / " rejuvenates " facial musculature... Non-surgical, non-chemical.

» MONTAGNIER, Luc: DNA Teleportation ~ Schumann Resonance carrier wave of Fourier Transform induces detectable DNA from a sample into water.

» MORAD, Ilan, et al.: MuTaTo vs Cancer ~ Protein-peptide Rx cures cancer w/ 1 dose; article & patents.

» MORFILL, Gregor: Plasma Sterilization ~ Rapid sterilization with cold plasma, effective vs MRSA &c.

» Moringa ~ Cultivation & preparation, medical applications, & patents.

» MOUSSAD, Fathi: C60-Fullerene Life Extension ~ 90%+ increased longevity with buckyballs in olive oil.

» NAESSENS, Gaston: Somatoscope & 714X ~ Somatid lifeforms, Somatoscope, & cancer therapy.

» NAKANISHI, Koji: Cabenegrin Resurrection ~ Tree of Life extract raises the dead -- article, patents.

» NanoSilver Manufacture ~ Several complete patented methods plus several patent abstracts. A very versatile material, easily made, with high value added.

» NAVIAUX, Robert, et al.: Suramin vs Autism ~ Articles & patents ( therapy& synthesis ). Save the brats !

» NEISTER, Edward: Sterilray ~ Far-UV light massacres bacteria & viruses, including dread MRSA.

» NELSON, Louis: Diabetes Treatment ~ 100% remission with steroid extract of Vernonia amygdalina...

» NELSON, Robert: Teach Your Dentists Well ~ A comprehensive review of biting-edge electro-dentistry & other oral technologies that are long overdue.

» NEWNHAM, Dr. Rex: Borax vs Arthritis ~ Another suppressed cure: B deficiency = osteoporosis, &c.

» NIEPA, Tagbo : Electro-Disinfection ~ Electrocurrent Therapy vs Candida, Pseudomonas, tuberculosis, Staph, &c.

» NORDENSTROM, Bjorn: Electrical Treatment of Cancer ~ Electricity can be applied to shrink lung and breast cancer tumors with no side effects.

» OBOLENSKY, Alexis : Teslatron ElectroTherapy ~ Healing & Time Travel...

» ODON, Jorge: Childbirth Device ~ Revolutionary simple device facilitates difficult childbirth.

» Olive Leaf ~ Articles & Patents re: health benefits of Olive Leaf Extract.

» OLNEY, Robert: UV Blood Irradiation Therapy ~ Very effective vs  infections & diseases; developed in 1940s, suppressed, but now being re-examined.

» Orgone Patents ~ 9 European patents for applications of Dr Reich's discoveries..

» Ortho-Silicic Acid : Health Effects & Preparation; articles & patents.

» Ozone Dentistry ~ Article & Patents, Links &c., re: Ozone in dentistry: non-invasive treatment of caries, lesions &c.

» Ozone Therapy ~ Scans of typewritten papers from the 1980s by practitioners of Ozone Therapy vs HIV/AIDS, Cancer, Cardiovacular Disease, Herpes, Hepatitis, Rheumatism, Gingivitis, Gangrene, Ulcers, &c. Includes Protocols, Case Examples, &c.

» PALTI, Yoram: Electric Fields & Frequencies vs Cancer ~ 10-100 V/cm plus 50-500 KHz causes dividing cells to disintegrate.

» PAN, Zhou-Hua: Channelrhodopsin 2 vs Blindness ~  Protein extract from algae cures blindness; articles & patents.

» PANDEY, Sirayam, et al.: Dandelion vs Cancer ~ Highly effective, easily prepared, & free… Articles & patents

» PASCHE, Boris: EMF Cancer Therapy ~ Specific frequencies effective vs several types of cancer.

» PFEIFFER, Ehrenfried: Sensitive Crystallization Processes ~ "A Demonstration of Formative Forces in the Blood". Related: KOLISKO: Working With the Stars In Earthly Substances.

» PICCARDI, Giorgio: The Chemical Basis of Medical Climatology ~ A classic study of cosmic effects on chemical / biochemical reactions.

» Pine Pollen ~ Taoist alchemical elixir, & modern medicine -- article & patents.

» Pine Bark Extraction Patents  ~ Dozens of methods

» Pinhole Glasses ~ Articles & patents for po'buckra optometry.

» PITTS, Nigel: Dental Electro-Mineralization ~ Ultrasound-driven iontophoresis applied to teeth rebuilds enamel.

» Plant Milk ~ Several patents for preparations of herbal milks.

» POPP, Fritz-Albert: Mistletoe vs Cancer ~ Biophoton coherence by mistletoe for treatment of cancer. Plus: patents for extractions.

» POSNER, Gary: Malaria Cure ~ Safe 1-Dose treatment w/ artemisin derivatives (facile, high-yield synthesis ) also effective vs cancers.

» PRIORE, Antoine: ElectroTherapy Machine ~ A controversial device that combine undulating magnetic fields and microwaves to cure cancer and many other diseases. Suppressed, of course...

» Purple Nutsedge vs Tooth Decay ~ Noxious invasive weed with powerful antibacterial properties & nutritious value.

» Pyorrhea Patents ~ Dozens of patents for restoration of dental gum & bone.

» Pyramid Power Patents ~ 18 designs for healing & power generation, pest control, &c.

» Pyramid Energy Patents ( II ) ~ 2 dozen more patents & applications for geometric / torsion field energy.

» PYRGIOTAKIS, Philip, et al.: Engineered Water NanoStructures ( EWNS ) ~ Electrified nozzle design generates nanodroplets with powerful antimicrobial effects; articles & patent.

» QUAVE, Cassandra, et al.: Botanicals vs MRSA ~ Brazilian peppertree & European chestnut inhibit Staphylococcus aureus.
» QUINTON, Rene: Ocean Plasma ~ Seawater possesses phenomenal therapeutic powers. Developed in the 1890s, dormant since WW1, available in Canada...

» Radiesthesia Patents ~ 40+ devices to concentrate, amplify, rectify & neutalize bioactive energy fields.

» RAHN, Otto: Invisible Radiations of Organisms ~ The definitive 1936 review of mitogenic ( bio ) radiation.

» RAY, Anandashar: Mosquito Repellant ~ "Kite" patch blocks their noses with butanol, 2,3-butadiene, & butanone, guava & citrus volatiles.

» REVICI, Emanuel: Selenium vs Cancer ~ Proven, patented, & suppressed nontoxic chemotherapy, "Biologic Terrain Assessment".

» RICKARD, Alexander: L-Arginine vs Plaque ~ Drastic reduction & de-adhesion of biofilm / plaque-forming bacteria within 1 hour.

» RIFE, Royal: Beam Ray Machine ~ "Mortal Oscillatory Rates" kill bacteria & viruses by resonance.

» ROBBINS, Paul, et al.: Fisetin ~Polyphenol vs aging & memory loss.

» ROBERTSON, Harry: Revital ~ Acetic acid extract of chicken feet regenerates tissue ( including nerves ). Thoroughly suppressed since the 1980s.

» ROFFE, Randall: Harmonic Resonance ~ An intriguing review of cosmic / terrestrial / biological frequencies and their harmonic corelations.

» ROSENBERG, Steven, et al.: T-Cell Therapy ~ Adoptive cell transfer eradicates breast cancer; articles & patents.

» ROSS, Colin : Eye Ray Detector ~

» ROWEN, Dr Robert: Ozone vs Ebola ~ Extremely effective, simple, & inexpensive -- & suppressed.

» RUBTSOV, Vladimir: Puke Ray ~ Flashing LED device induces vomiting.

» RUSS, Charles : Eye Ray Detector ~

» SARIKAYA, Mehmet, et al: Biogenic tooth remineralization ~ Protein amelogenin-derived peptides remineralize tooth enamel.

» SAVA, Alex: Prion Disinfection ~ Simple enzyme formula unfolds, denatures prions.

» SAVAGE, Paul: CSA-25 vs AIDS ~ Ceragenins mimic T-cells & are very effective vs microbes & viruses, e.g., AIDS.

» SCHIFFER, Fredric / BUCK, Robert: Therapeutic Glasses ~ Lateralized lenses / flip-up shields direct light to extreme right or left visual field, improve mental health.

» SCHOENBACH, Karl: Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields vs Cancer ~ New technology destroys tumors with single treatment, no effect on healthy tissue.

» SEDYLMAR, Steve: Microwave Still ~ Produces structured water with unique properties and health benefits.

» SHARPE, Paul: Tooth Regrowth ~ Stem cell implants generate new teeth within a few months.

» SHCHEPINOV, Mikhail: Deuterated Nutrients ~ Claims up to 30% extended lifespan...

» SHEALY, Norman: DNA Telomere Rejuvenation ~ Patent-pending Tesla coil / Lakhovsky Antenna Copper pad repairs split ends.

» Shilajit Patents ~ Purification & therapeutics.

» SHIRONOSOV, Valentin: Activated Microcluster Water ~ Phenomenal enhancement of healing, food preservation, plant growth, &c.

» SHUKLA, Kavita: Fenugreek Food Preservation ~ Keeps food fresh 2-3x longer.

» Silicic Acid & Health ~ Ortho-silicic acid vs osteoporosis, alzheimer's, &c.

» SIMONCINI, Dr. Tullio: Baking Soda vs Candida & Cancer ~ Simple therapy vs fungus-induced cancers -- but only allegedly, of course.

» SINCLAIR, David: NMN vs Ageing ~ Very effective (but costly) Nicotinamide MonoNucleotide rejuvenates muscles.

» SKULACHEV, Vladimir: Skulachev Ion ( SkQ ) ~ A form of CoQ that is electrophoretically targeted to mitochondria for healing and life extension.

» SMIRNOV, Igor: EM Shield ~ WaveRider doped fractal polymer generates probiotic frequencies, heterodynes & reduces cellphone radiation effects up to 40%.

» SOLOMIDES, Jean: Physiatrons vs Cancer ~ Alkaline iodohydrin / castor oil complex apparently cures many diseases including cancers.

» SOUTER, Philip ( Procter & Gamble ): Water Purification Kit ~ Simple Fe-Sulfate flocculant / Ca-Hypochlorite disinfectant sachet/filter purifies water at very low cost.

» Speleology Library -- A comprehensive collection of caves, karst,  spelunking, rigging and rescue.

» STARK, Wendelin: DrinkPure Water Purification ~ Novel membrane water purification system.

» STERNHEIMER, Joel, et al: DNA Music ~ Accelerate / multiply plant growth, milk production, yeast activity, healing &c...

» Sulphoraphane vs Cancer ~ Extract of cruciferous veggies prevents &  treats cancer.

» Sulphoraphane ( II ) ~ Patents for extraction, purification, & synthesis.

» Super-Light Water ~ Remove deuterium oxide to normalize pathologies; improves resistance to harmful substances, increases solubility of substances, treats tumors, diabetes, &c.

» Sutherlandia fructosate vs Cancer ~ African herb tonic claimed to be very effective vs AIDS, &c.

» TAGG, John: Streptococcus Salivarius K12 vs Halitosis ~ Eliminates stinky competitive bacterii.

» TAIMURAZOVICH, Baagraev: Quantum Regenerator ~ Longitudinal THz waves @ select frequencies heal & rejuvenate.

» TAYLOR, Will: Selenium vs Ebola ~ Get some...

» Tetrasilver Tetroxide ~ The most powerful known antipathogen; reports, patents, preparation, properties.

» THC Patents ~ Select patents for production of TetraHydroCannabinol.

» Thunder God Vine vs Cancer ~ Tripterygium Wilfordii Hook destroys tumors within 40 days.

» TOBINICK, Edward : Etanercept vs Strokes ~ Phenomenal recovery within minutes... Articles & patents.

» Tooth Remineralization ~ Patent abstracts & excerpts, including non-fluoride formulas.

» Torsion Field Generators ~ Several more patents -- supplements Torsion Field ( I )

» TSEN, K: Inactivation of Viruses by UV Light ~ Article & Patent.

» Tourmaline Electrogeneration ~ "The Electric Stone" -- batteries, electroculture, & healing.

» TSAI, Li-Huei, et al. : Enzyme HDAC1 Rejuvenation ~ Stimulates repair of neural damage -- articles & patents.

» Turmeric & Curcumin ~ Highly effective vs many medical conditions, especially cancer & diabetes.

» Turmerone ~ Curcumin extract stimulates regeneration of brain stem cells, fights Alzheimer's Duh ...

» Urine Therapy ~ #1 Tinkle Piddle Pee is an Elixir.

» UVAROV, Valerij: Egyptian Healing Rods ~ Enhance health with this ancient therapeutic tool.

» VIOLET, Marcel: Vitalized Water ~ Zappify H2O w/ Tesla Coil &c = ++ oolala in your chi-chi power.

» VOLTARELLI, Julio: Stem Cells vs Diabetes ~ 1-Time treatment resets immune system w/ patient's stem cells.

» VORSUNOV, Gennady: Biologically Active Films ~ Radionic / torsion field therapy for health, rejuvenation.

» WAINWRIGHT, Basil: Ozone Therapy ~ A promising technology, unfortunately represented by a sociopath...

» WHANG, Sang: Alkaline Mineral Solutions ~ "AlkaLife" adjusts body pH towards alkaline for better health.

» WHITE, George Starr: Cosmo-Electro Culture ~ Out-of-print classic ( 1940 ) presenting several methods of utilizing atmospheric energy for enhanced plant growth and animal health.

» WILLARD, John: Catalyst-Activated Water ~ The Willard Catalyst-Activated Water ("Willard Water") patents, including its preparation.

» WURZBURGER, Steven: MgOH vs MRSA ~ Solubilized magnesium hydroxide alkalizes human terrain, thwarts Staph. aureus.

» YAMAMOTO, Nobuto: Gc-MAF vs Cancer ~ Gc Macrophage Activating Factor ( a natural glyco-protein ) ~ 100% effective...

» YE, Sunjie: Gold Nanotubes vs Cancer ~ Laser-activation fries cancer cells.

» YU, Qingsong: Plasma Dental Brush ~ Promises to revolutionize dentistry: painless disinfection & filling.

» ZACHARAKIS, Nikolaos, et al.: T-Cell Therapy ~ Revolutionary method of immunotherapy; articles & patents.

» ZHANG, Kang: Lanosterol vs Cataracts ~ Extract of lanolin reverses cataracts.

» ZUROVCIK, Danielle: Wound Healing Device ~ Accelerated healing with vacuum-assisted skin dressing.

Mind / Spirit
MIND / SPIRIT -- DYKE: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars ** BARDON: QBL ** BARDON: Hermetic Magic Index ** BOVIS: Biometer ** CIA: Psychological Operations in Guerilla Warfare ** CLYNES: Sentic Forms ** CROCK: Aura Therapy ** Cymatherapy ** Dowsing Rods ** EEMAN: Co-Operative Healing ** EGELY: Bio-Energetic Devices ** EGELY / VESELY: Biological Induced Magnetic Anomalies ** EMOTO: Messages From Water ** FLANAGAN: Neurophone ** GRAVES: World's 16 Crucified Saviors ** GUENON: The Reign of Quantity ** GYSIN: Dream Machine ** Herbs vs Depression ** HIGH: Speed Reading System ** Hypnosis ** KAHNE: Multiple Mentality ** KAZNACHEEV: Kozyrev Mirrors ** KILNER: Aura Lens ** KOROTKOV: Gas-Discharge Visualization ** Lost Word ** Lucid Dreaming ** MUSAIOS: The Lion Path ** NELSON: American Prophecy ** NELSON: Marian Prophecy ** NELSON: Moslem Prophecy ** NOSTRADAMUS: Jihad ** NOSTRADAMUS: Plague ** PAVLITA: Psychotronic Generators ** PERSINGER: God Helmet ** Propaganda Techniques ** NELSON: Prophecy - A History of the Future ** PUHARICH: ELF Shield ** Remote Viewing Library ** RICHARDS: Luminator ** ROSS: Eye Ray Detector ** RUSS: Eye-Ray Device ** SCHERMULY: Polarizator ** Sri Yantra + Om ** ST. CLAIR: USP Applications ** SMITH: Remote Viewing Manual ** Subliminals ** SUMMERS: Allies of Humanity ** Telepathy Patents ** TILLER: Intention-Host Device ** WAGNER: W-Waves ** ZINK / PARKS: NightWalking **
» BOVIS, Justin: Biometer ~ A classic radiesthesia tool.

» CAREY, George : AntiChrist -- A brief text explaining the claustrum elixir.

» CIA: Psychological Operations in Guerilla Warfare ~ How to underthrow a country, viz., Nicaragua.

» CLYNES, Manfred: Sentic Forms ~ Emotions are expressed in the same muscular patterns in all cultures. This knowledge enables you to exercise some degree of control over the passions.

» CROCK, Lee: Aura Therapy ~ A simple device for aura cleansing ( available from KeelyNet )

» Cymatherapy ~ Acoustic therapy with cymatics; articles & patents. See also Cymatics

» Dowsing Rods ~ 2 Dozen patents.

» EGELY, George: Bio-Energetic Devices ~ The Egely Wheel detects psychic and biological energy, indicating health & psychic power of the subject.

» EGELY, G. / VESELY, G.: Experimental Investigation of Biological Induced Magnetic Anomalies ~ Magnetization of para-, dia-, & ferromagnetic materials by Pavlita generators (bio-energy accumulators / transmitters). ( PDF )

» FLANAGAN, Patrick: Neurophone ~ System for hearing through the skin.

» GORDON: Night Vision Device ~ Low-intensity backlight illumination for low-tech night vision.

» GRAVES, Kersey: The World's 16 Crucified Saviors ~ An enlightening study of savior myths, guaranteed to dissolve deluded beliefs.

» GUENON, Rene: The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times ~ Rex-ommended reading to help end illusion at the end of a counterfeit world. [ PDF ]

» GYSIN, Brion: Dream Machine ~ A simple flicker-generator that induces psychedelic states; articles & construction plans, &c.

» HIGH, Clif: Speed Reading System ~ Read up to 2000 wpm on a computer screen ( No longer available).

» Hypnosis ~ Videos & select patents for inductive techniques , especially Ericksonian & self-hypnosis.

» KAHNE, Harry: Multiple Mentality Course ~ Increase your intelligence with this superb system !

» KAZNACHEEV, V.: Kozyrev Mirrors ~ A system for mental transmission of information.

» KILNER, Walter: Aura Lens ~ With training, the aura can be viewed through dicyanin / cyanopinacolone; complete text of The Human Atmosphere.

» KOROTKOV, Konstantin: Gas-Discharge Visualization ~ Imaging system claimed to photograph auras / souls; far superior to Kirlian photography.

» The Lost Word ~ The Time has come... Revelation video.

» LOWELL, James: Once to Every Man and Nation ~ Dammy fine words.

» Lucid Dreaming ~ Empowering techniques & Nutrients for sleep consciousness.

» MARY: Apparitions & Prophecy (by R. Nelson) ~ A review of the most credible appearances & prophecies by the "Virgin Mary".

» MUSAIOS: The Lion Path ~ A Manual of the Short Path to Regeneration ( Egyptian Sothic Sessions ). [PDF, 20 MB ]

» NELSON, Robert: Prophecy: A History of the Future ~ Hundreds of apocalyptic prophecies from around the world! Ancient (Delphi, Egyptian, Sibylline Oracles), Asian, Judaeo-Christian, European, Nostradamus, American prophecy, Cycles, Earth changes, Time physics, &c.

» NELSON, R.: American Prophecy ~ The definitive compendium of American prophecy: Inca, Maya, Aztec, Native American, early & modern USA: dire warnings of the 2nd Revolution & Civil War, & invasion by China... Fair warning for patriots & quislings alike.

» NELSON, R.: Asian Prophecies ~ Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastran & Baha'i prophecies for the end of this era of error and terror.

» NELSON, R.: Moslem Prophecy ~ A comprehensive review of Moslem prophecy: bad news for Christians & Jews!

» NOSTRADAMUS & Jihad (by R. Nelson) ~ A conservative study of Nostradamus re: Jihad.

» NOSTRADAMUS & Plague ~ A review of dozens of quatrains referring to pestilence, e.g., Ebola-II.

» PERSINGER, Michael: God Helmet ~ Modulated magnetic fields induce neurotheological experiences

» POMERLEAU, Daniel: Free Energy Coils ~ Phenomenal mind-coil electrical production, 5 KW demonstrated... photos !

» PRASAD, Rama: The Science of Breath ~ The superb classic Tantric text on Pranayama Yoga.

» Propaganda ~ Excerpts from the instruction manual of the game "Propaganda" (based on the book Thinking Straighter by G.H. Moulds): 56 techniques used to abuse logic, by Lorne Greene (of Bonanza fame) and Robert Allen... Plus: "Logical Fallacies" & US Army Psyops Manual excerpts.

» RICHARDS, Patrick: Luminator ~ An interdimensional portal generator.

» ROSS, Colin: Eye Ray Detector ~ Patented tech detects radiation from human eye. See also:

» RUSS, Charles: Eye-Ray Device ~ Set in Motion by Vision; 1920s  Lancet article, patent.

» SCHERMULY, Philipp: Polarizator ~ An extremely accurate dowsing device from the 1920s; articles, patents.

» Sri Yantra + Om ~ 24 renderings of the Sri Yantra synchronized with Buddhist monks chanting Om ( FLV ).

» ST. CLAIR, John: USP Applications ~ Remote Viewing Amplifier, Walk-Through-Walls Training Method, Teleportation, &c. Walk into walls gracefully at least.

» SMITH, Paul: Controlled Remote Viewing Manual ~ The DOD training manual. ( PDF )

» Subliminal Suggestion ~ 100+ US Patent Abstracts for methods & apparati of audio, visual & electronic subliminal & supraliminal suggestion & other forms of behavior modification & mind control.

» SUMMERS, Marshall V.: Allies of Humanity ~ Rex-ommended reading re: Sovereign Freedom vs ET intervention.

» Tao Te Ching ~ Da book.

» Telepathy Patents ~ Several patents for development /enhancement / testing mind-mind communication.

» TILLER, William: Intention-Host Device ~ Causality engineering with intent.

» WAGNER, Orvin: W-Waves ~ Trees communicate via slow-moving standing waves that permeate the universe via 'dark matter'.

» ZINK, Nelson / PARKS, Stephen: NightWalking ~ See in the dark w/ simple, easy-to-learn technique. An invaluable survival skill.

HEMP -- ** ABEL: Marijuana - The First Twelve Thousand Years ** Cannabis Cultivation, Chemistry, Pharmacology, Industry & History ** Cannabis & Health News 2004-05 ** PARKER & VALENTINE-COLE: Cannabis Composter ** RABELAIS: Pantagruel ** ROBINS: "Washington & Jefferson Inspecting a Field of Hemp" ** THC Patents ** FOREST: Hemp for Freedom ** Cannabis & Health News 2004-05 ** MITLIN: NanoHemp SuperCapacitor ** NELSON: Hemp Husbandry ** NELSON: Hemp & Health ** NELSON: Hemp & History ** NELSON: Polemics against Prohibition ** Hemp Plastic **
» ABEL, Ernest: Marijuana - The First Twelve Thousand Years ~ a classic text of cannabis history.

» Cannabis Cultivation, Chemistry, Pharmacology, Industry & History ~ A very comprehensive collection of books

» Cannabis & Health News 2004-05 ~ Dozens of articles re: Public Health & Cannabis.

» Hemp Plastic ~ 100%+ Eco-friendly plastic & cement ( Hempcrete ) composites.

» MITLIN, David: NanoHemp SuperCapacitor ~ Simple preparation uses hemp bast to eliminate need for graphene.

» NELSON, Robert: Hemp Husbandry ~ The comprehensive compendium for the Compleate Cannabis Cultivator! Ch. 1: Hemp & health, hemp cloth, paper & other products, biodiesel, other fiber plants, hempseed & nutrition, & hempseed oil; Ch. 2: Soil & water, temperature, sowing, cultivation, diseases & pests, nutrients, cultivating for cannabinoids, growth stimulants, harvest, hempseed, & apologia; Ch. 3: Hemp fiber technology, retting, hurds, decortication, & paper manufacture; Ch. 4: Botany *& breeding, classification, description, phenotypes, genetics, polyploidy, breeding, light, & sexual expression; Ch. 5: Electro-culture w/ antennae, electrostatics, DC, AC, magnetism, electrogenics, sound, monochrome light; Ch. 6: Cannabinoid chemistry, extraction, acetylation, isomerization, identification, & neurology; App. 1: Resources; App. 2: J. Allen: Reign of Law; App. 3: Polemics vs Prohibition.

» NELSON, R.: Hemp & Health ~ Medical applications and public health effects of cannabis: Traditional Materia Medica & modern studies ( glaucoma, anti-emetic, asthma, anti-convulsant, tumors, antibiotic, arthritis, anxiety, depression, anti-inflammatory, analgesia, anaesthesia, alcoholism, opiate addiction, diuretic, insomnia, herpes, migraine, ulcer, gynecology, anti-oxidant ); Hempseed & Nutrition; Hempseed Oil; Public Health ( Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, Canal Zone Studies, LaGuardia Committee, Wooton Report, Shafer Commission, Jamaica Study, Costa Rica Study, Greek Study, Coptic Study, Expert Group, Relman Committee, LeDain Commission ); Physical Effects ( smoking, hypothermia, chrono-pharmacology, toxicity, driving, antidotes, potentiation, interactions, contra-indications, contaminants, immunology, male reproduction, gynecomeistia, female reproduction, mutagenesis & cytogenesis, cerebral atrophy ) ; Mental Effects ( perception, adverse effects, learning, dependence, amotivational syndrome ); Neurology; Compassionate Cannabis ( NORML vs. DEA, the RAP Report ); Propaganda; Cannabis & Crime.

» NELSON, R.: Hemp & History ~ A definitive history of cannabis: the original unabridged text of The [so-called] Great Book of Hemp (1996).

» NELSON, R.: Polemics against Prohibition ~ I obscenity in the milk of your tyranny...

» PARKER, David & VALENTINE-COLE, Virginia: Cannabis Composter ~ Why didn't you thimk of that ?

» RABELAIS, Francois: Pantagruel ~ Book III, Chapters 49-52, re: "Pantagruelion" (Cannabis Hemp).

» ROBINS, Harry S. (Hal): "Geo. Washington and Tho. Jefferson Inspecting a Field of Hemp" ~ The magnificent frontispiece of Hemp Husbandry ~ 1 MB GIF.
» THC Patents ~ Select patents for production of TetraHydroCannabinol.

» FOREST, Waves: Hemp for Freedom ~ Lyrics for the love of cannabis


Guberment: Declaration of Independence ** USA Constitution ** Bill of Rights/Amendments ** The Antifederalist Papers ** The Federalist Papers ** v. DYKE: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars ** DICKINSON: Economonstrator ** GESELL: The Natural Economic Order ** GLUBB: Course of Empire ** TUYACAN (CIA): Psychological Operations in Guerilla Warfare ** ANONYMOUS: The Occult Technology of Power ** PAINE: The Rights of Man ** PAINE: The Age of Reason ** THOREAU: Civil Disobedience **
» The Declaration of Independence

» The Constitution of the USA

» The Bill of Rights / Amendments

» The Federalist Papers ~ USA 101: Early arguments pro federalism

» The Antifederalist Papers ~ USA 101: Arguments vs federalism.

» ANONYMOUS: Report From Iron Mountain ~ The classic text on social engineering to promote War vs Peace.

» GESELL, Silvio : The Natural Economic Order ~ The classic account of "demurrage" currency in WW2 Austria.

» GLUBB, John: The Course of Empire ~ A classic essay with great pertinence to the USA today ( PDF ).

» HENRY, Patrick: Speech to the Virginia House of Burgesses ~ "Give me Liberty or give me Death"

» The Jurors' Handbook ~ Know your rights as a juror, especially "Jury Nullification".

» MUSMANDO, Michael: Proposed Amendments to the Constitution ~ 70th Congress, 2nd Session, House Doc.551.

» PAINE, Thomas: The Rights of Man

» PAINE, Thomas: Dissertation on First Principles

» PAINE, T.: The Age of Reason

» PAINE, T.: Common Sense

» DYKE, Hartford van: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars ~ "A politically biased technical instruction manual on how to justify, how to selectively survive, human animal husbandry before the need for animal husbandry becomes unstably critical..."

» CIA ( "TUYACAN" ): Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare ~ How to underthrow a government.

» ANONYMOUS: The Occult Technology of Power ~ Instructions for elitist control-freaks.

» THOREAU, Henry: On the Duty of Civil Disobedience ~ Hang together or hang alone...

» The White Rose Society ~ WW2 student resistance vs Hitler: 6 inspired pamphlets that put pathetic modern students to shame for their pathetic craven failure even to protest the USA fag-macho zio-fascist regime.


NO Deities, Semites, Semi-Semiti, Anti-Semiti, Israilii, Jeui, Moslimites, Christains, Zionazis, Nazionists, Illuminoids, Plutocraps, Oiligarchists, Republicants, Demonocrats, Neo-Can'ts, Mexicanoi, Communisti, Corporatum, Homosexists, Fetusi, Homunculi, Stem Cellules, Cloones, Extra-Terrans, Terroristoi, Terraists, Computes, nor any other putative Entitties, Spirits, B-ings or Lifeforms and / or Palestinians, were Duped, Teased, Hated, Killed, Injured, Tortured, Sexually Abused, Circumcised, Clitorected, Enslaved, Exploited, Insulted, Ignored, Lied to / about, Slandered, Libeled, Labeled, Stereotyped, Culturally Deprived, Collaterally Damaged or America-Liberated in the Construction of ... and its Hominoid invoke Plausible Deniability and vehemently Refuse to Accept any Responsibility for any Use or Misuse of the Information represented here, for any Reason is powered by a patent-pending proprietary biodegradable carbon-neutral meta-mixture of Orgone, Phlogiston, ortho-Magnetism, Aether, and Zero-Point Energy .. is Certified Matrix-Free, and contains no Advertisements, Subliminal Suggestions, Lies, Propaganda, Statistics, Typographical Errros or Animal Products, Cookies, Spyware, Worms, Viruses, Prions, Mycoplasms, or Chemtrails... is Composed of 141.064% Recycled Organic Photons (Active Ingredient: +0% Ozone... Inert Ingredients: -110% US Constitution & Amendments).

The pathetic insufferable fag-macho jockwad cowering behind is inordinately proud to be in full sniveling, snitching, simpering, groveling, cowering, whimpering, whining, wimpy, obsequious, obedient, knee-jerk, boot-licking, cross-bearing, flag-waving, butt-kissing, back-stabbing, choad-suqing, poopy-pants, whole-hearted, self-serving, morally bankrupt, willfully ignorant, dumbed-down, dim-witted, shameless, enslaved, impotent, craven, mindless, fawning, soulless, foolish, idiotic, silly, stupidic, brainwashed, legal, psychopathic, nationally suicidal, incorporated prostituting Compliance with the Divine Patriot Acts I, II and III, the Imperial Military Commissions Act, the Holy Federal Quisling Act, the Sacred Enabling Act of 2008, &c...